Income Tax Severed Letters - 2001-09-14


2001 2001-0098061 - reorganization 55(3)(b) change of facts

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Principal Issues: Rep wanted to delete representation that post butterfly transfer would not exceed the 10% test required by paragraph 55(3.1)(c) and rely on the exclusion regarding the property not being convertible into any other property.

Position: agreed with change

Reasons: obtained representation that property is not convertible. no reason to deny change.


11 September 2001 Ruling 2001-0089433 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues:
Ruling request with respect to damage payment for personal injury.

No ruling provided. We assumed they did not wish to proceed with the request

Representative was asked to provide further substantiation that the damage payment is not taxable. In our view the payment is as a result of a loss of employment and that a retiring allowance is the appropriate result in the circumstances. No reply was received and it was assumed the request was withdrawn.

2001 Ruling 2001-0066693 - production services tax credit

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125.5 96(2.2) 143.2

Principal Issues:
This ruling involves a proposed public production services film deal similar to one previously issued for the same group (file #2000-002518, dated XXXXXXXXXX , 2000).
No new issues.

Rulings similar to those given in the prior ruling.

In accordance with the law and draft Regulations.

2001 Ruling 2001-0089523 - XXXXXXXXXX

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18.1 96(2.2) 143.2 125.5

Principal Issues: XXXXXXXXXX The proposed transactions in this ruling are very similar to those we ruled favourably on in file #2001-006135, dated XXXXXXXXXX , 2001, as amended in file 2001-007682, dated XXXXXXXXXX , 2001 and also incorporates certain changes referred to in file 2001-008417, dated XXXXXXXXXX , 2001. The main issues were the same as previous and included the application of sections 18.1 and 143.2, and subsection 96(2.2) of the Act.

Position: Similar rulings as issued previously.

Reasons: Based on our reading of the legislation and prior rulings given.

2001 Ruling 2001-007262C - FILM PARTNERSHIP/UK TREATY

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125.4 212(5)

Principal Issues:
1.Whether there is a disposition of a film in a UK treaty co-production arrangement?

1. No

1. Multi-year lease; certain rights retained, including beneficial ownership of the copyright. Similar to position adopted in file 2000-003885.

2001 Ruling 2001-0089773 - BUILDING AS REPLACEMENT FOR LAND

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44(1) 44(6) 13(4)

Principal Issues: Whether 44(6) could be used to reallocate proceeds where land and building are sold, and new replacement building is constructed on land already owned by taxpayer.

Position: Subsection 44(6) can be used because there is nothing in the wording of 44(5)the provision requiring that a land and building be acquired to replace the former property.

Reasons: Wording of subsection 44(6); consistent with B5964.44(6)

2001 Ruling 2001-0073973 - EMPLOYER PROVIDED COMPUTERS

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Principal Issues: Whether provision of computer and internet access to employees constitutes taxable benefit to employees, if employees are given ownership of computers

Position: There is no taxable benefit to the employee participants in the program.

Reasons: The computer equipment and internet access is provided to the employees to enable them to become more computer literate. It falls within the guidelines for General Employment-Related Training set out in Technical News 13 and is consistent with similar rulings given for comparable programs. Even though the employees have full ownership of the computers, they are not allowed to sell the equipment, or allow anyone outside their household to use the equipment, for the first year of ownership.

2001 Ruling 2001-0095183 - loss utilization

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Principal Issues: Group Loss Utilization Scheme

Position: Similar to prior rulings

Reasons: No new issues

2001 Ruling 2001-0077363 - split-up butterfly

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Principal Issues: Split-up butterfly

Position: Ruling given

Reasons: Complies with law.

2001 Ruling 2000-0026103 - Sec 84.1 applicability

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84.1 24J

Principal Issues: Whether section 84.1 will apply to the proposed transactions

Position: No.

Reasons: Interpretation of the law

2001 Ruling 2001-0077673 F - Gel successoral

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15(1), 51(1), 51(2) 56(2), 69(1), 74.4(2) 75(2), 108(1) 245(2), 246(1)

Principales Questions: Gel successoral. Application des paragraphes 108(1), 51(1), 69(1), 75(2), 56(2), 246(1), 74.4(2) et 245(2).

Position Adoptée: Une décision favorable est émise à l'égard de ces dispositions.

2001 Ruling 2001-0080983 - INCORP. A PARTNERSHIP

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125(7) 245(2) 256(2.1)

Principal Issues: Whether the professional corporation that is the result of the incorporation of a XXXXXXXXXX partnership is a personal services business?

Position: No, if it is not reasonable to regard the Senior Partner that is carrying out services through a Contracting Company as providing those services to NewCo in his/her capacity as an employee or officer of NewCo, but for the existence of the Contracting Company.

Reasons: Reading of the definition in subsection 125(7) and similar rulings were given in files #2000-006120, 2000-0034813 and 9915403.

2001 Ruling 2001-0066303 - PUblic spin-off

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Principal Issues: Spin-off of public butterfly

Position: routine


2000 Ruling 2000-0049973 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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56(1)(d) 12.2(1)

Principal Issues:

An individual (the Claimant ) sustained personal injuries when XXXXXXXXXX was struck by a motor vehicle when XXXXXXXXXX The individual and XXXXXXXXXX Guardians commenced an action against the XXXXXXXXXX . Pursuant to a proposed court settlement ( XXXXXXXXXX Court proceedings involved), the defendants' insurers will jointly agree to make periodic payments to the Claimant, and if the Claimant dies within the guarantee period, to the Claimant's estate.

