
Table of Contents

Subsection 18(2) - Limit on certain interest and property tax


Jobin v. Canada (Attorney General), 2005 DTC 5405, 2004 FCA 386

The Tax Court Judge did not commit a reviewable error when he found that s. 18(2) prohibited the deduction of interest and property taxes claimed by the taxpayer, as they related to lands held in her inventory that had not been sold.

Urbandale Realty Corp. v. Minister of National Revenue, 97 DTC 5353, [1997] 3 C.T.C. 6 (FCTD)

Subsection 18(2) only limited deductions otherwise available and did not establish that property taxes that the taxpayer was unable to deduct under section 9 due to the application of the matching principle, were deductible.

Dubé J. found that a tax is a levy that is "(1) enforceable by law; (2) imposed under the authority of a legislature; (3) imposed by a public body and (4) for a public purpose". (p. 5357)

Words and Phrases

Heinze v. The Queen, 97 DTC 5219 (FCTD)

The taxpayer acquired farmland and buildings for $130,000 and rented the farm out at $2,500 per year with the intention that they would not farm the land until after a mortgage on the farm for $80,000 was paid off in approximately three years' time. S.20(2) applied to deny the deduction of interest and property taxes on the property given that they were not in the farming business in the relevant years.

Ward v. The Queen, 88 DTC 6212, [1988] 1 CTC 336 (FCTD)

Interest and taxes were non-deductible under the pre-1978 version of the provision both because the land in question was held for ultimate subdivision or development, and because land held as an adventure in the nature of trade is not held in connection with carrying on a business.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Ownership doctors were property owners notwithstanding holding of title by trustees 49
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Business adventure is not the carrying on of a business 46
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 79 34
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 96 - Subsection 96(1) - Paragraph 96(1)(g) 34

Administrative Policy

20 February 2013 External T.I. 2012-0469811E5 F - Interest deductibility

interest subject to s. 18(2) must be calculated on a lot-by-lot basis

The taxpayer acquired a large tract of land on income account using borrowed money and, after subdivision, sold a portion of the lots in Year 2. In response to a query as to whether the taxpayer could deduct all of the interest incurred in Year 2 on the basis that the debt related to a single large tract of land, CRA quoted its position at the 1989 Corporate Management Tax Conference Round Table, Q. 13, referred to 5-8343 and to Q. 39 at the 1991 annual CTF Roundtable, stated that the position in these pronouncements was still valid, and added (TaxIntepretations translation):

[T]he revenues derived from the sale of the XXXXXXXXXX lots cannot be considered gross revenues derived from one or the other of the respective plots of land for purposes of paragraph 18(2)(e).

It also follows that the total of the interest expense for Year 2 must be capitalized to the cost of the totality of the lots whether sold or unsold (subject to the provisions of paragraph 18(2)(f)) in accordance with an allocation which is reasonable in the circumstances. In this respect, we cannot confirm that the proportions you consider in your second question are correct. As stated above, the expenses subject to the subsection 18(2) restriction generally are calculated on a parcel by parcel basis.

5 November 2009 External T.I. 2009-0333031E5 F - Taxes foncières et scolaires

municipal taxes deductible against rental income but not gain from resale

In the first scenario, Ms. A bought land in 2003 for $36,000 in order to construct a rental building but, in the interim, rented the land out for amounts in excess of the property and school taxes paid. In the second scenario, Mr. B also bought land in 2003 for $36,000 to construct a rental building and sold the land in 2006 for $48,000, generating a capital gain of $12,000. CRA stated:

[I]t appears that Ms. A held the land principally to enable her to earn income from it for the years 2003 to 2006 ... [and thus] subsection 18(2) will not impose any restrictions on the deductibility of property and school taxes.

As for Mr. B, since he held the land primarily for the purpose of resale or development, subsection 18(2) will limit the amount deductible on account of property and school taxes to income that is derived from the land.

4 April 1997 Internal T.I. 9638817 - ACQUISITION OF VACANT LAND

Where the owner of a motel purchases a city-owned lot adjacent to the motel property in an effort to prevent it from being developed in a manner which would be detrimental to the motel business, that lot (if kept vacant) would not be considered to be used in the business of the owner of the motel.

7 February 1992 T.I. (Tax Window, No. 16, p. 19, ¶1738)

The carrying charges that relate to a particular parcel can only be deducted in arriving at the net income from that parcel and cannot be applied to other parcels.

A principal business corporation does not have a base level deduction for each parcel of land it owns, but only a single deduction.

91 C.R. - Q.39

Revenues that relate to a particular parcel of land may only be included in computing the net income from that parcel and not applied to the income from any other parcel of land.

13 June 1991 T.I. (Tax Window, No. 4, p. 29, ¶1303)

Because s. 18(2)(f) does not apply to a partnership of two corporations, interest and property taxes to which s. 18(2) applies are not deductible by the partnership because it has no base level deduction, and they are not deductible by the partners because the expenses are those of the partnership.

5 February 1990 T.I. (July 1990 Access Letter, ¶1314)

A corporation whose principal business is the holding of a more-than-10% interest in a principal-business partnership generally will be regarded as carrying on a principal business for purposes of s. 18(2)(f) and generally will be entitled to claim the base level deduction even though the land is owned by the partnership rather than by the corporation.

1 December 1989 T.I. (May 1990 Access Letter, ¶1209)

Expenses that relate to a particular lot can only be deducted from the net income from that lot and not against the net income of any other lots of the taxpayer; unabsorbed expenses must be added to the cost of the lot.

89 C.R. - Q.46

The acquisition of land includes the addition of services. Therefore, interest on funds borrowed to acquire the services is interest on debt relating to the acquisition of land and is subject to s. 18(2).

89 C.M.TC - Q.11

partnerships are not entitled to the base level deduction.

89 C.M.TC - Q.12

a corporate co-tenant having a taxation year that differs from the fiscal year of the co-tenancy should calculate its base level deduction for purposes of s. 18(2) based upon its own fiscal year-end.

89 C.M.TC - Q.13

the reference in s. 18(2)(e) to "gross revenue, if any, from the land" does not include revenue from sales of individual parcels of a large tract of land. The expenses that relate to a particular part or parcel of land can only be deducted from the net income from that land and not from the net income from any other land the taxpayer may own.

89 C.M.TC - Q.14

where funds borrowed to acquire land cannot be related to particular parcels, the denied deduction generally is allocated to all land held during the year in proportion to the borrowing related to each parcel.

IT-153R3 "Land Developers - Subdivision and Development Costs and Carrying Charges on Land"


Bourgeois, "Some Tax Considerations in Real Estate Development and Construction: Soft Costs, Capitalization, Inventory Write-Downs and Characterization of Partnership Income", 1995 Corporate Management Tax Conference Report, c. 4.

Subsection 18(3) - Definitions


See Also

Re Trizec Equities (1987), 36 DLR (4th) 318 (N.S.C.A.)

A finding that seven floors that were in the process of being added to a 12-storey building, were "building" for purposes of the Assessment Act (Nova Scotia).

Administrative Policy

1 December 1989 T.I. (May 1990 Access Letter, ¶1209)

Services added to land meet the legal definition of land.

IT-153R3 "Land Developers - Subdivision and Development Costs and Carrying Charges on Land"

Subsection 18(3.1) - Costs relating to construction of building or ownership of land


Trynchy v. The Queen, 2001 DTC 5582 (FCTD)

sinking initial piling for grandfathering reasons did not commence construction period

A limited partnership of which the taxpayer was a member poured a single concrete piling for a project that would have required 100 pilings as base support. The sole reason for doing so was to come within s. 18(3.7), and no further work was done on the project until the land was foreclosed. Campbell J. found that various deductions by the partnership were not "incurred during the period of the construction" because construction was an impossibility at the time of the sinking of the initial piling (there being no financing in place) and, indeed, no period of construction of the building ever took place.

Fiore v. The Queen, 93 DTC 5215 (FCA)

improvements were significant

At the time the taxpayer's appeal was heard by the Tax Court, it was agreed with the Crown that of a total of $326,648 spent by the taxpayers in expenditures on two buildings that were purchased in poor condition for a total price of $107,000, $100,000 represented operating expenses and $41,309 was a capital expense. In affirming the finding of the Tax Court Judge that the balance of $174,150 was a capital expenditure within the meaning of s. 18(3.1), it was noted that the property was purchased for a price that was well below its ordinary capital value at the time of purchase, and that in addition to restoring the condition of the building to their ordinary value (which, by itself, would have been sufficient to render the amount a capital expenditure) the work done by the taxpayers involved significant improvements to the assets.

See Also

9127-6287 Québec Inc. v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2023 QCCQ 4688

s. 18(3.1) equivalent prorated between the construction of golf course buildings and work on the golf course

The taxpayer, during the taxation years at issue, suspended the operation of its golf course to backfill two artificial lakes in its driving range and to replace its clubhouse and garage – as well as to partially construct (but never complete) a mini-golf course. The ARQ denied the various expenses quoted in para. 57 below incurred during such taxation years on the basis of the application of TA s. 135.4 (similar to ITA s. 18(3.1)).

After referring to s. 135.4, Bourgeois JCQ stated (at paras. 54, 57-58, 60, TaxInterpretations translation):

[T]he wording of this section cannot apply to work done on the driving range, golf course maintenance or the various tasks involved in building a mini-golf course, since they can in no way be equated with a "building or the land subjacent to the building, or the contiguous land necessary for the use of the building or a parking area, driveway, yard, garden", etc. …

[T]he Court, using its judicial power, exercised reasonably, determines that 50% of the costs of insurance, interest and bank charges, long-term interest, business taxes, licences, consulting fees, property taxes, utilities and telephone are deductible.

… [Thus] only the 50% of the costs related to those expenses during the construction period of the clubhouse and garage should be subject to the denial under TA section 135.4. ...

According to the evidence, the period that can be considered as a building construction period within the meaning of TA section 135.4 LI is a four-month period, from April 12, 2013 to July 17, 2013 ... . [E]xpenses incurred before and after this period must be considered current and non-capitalizable.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 3 - Paragraph 3(a) - Business Source/Reasonable Expectation of Profit golf course operations were suspended for construction whose purpose was to generate business income 215

Charron v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2021 QCCQ 12137

all the expenses incurred in relation to a rental home under construction from the building permit to being livable were to be capitalized

The taxpayer and another individual acquired a lot for $24,500 in May 2004, and incurred various expenses during the period of construction (considered by Laurin JCQ to extend from the time of obtaining a building permit on April 4, 2004, to December 31, 2005, leased the property for one year commencing in October 2007, and the sold the property on February 1, 2011 for a price of $275,000. In subsequently assessing the taxpayer for a taxable capital gain on the sale, the ARQ did not allow the addition to the ACB of the expenses listed in the quote below, on the grounds that they were of a personal nature (analogous to such expenses not being allowed as an ACB addition for a chalet).

After referring to TA ss. 128, 129 and 135.4 to 135.6 (similar to ITA ss. 18(1)(a) and (b), and 18(3.1) to (3.3)) and before allowing the addition of these items to the taxpayers’ ACB, Laurin JCQ stated (at para. 161, TaxInterpretations translation):

Applying the jurisprudential principles and the provisions of the Taxation Act already cited, the Court concludes that the expenses that are the subject of the dispute between the parties concerning 7 Nicole Street, Cantley (municipal taxes, school taxes, insurance, electricity, interest on a line of credit and mortgage interest) were capital expenses for the period of construction of the building, which the Court has determined to be from April 4, 2004 (the construction permit) to December 31, 2005. In particular, the Court has concluded that substantially all of the work had been completed by December 31, 2005. There was some minor work to be done that did not prevent the house from being used for the purpose for which it was built. Expenditures after that date are current expenses that should have been deducted from income.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Adjusted Cost Base municipal and school taxes, insurance, electricity and interest incurred from building permit to being inhabitable were capitalized 176

Morris v. The Queen, 2014 DTC 1149 [at at 3481], 2014 TCC 142 (Informal Procedure)

repairs/cosmetic touch-ups

The taxpayer's wife purchased a home, which had been their principal residence, from the taxpayer in order to convert it to rental property. They implemented substantial touch-ups on the property, including roof repair, replacement of the kitchen floor and faucets and closets, and landscaping (including fence repairs and a bridge renovation). The taxpayer claimed losses for two years, which arose from deducting mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance and utilities. The Minister denied the deduction of these expenses (whose claiming by the taxpayer rather than his wife was not discussed) on several grounds, including the limitation in s. 18(3.1).

Campbell J allowed the taxpayer's appeal. The work did not rise to the level of "construction, renovation or alteration," as they were "simply general repairs and cosmetic touch-ups" (para. 28). In the alternative, there was no evidence that the mortgage proceeds were used to finance any of the repair work (para. 29).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Start-Up and Liquidation Costs rental operation commenced with repairs and touch-ups 132

Janota v. The Queen, 2010 TCC 395, 2010 DTC 1268 at 3893 (Informal Procedure)

direct costs of repair permitted

The taxpayers bought an old duplex house and carried out extensive repairs, the expenses of which were deductible. Subsection 18(3.1)(a) only bars deductions for "soft costs", such as interest, fees, taxes, and insurance, so the taxpayers' direct costs of repair were allowed.

Baggs v. MNR, 90 DTC 1296, [1990] 1 CTC 2391 (TCC)

expenses related to repair period which interrupted expansion program

In August 1983 the taxpayer commenced the expansion of a two-unit apartment building into a fourteen-unit apartment building. On December 8, 1983, before the construction was completed, a storm caused serious damage by tearing away the asphalt layer on the roof. Christie A.C.J. held (at p. 1298) that:

"This occasioned a period of repair that either interrupted construction of the apartment for its duration or that run wholly or in part concurrently with it. It is to the period of repair to the apartment building that the expenses in dispute relate and not to the period of construction. On this analysis subsections 18(3.1) and (3.3) have no application to the reassessment under appeal."

Administrative Policy

S3-F4-C1 - General Discussion of Capital Cost Allowance


1.46 Subsection 18(3.1) of the Act denies the deduction, on a current basis, of certain outlays and expenses that are attributable to the period of, and related to, the construction, renovation or alteration of a building or in respect of the ownership of the related land. These outlays and expenses (commonly referred to as soft costs) include legal and accounting fees, interest, property taxes and other similar costs. Soft costs are required to be added to the cost or capital cost, as the case may be, of the building to which they relate. The related land consists of the land under the building or land that is:

  • immediately adjacent to such land;
  • used (or intended to be used) for a parking area, driveway, yard, garden, or any other similar use; and
  • necessary for the use (or intended use) of the building.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Improvements v. Repairs or Running Expense 556
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Undepreciated Capital Cost - A 791
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Depreciable Property 324
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 16.1 - Subsection 16.1(1) 275
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(28) 254
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(27) 222
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(29) 155
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1100 - Subsection 1100(2) 212
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1100 - Subsection 1100(2.2) 351
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1100 - Subsection 1100(3) 70
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(7.5) 207
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 261 - Subsection 261(2) 65
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 128.1 - Subsection 128.1(1) - Paragraph 128.1(1)(b) 230
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1102 - Subsection 1102(1) - Paragraph 1102(1)(c) 170
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(7) - Paragraph 13(7)(e) 65
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 43 - Subsection 43(1) 152
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 68 197
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21.1) - Paragraph 13(21.1)(a) 75
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21.1) - Paragraph 13(21.1)(b) 212
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(1) 431
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(2) 75
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(16.1) 152
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(9) 229
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 152 - Subsection 152(4) 321
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Schedules - Schedule II - Class 8 237
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(5) 317
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(6) 221

5 July 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0489821I7 F - Application of subsection 18(3.1)

realty taxes or premiums related to land which is renovation object are capitalized

The taxpayer carried out renovations on a rental property extending over more than a year, resulting in the property not being available for rental for a specified period. Expenses deducted by him included insurance, mortgage interest and municipal taxes.

CRA stated (TaxInterpretations translation) that s. 18(3.1) applied to

…[I]nsurance premiums attributable to the period of renovation and incurred by reason of the renovation as such should be added to the cost of the building under subsection 18(3.1), such as, for example, the part of insurance premiums incurred in order to provide for a risk connected to the renovation.

