2010-05-14 |
5 May 2010 External T.I. 2010-0359791E5 F - Significant increase - redemption of shares |
Income Tax Act - Section 86 - Subsection 86(1) |
s. 86 reorg where exchange of common for prefs followed by subscription for (old) commons |
2010-05-14 |
13 May 2010 External T.I. 2009-0343971E5 F - Société de services pour les professionnels |
Income Tax Act - Section 67 |
deductibility of management fees paid by professional practice to services corporation |
2010-05-14 |
3 May 2010 Internal T.I. 2010-0359631I7 F - Dépenses liées à une résidence non habitée |
Income Tax Act - Section 53 - Subsection 53(1) - Paragraph 53(1)(h) |
ACB addition for property taxes inapplicable where a building on the property |
2010-05-14 |
3 May 2010 Internal T.I. 2010-0359631I7 F - Dépenses liées à une résidence non habitée |
Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Adjusted Cost Base |
property taxes not added to ACB of inherited property before its sale |
2010-05-14 |
4 May 2010 External T.I. 2009-0329391E5 F - Provision pour retour de marchandises |
Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(e) |
no reserve where book publisher’s customers could return unsold books, cf. where a "true" clause for the return of unsold goods |
2010-05-14 |
4 May 2010 External T.I. 2009-0329391E5 F - Provision pour retour de marchandises |
Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Timing |
no profit required to be recognized on delivery of goods where a "true" return of unsold goods clause |
2010-05-07 |
3 May 2010 External T.I. 2010-0358881E5 F - CIRD - construction d'un logement |
Income Tax Act - Section 118.04 - Subsection 118.04(1) - Eligible Dwelling - Paragraph (a) |
qualifying expenditure for property acquired before completion of home’s construction but applied to renovation work after individual moved in |
2010-05-07 |
3 May 2010 External T.I. 2010-0358881E5 F - CIRD - construction d'un logement |
General Concepts - Ownership |
individual is considered to be owner of home that is being constructed as soon as it is habitable |
2010-05-07 |
3 May 2010 External T.I. 2010-0358471E5 F - Capital dividend account - beneficiary of a trust |
Income Tax Act - Section 89 - Subsection 89(1) - Capital Dividend Account - Paragraph (g) |
capital dividend distributed by trust in its year and designated under s. 104(20) is added to corporate beneficiary’s CDA only at end of trust’s taxation year |
2010-05-07 |
21 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0341711E5 F - Déduction pour gains en capital |
Income Tax Act - 101-110 - Section 110.6 - Subsection 110.6(14) - Paragraph 110.6(14)(d) |
beneficiary of trust partner can access deduction |
2010-05-07 |
28 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0347581E5 F - Frais de formation |
Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Income-Producing Purpose |
expense incurred in course of operating real property need not have a direct effect on profit |
2010-05-07 |
28 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0347581E5 F - Frais de formation |
Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(b) - Capital Expenditure v. Expense - Know-How and Training |
distinction between training and convention expenses/ luncheon seminar fees on case law generally are professional deductions |
2010-05-07 |
28 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0347581E5 F - Frais de formation |
Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(10) |
convention expenses providing an enduring benefit may be deducted within the s. 20(10) limitations |
2010-04-30 |
20 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0355071E5 F - Ligne directrice 4 |
Other Legislation/Constitution - Federal - Indian Act - Section 87 |
Indian organization did not qualify under Guideline 4 where 20% of clientele lived off reserve |
2010-04-30 |
20 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0355071E5 F - Ligne directrice 4 |
Income Tax Act - Section 2 - Subsection 2(1) |
central management and control of Indian organization is at the main office if control is legitimately exercised at meetings conducted there |
2010-04-30 |
16 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2010-0362601I7 F - Établissement stable-Province |
Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 400 - Subsection 400(2) - Paragraph 400(2)(e) |
CRA will accept shorter presence of substantial equipment at concerts than 30 days as representing PEs of the non-resident performance corporation |
2010-04-30 |
28 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0362101E5 F - Déductibilité des intérêts |
Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(c) - Subparagraph 20(1)(c)(i) |
under current use test, deductible interest increased to 100% when unit in triplex converted to rental use |
2010-04-30 |
14 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0347511I7 F - Partie I.3 - Société de personnes |
Income Tax Act - Section 181.2 - Subsection 181.2(3) - Paragraph 181.2(3)(g) |
s. 181.2(3)(g) was to be applied on basis that partnership interest and debt held by a Crown agent was held by the Quebec government, being a corporation |
2010-04-30 |
14 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0347511I7 F - Partie I.3 - Société de personnes |
Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Corporation |
Quebec government is a corporation |
2010-04-23 |
7 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0355221E5 F - Paragraphes 145(5) et 122(2) |
Income Tax Act - Section 149 - Subsection 149(5) |
NPO settled before 1972 is not grandfathered |