The issue is the income tax treatment of the periodic payments.

Ministerial Correspondence

13 September 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0097704 - RENTAL INCOME

Principal Issues:
Taxation of rental income and capital expenditures.

Rental income is required to be included in the person's total income for the year. Entitled to deduct reasonable expenses incurred to earn that income, including depreciation. No entitlement to any other type of federal income tax credit in regard to the capital expenditure for a rental property other than the depreciation expense.

Various provisions in the Act.

5 September 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0079814 - CAPITAL OR CURRENT EXPENSE

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9(1) 18(1)(b) 18(1)(a)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Sept. 5, 2001



I am replying to a letter of March 26, 2001, from XXXXXXXXXX, concerning the tax treatment of expenditures incurred by British Columbia residents in respect of their "leaky condominiums".

5 September 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0082344 - CAPITAL OR CURRENT EXPENSE

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18(1)(A) 18(1)(B)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

September 5, 2001



Thank you for your letter of April 19, 2001, XXXXXXXXXX, concerning the tax treatment of expenditures incurred by British Columbia residents in respect of their "leaky condominiums".

29 August 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0092474 - CANADA CHILD TAX BENEFIT

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Principal Issues: We have been asked whether a male parent can receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit ("CCTB") where both a male parent and a female parent reside with a qualified dependant.

Position: It is possible for the male parent to receive the CCTB.

Reasons: Pursuant to the definition of "eligible individual", such an individual must be the parent who primarily fulfils the responsibility for the qualified dependant's care and upbringing. Some of the factors to be used with respect to the "care and upbringing" requirement are set out in section 6302 of the Income Tax Regulations. In addition, that definition makes the presumption that the female parent fulfils that responsibility where she resides with the qualified dependant. However, it is possible to establish that the presumption does not apply as provided in section 6301 of the Income Tax Regulations.

17 August 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0094094 - RRSP CONTRIBUTIONS

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Principal Issues: contributions to an RRSP

Position: provided references to CCRA publications

Reasons: Request was for publications that explained the RRSP contribution rules

Technical Interpretation - External

3 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0097125 - DISPOSITIONOF QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS

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Principal Issues: Is an RRSP issuer required to withhold and remit tax when qualifying investments are sold, prior to the purchase of a non-qualifying investment by the RRSP trust?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Subsection 153(1) requires tax to be withheld and remitted where an amount is paid out of or under an RRSP. In general, an exchange of property at fair market value involving property held inside an RRSP with property held outside an RRSP is a purchase/sale and not a premium paid/benefit received.

3 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083525 - DIVISION OF PENSION SURPLUS

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Principal Issues:
A group of employees is being transferred from one employer to another resulting in the employees no longer being members of the former employer's pension plan. It is proposed that the surplus in the pension plan relating to these former employees be divided between the former employer and the former employees. Is the payment of the surplus as a lump sum to the former employees taxable?

Position TAKEN:

"Superannuation or pension benefit" is defined in subsection 248(1) to include "any amount received out of or under a superannuation or pension fund or plan ...". The payments are taxable under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i).

1 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0095565 - SIMILAR VEHICLE-DEF'N AUTO

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Principal Issues:
What is a "similar vehicle" for the purposes of the definition of automobile in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

The determination of whether a particular motor vehicle is a "similar vehicle" for the purposes of this definition is a question of fact. Such a determination can only be made taking into consideration factors such as the function and design of the motor vehicle. For example, the cargo capacity, both in terms of volume and weight, would be important in determining if the motor vehicle in question is indeed similar to a motor vehicle of a type commonly called a van or pick-up truck.

Definition of automobile in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

27 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0094305 - amount of stock dividend

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Principal Issues: Amount of stock dividend where "high/low" preferred shares are issued in payment of the dividend

Position: Provided the applicable corporate law allows the declared amount of the dividend, and the addition to stated capital, to be a nominal amount where shares with a higher fair market value are issued in payment of the stock dividend, the amount of the stock dividend will be equal to that nominal amount

Reasons: Paragraph (c) of the definition of "amount"

26 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0091845 - PHSP - PARAMEDICALS

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118.4(2) 118.2(2)

Principal Issues:
(1) reflexologists
(2) Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) who perform therapy, reflexology, and aromatherapy
(3) Certified Natural Health Practitioners
(4) Aromatherapists
considered medical practioners for the purposes of paragraph 118.2(2)(a) of the Act?

25 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082535 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTY

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Principal Issues:

Two related taxpayers jointly own several timberland properties that are used to supply logs to a related company. The taxpayers wish to exchange interests in properties so that they each have 100% interest in some of the properties. After the exchange, the taxpayers will continue to provide logs to the related company. Can section 44 apply to the transaction?

Position TAKEN:

Question of fact.


25 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082975 - FUNDING FOR ATHLETES

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Principal Issues:
Taxation of payments to athletes pursuant to XXXXXXXXXX incentive programs.

Position TAKEN:

Awards are taxable under paragraph 56(1)(n) unless taxable as business or employment income.

25 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092355 - disposition -units/shares of mutual funds

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Principal Issues: The tax consequences of transferring shares or units of a muitual fund corporation or trust to another class of shares or units of the same corporation or trust.

Position: Where the taxpayer exchanges shares of a mutual fund corporation for shares of another class of the same corporation, the provisions of subsection 51(1) will 51(1).apply and the exchange will not be a disposition.