And added:

For example, that part of the interest on loans connected to the ownership of land subjacent to the building that is the object of a renovation must be capitalized to the cost of building by virtue of subsection 18(3.1) to the extent that such part of the interest relates to the period of renovation of the building.

And finally:

… only the part of the property taxes attributable to the renovation period that are related to the ownership of the land subjacent to the building, as well as any land meeting the requirements of subparagraph 18(3.1)(a)(ii), should be added to the cost of the building.

9 June 2005 Internal T.I. 2004-0105421I7 F - Déductibilité des frais juridiques et d'intérêts

interest paid pursuant to a judgment requiring payment of construction fees would be capitalized to the construction costs to the extent of accrual during construction period

The taxpayer, who had contracted with a construction firm for the firm to enlarge the taxpayer’s building, failed to pay invoices of the firm based on alleged deficiencies in the work, and then was ordered under a judgment in the resulting action to pay the balance of the unpaid invoices to the firm plus the interest accrued thereon.

The Directorate stated:

With respect to the interest accrued on unpaid invoices that the taxpayer must pay to the Firm, we are of the view that it could be deductible under subparagraph 20(1)(c)(ii) since it is an amount payable for property acquired for the purpose of gaining or producing income, provided that the other conditions of paragraph 20(1)(c) are satisfied. However, if part of the interest expense is attributable to the period of construction, renovation or alteration of the building, the interest expense would instead be capitalized to the capital cost of the building pursuant to subsection 18(3.1).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Damages legal fees to defend against claim for unpaid construction fees on building addition were on capital account 126
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Undepreciated Capital Cost - A legal fees to defend against claim for unpaid construction fees on building addition were not a capital cost addition 127
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(c) - Subparagraph 20(1)(c)(ii) interest paid pursuant to a judgment requiring payment of construction fees would be deductible but for s. 18(3.1) 165

9 April 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0001597 F - FRAIS ACCESSOIRES

application of s. 18(3.1) to work on a rental property
Also released under document number 2003-00015970.

The Directorate indicated that s. 18(3.1) applied to the following categories of expenditures if work on a rental building constituted a renovation rather than repair and maintenance work giving rise to currently deductible expenses:

Property taxes during the renovation period that are related to the ownership of the land subjacent to the building … .

… [P]roperty taxes related to the ownership of land that meets the following conditions:

1. it is contiguous to the land subjacent to the building

2. it is used, or intended to be used, as a parking lot, driveway, yard or garden or for a similar purpose

3. it is necessary for the present or proposed use of the building. …

Interest charges on the portion of the mortgage obtained to renovate the building that relates to the renovation period … [and] interest charges on the portion of the mortgage used to acquire the land described above that relates to the renovation period.

Insurance and utility costs … only to the extent that they relate to the renovation. For example, this would be the case for additional insurance costs that the taxpayer had to incur to cover a risk related to the renovation.

… Legal costs related to obtaining financing for the renovation … [and] the legal costs of acquiring the building and land … .

2 April 2003 External T.I. 2002-0171215 F - FRAIS DE FINANCEMENT

treatment of CMHC guarantee fees and interest rate guarantee fee
Also released under document number 2002-01712150.

A partnership that constructed a rental property over a 12-month period paid a guarantee fee to CMHC as each advance was made to it under the construction financing. In addition, at the time of the first such construction advance, it paid an interest rate guarantee fee to guarantee that the rate of interest on the permanent financing (which replaced the construction financing) would not exceed a specified rate.

Regarding whether such financing fees were required to be capitalized under s. 18(3.1), CCRA stated:

[CCRA] considers that an expenditure is attributable to the construction period of a building where the expenditure so incurred relates to the construction period, regardless of whether it was incurred during the pre-construction period or during or after the construction of the building. Such expenditure will be related to the construction of the building if it is incurred as by reason of the construction.

Thus, a financing expense incurred to obtain short- or long-term financing that otherwise qualifies for the deduction under paragraph 20(1)(e) will be subject to subsection 18(3.1) and will have to be capitalized to the cost of the building to the extent that the financing is for and related to the construction of the building.

9 March 1992 T.I. (Tax Window, No. 17, p. 22, ¶1792))

Interest income received from customers' deposits for buildings under construction cannot be set-off against the interest expense of the contractor which is required to be capitalized.

19 September 89 T.I. (February 1990 Access Letter, ¶1099)

Payments made by the lessee under an emphyteutic lease to terminate leases in order that it could transform the rental property into a hotel complex were deductible notwithstanding s. 18(3.1).

89 C.M.TC - "Capitalization of Soft Costs - Buildings Under Construction"

general discussion

88 C.R. - Q.52

Where a taxpayer has an ownership interest in a building being erected, the taxpayer is considered to have acquired the building to the extent of construction costs incurred to date, or progress billings received to date, as the case may be.

84 C.R. - Q.66

construction in stages

The restriction applies to costs incurred during the period of the construction of the entire building regardless whether it is constructed or renovated in stages.


Bourgeois, "Some Tax Considerations in Real Estate Development and Construction: Soft Costs, Capitalization, Inventory Write-Downs and Characterization of Partnership Income", 1995 Corporate Management Tax Conference Report, c. 4.

Paragraph 18(3.1)(a)

Administrative Policy

9 October 2015 APFF Roundtable Q. 3, 2015-0595761C6 F - Application of ss. 18(3.1)

no capitalization of repair/maintenance expenses incurred during renovation etc.

When asked if it agreed with Janota (cited for the proposition that s. 18(3.1) applies only to the capitalization of soft costs), CRA was somewhat non-commital, but acknowledged that "the general expenses of repair and maintenance which are incurred during the period of Construction [defined to include renovation or alteration] of a building but which are otherwise not related to such Construction do not come within subsection 18(3.1)."

4 May 2005 Internal T.I. 2005-0121761I7 F - Déduction des intérêts - améliorations locatives

s. 18(3.1) generally inapplicable to borrowing by tenant to make leasehold improvements

In order to expand his bookshop, the taxpayer rented larger premises and undertook renovations before fitting them out, and continued to carry on his business in the current premises during the renovation period. The Directorate stated:

[S]ubsection 18(3.1) does not generally apply to interest on money borrowed by a tenant and used to make leasehold improvements normally payable by the tenant to develop leased premises.

Subparagraph 18(3.1)(a)(i)

See Also

Customs and Excise Commissioners v. Viva Gas Appliances Ltd., [1983] BTC 5064, [1983] 1 WLR 1445, [1984] 1 All E.R. 112 (HL)

The replacement of coal-burning fireplaces in old houses by gas furnaces was found to be the supply of services "in the course of the construction, alteration or demolition of any building". An argument that the alteration was not sufficiently substantial in relation to the building as a whole to fall within the meaning of the quoted phrase was rejected. (Finance Act 1972)

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Statutory Interpretation - Noscitur a Sociis 116

ACT Construction Ltd. v. Customs and Excise Commissioners, [1982] 1 All E.R. 84 (HL)

The construction of additional foundations for buildings constituted the "alteration" of those buildings. (Finance Act 1972)

Subsection 18(3.2) - Included costs

Paragraph 18(3.2)(a)

Administrative Policy

89 C.M.TC - "Capitalization of Soft Costs - Buildings Under Construction"

"where a corporation uses available cash to fund the construction of a building and ostensibly borrows money to finance its trade receivables, a portion of the interest paid in respect of the money borrowed would in all probability not be currently deductible."

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(3.1) 4

84 C.R. - Q.67

The interest expense relating to the capital contribution of an arm's length partner will be deductible even though the funds are used by the partnership for construction.

Subsection 18(3.4) - Where s. (3.1) does not apply

See Also

Re Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region No. 14 and Silton Ltd. (1986), 54 OR (2d) 282 (Ont. D.C.)

Respecting s. 7(7) of the Assessment Act (Ont.), Steele J. stated:

"In considering what is the preponderating business, all aspects of the business must be considered and weighed to determine its real function. Depending upon the evidence, these aspects could include capital employed, sales, profits, space occupied, inventories, numbers of employees, the time employed by employees and management, how the business is undertaken and any other relevant factors. It is a question of fact in each case that must be determined as to what is the preponderating business."

The O.M.B. was in error in relying upon sales as the sole criterion.

Administrative Policy

89 C.M.TC - "Capitalization of Soft Costs - Buildings under Construction" - "Principal Business Corporation"

Subsection 18(3.5) - Idem [Where s. (3.1) does not apply]

See Also

Barat v. M.N.R., 91 DTC 1097, [1991] 2 CTC 2360 (TCC)

A parking garage which was being constructed as part of the same project as a hotel located across the street and which was connected to it by an aerial bridge, was a separate building for purposes of s. 18(3.5) and was not on an immediately contiguous site for purposes of s. 18(3.6) given that it was separated from the hotel by the street. Accordingly, the parking garage did not qualify for grandfathering relief on the basis of the work done on the hotel. Furthermore, work on the parking garage did not proceed without undue delay.

Schneider v. MNR, 89 DTC 198, [1989] 1 CTC 2295 (TCC)

The purchaser of a building was not entitled to deduct soft costs incurred during the construction period and subsequent to his signing of the purchase documentation, because he had not yet acquired ownership, or the incidents of ownership, of the building.

Administrative Policy

85 C.R. - Q.51

Criteria respecting "substantially advanced".

Paragraph 18(3.5)(d)

See Also

Pogson v. Lowe, [1984] 1 WLR 182 (HL)

It was held that an arrangement had not been made in writing to dispose of land when the notes in writing did not evidence the essential terms of the arrangement (as opposed to evidencing that an arrangement of some sort had been made).

Subsection 18(4) - Limitation — deduction of interest by certain corporations


Wildenburg Holdings Ltd. v. Minister of Revenue (Ontario), 2001 DTC 5145 (Ont CA)

The taxpayer submitted that a borrowing from the taxpayer's sole shareholder (a non-resident) to finance the acquisition of Ontario real property by a partnership between it and another Canadian-resident corporation did not have interest paid on it limited by s. 18(4) of the Act (as it applied under the Corporations Tax Act by virtue of s. 12 thereof) because s. 18(4) did not apply to partnership debt. The submission was rejected on the ground that the debt was a debt of the taxpayer and the other corporation, and not a debt of the partnership, in light of the fact that liability of each corporation was limited to 50% of the principal advanced.

Wildenburg Holdings Ltd. v. Ontario (Minister of Revenue)!, 98 DTC 6462, [1999] 2 CTC 161 (Ont. C.J. (G.D.)), aff'd 2001 DTC 5145 (Ont CA)

The sole non-resident shareholder of the taxpayer made a loan to what was documented as a partnership between the taxpayer and another Canadian-resident corporation. Pitt J. found that for purposes of s. 18(4) the loan was a debt of the taxpayer and the other corporation, rather than a partnership, in light inter alia of a provision in the loan agreement that provided that the liability of each corporation was limited to 50% of the principal advanced.

Uddeholm Ltd. v. The Queen, 87 DTC 5431, [1987] 2 CTC 236 (FCTD)

Short-term indebtedness owing by the taxpayer to its Swedish parent for goods shipped to it was included in the formula indebtedness nothwithstanding that the parent would not bill for interest on that indebtedness until after the period in question. The court also declined an invitation of taxpayer's counsel "to ignore the fluctuations during the month of November of the balance owing and to adopt a concept of average interest paid and average debt owing during the period."

The Queen v. Thyssen Canada Ltd., 87 DTC 5038, [1987] 1 CTC 112 (FCA)

Late payment charges levied on the taxpayers by its German parent in respect of delays by the taxpayer in paying for merchandise that had been supplied to it by its parent, constituted "interest" for the purpose of s. 18(4), and their deduction accordingly was denied.

See Also

Specialty Manufacturing Ltd. v. R., 97 DTC 1511, [1998] 1 CTC 2095 (TCC)

Article IX of the 1980 Canada-U.S. Convention and Article IV of the 1942 Canada-U.S. Convention did not prevent the application of s. 18(4) of the Act to limit the deduction of interest by the taxpayer, not withstanding that the loans in question bore interest at an arm's length rate.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Treaties - Income Tax Conventions - Article 10 54

Administrative Policy

Income Tax Mandatory Disclosure Rules Consultation: Sample Notifiable Transactions (Finance Release Webpage), 4 February 2022

The notifiable transactions designated by CRA pursuant to draft s. 237.4(3) with the concurrence of Finance include:

Avoidance of thin capitalization rules

  • A relevant non-resident in respect of a taxpayer (NR1) enters into an arrangement with an arm’s length non-resident (NR2) to indirectly provide financing to the taxpayer, with the taxpayer filing on the basis that the thin capitalization rules do not apply to it or that the interest paid by it directly to NR1 is not subject to Part XIII tax (or subject to a reduced withholding tax rate).
  • Alternatively, similar arrangements are entered into in respect of rents, royalties or other payments of a similar nature, or to effect a substitution of the character of the payments.

11 September 2015 Internal T.I. 2015-0599161I7 - Subsection 18(4) and section 216

s. 18(4) rules have always applied to s. 216 returns

A non-resident corporation (the “Taxpayer”), which filed a return under s. 216, took the position that the rules in s. 18(4) (the “Rules”) did not apply to it in light of the fact that 2013 amendments did not apply to taxation years that began before 2014 (a position contrary to 9638945). CRA stated:

Where a non-resident person elects to file a return of income under section 216, the person becomes liable for Part I tax on the income in question “as though the non-resident person were a person resident in Canada.” Therefore, provisions that could apply to calculate the Part I tax of a Canadian resident, including subsection 18(4), will also apply to any non-resident who makes an election under subsection 216(1). There was nothing in the Amendments to indicate that the Rules only apply to such corporations from the effective date of the Amendments, i.e., to taxation years that begin after 2013. Rather, the Amendments provide a specific formula for computing the equity amounts of such corporations for the purposes of applying the Rules. In summary… the Rules apply to the Taxpayer’s interest expense claimed in its 2013-2014 taxation year.

24 December 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0512551I7 - Thin Cap and partnership income

stub period partnership income inclusion in r/e

A ULC and its wholly-owned subsidiary (ULC II) were the partners of a partnership with a different year end than of ULC. The correspondent considered that the retained earnings of ULC should exclude its proportionate share of the Partnership income for the stub period on the basis that "2007-0248961R3 indicate[s] ... that section 96 informs the determination of the amount of partnership income to be included in determining the amount of a corporate partner's retained earnings for the purpose of the thin capitalization rules."

In disagreeing, the Directorate indicated: "It has been CRA's longstanding position…that, for purposes of subsection 18(4)… a corporation's contributed surplus and retained earnings are to be determined in accordance with ... GAAP" (although it "may not include unrealized appraisal surpluses.") However, to the extent "that ULC used the cost method of accounting to account for its investment in Partnership ... [and] this method is an appropriate basis of accounting for ULC's investment in Partnership as established by Canadian GAAP ... no amount of Partnership's income could be included in determining ULC's retained earnings as at XX, for the purpose of clause 18(4)(a)(ii)(A) of the Act because…no partnership income had been reported for financial statement purposes."

In 2007-0248961R3, CRA "ruled that when partnership income is included in a corporation's consolidated retained earnings pursuant to GAAP, subsection 248(24) would not apply to back out that partnership income when determining that corporation's retained earnings for the purpose of clause 18(4)(a)(ii)(A)... ."

5 December 2012 External T.I. 2012-0445891E5 - Contributed Surplus and Thin Capitalization

IFRS not followed

A non-resident corporation (NRco) transferred its shares of Canco, having a cost and paid-up capital of $100 and a fair market value of $1,000 to Newco in consideration for shares of Newco having a stated capital of $1,000, but with the paid-up capital being ground down to $100 under s. 212.1(1)(b).

For accounting purposes, the transfer of the shares of Canco was initially recorded at fair market value, with the result that $1,000 was added to Newco's share capital account. However, the transfer should have been recorded at cost for accounting purposes. As a result, Newco's share capital account was overstated by $900....[T]he overstatement is corrected by [reducing] the share capital account by $900 and adding that amount to Newco's contributed surplus.