2010-04-23 |
12 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0342871I7 F - Subvention aux naissances multiples |
Income Tax Act - Section 3 |
Quebec multiple birth subsidy is not income |
2010-04-23 |
14 April 2010 External T.I. 2008-0293981E5 F - Loi de 2007 sur les impôts de l'Ontario |
Other Legislation/Constitution - Ontario - Taxation Act 2007 - Section 46 - Subsection 46(1) - Transition Time |
amalgamation in 2008 results in a transition time corresponding to the amalgamation time |
2010-04-23 |
14 April 2010 External T.I. 2008-0293981E5 F - Loi de 2007 sur les impôts de l'Ontario |
Other Legislation/Constitution - Ontario - Taxation Act 2007 - Section 46 - Subsection 46(1) - Eligible pre-2009 Winding-up |
completion time does not occur until formal dissolution |
2010-04-23 |
13 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0358941E5 F - CIRD - franchise |
Income Tax Act - Section 118.04 - Subsection 118.04(1) - Qualifying Expenditure |
qualifying expenditure generally not reduced by insurance reimbursement |
2010-04-23 |
13 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0358941E5 F - CIRD - franchise |
Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Incurring of Expense |
expense generally incurred by taxpayer even where reimbursed by insurance company |
2010-04-23 |
22 December 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0328141I7 F - 93(2) - Perte due à fluctuation de devises |
Income Tax Act - Section 93 - Subsection 93(2) |
loss under s. 93(2) includes a loss wholly attributable to a fully-hedged FX loss |
2010-04-23 |
22 December 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0328141I7 F - 93(2) - Perte due à fluctuation de devises |
Income Tax Act - Section 93 - Subsection 93(2.01) - Paragraph 93(2.01)(b) |
relief under s. 93(2.01)(b) unavailable where matching FX gain is realized in a subsequent year |
2010-04-23 |
14 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0356901E5 F - RAP- Rétroactivité |
Income Tax Act - Section 146.01 - Subsection 146.01(1) - Regular Eligible Amount - Paragraph (e) |
ownership of a home whose purchase was voided did not count |
2010-04-16 |
12 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0327161E5 F - Revenu de location |
General Concepts - Ownership |
CRA can be bound by a counter letter rather than the apparent contract |
2010-04-16 |
12 April 2010 External T.I. 2009-0327161E5 F - Revenu de location |
Income Tax Act - Section 3 |
notwithstanding Guide T4036, rental property can be rented at an arm’s length rent to related persons to generate losses if there is a source of income |
2010-04-16 |
1 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0352611I7 F - Redressement après le délai de prescription |
Income Tax Act - Section 152 - Subsection 152(4) - Paragraph 152(4)(a) - Subparagraph 152(4)(a)(i) |
statement of incorrect income amount for spouse for s. 118(1)(a) credit purposes is a misrepresentation – but CRA must establish that prudent person would not have so erred |
2010-04-16 |
6 April 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0343091I7 F - Montant pour enfant |
Income Tax Act - Section 118 - Subsection 118(4) - Paragraph 118(4)(b) |
two separate parents with joint custody and separate residences can agree who claims which of their 3 children |
2010-04-16 |
9 April 2010 External T.I. 2010-0361381E5 F - Eligible Dividend |
Income Tax Act - Section 89 - Subsection 89(14) |
dividends declared separately can be separate dividends notwithstanding their payment by one cheque |
2010-04-09 |
5 March 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0346261I7 F - Minimisation des pertes |
Income Tax Act - Section 112 - Subsection 112(3.2) - Paragraph 112(3.2)(b) |
a testamentary trust can qualify as an estate beneficiary for s. 112(3.2)(b) purposes |
2010-04-09 |
5 March 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0346261I7 F - Minimisation des pertes |
Income Tax Act - Section 112 - Subsection 112(3.2) - Paragraph 112(3.2)(a) |
respective purviews of ss. 112(3.2)(a)(ii)(A), (B) or (C) |
2010-04-09 |
5 March 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0346261I7 F - Minimisation des pertes |
Income Tax Act - 101-110 - Section 104 - Subsection 104(2) |
the trust and trustees both considered to be an individual respecting the corpus and thus to own it |
2010-04-09 |
15 March 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0323081I7 F - Frais pour droit d'usage |
Income Tax Act - Section 6 - Subsection 6(2) - Element B |
travel in employer’s car from employer to home the night before is personal use, and the drive to the customer and from there to employer is not personal |
2010-04-09 |
26 March 2010 External T.I. 2009-0350821E5 F - Montant assurable et ouvrant droit à pension |
Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(1) - Paragraph 8(1)(c) |
value of housing is business income rather than being deductible under s. 8(1)(c) if pastor receives contributions from congregation as business income |
2010-04-02 |
25 March 2010 External T.I. 2009-0308851E5 F - Transactions de valeurs mobilières |
Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Capital Gain vs. Profit - Shares |
weighing of factors in IT-479R, para. 11 re the presence of a trading business |
2010-03-26 |
9 February 2010 Internal T.I. 2009-0333571I7 F - Paragraphe 7(1.5) - contrepartie reçue |
Income Tax Act - Section 7 - Subsection 7(1.5) |
s. 7(1.5) rollover where employees exchanged specific s. 7(1.1) shares for shares of grandparent, even though they also received cash and PUC distribution |