Where units of a mutual fund trust are switched for units of another mutual fund trust, there would be a disposition.

Where units of one class or series of units are reclassified as another class or series, the change may be a dispositon depending on the facts of the particular situation.

Reasons: It meets the requirements of section 51.

24 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0099635 - SR&ED-RIGHT TO EXHIBIT ISSUE

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Principal Issues: Whether Canadian subsidiary T/P must retain some rights to exploit the results arising from SR&ED to claim SR&ED expenditures

Position: no - the fact that the subsidiary does not have the right to exploit the results of SR&ED that it carries out does not, in and by itself, affect its ability to deduct SR&ED expenditures incurred

Reasons: ITA 37(1)

19 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0070815 F - REVENU OF SOCIETES DE PERSONNES

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valid non-tax reason for allocating gains on shares differently than dividends would need to be established

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les dispositions du paragraphe 103(1) de la Loi s'appliqueraient à une situation particulière?

Position Adoptée:

19 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093005 - MEDICAL EXPENSE

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118.5 118.6(1) 118.2(2)(e)

Principal Issues: Whether amounts paid to attend XXXXXXXXXX to control obesity, qualifies as medical expense, tuition credit, and/or education credit.

Position: - no for education and tuition credit
- possible in extraordinary cases, if provisions of Act are met, to be
considered a medical expense

Reasons: ITA 118.5, ITA 118.6(1) (def. of "qualifying educational program" and "designated educational institution"), and ITA 118.2(2)(e),

18 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086715 - MOTOR VEHICLE ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues:
Are minimum amounts that are paid to employees, for the use of a motor vehicle in connection with the duties of an office or employment, taxable benefits where the amount is not based solely upon a per-kilometer calculation?

Not if the amount is a reimbursement of actual expenses incurred.

Paragraph 51, IT-522R.

18 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100485 F - PARTAGE D'ACTION DETENUE EN INDIVISION

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248(20) 248(21)
no need to issue fractional share certificates on partition of shares held in co-ownership for s. 248(21) to apply/ no disposition on subsequent global certificate issuance
s. 248(20) produced the same results as s. 248(21)

Principales Questions:

Une société de personnes était la détentrice d'actions d'une société. Cette société de personnes cesse d'exister et tous ses biens sont attribués aux associés de la société de personnes conformément au paragraphe 98(3) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (ci-après la " Loi ") de sorte que les associés possèdent, sur chacune des actions de la société, un droit indivis. Suite à un partage, les associés désirent obtenir un droit divis dans les actions. Peut-on partager les actions sans conséquences fiscales?

Position Adoptée:

17 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098635 F - Spin-off - T5

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86.1 Reg 201(2)
general overview re US spin-off
amount of dividend-in-kind (e.g., a spin-off that does not qualify under s. 86.1) is the FMV of the distributed shares

Principales Questions: Traitement fiscal des distributions d'actions reçues dans le cadre d'une réorganisation avec dérivation.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux

17 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0090285 - training costs

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18(1)(b) 15(1)

Principal Issues:
Does adding a doctorate degree in order to enhance book sales and speaking engagement revenue result in a current or capital expenditure?

14 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083455 - INTEREST RATE BUY-DOWN BY MORTGAGE

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80.4 110(1)(j)

Principal Issues:

1. Follow-up to letter 2000-001088: Employer paying interest on two loans from third party to employee. The employer pays all the interest on the first loan of $25,000, which qualifies for a deduction under paragraph 110(1)(j). On the second loan of $75,000, the employer pays the interest in excess of the prescribed rates.

If instead of issuing two loans, the lender combines them into one loan with the employer paying the same amount of interest subsidy, would the net impact on the employee's taxable income be the same?

2. If under the terms of employment, a retiring employee is entitled to a final relocation with expenses paid by the employer would the employer paying the interest on the loan in excess of the prescribed rate result in a taxable benefit under section 80.4? As well, could such a loan be eligible for a deduction under paragraph 110(1)(j)?

Position TAKEN:

1. Question of fact.

Section 80.4 could apply. Paragraph 110(1)(j) would not apply unless retiring employee commenced employment at the new location.


13 September 2001 External T.I. 2000-0048855 - French General Partnership - SNC

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Art X

Principal Issues: Is a French société en nom collectif ("SNC") considered a person and/or a corporate body for the purposes of the Canada-France Income Tax Convention (the "Treaty")? More specifically, should dividends paid by a Canadian resident corporation to a SNC be subject to the 5% reduced rate of withholding under subparagraph 2(a) of Article X of the Treaty.

Position: No. Our position is that the election by an SNC to be taxed in the same manner as French domestic corporations does not make the SNC a body corporate for tax purposes.

Reasons: The law.

12 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092785 - TUITION-13 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS

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Principal Issues:
1. What is the intent of the 13 consecutive week requirement under 118.5(1)(b)?
2. Can the Canadian students avail themselves of the tuition tax credit ?

11 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0078855 - SR&ED - CONTRACT PAYMENT

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127(9) 12(1)(x) 127(18)

Principal Issues: Whether certain payments are "contract payments:, "government assistance", or "non-government assistance" for purposes of 127(18).

Position: Appears not, but question of fact.

Reasons: There is no "taxable supplier" (contract payment); appears to be ordinary business transaction (government assistance); otherwise included in income (non-government assistance).