After referring to its position that generally accepted accounting principles govern the determination of contributed surplus, CRA stated that

In applying clause 18(4)(a)(ii)(B) to a corporation that prepares its financial statements in accordance with IFRS, the CRA would also consider that an amount reflected in the corporation's equity reserves would constitute contributed surplus for the purposes of subsection 18(4) to the extent that:

(a) the amount arises on a contribution of capital by a specified non-resident shareholder of the corporation; and

(b) the amount would be categorized as contributed surplus if the corporation's financial statements had been prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP applicable to entities that do not report under IFRS (i.e., Part II of the CICA Handbook).

Here, as it appeared that the proposed addition to contributed surplus would not accord with Canadian GAAP (i.e., this was a related party transction under which the assets of Newco had a cost of $100), the proposed additon likely would not constitute contributed surplus for the purposes of s. 18(4)(a)(ii)(B).

2005 Ruling 2005-0123631R3 - Thin Capitalization Rules

GAAR will apply to prevent what otherwise would be the avoidance of the thin capitalization rule when debts owing by a Canadian corporation to a non-resident affiliated corporation (Finco) are transferred by the Finco to a partnership organized by that Canadian subsidiary and a Canadian affiliate in consideration for the issuance of interest-bearing debt by the partnership to the Finco.

9 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0136985 - Interpretation of Thin Cap Terms

The calculation takes into account all the calendar months ending in the year even if there is no debt or equity outstanding in a particular month.

The phrase "the beginning of a calendar month" is "a reference to the earliest moment of the particular calendar month ... . [An] advance made at any other time on the first day would not be included in the corporation's debt to equity ratio until the next month."

If a debt is extinguished at the earliest possible moment in the calendar month, it would not be included in the calculation of "outstanding debts to specified non-residents" for that month.

As an amalgamation is considered to occur at the earliest moment on the day, an amalgamation occurring on the first day of a calendar month will result in Amalco having a PUC and contributed surplus at the beginning of the month for purposes of s. 18(4).

Income Tax Technical News, No. 16

If there is a bona fide partnership and the partners are jointly and severally liable for the partnership debts, RC will view the partnership as the debtor for purposes of s. 18(4), i.e., s. 18(4) will not apply.

29 July 1997 External T.I. 9638945 - INTERACTION OF SUBSECTIONS 18(4) AND 216(1)

Where a non-resident corporation has elected under s. 216(1), the calculation of its "outstanding debts to specified non-residents" and of its retained earnings, contributed surplus and paid-up capital will be made from the perspective of the corporation as a whole rather than taking into account the portion of the above items that relate only to the Canadian rental property.

3 October 1996 Internal T.I. 1996-9523657 - Capitalization rules applicable to non-res.

Surplus contributed by a person when it was a specified non-resident shareholders included in the computation of the Canadian resident shareholder corporation's equity, even if it is no longer a specified non-resident shareholder.

1996 Corporate Management Tax Conference Round Table, Q. 6

Although preferred shares will be treated as equity even if for accounting purposes they are classified as debt, "the amount of the retained earnings that is reflected on the balance sheet is used for purposes of subsection 18(4) notwithstanding that retained earnings may have been reduced by the amount of the increase in the carrying value of the preferred shares."

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 181 - Subsection 181(3) 41

30 August 1995 External T.I. 9520115 - APPLICATION OF 78(1) AND 18(4)

"Subsection 18(4) of the Act can only apply to amounts 'otherwise deductible' and therefore would have no application in the year inventory is eventually sold to restrict deductibility of any capitalized amounts pursuant to either subsections 18(2) or 18(3.1)..."

92 C.R. - Q.12

S.18(4) will not apply to a loan made to a non-Canadian partnership of which a resident Canadian corporation that is related to the lender is a member. However, where the partnership was primarily formed to avoid the application of s. 18(4), the application of s. 245(2) will be considered.

23 November 1990 T.I. (Tax Window, Prelim. No. 2, p. 5, ¶1038)

The thin capitalization rule does not apply to interest paid by a partnership of corporations unless s. 245 applies.

IT-59R3 "Interest on Debts Owing to Specified Non-Residents (Thin Capitalization)"


Jack Bernstein, Francesco Gucciardo, "Update on Canada-U.S. Merges and Acquisitions", Tax Notes International, March 16, 2015, p. 993

A cashless application of cross-border interest payments (owing Canco to USCo) to satisfy a subscription obligation for shares of Canco is targeted to generate interest deductions in Canada and no income inclusions in the U.S. See detailed summary under s. 20(1)(c).

Nathan Boidman, Rhonda Rudick, "Recent Developments Affecting Foreign Investment in Canadian Real Estate", Tax Notes International, 30 April 2012, p. 449

Comparison of investing in Quebec real estate through a non-resident trust or non-resident corporation.

Janette Y. Pantry, Soraya M. Jamal, "The Thin Cap Rules: Revisiting the Foreign Exchange Anomaly", Corporate Finance, 2011, p. 1934: discussion of effect of s. 261(2)(b) and of Imperial Oil decision.

Greg M. Johnson, "Selected Tax Issues Relating to Capitalizing Private Equity Investments in the Oil and Gas Industry", Resource Taxation, Vol. VI, No. 4, 2009, p. 466

Suggests that the thin capitalization rules do not apply to a non-resident private equity partnership, having no 25% partners, which invests in a Canadian corporation.

Ewens, "The Thin Capitalization Restrictions", 1994 Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, p. 954.

Subsection 18(5) - Definitions

Administrative Policy

4 March 2016 External T.I. 2016-0626841E5 - 18(5) and 20(1)(d)

simple interest is not included if compound thereon has accrued but is unpaid

A loan owing by Canco to a specified non-resident accrues simple interest, as well as compound interest on the balance of the unpaid simple interest, with both simple and compound interest remaining unpaid at the end the taxation year. How is the “outstanding debts to specified non-residents” determined? After referencing the requirement in the definition that the “outstanding debts to specified non-residents” be “any amount in respect of interest paid or payable by the corporation is or would be, but for subsection (4), deductible in computing the corporation's income for the year,” CRA stated:

Pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(d)… compound interest may only be deducted in computing a taxpayer’s income if it is paid. Accordingly, if…compound interest accrues on simple interest but is not paid in the year, the compound interest is not deductible by Canco. Therefore, the liability in respect of the accrued simple interest would not meet the definition… .


Administrative Policy

19 September 2015 STEP Roundtable, Q.3

redeemable prefs as equity

Does the position in 9619120, that redeemable preferred shares are treated as equity, irrespective of their accounting treatment, when applying the "thin capitalization" rules in s. 18(4), still apply?

CRA indicated that the classification of a financial instrument, for example, a redeemable preferred share, as debt or equity for purposes of s. 18(4) will be based on its legal form regardless of its accounting classification. However, if there is a particular share term or a statement in the most recent ASC Exposure Draft that causes a concern respecting this longstanding position, the taxpayer should write into the Rulings Directorate providing the example.

Equity Amount

Paragraph (a)

See Also

Mac's Convenience Stores Inc. v. A.G. of Canada, 2015 QCCA 837

dividend triggered application of thin cap rules

The taxpayer did not realize at the time that paying a substantial dividend to its Canadian parent (which reduced its retained earnings) would cause the thin capitalization rules to apply to interest on a loan from a related non-resident corporation. Schrager JA found that rectification was not available to convert the dividend into a stated capital distribution. See summary under General Concepts – Rectification.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Rectification & Rescission thin cap issues were not considered at time of paying a dividend 234

Administrative Policy

29 October 2018 Internal T.I. 2018-0746351I7 - Retained earnings under IFRS

a Canadian sub can voluntarily adopt IFRS to increase its retained earnings for thin cap purposes if its parent needs IFRS (in addition to, say, US GAAP) financials

A multi-national entity’s Canadian subsidiary has voluntarily adopted IFRS for the purpose of preparing its Canadian income tax returns. In this regard, can a taxpayer use fair value accounting under IFRS for thin cap purposes, even if this is voluntary, or even if U.S. GAAP is used for shareholder reporting purposes?

After noting “that a taxpayer may be been able to significantly increase the reported retained earnings by adopting IFRS,” the Directorate stated:

[R]etained earnings computed using IFRS is acceptable for thin cap purposes, whether or not the adoption of IFRS is mandatory or voluntary.

Regarding the use for shareholder reporting purposes of US GAAP, it stated:

for purposes of the thin cap rules, the accounting method followed by a taxpayer in preparing financial statements for presentation to its shareholders is generally expected to be consistent with the method followed in preparing financial statements for income tax purposes.

A multinational entity, however, may be required to prepare financial statements using different accounting methods in order to be compliant with the GAAP for each particular country in which financial statements are required to be prepared. As such, it is feasible that a Canadian taxpayer which is part of a multi-national group of companies, who prepares financial statements for income tax purposes under Canadian GAAP (IFRS or ASPE), will also prepare financial statements using another accounting method for purposes of consolidation by a parent entity located in another country, which has a different GAAP. Absent objectionable tax planning or abusive tax avoidance, this may be acceptable, but each particular situation would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

18 June 2015 STEP Roundtable Q. 3, 2015-0572201C6 - 2015 STEP Q3 Redeemable Preferred Shares and 18(4)

equity/debt classification based on legal form

Does the position in 9619120 still apply? CRA responded:

It continues to be the position of the CRA that the classification of a financial instrument (e.g. a redeemable preferred share) as debt or equity for the purposes of subsection 18(4) will be based on its legal form regardless of its accounting classification.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Share equity/debt classification based on legal form 57

Subparagraph (a)(i)

Administrative Policy

19 January 2018 Internal T.I. 2017-0721641I7 - Thin Cap.-Retained Earnings-Other Income (Loss)

OCI generally excluded from retained earnings computation where balance sheet prepared under US GAAP or IFRS

During the relevant Taxation Years, the Taxpayer (a taxable Canadian corporation) had an interest-bearing loan (the “Loan”) owing to its parent company resident in the United States, and fully deducted the interest thereon. It reported an OCI debit balance (i.e. an accumulated other comprehensive loss) in its financial statements (relating primarily to its pension plan) prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP”), and it has never prepared Canadian GAAP legal financial statements. Was it appropriate for the Taxpayer to have not included the OCI debit balance in determining its retained earnings, and thus its “equity amount” in s. 18(5), for s. 18(4) purposes? CRA responded:

[T]he amounts reflected in the legal entity financial statements of the Taxpayer prepared in accordance with US GAAP should be the starting point for determining the Taxpayer’s retained earnings for purposes of subsection 18(4), provided US GAAP has consistently been used by the Taxpayer in the preparation of its financial statements, and provided US GAAP is the basis on which the balance sheet amounts disclosed in Schedule 100 of the Taxpayer’s Canadian income tax return and other amounts reported in the income tax return have been filed. …

We understand that under US GAAP, OCI is a component of equity that is presented separately from retained earnings and paid-in capital … . IFRS similarly requires that OCI be presented as a separate component of equity and not included in retained earnings. …

However, since the Taxpayer’s financial statements are prepared using GAAP of another country, the CRA could question the appropriateness of reporting any specific item as OCI, rather than retained earnings, where such treatment deviates from the treatment under Canadian GAAP (including IFRS) and such deviation has a significant impact on the amount of deductible interest under the thin capitalization rules.

23 November 2016 Internal T.I. 2015-0618511I7 - Thin Capitalization - Retained Earnings

unconsolidated balance sheet must reflect the same accounting standards applied in the consolidated financials

The Canadian-resident corporate Taxpayer has applied the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) in preparing its consolidated financial statements. However, in preparing its unconsolidated financial statements (also using IFRS) for the purpose only of filing its tax returns it later retroactively adopted IFRS 9 (re fair value accounting), and refiled previous returns accordingly. The reported effect was to increase its opening retained earnings at the commencement of the affected years so as to reflect increases in the fair market value of its direct and indirect interests in certain partnerships and corporations (as approximated by including the previously reported net income of such entities in each relevant period.)

Is this use of an accounting standard only in the unconsolidated statements permitted and, if not, can the Taxpayer in the alternative include in its retained earnings its proportionate share of partnership income determined under s. 96(1) when determining the “equity amount” for thin capitalization purposes? The Directorate responded:

[C]onsistency between the consolidated financial statements and unconsolidated financial statements… is expected… to avoid the use of financial statements as a tax planning tool…with the exception that the unconsolidated financial statements would eliminate the consolidation aspects of the consolidated financial statements. …

[T]he Taxpayer should not be able to adopt IFRS 9 in the unconsolidated financial statements prepared for the purpose of filing the tax returns until the time the Taxpayer adopts the same standard in its consolidated financial statements. …

[T]he Taxpayer is not permitted to add its proportionate share of partnership income allocated… under subsection 96(1)… to the retained earnings balance when determining the “equity amount” for thin capitalization purposes. Partnership income is only included in the “equity amount”, as defined in subsection 18(5), if such income is included in the retained earnings of the corporation under the applicable accounting standards.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Accounting Principles consistency between unconsoidated and consolidated financials 151

Subparagraph (a)(ii)


Thinaddictives Inc. v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2022 QCCQ 3029

a contribution of capital by a US shareholder was incorrectly recorded as debt, so that thin cap assessments were reversed

The taxpayer (“Thinaddictives”), which was initially formed by its US parent (“Nonni”) with nominal issued share capital, received approximately $19 million from Nonni to fund the cash portion of the purchase price for an asset acquisition by Thinaddictives. $10 million of this was clearly interest-bearing debt, and the balance of around $9 million was intended in light of Canadian tax advice to be a contribution of capital. The in-house accountant (Myszka) of the taxpayer testified that he had erroneously treated this amount as a non-interest-bearing advance owing to Nonni in preparing the financial statements for Thinaddictives. This, in turn, resulted in Thinaddictives’ tax return (which was prepared by the US accounting firm for Nonni) showing all of the $19 million as being shareholder debt. There was no resolution or other legal documentation of the character of the $9 million.

In finding that the $9 million amount should be treated as a capital contribution rather than shareholder debt, so that the thin capitalization rules under the Taxation Act (Quebec) did not apply, Dortélus JCQ stated (at paras. 84-85, TaxInterpretations translation):

This is a situation where the entry of the total amount of $19,512,272 in the liabilities section as a debt owing to Nonni in the books of Thinaddictives does not reflect reality, in that the actual amount of the debt is $10,000,000 and it was by mistake that the amount of $9,094,986.74, which should be treated as part of the equity, was added to the liabilities by Mr. Myszka, the in-house accountant at the offices of Thinaddictives in Montreal.

The Court finds that this was an honest and unintentional error on the part of Thinaddictives' accountant and that the erroneous entry in the books had the effect of creating a debt to Nonni's of $9,094,986.74 which did not exist and did not reflect reality.

Dortélus JCQ went on to quote with approval the statement in Weisdorf that:

Accounting entries do not create reality. Their function is to reflect it.

Administrative Policy

15 May 2019 IFA Roundtable Q. 1, 2019-0798831C6 - Thin capitalization

contributed surplus will cease to be recognized if the contributor ceases to be a specified non-resident shareholder

Does CRA still follow 9521415? In particular:

  1. Does the s. 18(5) definition of "specified shareholder" require a person to own shares of the corporation?
  2. Is contributed surplus contributed by a person that was a specified non-resident shareholder at the time of the contribution included in the calculation of the s. (a)(ii) average in the “equity amount” definition where it is no longer a specified non-resident shareholder at the time the s. 18(4) calculation is made?

CRA indicated that, in general, a specified shareholder is a person who, either alone or together with persons with whom it does not deal at arm’s length, owns shares representing either 25% or more of the voting rights or 25% or more of the FMV of all the issued and outstanding shares.

Consistently with 9521415, it remains CRA’s view that: that person must own at least one share in order to be a specified shareholder; and, in order to be included in the average referred to in the equity amount definition, the contributed surplus must have been contributed by a person that is a specified non-resident shareholder at the time the thin capitalization computation is made, i.e., at the end of the taxation year.

