Purposes of the s. 18(6)(d) de minimis rule (p. 26:5)
[There] is a de minimis requirement that ensures that the back-to-back rule applies only if...
Scope of “specified right” (pp. 26:6)
...[O]ne of the main reasons for the introduction of a more robust back-to-back rule in the thin...
Meaning of “because of” in s. 18(6)(c)(i) (p. 26:8)
While the Supreme Court's comments in Copthorne appear to soften the "strong causal...
Observations on scope of “relevant funder” (pp. 26:9-10)
...First, the use of the broadly-defined terms "relevant funder" and "relevant...
General effect of definition (p. 26:10)
...An ultimate funder effectively is a relevant funder (other than the immediate funder) that has funded a...
Potential usefulness of election (p. 26:12)
...This election may prove useful because most Canadian tax treaties limit withholding tax on interest...
Overview of s. 212(3.5) (pp. 26:13)
When a relevant funder receives funding (either by way of debt or specified right) which it uses (together...
No requirement for specified share to pay dividends( p. 26:14-15)
...For a share to be a specified share, there is no requirement that a payment...
Application of connectivity test to SPVs (p. 26:16)
...In practice, when an equity subscription is used to fund a special purpose vehicle (SPV)...
Reasonably allocable requirement (pp. 26:20-21)
It is not clear what is required to prove to the satisfaction of the minister that a portion of...
FIFO treatment of repayments (p. 26:25)
Finance has indicated that repayments are considered to occur on a first-in-first-out basis, in accordance...