10 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0089195 - HEALTH AND WELFARE TRUST AMENDMENTS

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5(1) 6(1)(a) 6(1)(f)

Principal Issues: Whether a Health and Welfare trust can be amended retroactively to allow for an increase in the benefits for the LTD benefits and to reimburse the employer taxpayer an amount representing the cost of short term disability benefits that the employer paid in the first part of the year that the Health and Welfare trust will now assume.

Position: Concern with retroactive amendment.

Reasons: potential to undoing tax consequences

10 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096155 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT-COMMUTABLE

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56(1)(d) 12.2(1)

Principal Issues: Can a structured settlement annuity be transferred to another insurance company. The insurance company has not consented to the transfer.

Position: Cannot rule until there is consent.

Reasons: Casualty insurer is the owner of the annuity and can probably transfer that annuity where the claimant and the casualty insurer agree (as well in cases of bankruptcy of the casualty insurer). Short of a court order, once annuity is purchased from an issuer it would be difficult, if not impossible to fund the personal injury liability again without tax consequences. If the claimant wishes to withdraw any funds, the new annuity would be considered a regular annuity.

7 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092015 - MPTAP BENEFITS

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Principal Issues: Whether the payments received as the result of the retroactive indexing of benefits under the MPTAP would be taxable.

Position: No.

Reasons: Amounts received under the MPTAP are not taxable and the retroactive indexing of these payments would also not be taxable.

5 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093115 - SMALL BUSINESS DEDUCTION

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125 256 123.4

Principal Issues:
Tax planning for associated corporation and small business deduction rules.

General comments provided.

Tax planning is outside the purview of opinions given by the Directorate.

4 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0088795 - SR&ED-LINKED ACTIVITIES

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Principal Issues: Whether Canadian subsidiary T/P (CANCO) would qualify as SR&ED within the meaning of the definition of SR&ED in 248(1) if CANCO is performing work in Canada that is directly in support of USCO's activities (described in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of the definition of SR&ED in 248(1)) that are conducted outside of Canada.

Position: No - the definition of SR&ED in 248(1) requires that the SR&ED activities described in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) in the definition of SR&ED in 248(1) be carried on in Canada in order that the linked activities themselves are considered SR&ED.

Reasons: ITA 248(1) SR&ED definition

4 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0089315 - GRAPE GROWING/WINEMAKING

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Principal Issues:
Clarification of opinion E 2000-005400. Where grape growing and wine making is a single business:
(1) Is it farming?
(2) How is inventory valued?

(1) The business is wine-making.
(2) Inventory is valued at cost.

(1) IT-206R; the purpose of the grape-growing activity is to supply raw materials used in the wine-making business.
(2) Subsection 10(1).

31 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0087865 F - Accélération de remise de capital

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106(3) 107(4) 106(2) 107(1)

Principales Questions: Quelles sont les conséquences fiscales d'une accélération de remise de capital par une fiducie au profit du conjoint?

Position Adoptée: Application des paragraphes 106(3), 107(4), 107(1) et 107(2) de la Loi.

31 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093125 - BUS. VS. PERSONAL USE OF VEH.

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Principal Issues:
Where an employee decides to take work from the place of employment to his or her home is the travel considered to be business related or personal?


In situations where travel includes personal and employment elements, one must look at the primary purpose of the trip to determine if it is personal or employment related. Where an employee decides to take work from the place of employment to his or her home, the primary purpose of the travel is considered to be for personal reasons.

31 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0094055 - EMPLOY. COMPUTER ALLOW.

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Principal Issues:
(1) The taxability of an allowance paid to an employee with respect to an employee owned computer used in connection with the employee's duties.
(2) Where the employer decides to rent the computer from the employee, would subsection 6(3) of the Act deem the amount to be employment income rather than rental income.

(1) Allowance is taxable. In certain situations the employee may be entitled to deduct expenses.
(2) No. The amount would be taxable as rental income.

(1) Paragraph 6(1)(b) and section 8.
(2) Subsection 6(3) and section 9.

31 August 2001 External T.I. 2000-0062435 F - CREDIT EQUIVALENT-PENSION ALIMENTAIRE

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118(5) 118(1)b) 56.1(4)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'un particulier qui a la garde partagée de ses enfants pourrait réclamer le crédit équivalent pour personne entièrement à charge lorsqu'une ordonnance de la cour prévoit que ce particulier est tenu de payer une pension alimentaire pour le bénéficie de ses deux enfants ?

Position Adoptée:

30 August 2001 External T.I. 2000-0058425 F - FRAIS DE DEPLACEMENT

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les indemnités reçues, pour les frais de transport, les frais de séjour et pour le temps consacré au déplacement, par les juges municipaux pour présider une séance de la cour municipale sont des allocations exclues dans le calcul du revenu provenant d'une charge ou d'un emploi en vertu de l'alinéa 6(1)b) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:
Oui, pour les allocations relatives aux frais de transport et aux frais de séjour.

29 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096425 - TUTORING SERVICES

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Principal Issues: Can a psychoeducational consultant who has recommended that a high school student receive tutoring services satisfy the requirement of 118.2(2)(l.91) for eligible medical expenses

Position: NO

Reasons: The requirement is that the remuneration paid for tutoring services qualify for eligible medical expenses is that the need for the tutoring services be certified in writing by a medical practitioner and the tutor must not be related to the individual requiring the services.

29 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0087665 - PER-DIEMS BOARD MEMBERS

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Principal Issues:
Per-diem for service by a board of director's member: A conservation authority pays the per-diem directly to a municipality since the member represents the municipality and is remunerated by them for the representation.