In order to be included in the determination of the monthly average under s. (a)(ii) of the “equity amount” definition, the contributions must also have been contributed by a specified non-resident shareholder at the beginning of the month for which an amount is so determined.

Subparagraph (a)(iii)


Peter Lee, Paul Stepak, "PE Investments in Canadian Companies", draft 2017 CTF Annual Conference paper

Potential adverse thin cap consequences of U.S. lenders pushing for a single U.S. borrower (pp. 10-11)

One of the Canadian tax issues that can arise where a single US borrower on-lends to Canadian sister company is a “thin cap trap”.

In this structure, Sisterco [held by U.S.-controlled Fund LP and resident in the U.S.] borrows from third-party lenders, and on-lends to Holdco [resident in Canada and also held by Fund LP], which on-lends to [to its Canadian-resident subsidiary] Amalco. This can be problematic from a thin cap perspective … . First …:

  • GP controls Holdco through the control provisions in the fund's LPA and, as such, is a "specified shareholder" of Holdco … .; and
  • Sisterco is … not dealing at non-arm's length with GP, and so the Holdco loan is an "outstanding debt to a specified non-resident”.

Second, it appears that there would be no credit for Holdco's PUC in computing Holdco's debt-equity ratio for thin capitalization purposes. This is because Holdco's "equity amount" for purposes of computing that ratio excludes PUC in respect of shares owned by a person other than a "specified non-resident shareholder". CRA's longstanding position is that a partnership is to be looked-through for this purpose. In addition … paragraph 18(7)(a) … deems the partners of a partnership to own their proportionate portion of the underlying shares … [so that the] fund LPs would … be deemed to own their proportionate share of the underlying Holdco shares. Since the fund LPs will normally not be "specified non-resident shareholders" of Holdco, their share of Holdco's PUC would not count for purposes of computing Holdco’s debt-equity ratio….

Paragraph (b)

Administrative Policy

19 August 2016 External T.I. 2015-0585471E5 - Thin cap rules and trusts

calculation of total contributions up to each month and then average

Clarification was requested on the application to a trust of (b)(i)(A) of the definition of “equity amount:”

(A) the average of all amounts each of which is the total amount of all equity contributions to the trust made before a calendar month that ends in the year, to the extent that the contributions were made by a specified non-resident beneficiary of the trust,

CRA stated:

[F]or each of the calendar months that end in the relevant taxation year, the trust would calculate the total contributions to the trust (by the specified non-resident beneficiary) from the trust’s creation to immediately before that calendar month. The trust would then calculate the average of these monthly totals.

Using the example of a calendar 2015 taxation year, this means calculating the total contributions for each of the twelve months of 2015 (i.e., the twelve calendar months that end in the year). For each of those months, the total contributions from a specified non-resident beneficiary from the creation of the trust until the end of the calendar month immediately prior to the calendar month in question would be used. Therefore, for January 2015, the total contributions would be calculated from the creation of the trust until the end of December 2014. For February 2015, it would be the contributions from the creation of the trust until the end of January 2015, and so on. The average of the twelve totals would then be calculated.

Paragraph (c)

Administrative Policy

4 June 2014 External T.I. 2013-0513761E5 - Meaning of "cost" in determining "equity amount"

"cost" not reduced by amortization

Generally, … the "cost" of property …include[s] the amount laid down to acquire such property. … The Queen v. Canada Trustco Mortgage Company (2005 DTC 5523),…stated…that ‘[t]extually, the CCA provisions use ‘cost' in the well-established sense of the amount paid to acquire the assets….'…[T]he term "cost" for the purposes of the definition of "equity amount" in subsection 18(5)… means the original acquisition cost of a property. As a result, in the case of depreciable property, any amortization claimed in respect of the property should not, in our view, be taken into account in determining the "cost" of such property… .

Words and Phrases
cost in respect of

22 July 2014 External T.I. 2014-0526631E5 - Definition of equity amount - cost of ECP

"cost" of ecp means original acquisition cost

Eligible capital property is used by a non-resident corporation in its business carried on in Canada. CRA stated:

As indicated in… 2013-0513761E5… the term cost in the definition of "equity amount" in subsection 18(5)… means the original acquisition cost of property. … As such, the term cost used in the definition of "equity amount" has a different meaning in respect of eligible capital property than the "cost amount" in respect of such property.

Outstanding Debts to Specified Non-Residents

Administrative Policy

24 November 2015 CTF Annual Roundtable, Q.10

foreign-currency debt to Canco translated at historical rate

Based on s. 261(2), the amount of U.S.-dollar denominated debt is to be measured for thin cap purposes in Canadian dollars based on the FX rate at the time the loan was made.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 55 - Subsection 55(2.1) - Paragraph 55(2.1)(b) application where no gain on shares/non-application to loss-shifting transactions 338

21 November 2011 External T.I. 2010-0384001E5 - Guarantee/Collateral/ASPE effect on Thin Cap

Generally the hypothecation of assets by a non-resident controlling individual, or a guarantee by him or her, in order to secure a loan from an arm's length foreign bank would not cause that loan to be included as an outstanding debt to a specified non-resident.

93 C.M.TC - Q. 3

Any accrued interest that is not paid on its due date becomes a "debt or other obligation to pay an amount" at that time, with the result that interest that accrues on that amount thereafter will be included in the outstanding debts to specified non-residents.

15 July 1992 T.I. 920963 (January - February 1993 Access Letter, p. 11, ¶C9-255)

Given the breadth of s. 18(5)(a)(i)(A)(II), the thin capitalization rules will apply to loans made by a U.S. subsidiary to a Canadian parent corporation that is controlled by related Canadian resident individuals, or to a loan made by a U.S. subsidiary to a Canadian subsidiary of a Canadian parent.

Paragraph (a)

Subparagraph (a)(ii)

Administrative Policy

15 May 2019 IFA Roundtable Q. 4, 2019-0798721C6 - 78(1)(b)(ii) deemed loan & thin capitalization

unpaid simple interest that is deemed to be a loan by s. 78(1)(b)(ii) generally is not outstanding debts to specified non-residents

Assuming compound interest does not accrue on unpaid simple interest owing by a Canadian corporation to a non-resident creditor for which an agreement under s. 78(1)(b)(ii) was made so as to deem the amount of that simple interest to be a loan, is that deemed loan considered to be included in “outstanding debts to specified non-residents” as defined in s. 18(5)?

CRA responded: no.

Where compound interest does accrue on unpaid simple interest and s. 78(1)(b)(ii) deems the simple interest to be a loan, is that deemed loan considered to be an outstanding debt to a specified non-resident only when the compound interest has been paid?

CRA responded that generally, where s. 78(1)(b)(ii) deems simple interest to be a loan, the amount of the deemed loan would not be considered to be an outstanding debt to a specified non-resident for the purposes of ss. 18(4) and (5) until the compound interest is paid and thereby becomes deductible under s. 20(1)(d).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 78 - Subsection 78(1) - Paragraph 78(1)(b) - Subparagraph 78(1)(b)(ii) deemed s. 78(1)(b)(ii) loan is not also deemed to bear interest 97

Specified Right

Administrative Policy

31 October 2017 External T.I. 2017-0690691E5 F - New section 15 back to back loan rules

pledged term deposit could be specified right

A 50% shareholder of Corporation B (Ms. B) received a $3M bank loan that was secured by a pledge to the bank of a $3M term deposit held by Corporation B). After finding that s. 15(2.6)(c)(i)(B) applied to deem there to be a $3M loan from Corporation B to Ms. B (on the basis, e.g., that the $3M loan was permitted to remain outstanding because the term deposit was outstanding), CRA went on to state:

[I]t appears possible to us that a term deposit given as a security could represent property that comes within the definition of specified right for the purposes of subparagraph 15(2.16)(c)(ii).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 15 - Subsection 15(2.16) - Paragraph 15(2.16)(c) - Subparagraph 15(2.16)(c)(i) - Clause 15(2.16)(c)(i)(B) application to a term deposit pledged by a family corporation to secure a business loan taken out by a shareholder 195
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 15 - Subsection 15(2.16) - Paragraph 15(2.16)(c) - Subparagraph 15(2.16)(c)(ii) term deposit to secure shareholder loan potentially a specifed right 199

14 September 2017 Roundtable, 2017-0703901C6 - CPA Alberta 2017 Q11: Shareholder loans

excluded provision of corporate security to secure repayment of a shareholder loan

When will the back-to-back loan rules in s. 15(2.17) apply where a corporation provides security to a lender to its shareholder. CRA noted that “where a security interest in the assets of the company is tantamount to putting assets in the hands of the intermediary for its general use, the shareholder loan rules will ordinarily apply.” On the other hand:

[W]here a financial institution lends money on commercial terms to an individual that is a shareholder of a corporation, the corporation provides a security interest in its property to the lender, and such property can only be used in the event of default on the loan as a means of repaying amounts owing by the debtor under the lending agreement, then the security interest would not ordinarily be considered a “specified right”.

CRA also noted that this quoted safe harbour is not affected if the security interest is granted by the corporation to secure more than one shareholder debt.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 15 - Subsection 15(2.16) - Paragraph 15(2.16)(c) - Subparagraph 15(2.16)(c)(ii) not a specified right where security for repayment of shareholder loan on default 297


6 October 2017 APFF Financial Strategies and Instruments Roundtable, Q.13

right to secure shareholder debt is not per se a specified right

When asked to comment on the policy respecting the use of the definition “specified right” for purposes of the application of ss. 15(2.16) to (2.192), Finance stated:

Where a right in the assets of the corporation has been granted as security to ensure that such assets are available to the intermediary and may be used by the intermediary without any restriction, the shareholder benefits rules will usually apply. On the other hand, where the right that is granted is a right usually granted as security for payment under arm's length commercial agreements between arm's length parties, so that the assets related to the right may be used only to pay the debt and related interest, the shareholder benefit rules will usually not apply.

…By way of illustration…:

[A] right should not be considered a "specified right" simply because the right secures debts that the shareholder of the corporation and the corporation itself owe to a financial institution.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 15 - Subsection 15(2.16) B2B rules in s. 15(2.16) apply mechanically irrespective whether s. 15(2) has been circumvented 399


Raj Juneja, Pierre Bourgeois, "International Tax Issues That Get in the Way of Doing Business", 2019 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 36:1 – 42

Uncertainty regarding specified right exclusion in multiparty group secured facility

  • Under a multiparty credit agreement, all parties (Foreign Parent, Canadian Subsidiary and Foreign Subsidiary) guarantee the borrowed sums and pledge their assets except that for foreign tax reasons neither subsidiary guarantees debt of Foreign Parent. Some practitioners have been concerned, regarding the exclusion at the conclusion of the “specified right” definition, that it is insufficiently clear that “all of the proceeds” from a realization on Foreign Parent’s pledge must first be applied to reduce amounts described in s. 18(6)(d)(i) or (ii). Can the proceeds realized under that pledge be applied to the debt of Foreign Subsidiary viewed as debt described in s. 18(6)(d)(ii)? “The uncertainty arises because the debt of Foreign Subsidiary appears to be a debt obligation referred to in clause 18(6)(d)(ii)(A), but not every security interest securing the debt of Foreign Subsidiary secures every other debt obligation under the credit facility, which is required by clause 18(6)(d)(ii)(B).” (pp. 36: 9-10)

Jason Boland, Christopher Montes, "A Detailed Review of the Back-to-Back Loan Rules", 2016 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 26:1-32

Scope of “specified right” (pp. 26:6)

...[O]ne of the main reasons for the introduction of a more robust back-to-back rule in the thin capitalization context was to address situations in which a particular non-resident indirectly funds a particular debt by granting certain security interests or property rights to the intermediary (instead of loaning money to the intermediary). ...

...The definition of specified right now appears to target security interests and property rights that the intermediary can monetize and use to fund the particular debt to the taxpayer. …

...[I]f a foreign parent corporation has a Canadian subsidiary and a foreign subsidiary, and the group enters into a multi-party credit agreement in which all parties guarantee the facility, pledge their assets, and borrow, except that the subsidiaries do not guarantee the foreign parent's borrowings for foreign tax reasons, the requirements for the exception to the definition of "specified right" may not be satisfied. [fn 31: [J]oint Committee…July 25, 2016…at page 12.] …

...[T]he formulas in the back-to-back rules in subsection 18(6) make use of the precise FMV of the specified right property, which could require such property to be valued on a regular basis. This may be difficult if the property is illiquid… .

Amanda S.A. Doucette, Britney Wangler, "Normal Borrowing by CCPC Owners Can Create an Income Inclusion", Canadian Tax Focus, Vol. 7, No. 1, February 2017, p. 1

A secured guarantee by a private corporation of a bank loan to its individual shareholder may very well cause an income inclusion to the individual under the s. 15(2.17) back-to-back loan rules. In order for the bank not to have a specified right, the key consideration is that the secured property can be used only to repay the shareholder debt. However (p.1):

[M]ost guarantees and related security agreements contain broad language that covers not just the present debt but also any future indebtedness of the individual shareholder. Because of this breadth of coverage, a specified right arises, and with it the tax problem.

In addition (pp. 1-2):

In certain circumstances, a single security document (given by the corporation to the third party [e.g., bank]) can cover both (1) the individual shareholder's loan from the third party and (2) an existing operating loan given by the third party to the corporation. Because the single security document covers more than just the individual shareholder's loan, a specified right arises.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 15 - Subsection 15(2.17) 381

John Lorito, Trevor O'Brien, "International Finance – Cash Pooling Arrangements", 2014 Conference Report, (Canadian Tax Foundation), 20:1-33

Specified rights (defined as tantamount to ownership) rarely granted to creditors except re cash collateral (p. 9)

[I]n simple terms, a specified right is the right of a person to treat the property as it if it was the person's own property including the right to encumber and sell the property and to use the proceeds in whatever manner the person chooses. Such a right would rarely if ever be granted in respect of a property used to secure a debt or other obligation, except possibly in the case of cash collateral. Generally, a person who receives cash collateral to secure an obligation would typically have the ability to use the cash in any manner it chooses subject to the obligation to return an equivalent amount of cash when the obligation is extinguished.

Steve Suarez, "Canada Releases Revised Back-to-Back Loan Rules", Tax Notes International, October 27, 2014, p. 357.

Expansion of permitted security rights under s. 18(5) - "specified right"(p. 362)

Second…[t]he revised ''specified right'' definition appears to have been improved in two ways, both of which in general seem to accommodate normal course secured guarantees and similar security arrangements typically found in commercial lending agreements. First, the party holding the security can pledge the secured property to secure the repayment of other debts, as is sometimes provided for in secured property legislation and some derivatives agreements….

Second, earlier versions of the ''specified right'' definition seemed to cause an event of default under the Canco debt (which typically gives a Creditor Party the immediate right to sell the secured property) to itself result in a specified right,…[whereas] the revised definition seems to prevent this if it can be shown that the Creditor Party must use any sale proceeds from the secured property to repay the Canco debt (or certain related debts)….

Subsection 18(6) - Loans made on condition

See Also

Langhammer v. The Queen, 2001 DTC 45 (TCC)

Before going on to find that losses sustained by the taxpayer after investing in bonds of a condominium development were deductible under s. 20(1)(p)(ii) on the basis that the bonds were purchased in the course of carrying on a money lending business, Rip T.C.J. stated (at p. 52) that it had been recognized that "a debenture could be part of the portfolio held by a person carrying on the business of lending money; and that "debentures, bonds and term deposits are loans".

Words and Phrases
Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(p) - Subparagraph 20(1)(p)(ii) occasional loans were money-lending business given that done similarly to a money lender 259

Administrative Policy

18 May 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0063351I7 F - Double déduction des intérêts et paragraphe 18(6)

thin cap rules not engaged by parent guarantee

In the course of a general discussion of a double-dip structure that also entailed a guarantee of a loan by a US specified shareholder, the Directorate stated:

[S]ubsection 18(6) does not apply to the situation under review because it does not apply to a loan made by a person to a corporation resident in Canada where the loan is guaranteed by a specified non-resident.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(c) - Subparagraph 20(1)(c)(i) double-dip structure does not preclude access to s. 20(1)(c) deduction 115

27 July 1990TI AC 59653

With respect to a situation where a company deposited borrowed funds from a related non-resident person into a bank account which was pooled by a group of related companies, it was the taxpayer's submission that it would not be possible to trace the flow of the borrowed funds, with the result that it could not be shown that the funds had been borrowed on the condition that they would be relent to a particular person.