(1) Is the per-diem income for the board member?
(2) Does a T4 have to be issued?


(1) No.
(2) No.


28 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0091405 - PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICES PLAN

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248(1) 6(1)(a)(i) 118.2(2)

Principal Issues:
(1) Whether an arrangement whereby a resolution is passed by the board of directors of a company to reimburse employees for medical expenses would qualify as a PHSP under the Act, where the gross salary entitlements of the employee are reduced by the amount of the reimbursement.
(2) Whether the reimbursement of the medical expenses to an employee who is also a shareholder constitutes a subsection 15(1) benefit.
(3) Whether the reimbursement of the medical expenses is deductible by the employer.

(1) No.
(2) Question of fact.
(3) If paid to an employee the amount is deductible. However, if the amount is paid to a shareholder, it is not deductible.

(1) Definition of PHSP subsection 248(1) and IT-339R2
(2) Paragraph 6(1)(a) and subsection 15(1).
(3) Paragraph 18(1)(a).

24 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086275 - EMPLOYMENT AT A REMOTE WORK LOCATION

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Principal Issues:
Whether transportation and board & lodging allowances received from an employer for employment at a special work site or remote work location is taxable when the employee chooses to return daily to the principal place of residence.


The allowance is included in the employee's income in the year received by virtue of paragraph 6(1)(b) of the Act. The exclusion for remote work locations under subsection 6(6) of the Act does not apply because the employee is not required by his or her duties to be away from the principal place of residence, or at the special work site or remote work location, for a period of not less than 36 hours. Further, the board and lodging allowance would also not qualify because it was not received in respect of expenses incurred by the employee for board and lodging at the special work site or remote work location.

23 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086235 F - CONVENTIONS FISCALES A.18

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56(1)(a) 110(1)(f)

Principales Questions: Possibilité d'appliquer les dispositions de la Loi pour imposer des prestations versées en vertu du RRQ à des bénéficiaires non-résidents

Position Adoptée: Interprétation de l'article 18 de différentes conventions fiscales

22 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086325 - CONV. TO EMPLOYEE PAY-ALL PLAN

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Principal Issues:
Does adding the premiums that the company pays on the employee's behalf for the LTD as a taxable benefit on the employee's T4 make the payments received non-taxable?

22 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0089565 - PENSION INCOME CREDIT

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118(3) 118(7)

Principal Issues:
Do long-term disability payments qualify for the pension income tax credit under subsection 118(3) of the Act?

Question of fact - depends on whether the payments are in respect of a life annuity. If the long-term disability benefits form part of early retirement benefits provided because of disability, they may be "in respect of a life annuity." However, if the payments are income to replace salary or wages, and retirement benefits continue to accrue that will fund a pension commencing at retirement, they may not be payments "in respect of a life annuity."

The definition of pension income provided under subsection 118(7) of the Act / Previous opinion.

3 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0085355 - PAY EQUITY SALARY ADJUSTMENTS

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Principal Issues:
Are pay equity settlements received pursuant to a negotiated collective agreement between an employer and union, lump-sum payments for the purposes of a deduction from taxable income pursuant to section 110.2(2) of the Act?

No; where a union and an employer negotiate pay equity and use an arbitrator for the purposes of resolving issues in respect of which the two parties are unable to agree upon, the resulting lump-sum would not come within the definition of "qualifying amount" in subsection 110.2(2) of the Act.

Subsection 110.2(1) definition of qualifying amount.

3 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0066195 - Stop Loss Rules

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Principal Issues:
1. Application of grandfathering of shares for the purpose of the stop loss rules of subsection 112(3) to (3.2) of the Act.

2. Whether a change in ownership and a change to the shareholders' agreement will affect the application of the grandfathering provisions.

1. Not necessarily grandfathered.
2. Likely no effect on grandfathered status.

1. No documentary evidence provided to suggest that the redemption, cancellation or acquisition of the specific shares was contemplated.

27 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0090305 F - PENALITE-REMBOURSEMENT D'UN EMPRUNT

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18(9.1) 20(1)(c)

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'une pénalité payée pour le remboursement anticipé d'un emprunt est déductible en tant que frais financier et frais d'intérêt à la ligne 221 de la déclaration d'impôt d'un particulier?

Position Adoptée: Ne peut répondre..

23 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0069195 - NPO - DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY

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Principal Issues:
Whether a certain association qualifies as a non-profit organization and if it does not, whether the taxable capital gain realized by the association is taxable in the association or in the hands of the members.

Position: Depends on the particular facts.

The constitution of the Association permits the distribution of income for the personal benefit of members. Therefore, it would appear that the Association is not and never was a non-profit organization for the purposes of paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Act. However, this determination can only be made after the end of the particular taxation year, having regard to all the facts and as such falls within the purview of the TSO. It appears that Association may be a bare trust in which the individual members will be taxable on any capital gains realized on the disposition of the property.

23 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0084005 - TAX. OF PAYMENTS TO ADOPTIVE PARENTS

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81(1)(h) 56(1)(o) 110(1)(f) 256(2)(a)

Principal Issues:
Whether (1) maintenance and/or (2) direct services payments made to adoptive parents under the Province of British Columbia's Post-Adoption Assistance Program are taxable.

Based upon information provided, both payments are taxable.

Payments for the benefit of an adopted child would not fit within the requirements of paragraph 81(1)(h) since they are for the benefit of an individual related to the recipient. The payments are taxable pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(u) and a deduction from taxable income under paragraph 110(1)(f) can be claimed.