23 June 1989 TI 7-3792

S.18(6) would not apply where a non-resident corporation ("NRP") acquired a security that was not a debt obligation of a Canadian bank or a person not dealing at arm's length with that bank pledged the security to the Canadian bank to secure a guarantee by NRP of a loan made by the Canadian bank to a Canadian subsidiary of NRP. If NRP made additional deposits with a foreign bank as security for a guarantee by that foreign bank of a loan to be made to the Canadian subsidiary by the Canadian bank, such deposits would be considered to be loans to the foreign bank which would not have been made if the Canadian bank did not make its loan, with the result that s. 18(6) would apply. Where the security for such inter-bank guarantee comprised preexisting term deposits which were subsequently "renewed" because the terms of the inter-bank guarantee so required, s. 18(6) would generally apply at the time of the renewal.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(6) 35

Income Tax Technical News, No. 15, "The Tax Consequences of the Adoption of the 'Euro' Currency"

2 October 1996 T.I. 961781 (C.T.O. "Thin Capitalization Back-to-Back Loans")

S.18(6) will not be applied to a second loan made by a corporation resident in Canada ("Canco 1") to a second Canadian-resident corporation ("Canco 2") provided that: the person who made the first loan to Canco 1 is a specified non-resident shareholder of Canco 1 and qualifies as a specified shareholder of Canco 1 otherwise then by virtue of a right referred to in paragraphs (c) or (d) of the definition of specified shareholder in s. 18(5); the first loan and the second loan bear the same rate of interest; and Canco 1 is related to Canco 2.

93 C.M.TC - Q. 9

Where a loan is made by a non-resident person to his wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary which, in turn, makes a similar loan to a second-tier Canadian subsidiary, s. 18(6) generally will not be applied.

18 January 1993 External T.I. 5-921647

Where a U.S. parent loans $100 to a wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, and s. 18(4) applies to deny all of the interest charges of $10 payable on the first loan on the condition that the same amount be on-lent to a second wholly-owned subsidiary, RC will not apply s. 18(4) to deny the deduction by the second subsidiary of interest on the second loan. However, s. 18(4) would be to the second loan if s. 18(4) applied to deny the first Canadian subsidiary less than $9 of its interest deduction. In such event RC's policy will apply to permit the deduction of interest on the second loan only to the extent necessary to ensure that the denial of the interest deduction on the first loan is not duplicated.

18 July 1989 T.I. (Dec. 89 Access Letter, ¶1044)

S.18(4) applies where a non-resident corporation lends to an adequately-capitalized wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, which subsequently loans money to its wholly-owned operating Canadian subsidiary.

23 June 1989 TI 7-3792

Discussion of consequences of a guarantee by the non-resident parent of the Canadian borrower of a Canadian bank loan, including a finding that s. 18(6) should not apply by virtue only of the guarantee.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(6) 162

Paragraph 18(6)(c)

Administrative Policy

17 November 2015 Roundtable, 2015-0614241C6 - 2015 TEI Liaison Meeting Q.6 - Specified Right

cross-border notional cash-pooling arrangement produced intermediary debt

A notional cash pooling arrangement between (i) a non-resident parent and its various subsidiaries including Canco, and (ii) a non-resident bank, as a result of which Canco has an overdraft balance in its pool account, is caught by the back-to-back loan rules in ss. 18(6)(c)(i) and 212(3.1)(c)(i). Accordingly, it is not necessary to consider whether the right of the non-resident bank to offset overdraft balances of any pool participants against deposit balances of other pool participants without prior notice engages the specified right rules in ss. 18(6)(c)(ii) and 212(3.1)(c)(ii).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 212 - Subsection 212(3.1) - Paragraph 212(3.1)(c) cross-border notional cash-pooling arrangement engages the B2B loan rules 235

28 May 2015 IFA Roundtable Q. 5, 2015-0581531C6 - IFA 2015 Q.5: "Causality test" in 18(6) & 212(3.1)

"because of" causality test

What is the requisite degree of linkage referenced by the "because" test in clause (B) of ss.18(6)(c)(i), 18(6)(c)(ii), 212(3.1)(c)(i) and 212(3.1)(c)(ii) (the "Clause B causality tests") between a debt owing by the taxpayer to a creditor and a secondary obligation existing between that creditor (or someone not dealing at arm's length with that creditor) and certain non-residents, so as to engage s. 18(6.1) or 212(3.2)? CRA responded:

The so-called "back-to-back loan" arrangements were described [in the 2014 Budget] as generally involving the interposition of a third party (e.g., a foreign bank) between two related taxpayers (such as a foreign parent corporation and its Canadian subsidiary) in an attempt to avoid the application of rules that would apply if a loan were made, and interest paid on the loan, directly between the two taxpayers.

…[T]he October 2014 Explanatory Notes…[state] that the conditions listed in paragraph 212(3.1)(c) closely mirror those in paragraph 18(6)(c)… . CRA will interpret the Clause B causality tests in both of these provisions in the same manner and broadly enough to fulfill the policy intent of the new back-to-back loan rules as described in the 2014 Budget Plan. …[G]enerally, in a case where a third party intermediary is interposed between two related taxpayers principally for the purpose of avoiding the application of subsection 18(4) or Part XIII tax on interest…we would find that there is sufficient linkage between the two debt instruments involved to engage the new rules.


Shane Onufrechuk, Warren Pashkowick, "Tax Considerations of Major Construction Projects", 2014 Conference Report, Canadian Tax Foundation, 10:1-35.

Simplified overview of rule (p. 10:13)

A back-to-back loan exists when a Canadian resident has an outstanding interest-bearing debt obligation (Canadian debt) to an arm's-length lender (intermediary) if there is a debt owing by the intermediary (or a person who does not deal at arm's length with the intermediary) to a person who does not deal at arm's length with the Canadian resident (intermediary debt), and when any one of the following three conditions are met:

1) recourse of the intermediary debt is limited to the Canadian debt;

2) a strong causal connection exists between the intermediary debt and the Canadian debt; or

3) the intermediary (or a person that does not deal at arm's length with the intermediary) has a "specified right" granted by a non-resident connected to the Canadian resident, and a strong causal connection exists between the specified right and the Canadian debt.

Steve Suarez, "Canada Releases Revised Back-to-Back Loan Rules", Tax Notes International, October 27, 2014, p. 357.

Introduction of requirement for strong causal connection (p. 361)

Two aspects of the revised secondary obligation definition merit further comment. First, both the Creditor Party [intermediary] debt and Creditor Party [specified] right elements of the revised definition now use the term ''because'' to delineate what causes a secondary obligation [intermediary debt] to exist. This represents a significantly higher standard than was the case under the August 29 version of the term, and the concept appears to have been imported from another ''indirect loan'' rule in the ITA [in s. 17(2)].

[I]n AG of Canada v. Hoefele ... [fn 15: 95 DTC 5602 (FCA)…] the Federal Court of Appeal interpreted the ''because'' standard as implying a ''strong causal connection''… .

Subparagraph 18(6)(c)(i)

Paragraph 18(6)(d)


Jason Boland, Christopher Montes, "A Detailed Review of the Back-to-Back Loan Rules", 2016 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 26:1-32

Purposes of the s. 18(6)(d) de minimis rule (p. 26:5)

[There] is a de minimis requirement that ensures that the back-to-back rule applies only if the particular non-resident funds, through an intermediary, a significant portion of the particular debt and connected debts. The total principal amount of the intermediary debt and/or fair market value (FMV) of the property subject to the specified right must be at least 25 percent of the total principal amount of the particular debt and connected debts. In other words, if the intermediary funds the particular debt primarily from its own sources (that is, from sources other than a particular non-resident), the back-to-back loan rules should not apply.

Shane Onufrechuk, Warren Pashkowick, "Tax Considerations of Major Construction Projects", 2014 Conference Report, Canadian Tax Foundation, 10:1-35.

Simplified overview of rule (p. 10:13)

[A] safe harbour exists when the intermediary debt represents less than 25 percent of the Canadian debt, which ensures that the back-to-back loan rules do not apply if the Canadian debt is funded by the intermediary mainly from sources other than a non-resident connected with the Canadian resident.

Subsection 18(7) - Partnership debts

Administrative Policy

28 July 2015 External T.I. 2015-0567811E5 - Thin cap rules for members of a partnership

sale by Cancos of their partnership interests part-way through year did not eliminate their proportionate pick-up of partnership debt

Canco (wholly-owned by NRco) and its wholly-owned subsidiary (Canco Sub) held respective 99.9% and 0.1% interests in the "Partnership" and, before the end of 2015, sold their interests in the Partnership to non-resident subsidiaries of NRco, so that all of the Partnership income or loss for 2015 was allocated to them.

Before rejecting an argument that the Partnership had no "deductible" interest for 2015 (so that the thin cap rules did not apply to the Canco partners) as its partners at year end were not "taxpayers" as required by s. 96(1), CRA stated:

Canco and Canco Sub would determine their "specified proportion" for their 2015 taxation year based on the allocation of the Partnership's income for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2014… . Accordingly, subsection 18(7) would apply to deem Canco and Canco Sub to owe 99.1% and 0.1% of the Loan and to have paid the corresponding interest.

See summary under s. 12(1)(l.1).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(1) - Paragraph 12(1)(l.1) sale by Cancos of their partnership interests part-way through year did not eliminate their proportionate pick-up of partnership debt 354


John Tobin, "Infrastructure and P3 Projects", 2017 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 10:1-31

Application of thin cap rules to a non-resident (collective investment vehicle) partnership lending to a P3 Projectco (pp. 10:24-25)

[F]or the purposes of determining whether a limited partner is a “specified shareholder,” the holdings of any person that does not deal at arm’s length with the limited partner are aggregated….

In a 2014 technical interpretation [fn 75: ….2014-056378155]…CRA observed that when a partner is not in a position to control a partnership, and that partner has little or no say in directing the operations of the partnership, it is generally recognized that the partner is dealing at arm’s length with the partnership…. [and] that a partner that is considered to be dealing at arm’s length with a partnership should also be considered to be dealing at arm’s length with the corporation controlled by the partnership. This implies that interest paid to the CIV may not be subject to the thin capitalization rules, and although withholding tax may apply, if individual partners are entitled to treaty relief, the partnership may benefit from such relief.

Subsection 18(9) - Limitation respecting prepaid expenses


Urbandale Realty Corp. Ltd. v. The Queen, 2000 DTC 6118 (FCA)

The taxpayer, a real estate developer, prepaid municipal real estate development charges applicable to one of its residential lots developments. Noël J.A., in finding that current deduction of the charges was not precluded by s. 18(9)(a)(i), noted that the charge, being a one-time tax, was not paid in respect of a future period.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Timing 85

Canderel Ltd. v. Canada, 98 DTC 6100, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 147, [1998] 2 C.T.C. 35

After noting that tenant inducement payments ("TIPs") were not covered by s. 18(9), Iacobucci J. stated (at p. 6110) that "the fact that Parliament has directed its mind to requiring amortization of some expenses without requiring this of TIPs is ... telling to some extent. Parliament would be free to institute this requirement, but has not done so".

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Onus 105
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Accounting Principles not following matching principle accorded with well-accepted business practices 153
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Timing lease inducement payments currently deductible 124
Tax Topics - Statutory Interpretation - Expressio Unius est Exclusio Alterius inference made from narrow scope of s. 18(9) 34
Tax Topics - Statutory Interpretation - Deference to Parliament/ No judicial legislation presumption against judicial legislation 79

The Queen v. Toronto College Park Ltd., 96 DTC 6407, [1996] 3 CTC 94 (FCA), rev'd 98 DTC 6088 (SCC)

Before finding that s. 18(9) extended to running expenses which, therefore, would not otherwise be subject to the matching principle, Robertson J.A. noted that s. 18(9)(a)(ii) would apply to prepaid rents which by virtue of being overhead expenses could not be reasonably or directly attributed to the production of a specific revenue, and that s. 18(9)(a)(i) would apply to a prepaid service contract for the repair and maintenance of a building, which would be another example of overhead expense which could not be related directly to a specific source of income.

See Also

SPG International Ltée v. R., [1998] 3 CTC 2046, 98 DTC 1706 (TCC)

S.18(9)(b) authorized the deduction in 1991 by the taxpayer of expenses incurred by it in 1990 to participate in a 1991 trade fair.

Administrative Policy

14 March 2024 External T.I. 2015-0596761E5 F - Traitement fiscal

practice is not to apply s. 18(9) where the adjustments would be minimal

After indicating that it appeared that an expenditure incurred for the anti-theft marking of an automobile used in carrying on a business (entailing engraving a code on the principal parts of the automobile) would be incurred on current account, CRA stated:

[T]he Act requires that all material costs that clearly relate to future periods be expensed in those periods if failure to defer the expense would distort the net profit not only for the year during which the expense was incurred but also for the subsequent year or years to which the benefit relates.

Although subsection 18(9) could apply in a situation where the anti-theft marking expense clearly relates to future periods, the current practice is to disregard adjustments for minimal amounts.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Improvements v. Repairs or Running Expense expenditure on anti-theft marking of car likely would be on current account 202
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 6 - Subsection 6(1) - Paragraph 6(1)(k) - A - Subparagraph A(iv) mandatory requirement for employee notification to employer by end of year 51

2015 Ruling 2015-0601441R3 - XXXXXXXXXX Partnership - winding up

s. 18(9) deduction claimable by transferee former partner following s. 98(5) wind-up
Current structure

Sub1 and Sub2 (both taxable Canadian corporations and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Parent) are currently the sole partners of a general partnership (“Partnership”). Partnership’s business generates income under s. 12(1)(a) and Partnership claims a reserve under s. 20(1)(m).

Proposed transactions
  1. Partnership will pay to Sub1 a reasonable amount for undertaking to assume Partnership’s prepaid revenue obligations (by assigning an equivalent amount of the Parent-Partnership Note as payment), and a joint election will be made under s. 20(24).
  2. Sub2 will transfer its interest in Partnership to Sub1 in consideration for Sub1 Preferred Shares and a non-interest bearing promissory note (the “Sub1 Note”), jointly electing under s. 85(1). As a consequence Partnership will cease to exist, Sub1 will become the sole owner of all the Partnership property and Sub1 will become subject to all the remaining obligations of Partnership, and immediately after the time that Partnership ceased to exist, Sub1 will carry on alone the business that was the business of Partnership. The transferred assets included prepaid expenses.

Except to the extent that the prepaid expenses were deducted in computing the income of Partnership in a prior taxation year, subject to paragraph 18(1)(a) or section 67, Sub1 will be entitled to deduct in computing its income for any particular year the prepaid expenses pursuant to ss. 9(1) and 18(9).

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 98 - Subsection 98(5) 98(5) wind-up through s. 85 transfer of partnership interest of one partner to the other and preceded by debt assumptions 292
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(c) - Subparagraph 20(1)(c)(ii) interest deductible following assumption of interest-bearing internal debt on s. 98(5) wind-up 297
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 34.2 - Subsection 34.2(11) continuation of s. 34.2(11) reserve following partnership wind-up 339
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(m) continued availability of s. 20(1)(m) reserve following s. 98(5) wind-up 296
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(n) flow-through of s. 20(1)(n) reserve on s. 98(5) wind-up 289
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(24) s. 20(24) election on s. 98(5) wind-up 307
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 147.2 - Subsection 147.2(8) s. 147.2 continuity following s. 98(5) wind-up 368
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 6 - Subsection 6(1) - Paragraph 6(1)(i) no income inclusion on assumption on s. 98(5) wind-up of DSUs and RSUs 356
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Salary Deferral Arrangement - Paragraph (k) no income on RSU/DSU assumption 22

28 April 2015 External T.I. 2015-0566011E5 - Whether s. 16.1 applies to a transport truck

deferred deduction of initial lease "down payment"

After finding that since a transport truck was an exempt property for s. 16.1 purposes, no s. 16.1 election could be made, CRA noted that the taxpayer would pay an initial down payment for the lease of the transport truck, and stated:

[S]ubparagraph 18(9)(a)(ii)…denies a deduction made in respect of an outlay or expense to the extent that it can reasonably be regarded as having been made or incurred as, on account of, in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of, among other things, rent, which is in respect of a period that is after the end of the year. However, pursuant to paragraph 18(9)(b) of the Act, any rent payments that are denied under paragraph 18(9)(a) may be deducted in calculating a taxpayer's income for the subsequent year to which the outlay or deduction can reasonably be considered to relate.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 16.1 - Subsection 16.1(1) identification of lease based on legal substance/no election for transport truck 209

27 August 2012 Internal T.I. 2012-0442831I7 - Audit referral on prepaid rent

In reviewing a "step-down" lease (i.e., one where the annual lease payments are higher in the initial years), CRA concluded that there was no basis for concluding that the higher rents in the initial years represented payments of rent for subsequent years.

2 December 2004 External T.I. 2004-0083931E5 F - Frais relatifs à une garantie prolongée

cost of extended car warranty is subject to s. 18(9)

Regarding the deductibility of the cost of an extended warranty on an automobile paid by a self-employed individual, CRA stated:

[T]he costs would not be fully deductible in the year of payment because subsection 18(9) would apply to such costs. This is because we consider that those expenses are paid for services to be rendered after the end of the year or for insurance covering a period after the end of the year.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(1) - Paragraph 8(1)(h.1) cost of extended car warranty that meets the s. 8(1)(f) or (h.1) conditions is deductible on cash basis 103

30 January 2003 External T.I. 2002-0169785 - PRODUCT LIABILITY INSURANCE

The purchase of a single-premium product liability policy by a manufacturer covering goods manufactured in the year would be subject to s. 18(9)(a)(iii). CCRA likely would allow the manufacturer to amortize the premium equally over the average expected life of the goods manufactured in the year.

11 July 1995 Internal T.I. 9505997 - EXTENDED WARRANTY

A client, who purchases an extended warranty on an asset that will be used for business purposes, will be required to apply s. 18(9) "where the set amount may reasonably be regarded as having been incurred as consideration for services to be rendered or for insurance in respect of a period, after the end of the year".


A single group term life insurance premium paid by an employer in the situation where the coverage is obtained during the ongoing employment of an employee, upon the retirement of an employee or as a result of an extraordinary event such as a plant shutdown will not be currently deductible to the extent the premium is in excess of the annual premium that would otherwise be payable for the same coverage. In each future year, s. 18(9)(b) permits a deduction for that part of the premium which was not deducted in a previous year and which relates to coverage in that year.

1994 A.P.F.F. Round Table, Q. 36

Where after paying annual municipal taxes of $1,000 for five years, the taxpayer is offered two options - continue to pay municipal local improvement tax over the next 10 years at $1,000 per year, or pay a lump sum of $6,000 - a lump sum payment of $6,000 will be annually deductible (at the taxpayer's option) at a rate of $1,000 or $600.

25 October 1990 T.I. (Tax Window, Prelim. No. 1, p. 19, ¶1017)

Where an employer discharges its obligation to provide life insurance coverage to retired employees by purchasing a single premium insurance policy upon the employee's retirement, s. 18(9)(a)(iii) restricts the deductible amount of the single premium to the amount paid in respect of coverage for the year in question. The balance of the premium is deducted in future years in relation to the future coverage.

29 January 1990 T.I. (June 1990 Access Letter, ¶1250)

Where an up-front fee is paid by a bank to another financial institution in respect of an interest-rate cap, no deduction may be made in the year of payment in respect of the portion of the fee which may be viewed as consideration for services to be rendered after the end of the year.

89 C.M.TC - Q.4

for the 1989 and prior years, RC will accept that an interest buy-down payment which is made in the middle of a mortgage term and which was not provided for in the mortgage document, is prepaid interest. [C.R: 18(1)(b) - "Capital expenditure v. expense"]

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 249 - Subsection 249(1) 69

84 C.R. - Q.68

Where the party that was to provide prepaid services has gone out of business, with the result that the taxpayer is unable to recover the prepaid amount, then s. 18(9) will no longer apply to limit the taxpayer's deduction.

IT-417R2 "Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Charges"

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(9.2) 0


Joseph Frankovic, "The Income Tax Treatment of Prepaid Expenses and Similar Costs: A Time Value Analysis", 2000 Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 48, No. 5, p. 1371.

Paragraph 18(9)(a)

Subparagraph 18(9)(a)(iii)

Administrative Policy

23 May 2003 External T.I. 2002-0172205 F - FIDUCIE DE BIEN-RE&S

s. 18(9)(a)(iii) likely applies where employer makes a payment to a trust which uses insurance to fund employee health services
Also released under document number 2002-01722050.

An employer which made a commitment to its employees to provide benefits as drug reimbursement, paying for certain health services and reimbursing for hospitalization during their employment and retirement, contributes a fixed amount to a trust and the trust, in return, assumes the employer's obligation to provide such benefits to its retirees, with the trust using the contribution to purchase insurance from an insurer to cover the benefits. CCRA stated:

[I]t seems to us that the arrangement between the employer, the trust and the insurer could resemble a health and welfare trust, provided that the conditions of … IT-85R2 are satisfied, including, among other things, that the employer does not have control over the use of trust funds. Consequently, the employer's contribution to the trust in excess of the amount required to provide coverage for the current year would, in our view, be denied pursuant to subparagraph 18(9)(a)(iii).

Subsection 18(9.02)

Administrative Policy

29 May 2001 External T.I. 2000-0055915 F - DEDUCTIBILITE DES COMMISSIONS - ASSURANCE

background to s. 18(9.02)

Generally, commission expenses paid before 2000 by an insurer in respect of property and casualty insurance policies were deductible in the year incurred. After 1999, proposed s. 18(9.02) would defer the expense in respect of property and casualty insurance policies other than a non-cancellable or guaranteed renewable accident and sickness insurance policy. It was also proposed to amend the calculation of tax reserves in Reg. 1400 et seq. to reflect the proposed amendments to s. 18(9.02).

Subsection 18(9.1) - Penalties, bonuses and rate-reduction payments

Administrative Policy

27 January 2017 External T.I. 2013-0482351E5 - Clause 95(2)(a)(ii)(D)

s. 18(9.1) applied where loan prepayment penalty was equal to PV of interest thereon

CRA indicated that where a loan from one controlled foreign affiliate (FA Finco) of Canco to a second CFA of Canco (FA Holdco) meets the conditions in s. 95(2)(a)(ii)(D), a prepayment penalty paid by FA Holdco to FA Finco also can be recharacterized as active business income by s. 95(2)(a)(ii)(D) if the penalty is first recharacterized as interest under s. 18(9.1)(e). The loan had arm’s length terms including a clause that, upon FA Holdco opting to repay a portion of the principal amount before its maturity date, required it to pay a penalty not exceeding the present value of the interest that would otherwise have been payable by it. CRA stated:

Once the penalty amount is paid, paragraph 18(9.1)(e) (which applies for the purposes of the Act, including the computation of income from property described in the pre-amble to paragraph 95(2)(a)) will in the above circumstances deem the amount of the penalty to have been paid by FA Holdco and received by FA Finco as interest on the Loan.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 95 - Subsection 95(2) - Paragraph 95(2)(a) - Subparagraph 95(2)(a)(ii) - Clause 95(2)(a)(ii)(D) s. 95(2)(a)(ii)(D) can recharacterize a loan prepayment penalty as active business income 460
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 5907 - Subsection 5907(2.7) loan prepayment penalty fully deducted from surplus when paid 161

S4-F2-C1 - Deductibility of Fines and Penalties

Computing the deemed interest amount

1.34 For tax purposes, an amount deemed to have been paid as interest under paragraph 18(9.1)(e) will be considered interest for tax years ending after the rate reduction fee or prepayment penalty is paid (such tax years are referred to below as future tax year(s) ). The deemed interest is limited to the amount of the payment that reasonably relates to the value of the interest otherwise payable on the debt obligation (see ¶1.35) in a future tax year if the interest rate had not been reduced, or all or part of the debt obligation had not been repaid before its maturity.

1.35 The value of the interest otherwise payable on the debt obligation must be measured at the time the rate reduction fee or prepayment penalty is paid and may be determined using a straight line or present value method. In ¶1.37, we refer to this value as the hypothetical interest value.

Deduction of deemed interest

1.37 The deeming rule in paragraph 18(9.1)(f) addresses some of the requirements for the deduction of interest under paragraph 20(1)(c). If the requirements of paragraph 20(1)(c) are met, a taxpayer will be entitled to an interest deduction in a future tax year to the extent of the hypothetical interest value. If the payment exceeds the hypothetical interest value, the excess is:

  • not deemed to be interest under paragraph 18(9.1)(e); and
  • not deductible under any provision of the Act.

11 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0436771E5 - Sale of a business

penalty paid by shareholder

The sole shareholder of Aco is required under the terms of the share sale agreement to repay, in full, at closing, a bank loan owing by Aco and an early repayment penalty. The early repayment penalty is not deductible by Aco as it is paid by its former shareholder. However, if under alternative facts, Aco paid the early repayment penalty directly, the amount of the penalty generally would be deductible under s. 18(9.1) over what would have been the remaining term of the loan.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(e) continued deduction where debt settlement by shareholder rather than taxpayer 24
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 40 - Subsection 40(1) - Paragraph 40(1)(a) - Subparagraph 40(1)(a)(i) sale agreement required loan prepayment penalty 68

30 March 2007 External T.I. 2005-0129061E5 - Payment for interest reduction

PV excess

The portion of a payment made to reduce the interest rate on a loan will not be deductible to the extent that it exceeds the present value of future interest obligations on the loan.

23 November 2005 External T.I. 2005-0156071E5 - deductibility of prepayments under s. 18(9.1)

prepayment bonus

Where part way through the term of a mortgage borrowing the taxpayer prepays the mortgage upon payment of a prepayment penalty equal to six months' interest, the penalty should be pro-rated over the remaining term of the mortgage.

30 September 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0023137 - DETERMINING THE PENALTY AMOUNT

current and cumulative test
Also released under document number 2003-00231370.

Upon an acquistion of control of a taxable Canadian corporation (the "Debtor"), it was required to make an offer to repurchase its (Cdn.$) Class A and (U.S.$) Class B Notes at a make-whole premium. As a result it redeemed those notes by drawing down under an existing term facility. It deducted the premiums in full when paid under s. 9, and the TSO proposed instead that they be deducted on a strainght-line basis over the years remaining under the original terms. The Directorate stated:

Finance… informed us that the two conditions set out in the Mid-Amble are intended to apply to the total otherwise payable for the term of the obligation in future taxation years (i.e., note the reference in the Mid-Amble to "a" taxation year ending after that time) and to each taxation year that the taxpayer actually claims a deduction (note the reference in paragraph 18(9.1)(f) to the computation of the taxpayer's business or property income for "the" year. ...

[T]he Mid-Amble sets out the "global tests," and the "yearly tests" are set out in 18(9.1)(f). Accordingly, the portion, if any, of the Eligible Penalty Amount (the Penalty Amount described in paragraph 18(9.1)(d) that meets the two conditions set out in the Mid-Amble) is, subject to the yearly test, prorated over the remaining term (but for the repayment) of the debt obligation. The prorated portion of the Eligible Penalty Amount is deductible pursuant to paragraph 18(9.1)(f) as interest expense in the future taxation year to which it relates.

15 May 2003 External T.I. 2003-0011615 - AMORTIZATION PRESENT VALUE BASIS

straight-line v. present value method
Also released under document number 2003-00116150.

Discussion of proposal to switch method of amortization of penalty or bonus from straight-line method to present value method.

18 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0118827 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES

straight-line or present value method may be used in amortizing premium, and must relate to interest
see also 2002-0130177 F

Regarding the potential application of s. 18(9.1) to a premium paid on the early cash redemption of convertible debentures, the Directorate indicated:

  • “if part of the penalty relates to something other than interest, such as debt administration costs, it would not be deductible pursuant to subsection 18(9.1)” – although that did not appear to be the case here
  • regarding s. 18(9.1) covering the amount of a penalty or bonus to the extent that it does not exceed the amount of the total interest that would otherwise have been payable but for the reduction or repayment, the “word ‘value’ in subsection 18(9.1) may therefore be interpreted as meaning the total value and not the present value of future interest payable.”
  • “the premium paid by the Corporation must be amortized, in each taxation year to which it relates, on a straight-line basis or on a present value basis. The Agency accepts either method.”
  • “if the borrowed funds had been used to acquire a property for the purpose of earning income from a business or property, this property or a substituted property must still be used for those eligible purposes in the year in which the deduction is claimed.”
Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(f) no s. 20(1)(f)(ii) deduction on conversion of convertible debentures notwithstanding attempt in resolution to fix the issued shares’ stated capital at their market value 179
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 89 - Subsection 89(1) - Paid-Up Capital PUC of shares issued on debenture conversion equal to consideration stated in debenture indenture and in financial statements, rather than the FMV of shares stated in resolution 178
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Financing Expenditures premium on redemption of convertible debentures was not deductible on current account 60

27 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0090305 F - PENALITE-REMBOURSEMENT D'UN EMPRUNT

overview of requirements under s. 18(9.1)

In the course of a general discussion of the deductibility of an early loan prepayment charge made to an individual, CCRA indicated:

  • The penalty of bonus, to the extent it comes within s. 18(9.1), must be amortized on a straight-line or present value basis.
  • The portion if any not coming within s. 18(9.1) is a non-deductible capital expenditure.
  • Any part of the penalty relating to something other than interest, such as debt administration costs, it would not be deductible pursuant to s. 18(9.1).
  • The deductible amount must relate to and not exceed the future interest that would have been payable on the debt obligation but for the repayment.
  • The borrowed money must satisfy the current use test under s. 20(1)(c).

13 September 2000 External T.I. 2000-0036825 - REPURCHASE OF DEBENTURES ON OPEN MARKET

S.18(9.1)(d) would not characterize a premium paid for a bond purchased by the issuer in the open market in the normal manner as a bonus payable because of the repayment of the debt obligations before its maturity. Instead, the excess would be deemed by s. 39(3)(b) to be a capital loss.

24 April 1998 External T.I. 9802565 - PENALTY PAYMENT IN RESPECT OF BORROWING

arm's length refinancing with different lender generally not a substitution

"A prepayment penalty incurred by a taxpayer who borrows money from one arm's length party to pay a pre-existing debt owing to another arm's length party would generally be deductible pursuant to subsection 18(9.1) of the Act over what would have been the remaining term of the obligation. However, in our view, if the terms of the original obligation have been modified or extended with the same or a different person such that the transaction would constitute a rescheduling or restructuring of a debt obligation, the provision of subparagraph 20(1)(e)(ii.2) of the Act may apply in respect of the borrowing."

1998 Ruling 98021433 - REPAYMENT OF INDEBT. 18(9.1) ON REFINANC.

refinancing through new bond offering not a debt substitution

A Canadian corporation (Opco) borrows under a public offering of "New Bonds"in order to to make a cash tender offer at a premium for the "Existing Bonds" and to make a cash tender, also at a premium, for the convertible debentures.

The amount of the Existing Bond Offer Premium to be paid in respect of each of the Existing Bonds relates to, and does not exceed, the value at the time of the payment of the amount that, but for the repayment, would have been paid or payable by Opco as interest on the Existing Bonds in taxation years ending after the date the Existing Bond Offer Premium payments were made [and similarly re the debenture premium].

Rulings that ss. 18(9.1)(e) and (f) will appply the the premiums. The ruling summary stated that "'substitution', for purposes of subsection 18(9.1), does not include payments made to buy down an interest rate or, bonus or penalty payments made to prepay the principal of a debt obligation in situations where the debtor has parted with something such that there has been a 'performance of obligation' and that the performance involves an actual payment (not a promise to pay in the future) by the debtor".