20 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0087205 F - BAIL TRAITEMENT DU PRENEUR

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REG 1102(5)

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce qu'après 2000, un contribuable/locateur peut vendre un bien en vertu d'un contrat de bail (selon la position de l'Agence au Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R et selon le traitement comptable)?
2. Est-ce que les critères énoncés dans le Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R continuent de s'appliquer afin de continuer à traiter un bail conclu avant 2001 comme un contrat de location-financement?
3. Pourquoi un preneur doit-il inclure un bâtiment qu'il a construit sur un terrain loué dans le cadre d'un bail emphytéotique (voir paragraphe 5, IT-324) dans la catégorie 1 plutôt que la catégorie 13?

Position Adoptée:
1. Non, s'il s'agit d'une convention de bail en droit. Le Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R a été annulé en date du 14 juin 2001 (voir le bulletin de Nouvelles techniques no 21).
2. Non. La caractérisation dépendra des faits particuliers d'une situation donnée.
3. Pour être conforme au paragraphe 1102(5) du Règlement.

19 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0064315 F - OUTILS-TRAVAILLEURS FORESTIERS

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8(1)(ii) 8(2)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les vêtements de protection individuelle et les outils utilisés par les travailleurs forestiers dans le cadre de leurs emplois sont déductibles ?

Position Adoptée:
Non. Il existe cependant une exception pour les scies mécaniques.

18 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0069675 - SR & ED ENTITLED TO EXPLOIT

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37(1)(a)(i) 127(18) Reg. 2902

Principal Issues: Whether Canadian subsidiary T/P must retain some rights to exploit the results arising from SR&ED to claim ITC's (assuming requirements of subparagraph 37(1)(a)(i) are met)

Position: no - the fact that the subsidiary does not have the right to exploit the results of SR&ED that it carries out does not, in and by itself, affect its ability to deduct SR&ED expenditures incurred by it and claim the related ITC in computing income

Reasons: ITA 37(1) and 127(9) (ITC definition),

17 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082615 - VARIOUS BENEFIT PLANS

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6(1)(a)(i) 6(1)(f) 6(4)

Principal Issues:
Are premiums paid by a corporation to certain insurance and/or health services plans on behalf of employees and owners a taxable benefit?

Question of fact, which can only be resolved by examining each agreement.

Subparagraph 6(1)(a)(1), Paragraph 6(1)(f), Subsection 6(4), Subsection 15(1), Paragraph 18(1)(a) Subsection 248(1), Regulations 2700 to 2705, IT-227R, IT-339R2 and IT-428.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

28 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0084607 - HALF-YEAR RULE & CCA

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1100(2) 1100(2.2)

Principal Issues:
Whether subsection 1100(2) of the Regulations applies to a section 85 rollover of depreciable property between related corporations.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: In those situations where the requirements in subsection 1100(2.2) of the Regulations are satisfied, subsection 1100(2) of the Regulations will not apply to such a rollover of depreciable property.

26 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0095777 - MOTOR VEHICLE ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues:
Are reasonable allowances for the use of a motor vehicle in connection with the duties of an office or employment that are based on a per-kilometer rate for travel outside the metropolitan area and a flat rate for travel inside the metropolitan area taxable benefits?

The amount based upon a per-kilometer rate for travel outside of the metropolitan area is not taxable if the requirements of paragraph 6(1)(b) of the Act are otherwise met. The amount based upon a flat rate for travel within the metropolitan area is deemed not to be reasonable by virtue of paragraph 6(1)(b)(x) of the Act since it is not based solely on the number of kilometers for which the vehicle is used in connection with or in the course of the office or employment, and therefore it is a taxable benefit.

The amounts are separate allowances; the tax implications would be determined independently.

20 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0091517 F - CHOIX LORS DE DISPOSITION DE BIA

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14(1.01) 40(1) 127.52)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'un contribuable, qui fait un choix conformément au paragraphe 14(1.01) de la Loi et qui n'a pas reçu la totalité du produit de disposition pour le bien visé par le choix, pourra bénéficier de la provision calculée au sous-alinéa 40(1)a)(iii)? Est-ce le revenu imposable de ce contribuable serait modifié aux fins de l'impôt minimum en raison de ce choix?

Position Adoptée:
Toutes les dispositions de la Loi visant la disposition d'immobilisation et le calcul du gain en capital imposable s'appliqueraient suite à un choix effectué conformément au paragraphe 14(1.01) de la Loi. Par conséquent, le sous-alinéa 40(1)a)(iii) de la Loi pourrait s'appliquer ainsi que le sous-alinéa 127.52(1)d)(i) de la Loi.

13 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0083067 - HEALTH AND WELFARE TRUSTS

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6(1)(a) 15(1)

Principal Issues: Whether a Health and Welfare Trust is described in IT-85R2.

Position: No - deficiencies were mentioned.

Reasons: The requirements in IT-85R2 that the funds of the trust cannot revert to the employer and the trust funds cannot be used for any purpose other than providing health and welfare benefits have not been met. Also it is not known if employer and trustee of HWT are related or acting independently.

12 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0089977 - PREPAID RENT

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12(1)(a) 20(1)(m)

Principal Issues: Is the prepaid rent received by the taxpayer in respect of leased vehicles included in income pursuant to section 9 of the Income Tax Act (the Act) or does subparagraph 12(1)(a)(i) of the Act apply to include the prepaid rent in income? The latter would entitle the taxpayer to deduct a reasonable amount as a reserve under paragraph 20(1)(m) of the Act.