1996 Ruling 961368

With respect to a situation where a taxable Canadian corporation made an offer to purchase at a premium outstanding notes that were eligible for the exemption under s. 212(1)(b)(vii), RC ruled that provided that the premium "cannot reasonably be considered to have been made in respect of the substitution of the Notes into another debt obligation", the premium will be exempt.

23 October 1995 Internal T.I. 9503766 - PV OR STRAIGHT LINE

straight line method

"Both the straight line and the present value method of amortization are acceptable for the purposes of subsection 18(9.1)."

26 October 1994 Internal T.I. 9425876 - PREPAYMENT PENALTY

S.18(9.1) originally was intended as an alleviating measure for farmers who prepaid their loans but were denied a deduction for the portion of the prepayment that represented interest, although when the legislation was introduced it was not restricted to farmers.

21 October 1993 T.I. 932532

Where penalty payments are made in order to pay off a mortgage, or reduce the interest rate on a mortgage, prior to the sale of the mortgaged capital property, the payment will be considered to have been made or incurred for the purpose of making the disposition and s. 40(1)(a)(i) will be applicable. However, if a substitute property is acquired, s. 18(9.1) may have application.

19 August 1992 Memorandum 922019 (Tax Window, No. 23, p. 14, ¶2156)

S.18(9.1) applies to a bonus or a penalty payment on the early redemption of debentures, provided that it was not paid to extend the term of the debt and that the money continues to be used for the purpose for which it was borrowed in each future year that the deduction is claimed. The bonus is deducted on a straight-line basis in accordance with s. 18(9) over the period that the obligation otherwise would have remained outstanding.

14 August 1992 Internal T.I. 7-921593

General discussion of requirements the satisfaction of which permit the deduction of a bonus payment on a straight-line basis over the period of time the obligation otherwise would have been outstanding.

4 May 1992 Tax Executive's Institute Roundtable, Q. 11, No. 92063651 (December 1992 Access Letter, p. 49)

A bonus paid on early repayment of a debt obligation should be deducted on a straight-line basis over the period during which the obligation would have remained outstanding but for the prepayment.

1 May 1992 T.I. 920313

With respect to a situation where a Canadian corporation repaid a bank loan out of the proceeds of a long-term debenture and incurred an early repayment penalty, RC stated that "it is a question of fact whether the payment may reasonably be considered to have been made in respect of the substitution of a debt obligation (the long-term debentures) for another debt obligation, in which case new subsection 18(9.1) would not apply".

9 January 1992 Memorandum 9718371 (Tax Window, No. 15, p. 6, ¶1677)

Bonuses paid by borrowers in a money-lending business on the early retirement of obligations are now governed by s. 18(9.1).


Jim Samuel, Byron Beswick, "Selected Issues in Transactions Involving Debt", 2019 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 18:1 – 27

No s. 18(9.1) deduction for penalty incurred on disposition of property (p. 18:16)

[T]he CRA’s general view is that a penalty that is incurred in connection with the disposition of a property (for example, the repayment of a mortgage) is not considered to be made in the course of carrying on a business or earning income from property. Instead, the penalty is viewed as a cost incurred in respect of the disposition of the property, and it is included in computing the taxpayer’s gain or loss arising in respect of that disposition. [Footnote 65 See, for example, paragraphs 1.22 and 1.38 of … S4-F2-C12012-0436771E5 … and … 9325325 … .] It is not clear whether the CRA’s view depends on the purchase and sale agreement or on the terms of the underlying debt itself, terms that may require that the associated debt be repaid in connection with the sale of the property.

Hypothetical interest deduction (p. 18:16)

A penalty will qualify for deduction only if it can reasonably be considered to relate to, and does not exceed the value at the time of payment of the penalty of, the interest (that is, the “hypothetical interest value”) that would have otherwise been paid or payable by the taxpayer on the debt, in the absence of the repayment, for a taxation year ending after that time.

Potential requirement for the income-earning activity to continue (pp. 18:18-19)

When the debt constitutes borrowed money that has not been used to acquire property, the conditions for deductibility of the hypothetical interest value in a particular taxation year would appear to be met so long as the taxpayer is simply using the debt for an income-earning purpose at the time of repayment. It is not clear, however, whether this is the end of the story: any amount determined under subsection 18(9.1) would seemingly not be deductible in computing the income of the taxpayer, from a particular source, for a taxation year ending after the time of the penalty payment unless, or to the extent that, the taxpayer continues to carry on the particular income-earning activity that results in that source of income. … If, on the other hand, the taxpayer has used the funds from the debt to acquire property, there is clearly an ongoing requirement for the taxpayer to continue to own the property … if that property ceases to be used for an income-earning purpose, or if the taxpayer were to dispose of the property prior to the maturity of the debt and not replace it with another income-earning property, it would seem that the remainder of the hypothetical interest value would no longer meet the deductibility requirements in subsection 18(9.1).

Absence of symmetrical treatment if intermediary in back-to-back loan arrangement receives and pays a prepayment penalty (p.18:18)

[I]f an intermediary that is not a financial institution incurs a liability to fund the acquisition of a debt receivable, a situation could arise in which the early repayment of the debt receivable to the intermediary and the use of those proceeds by the intermediary to repay its liability could trigger the receipt, and the corresponding payment, of a penalty by the intermediary. In this case, the intermediary would generally include the penalty in computing its taxable income for the year of receipt, but it might not be able to claim an offsetting deduction—and might instead be limited to claiming a cost of disposition in computing its gain or loss arising in respect of the disposition of the debt receivable—for a penalty that is paid in respect of an early repayment of that liability, because the property to which the liability relates is no longer owned by the intermediary. Even if it was established that the amount is deductible, the penalty paid by the intermediary is only deductible over the remaining term of the liability had it not been repaid. Alternatively, if the intermediary is considered to be in the business of lending money, consideration could be given to whether the penalty paid might be deductible, under section 9 … . [I]t might be possible for the intermediary to avoid the payment and receipt of the prepayment penalty by assigning its debt receivable to the ultimate lender in satisfaction of the intermediary’s debt to the ultimate lender … .

Frankovic, "Deduction of Prepaid Interest, Interest Rate Buy-Downs and Early Repayment Penalties", Tax Topics, No. 1292, December 12, 1996, p. 1.

Ulmer, "Taxation of Interest Income", 1990 Conference Report, c. 8.

Paragraph 18(9.1)(a)

Administrative Policy

31 May 2018 External T.I. 2018-0755631E5 - Substitution of debt, paragraph 18(9.1)(a)

substituted loan exception in s. 18(9.1)(a) does not apply re a prepayment penalty incurred in refinancing with another arm’s length lender

A taxpayer who has a loan with an arm’s-length financial institution, obtains a new loan from another arm’s-length financial institution, the proceeds from which are used to settle the first loan. The taxpayer incurs a penalty as a result of the early retirement of the first loan. You ask whether these transactions would be considered to be made in respect of the substitution or conversion of a debt obligation to another debt obligation for the purposes of paragraph 18(9.1) of the Income Tax Act (the “Act”.) In finding that the penalty amount “to the extent as provided for under subsection 18(9.1), would generally not be considered as paid for the substitution or conversion of the debt obligation as contemplated under paragraph 18(9.1)(a),” CRA stated:

[T]he Canada Revenue Agency has opined that a penalty incurred by a taxpayer who borrows money from one arm's-length party to pay a pre-existing debt owing to another arm's-length party would not constitute a substitution of a debt obligation for the purposes of paragraph 18(9.1)(a).

29 May 2017 Internal T.I. 2017-0689161I7 - Paragraph 18(9.1)(a) - paying debt with new debt

early cash redemption premium paid on one series of debt not respecting substitution by a new series with substantially different investors

The “Taxpayer,” a listed public company, issued Series A Debentures (the “SAD”), and subsequently issued Series B Debentures (the “SBD”) and then, a number of days later, redeemed the SAD, paying a redemption premium (the “Redemption Premium”) for their early discharge. The SAD and SBD purchasers were substantially different. The Taxpayer amortized the Redemption Premium over the remaining term of the SAD pursuant to s. 18(9.1) (with the deduction for two taxation years being under review.)

In finding that the exclusion in s. 18(9.1)(a) did not apply to the payment of the Redemption Premium, the Directorate stated:

[W]here a taxpayer borrows money from an arm’s length party to pay in full or satisfy completely a pre-existing debt owing to another arm’s length party and also pays a prepayment penalty to the latter creditor, the taxpayer may be entitled to deduct the prepayment penalty pursuant to subsection 18(9.1) of the Act over what would have been the remaining term of the obligation. …

[A] prepayment penalty paid to former creditors may not reasonably be considered to have been paid to them in respect of the substitution of a debt obligation where new and different creditors are providing the substituted debt. …[S]ince the SAD Investors are a substantially different group of investors than the SBD Investors … it could not reasonably be considered that the SAD Investors were paid the Redemption Premium “in respect of the substitution of the [SAD]” since it was the SBD Investors, and not the SAD Investors, who provided a substitute debt for the SAD.

4 December 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0138067 F - REMPLACEMENT D'UNE CREANCE PAR UNE AUTRE

financing the repayment of a debt obligation with the proceeds of a borrowing from a different creditor does not constitute a debt substitution

A corporation repaid an unsecured debenture with surplus cash and by drawing down on a revolving line of credit. Did the exclusion in s. 18(9.1)(a), for the substitution of one debt obligation by another, apply? The Directorate responded:

[I]n order for there to be such a substitution for the purposes of subsection 18(9.1), there must be a substitution between the creditor and the debtor of another obligation for the original obligation.

… [Here] there was no replacement of the original obligation by another obligation between the Corporation and the debenture holders. In fact, the Corporation repaid the debenture holders. The fact that the Corporation financed, at least in part, the payment of the debentures through a revolving credit facility with financial institutions, which are persons other than the debenture holders, does not constitute the substitution of one debt by another.

Subsection 18(9.2) - Interest on debt obligations

Administrative Policy

2 December 1992 Memorandum (Tax Window, No. 30, p. 9, ¶2484)

S.18(9.2) will not apply to a zero coupon bond issued to investors at a price equal to the net present value of the face value payable on maturity, because there is no prepaid interest.

IT-417R2 "Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Charges"

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(9) 0


Richardson, "Tax Amendments Facilitate Issue of Synthetic Zero Coupon Debt", Corporate Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992, p. 8: Discussion of WIC and Rogers' LYONs transactions.

Novek, "Deductibility of Financing Expenses", 1992 Corporation Management Tax Conference, C.3.

Subsection 18(9.7) - Idem [Interest on debt obligations]

Administrative Policy

30 March 2007 External T.I. 2005-0129061E5 - Payment for interest reduction

S.18(9.7) does not apply where a payment is made for a reduction in the rate of interest payable on a loan.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(9.1) PV excess 36

Subsection 18(10) - Employee benefit plan

Administrative Policy

2 May 1990 Memorandum (October 1990 Access Letter)

Discussion of a plan available to both resident and non-resident athletes who play games both in Canada and the U.S.

Subsection 18(11) - Limitation

Paragraph 18(11)(c)

See Also

Walton v. MNR, 89 DTC 423, [1989] 2 CTC 2335 (TCC)

A retiring civil servant, who purchased a past service pension the cost of which was payable by him over a 20-year period in monthly payments over half of which implicitly were interest, was entitled to deduct the monthly payments in full pursuant to s. 8(1)(m).

Subsection 18(12) - Work space in home

See Also

Larouche v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2023 QCCQ 3350

the relative business use represented by a home office using the home’s gross rather than net area

In deducting his home office expenses, the taxpayer determined the portion of his home that was used in his business of providing electrical engineering services (28%), which he calculated by dividing the square-foot area of the three rooms that he used in that business by the net square footage of his home, which was the area of the two floors (main floor and basement) as measured by the exterior dimensions, minus the areas taken up by the walls and minus the area of common areas (stairwells and hallways), which he considered to be used pro rata for business and personal use. In instead accepting the ARQ method, which produced a percentage of approximately 17% by dividing the area of the three rooms by the gross floor area, Brunelle JCQ stated (at para. 35, TaxInterpretations translation):

[I]t should be recalled that a person's home is first and foremost the individual’s dwelling and "the privileged place of his or her private life". Admittedly, a person may choose to work at home and reserve a certain amount of space for this purpose, but the fact remains that corridors, stairwells and other indoor areas for locomotion are essential to the personal use of the premises. Thus, the ARQ was reasonably justified in considering that these common areas were not used "exclusively to earn income from a business".

However, a percentage of 22% could be used based on an ARQ concession.

DiCaita v. The Queen, 2021 TCC 5 (Informal Procedure)

significant time must be spent in home office to justify significant deduction

In denying the taxpayer’s deduction of home office expenses of around $3,500 per annum allegedly incurred in managing his two small rental properties in Vancouver and Phoenix, Masse DJ stated (at para. 61):

I agree with the Respondent that a substantial amount of time must be spent working within the home office in order for a taxpayer to allocate such a significant portion of home expenses for business purposes. In the instant case, the Appellant hired professional property managing firms to manage his properties and paid them handsomely for their work. Therefore, it is difficult for me to see that he spent a whole lot of time in his home office working on issues relating exclusively to the rental properties. I find that these amounts claimed are not reasonable. The CRA has already allowed home office expenses of $1,763 for 2012 and $2,333 for 2013 as well as office supplies in the amount of $361.00 pursuant to subsection 18(2) … . This is reasonable in all of the circumstances.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Improvements v. Repairs or Running Expense reconditioning of rental unit allowed as deductible expense 242
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Income-Producing Purpose expenses of flight, at the conclusion of Las Vegas vacation followed by attending at a rental property in Phoenix, from Phoenix back home were deductible 284
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 3 - Paragraph 3(a) - Business Source/Reasonable Expectation of Profit rental unit was a source of income even when not rentable due to on-going renovations 77

Doleman v. The Queen, 2011 DTC 1257 [at at 1474], 2011 TCC 349 (Informal Procedure)

shared facilities in bed and breakfast

The taxpayer carried on a bed and breakfast operation in his home. V.A. Miller J. affirmed the Minister's assessment that the taxpayer's business was part of a self-contained domestic establishment, so that the deduction of expenses was limited by s. 18(12). Unlike in Rudiak, the taxpayer's house did not have a separate guest area with its own entrances and facilities. The guests in the present case shared the dining room, kitchen, study and washrooms with the taxpayer and his family.

The Minister's determination that the business use of the home was 25% was reasonable. (The Minister classified the rooms as "100% business use," "shared" and "100% personal use" spaces. By square footage, 18.73% was for 100% business use. The Minister allocated 10% of the 49.22% shared space to business use, based on the business's 10% occupancy rate. This suggested a business use of 23.65%, which approximated 25%.)

Arbeau v. The Queen, 2010 DTC 1203 [at at 3526], 2010 TCC 307 (Informal Procedure)

electronic repair, and hydro pole inspection, businesses were separate

The repairing by the taxpayer of electronic appliances primarily at his home was found to be a separate business from his contract for BC Hydro of inspecting hydro electric poles and pole structures, given that there was essentially no connection between the two operations other than that they were both performed by him with his home as a base of operations. Accordingly, losses generated in prior years from the appliance repair business (which had minimal revenue) were not deductible from his income as an inspector for BC Hydro.

Ryan v. The Queen, 2006 DTC 2738, 2006 TCC 132 (Informal Procedure)

meetings by telephone

The taxpayer, a physiotherapist, worked full time at one physiotherapy clinic, and performed primarily management and administrative functions with respect to a second physiotherapy clinic.

His home office was his principal place of business with respect to the second clinic. Respecting the first clinic, his home office was used exclusively for the purpose of earning income from that business. Furthermore, it had been accepted that a professional could meet with patients by means of making himself available to answer their queries by telephone, and the taxpayer made three to five telephone calls per evening to patients with respect to follow-up matters and also made calls on Saturdays. Accordingly, he satisfied the "regular and continuous" requirement of s. 18(12)(a)(ii).