Position: The prepaid rent is included in subparagraph 12(1)(a)(i) of the Act.

Reasons: Prepaid rent received by a taxpayer falls within subparagraph 12(1)(a)(i) of the Act if the amount received "may be regarded as not having been earned in the year or a previous year". This seems to be the basis for the statements made in paragraph 8 of IT-154R and paragraph 9 of IT-261. The latter states, in part, "where a landlord receives a payment of rent which represents income from a business, he must include the full amount of prepayment in computing his income for the year of receipt by virtue of paragraph 12(1)(a)".

September 12, 2001

10 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0090777 - LABOUR UNIONS

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Principal Issues: various questions on labour organizations

Position: general comments

Reasons: N/A

6 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0094327 F - DEMANDE DE CONTRIBUABLE

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152(4) 111(8) 111(3)a) 110.1(1.1)a)

Principales Questions:
Suite au jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada dans l'affaire 65302 British Columbia Limited, est-ce qu'une société peut modifier le calcul de son revenu et de son revenu imposable d'une année antérieure pour y déduire une amende non déduite lors de la production initiale de sa déclaration d'impôt. Cette modification aurait pour effet de créer une perte autre qu'une perte en capital pour cette année antérieure, de rétablir le solde de pertes autres que des pertes en capital utilisées dans cette année antérieure et de créer un solde de dons de bienfaisance inutilisés. Ces différents montants seraient déduits dans la déclaration courante de la Société.

Position Adoptée:
Oui, pour la création d'une perte autre qu'une perte en capital pour cette année antérieure.
Non, pour le rétablissement des comptes de pertes et des dons de bienfaisance utilisés dans le calcul du revenu imposable de la société pour cette année antérieure.

5 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0073157 - section 17 - non-residents/partnerships

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17(1) 17(2)

Principal Issues:
Whether various loans are subject to the provisions of subsection 17(1) and 17(2) of the Act.

Position: See analysis


4 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0090007 F - INDIENS-LIGNE DIRECTRICE NO 4

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que le revenu d'emploi des XXXXXXXXXX est visé par l'article 87 de la Loi sur les Indiens et par conséquent, exonéré d'impôt en vertu de l'alinéa 81(1)a) de Loi ?

Position Adoptée:

24 August 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0096247 - SR & ED - Investment Tax Credit

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251(2)(b) 251(1)(b) 127(9)

Principal Issues: Whether by virtue of new paragraph 251(1)(b) and subparagraph 251(2)(b)(iii), the beneficiaries of a trust which controls a corporation would be dealing at non-arm's length with the corporation.

Position: They would not.

Reasons: Although the beneficiaries and the trust are deemed not to be dealing at arm's length under paragraph 251(1)(b), the beneficiaries and the trust are not described as "related persons" under that definition in subsection 251(2) or under paragraph 251(1)(b). Accordingly, paragraph 251(1)(a) would not apply to deem the beneficiaries and the corporation to be dealing at non-arm's length.

17 August 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0083827 - HOT AIR BALLOON

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Principal Issues:
Is a hot air balloon an "aircraft" for income tax purposes?


IT-522R / Dictionary definition of an "aircraft."

2 August 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0076187 F - FRAIS MEDICAUX-IMPLANTS MAMMAIRES

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les implants mammaires se qualifient à titre de frais médicaux?

Position Adoptée:
Si les implants mammaires ne sont pas des prothèses externes requises suite à une mastectomie, ils ne se qualifieraient pas à titre de frais médicaux.

17 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0075897 F - FRAIS MEDICAUX-EPILATION AU LASER

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Principales Questions:
Demande d'opinion concernant l'admissibilité, à titre de frais médicaux, des frais payés à une clinique médicale pour des traitements d'épilation au laser. Ces traitements seraient faits par des médecins ou des infirmières.

Position Adoptée:
Les frais seraient habituellement admissibles.

13 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0084087 - EMPLOYER PROVIDED PARKING BENEFITS

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Principal Issues:
What is the CCRA's policy when an employer provides parking to an employee?

Employer provided parking is a taxable benefit to employees unless the employee is regularly required to use his or her vehicle for business reasons.

Paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act; Employers Guide: Taxable Benefits 2000-2001.

13 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0051017 - STRONG CURRENCY BORROWINGS

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20(1)(c) 20(1)(e) 18(1)(b) 39(2)

Principal Issues:
1. Whether periodic swap payments can be recharacterized as interest for purposes of Part XIII Tax.

2. Whether swap payments are on account of capital.

Position: 1. No
2. Yes

1. No borrower-lender relationship.
2. Characterization of the hedging gains and losses in respect of foreign currency borrowing would be derived from the characterization of the borrowing.

12 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0082757 - PREMIUM-MEDICAL EXPENSE

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Principal Issues:
1.Does a premium paid to an insurer towards a long-term care plan qualify as a medical expense under 118.2(2)(q)?
2.Would any portion of the amounts received under the plan be taxable if (i) it is fully funded by the individual and (ii) if the employer contributes ?

21 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0082717 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues: whether damages received for another's tortious action forms part of a retiring allowance

Position: depends on evidence

Reasons: was the purpose of the payment to compensate the taxpayer for a loss of employment

21 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0064177 F - FRAIS MEDICAUX-AMBULANCE AERIENNE

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Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce que les frais encourus pour le transport d'un patient par ambulance aérienne entre XXXXXXXXXX sont des frais médicaux admissibles selon le paragraphe 118.2(2)?
2. Est-ce que les frais déboursés pour 3 membres du personnel médical qui ont accompagnés le patient peuvent être admissibles à titre de frais médicaux selon le paragraphe 118.2(2)?

Position Adoptée:
1. oui
2. oui

12 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0064697 - BONIS PAYES

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Principales Questions:

La position générale énoncée en 1981 touchant le caractère raisonnable des bonis payés aux principaux actionnaires/gestionnaires visait des situations où l'actionnaire/gestionnaire est actionnaire de la société qui verse les bonis. Est-ce que cette position s'applique lorsque les principaux actionnaires/gestionnaires détiennent leurs actions via une société de gestion?

Position Adoptée:

11 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0074867 F - Définition de gains exonérés pré-96

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113(1)(a) Reg 5907(1)

Principales Questions: Comment doit-on interpréter le mot " réside " au sous-alinéa (iv) de la définition de " gains exonérés " pour les années d'imposition commençant avant 1996?

Position Adoptée: Pour les années d'imposition commençant avant 1996, le libellé du paragraphe 5907(11) du Règlement ne fait aucune référence aux conventions fiscales et le paragraphe 5907(11.2) du Règlement ne s'applique pas aux années d'imposition commençant avant 1996. Par conséquent, le terme " réside " utilisé au sous-alinéa (iv) de l'ancienne définition de " gains exonérés " doit être déterminé conformément aux lois canadiennes. Tel que mentionné au paragraphe 15 du Bulletin d'interprétation IT-391R, une société réside généralement dans le pays où sa gestion centrale et son contrôle sont exercés.

7 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0060747 F - PROPOSITION CONCORDATAIRE - PTPE

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50(1)b) 39(1)c) 54

Principales Questions:

Dans le cadre d'une proposition concordataire, un actionnaire-créancier a des avances ne portant pas intérêt pour lesquelles il reçoit en vertu de la Loi sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité XXXXXXXXXX % du montant de ses avances. La société ne cesse pas son exploitation.

1. L'actionnaire-créancier peut-il réclamer une perte en capital?
2. Si oui, cette perte en capital peut-elle être réclamée comme perte au titre d'un placement
d'entreprise aux fins de l'alinéa 39(1)c) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée:

24 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0047827 F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE-CLAUSE RETROACTIVE

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56.1(4) 56(1)b) 60b)

Principales Questions:

1. Une "date d'exécution" au sens de l'alinéa a) ou du sous-alinéa b)(ii) de la définition de cette expression au paragraphe 56.1(4) de la Loi est-elle attribuable au jugement de XXXXXXXXXX pour l'application des alinéas 56(1)b) et 60b) de la Loi?
2. Quel est l'effet, s'il y a lieu, de la clause rétroactive contenue dans le consentement partiel du XXXXXXXXXX sur les dispositions du jugement de XXXXXXXXXX ? What is the effect, if any, of the retroactive clause included in the XXXXXXXXXX partial consent of the XXXXXXXXXX court order?

Position Adoptée:

25 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0060537 F - DATE D'EXECUTION=JUGEMENT TEMPORAIRE

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Principales Questions:
Le Jugement initial de la cour est daté du mois de XXXXXXXXXX . Un Jugement temporaire, daté de XXXXXXXXXX , modifie le montant des paiements de pension alimentaire. Le Jugement final (XXXXXXXXXX ) annule le Jugement temporaire et rétablit le montant de pension alimentaire au niveau du Jugement initial. Faut-il tenir compte du Jugement temporaire de la cour pour déterminer une date d'exécution lorsque ce Jugement temporaire modifie le montant de la pension alimentaire à verser, est établit après avril 1997 et n'est valable que pour quelques mois ?

Position Adoptée:
Le Jugement temporaire a une date d'exécution pour les montants versés en vertu de ce jugement. Donc les montants versés ne seront pas déductibles pour le payeur.
Les mesures du Jugement temporaire semblent prendre fin lorsque la cour dépose le Jugement final. Si dans les faits, le Jugement initial a toujours force de loi, et ce malgré l'application du Jugement temporaire, il serait sans doute possible d'argumenter que les mesures du Jugement final font, en quelque sorte, qu'on revienne au Jugement initial. Si tel est le cas, il n'y aurait pas de date d'exécution pour les versements faits à partir de XXXXXXXXXX car ils seraient faits en vertu du Jugement initial. Ainsi, les montants versés en vertu du Jugement final et/ou du Jugement initial seraient déductibles.

28 February 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0061667 F - COTIDATIONS-ALLOC. FIN DE CARRIERE

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9 18(1)a) 56(1)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les cotisations syndicales payées à la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec ou à la Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec et la cotisation professionnelle payée au Collège des médecins du Québec sont déductibles du revenu des médecins qui reçoivent une allocation de fin de carrière.

Position Adoptée:
Si l'allocation de fin de carrière représente une allocation de retraite pour le médecin, les cotisations payées à l'une des deux fédérations ne sont pas déductibles.

15 January 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0054037 - AUTOMOBILE STANDBY CHARGE

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6(2) 15(2)

The "cost" to the CCPC is the amount paid for the automobile. Where a shareholder has effectively paid for a portion of the automobile, the cost to the CCPC is the original cost less the amount paid by the shareholder.