Words and Phrases

Jenkins v. The Queen, 2005 DTC 384, 2005 TCC 167 (Informal Procedure)

In finding that the principal place of business for the taxpayers, who carried on through a partnership a fishing business using two boats owned by them, was the work space in their home, Miller J. stated (at pp. 386-387):

"... In asking ... what is meant by 'principal place of business', the answer is likely to be: 'where all the business stuff takes place'; not where the oil is drilled or crop is cut, or fish are fished, but where those necessary elements of telephoning customers and suppliers, filling in invoices, doing payroll, maintaining books and records, contacting authorities for licenses, preparing tax returns, chasing down receivables, handling complaints, creating business plans, preparing financial statements, talking to accountants and lawyers, etc."

Words and Phrases
principal business

Rudiak v. The Queen, 2000 DTC 3901 (TCC)

bed and breakfast guest premises and owners' living area were physically separate

McArthur J. stated (at paras. 8-9):

The bed and breakfast guest premises and the Appellant's living area were physically separate. The business was carried on in the renovated confines of the original house. The Appellant and his wife's place of residence was wholly-contained within the newly-constructed addition to the rear of the business premises. The guests did not use this separate residence. The Appellant did use his private kitchen and laundry facilities and a small garage area for the business, but I find that this does not detract from the Appellant's position that it was minor in comparison to the overall picture. The fact remains that the guests did not use the kitchen, laundry area or office.

...I find on the facts that the living quarters of the Appellant and his wife were a separate apartment built at the back of the bed and breakfast area and constitute a self-contained domestic establishment. Obviously, there was some overlapping, and the Rudiaks used the bed and breakfast area occasionally as a personal living area. This was limited to less than 10% of a calendar year.

Sudbrack v. The Queen, 2000 DTC 2521 (TCC)

Extensive renovations were made to a house on the edge of a New Brunswick harbour in order that it could serve as a guest house. Five bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms were installed for guests. A new kitchen was added and three dining rooms. A private living area, representing 15% of the total area, was installed for the taxpayer (Mr. Sudbrack) and his wife consisting of a bedroom, living area, bathroom and two bedrooms in an attic for their daughters. In finding that this private living area was itself a self-contained domestic establishment, rather than the whole of the home constituting such an establishment, Bowman A.C.J. stated (at para. 19, 21-22):

[T]he separate living quarters of the family, which are essentially a separate apartment within the inn, constitute the self-contained domestic establishment. …

Moreover, if the inn as a whole is the "work space" that work space is "the individual's principal place of business". Accordingly there is, in effect, excised from the area to which the limitation in paragraph (a) applies the 85% of the inn in which the family does not live.

The work space within the "self-contained domestic establishment" (the family apartment) would consist of the kitchen which served the dual function as the family cooking space and the restaurant cooking space and the small room where Mr. Sudbrack kept his computer, records and other equipment for the purposes of the business.

The result of this is that the disallowances…under subsection 18(12)… will need to be reduced. I do not propose to attempt this calculation, but the amounts disallowed would need to be reduced by at least 85%.

Administrative Policy

27 October 2014 External T.I. 2012-0471391E5 F - Entreposage d'inventaire à domicile

separate samples storage room part of home office

A commissioned employee uses his home as his principal place of business. He has a home office as well as having inventory storage space either in a separate room or the same room for use in client presentations. CRA stated (TaxInterpretations translation):

[T]he home of the individual is his principal place of business. For purposes of subparagraph 18(12)(a)(i)…the storage space would form part of the self-contained domestic establishment which is his principal place of business if it is used only for business purposes.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(13) inventory storage part of work place 98

1 May 2012 External T.I. 2012-0436401E5 F - Frais de bureau à domicile

permanent works taxes treated the same as other property taxes/general discussion including of s. 18(12)(c)

Can a self-employed worker who has a home office for meeting clients deduct a portion of the "permanent works" or "local improvements" taxes paid in computing the worker’s business? After stating that such taxes were to be treated in the same manner as other property taxes, and after paraphrasing s. 18(12)(c), CRA stated:

With respect to the amount of "permanent works" or "local improvement" taxes on a self-contained domestic establishment used in part by a taxpayer to earn business income, the amount of such taxes is only deductible to the extent that the home office is either the taxpayer's principal place of business or is used exclusively to earn income from a business and to meet clients or patients on a regular and continuous basis in the home as part of the business. Of course, only the portion of those taxes that relate to the portion of the self-contained domestic establishment used to earn business income will be deductible.

26 July 2010 External T.I. 2010-0364721E5 F - Revenus de bien et d'entreprise

bed and breakfast operation was business rather than property source (and thus subject to s. 18(12) limitation) since more than normal essential services provided

Before concluding that “the operator of a bed and breakfast, who has a personal residence in which bed and breakfast rooms are rented out on a short-term basis, is generally considered to be carrying on a business” rather than having a source of property income, so that the limitation in s. 18(12) (whose operation was discussed in general terms) could be applied, CRA stated:

A taxpayer generally earns income from property if the taxpayer does no more than rent space and provides essential services. These essential services may include, but are not limited to, heating, lighting, parking, maintenance of furnishings provided in the rented premises, and laundry room services.

However, if a taxpayer provides additional services such as meal services, a continued supply of clean sheets, and supplies of bathroom items, the taxpayer's rental operation may be considered to be a business. The nature and number of services provided will determine whether a rental operation qualifies as a business.

Words and Phrases
income from a business
Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1100 - Subsection 1100(14) rental property restriction rule applies to business properties as well/"principally" references over 50% of the time 127
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 3 - Paragraph 3(a) - Business Source/Reasonable Expectation of Profit reduction of personal expenses is not the pursuit of profit 97

24 May 2007 Internal T.I. 2007-0235681I7 F - Frais de bureau à domicile

home office expenses to earn income from property are not subject to s. 18(12)

The Directorate confirmed that, notwithstanding Jha, it maintains its position that the deduction restriction in s. 18(12) apply only where the individual incurs home office expenses to earn income from business, not from property (here, using a home office to manage rental properties).

25 November 2004 External T.I. 2004-0079751E5 F - Dépenses d'une auberge limitées par 18(12)

s. 18(12) would apply to the joint owners of an inn whose wives operate it, with them staying with them on weekends/ no avoidance if partnership interposed

Mr. A and Mr. B own a building in which their spouses, Ms. A and Ms. B, operate an inn. Ms. A and Ms. B stay at the inn on a weekday basis while Mr. A and Mr. B, who have other jobs, come in only on weekends to help out with the business. In finding that Messrs. A and B “reside” at the inn, so that s. 18(12) can apply, CRA stated:

Mr. A and Mr. B reside at the inn because they come there on a regular basis, their respective spouses reside there permanently, they carry on a business there, and much of their personal property and social ties are likely to be found there.

Would s. 18(12) be avoided if Mr. A and Mr. B formed a partnership, leased the inn to the partnership, which would operate the business, so that the inn would now be a source of property income, not business income? Before referring to the potential applicability of GAAR, CRA stated:

[I]t is necessary to ensure that the transaction between a partner and the partner’s partnership (in this case, the rental of the building) is not simply a way of changing the nature of income that would otherwise be allocated to the partner by the partner’s partnership as business income. In other words, in order for the partnership to deduct an amount paid to a partner, the services must be provided by the partner in the course of a business separate from that of the partnership. In addition … it may be possible … to apply subsection 18(12) to a business loss allocated to a partner by the partnership.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 96 pro rata rent received by the 2 equal partners of a partnership operating an inn jointly owned by them would not be respected as rent 197

29 September 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0067311I7 F - Bureau à domicile

s. 18(12) does not alter the result where common expenses are allocated pro rata to the business and personal space in a home

A dentist lives on the first floor of his residence but uses the basement solely for his practice. Some common expenses which were incurred for both personal and business purposes were disallowed as to 60%, i.e., according to the proportion of personal use, pursuant to ss. 18(1)(a) and (h). Does s. 18(12) permit the disallowance of the 40% proportion of the common expenses otherwise deductible as those expenses are not wholly attributable to the part of the home that is used for business? The Directorate responded:

You cannot use this subsection to disallow the business portion of the common expenses on the basis that those costs cannot be traced solely to the portion of a self-contained domestic establishment referred to in paragraph 18(12)(a). The allocation of common expenses, i.e., establishing the personal versus business portion, has already been determined pursuant to paragraphs 18(1)(a) and (h). The application of subsection 18(12) does not alter this initial allocation.

20 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0070705 F - ETABLISSEMNT DOMESTIQUE AUTONOME

work premises attached to principal residence with the same municipal address likely were part of the individual’s self-contained domestic establishment

Regarding a structure, used as an individual’s work place, attached to the individual's principal residence, CCRA indicated that the premises were attached to the residence so that the self-contained domestic establishment likely included such premises for purposes of s.18(12), which had the same municipal address as the principal residence.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Self-Contained Domestic Establishment self-contained domestic establishment is a living unit with restricted access containing a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping facilities 66


A statutory amendment would be required before RC could require proof of a commercial assessment before permitting a business a deduction in respect of a home work space.


Gael Melville, Lucie Champagne, Yves Plante, "Tax Considerations for the Newly-Self-Employed", 2011 Canadian Tax Journal, Vol 59, p. 843

General discussion including of issues arising from claiming CCA.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 5 - Subsection 5(1) 27

Paragraph 18(12)(a)

Administrative Policy

S4-F2-C2 - Business Use of Home Expenses

Meaning of principal place of business

2.11 ... The word principal is not defined in the Act but in this context is generally understood to refer to the individual’s chief or main place of business .

Example 1

Mr. A is a building contractor who uses a work space in his home to perform various administrative activities that are required in his business operations. These activities include receiving work orders, bookkeeping, ordering supplies and preparing payrolls. The remaining activities of the business, the performance of contracts, are carried out at various customer locations. The work space in Mr. A’s home therefore represents his main place of business. Mr. A’s children often use the work space in the evening to do their homework.

A work space need not be used exclusively for the business in order to meet the principal place of business requirement outlined in ¶2.4(a). This means that the room used by Mr. A in his home to perform the administrative functions of his business will be considered Mr. A’s principal place of business. ...

Qualifying work space: regular and continuous

2.13 A work space will be used exclusively to earn business income if it is a segregated area, such as a room or rooms, that is used in a business and for no other purpose.

2.14 The Act does not specify what is meant by the wording meeting clients, customers or patients, so the CRA looks to the ordinary or dictionary meaning of these words. The term meet is generally defined as to come face to face with or to come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement. The term meeting is generally defined as an assembly or gathering of people by chance or arrangement. It is the CRA’s view that this traditional interpretation of the term meeting, being those held in person, applies for purposes of subsection 18(12).

2.15 Whether a work space is used to meet clients, customers or patients with sufficient regularity and frequency to meet the requirement in ¶2.4(b) depends on the nature of the business activity and the facts of each situation . However, a work space in respect of a business which normally requires infrequent meetings or frequent meetings at irregular intervals will not meet this requirement.

2.16 A work space in the home that is used by a doctor to meet one or two patients a week is an example of a work space that would not be considered to be used on a regular and continuous basis for meeting patients. On the other hand, a work space used to meet an average of 5 patients a day for 5 days each week would clearly be used for that purpose on a regular and continuous basis. ...

Words and Phrases
principal meeting

Subparagraph 18(12)(a)(ii)

Administrative Policy

16 August 2022 CPAC Roundtable Q. 10, 2022-0946251C6 - Home Office Expenses

“meetings” in ss. 8(13)(a)(ii) and 18(12)(a)(ii) refers only to “face to face encounters”

S. 18(12)(a)(ii) provides that no expenses related to a work space in the home can be deducted from income from a business unless the work space is used exclusively for the purpose of earning income from the business and used on a regular and continuous basis for meeting clients, customers or patients of the individual in respect of the business (unless, per s. 18(12)(a)(i), the home work space is the individual’s principal place of business). S. 8(13)(a)(ii) provides a parallel restriction regarding expenses related to a home work space which otherwise were deductible by an employee under s. 8(1)(f) or (i).

Regarding the impact of meeting clients in a home virtually, CRA confirmed its “long-standing position” that the term “meeting”, as used in both provisions “includes only face to face encounters” rather than virtual meetings. However, depending on the facts, the work space expenses might satisfy s. 8(13)(a)(ii) or 18(12)(a)(ii), regarding the work space being the principal place of business or of performance of the employment duties.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(13) - Paragraph 8(13)(a) - Subparagraph 8(13)(a)(ii) s. 8(13)(a)(ii) does not extend to virtual meetings 114

Paragraph 18(12)(b)

Administrative Policy

S4-F2-C2 - Business Use of Home Expenses

Apportionment of expenses

2.18 The expenses should be apportioned between business and non-business use on a reasonable basis. A reasonable apportionment would be the area of the work space divided by the total finished area of the home (including areas such as hallways, bathrooms and kitchen). Other allocation methods may be considered reasonable depending on the particular circumstances. ...

2.20 Where a work space that is an individual’s principal place of business is also used for personal purposes, expenses should be apportioned between business and personal use. A reasonable basis of apportionment may be based on the number of hours a day a room is used for business purposes. If the business operates for only part of the week or year, expenses should be reduced accordingly.

Deduction of interest

2.22 In order to deduct interest on a mortgage or hypothec relating to a work space in the home, the interest must also meet the requirements for deduction under paragraph 20(1)(c). ...

2.25 Interest arising on borrowed money used to purchase a principal residence will not generally qualify for deduction... . However, where a portion of an individual’s home is used as a work space (that is, an income-earning use), a portion of the interest arising on the borrowed money used to purchase that home may be deductible as a work space expense. ...

Interest tracing

2.27 If borrowed funds on a line of credit secured by an individual’s principal residence are used to pay for outlays or expenses related to the work space (such as office equipment and furniture), the portion of interest on the line of credit relating to those purchases may be deductible as a work space expense. A deduction is subject to the apportionment requirement described in ¶2.18 - 2.20 if the funds are used for something that benefits the home and the work space (such as the purchase of a new furnace or air-conditioner). ...

Apportionment of repairs

2.28 ...[M]aintenance or minor repairs that relate to the work space as well as other areas of the home - for example, regular maintenance or minor repairs to the home furnace or air-conditioner or the purchase of household cleaning supplies...should generally be apportioned as described in ¶2.18 - 2.20.

Expenses incurred in earning income from property

2.45 Subsection 18(12) limits the deduction of expenses related to the use of a work space in the home in computing an individual’s income from a business. Subsection 18(12) does not limit the deduction of expenses incurred to earn income from property. This means, for example, that subsection 18(12) would not apply to expenses incurred for a work space in the home used for the management and accounting activities related to a non-business rental property.

Paragraph 18(12)(c)

Administrative Policy

S4-F2-C2 - Business Use of Home Expenses

Business-by-business carryforward

2.42 ...

Example 5

... Mrs. D decides to close her nail salon business in Year 4 and replace it with a home-based wedding planning business. The business use of home expenses carried forward from Year 3 of $500 cannot be applied against income from the new wedding planning business. This is because business use of home expenses carried-forward can only be applied to income from the same business in respect of which the work space in the home was used in the prior year(s).

Subsection 18(13) - When s. (15) applies to money lenders

Administrative Policy

5 February 1990 T.I. (July 1990 Access Letter, ¶1315)

The relationship between ss.18(13) and 20(1)(l) is discussed.

Subsection 18(19)

Administrative Policy

Income Tax Mandatory Disclosure Rules Consultation: Sample Notifiable Transactions (Finance Release Webpage), 4 February 2022

Allocation of loss leg of straddle to vending partner

  • A taxpayer seeks to avoid the s. 18(19) straddle-transaction rules by acquiring a partnership interest in a partnership that had an accrued loss and gain on the two legs of an FX straddle, with the closing of such acquisition being immediately preceded by the closing out by the partnership of the gain leg so that such gain is allocated to the vending partner pursuant to s. 96(1.01) – and with the loss leg realized after the acquisition and such loss allocated to the taxpayer.