Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-11-26


25 October 1999 9917666 - STATUS INDIANS - EXEMPTION

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Principal Issues:
1. Is the income earned in the estate of a status Indian exempt from tax?
2. Once the estate's income has been distributed to a status Indian beneficiary, is this income and future income taxable in her hands?
3. If the rental income received by the estate is from a source located on reserve lands, is it exempt from tax in the estate's hands? In a status Indian beneficiary's hands?

1. No.
2. Generally, taxable.
3. The estate's rental income is taxable. Rental income from a source on reserve earned by the status Indian would be exempt from tax.

1. A trust is not an Indian and, consequently, is not itself exempt from taxation pursuant to section 87 of the Indian.
2. Interest income is generated off reserve and is considered to be earned in the economic mainstream and therefore not tax exempt. The rental income earned on lands located off reserve cannot be situated on reserve for purposes of section 87 of the Indian Act.
3. A trust is not an Indian and, consequently, is not itself exempt from taxation pursuant to section 87 of the Indian. Rental income earned from the rental of lands located on reserve, would be exempt from taxation if paid or payable to a status Indian beneficiary who lived on reserve.

13 October 1999 9923976 - TAXATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE ALLOW.

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6(1)(b)(vii.1) 18(1)(v) 8(1(h.1) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether a $XXXXXXXXXX per km motor vehicle allowance should be included in employee's incomes, and whether employers' deductions would be limited.

Position: Under paragraph 18(1)(r), in order for an employer to deduct more than the prescribed amount, the allowance must, according to Press Releases, be judged reasonable by Revenue Canada, and be included in the employee's income. To be included in an employee's income it cannot be a reasonable allowance for purposes of 6(1)(b)(vii.1)

Reasons: Finance Press Release 98-127

28 September 1999 9918046 - PRINCIPAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE

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Principal Issues: Whether a part of facility in which the cared-for individuals reside considered the principal place of residence of the care-givers.

Position: No.

Reasons: Cared-for individuals do not reside in part of facility that is considered the caregivers principal place of residence.


Unedited CRA Tags
66.3(3) 6202 6202.1

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Question 40

Lorsqu'un investisseur souscrit à des actions accréditives, au sens donné à cette expression au paragraphe 66(15) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (la «Loi»), il est réputé les avoir acquises à un coût nul en vertu du paragraphe 66.3(3) de la Loi.

25 May 1999 9913410 F - VALEUR DÙN CAAF

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68(1) 13(21)

Principales Questions: Peut-on appliquer dispositions para. 68(1) pour attribuer une valeur à un CAAF

Position Adoptée: oui


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Principal Issues:

1. Whether arrangement between parties is a joint venture or a partnership?

2. Are the joint venture unitholders entitled to claim SR&ED deductions pursuant to subsection 37(1)?

Position: 1. Joint venture.

2. Question of fact. Must satisfy all of the requirements of section 37.




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97(2) 98(3) 40(3.15)

Principal Issues: Merger of limited partnerships
1. Whether 97(2) will apply to the transfer of limited partnership units to another limited partnership.
2. Whether 98(3) will apply to the dissolution of a limited partnership.
3. Whether 245(2) will apply with respect to the merger.
4. Whether any excluded interests under 40(3.15) will continue to be excluded interests after the merger.

1. Yes, provided transferee is a Canadian partnership as defined in 102(1)
2. Yes, provided it is a Canadian partnership at the time of dissolution.
3. No.
4. Probably not (given as an opinion - no ruling was requested on this point).

1. 97(2) will be satisfied.
2. 98(3) will be satisfied.
3. No misuse or abuse of the Act.
4. The merger appears to result in a substantial contribution of capital to the remaining partnership.

22 September 1999 Ruling 9903613 - EXCESS CASH FLOW

Principal Issues: excess cash flow

Position: general comment


25 May 1999 Ruling 9913430 F - DÉPENSE D'UN EMPLOYÉ - ACHAT ORDINATEUR

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Principales Questions: Pourquoi un employé ne peut-il pas prendre ACC lorsqu'il achète un ordinateur?

Position Adoptée: Pour des raisons de politique fiscale le législateur a décidé de ne pas accorder d'allégement fiscal lorsqu'un employé achète un ordinateur


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85 20(1)c) 20(24) 9 55(2)

Principal Issues: Voir énoncé des principales questions

Position: Voir énoncé des principales questions

Reasons: Voir énoncé des principales questions

1999 Ruling 9904333 - 88(1)(D) BUMP

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Principal Issues: 88(1)(d) bump (see Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

1999 Ruling 9901923 F - PAPILLON

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Principal Issues: Voir sommaire de décisions

Position: Voir sommaire de décisions


1999 Ruling 991706A - XXXXXXXXXX RULING

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96(2.2)(d) 143.2

Principal Issues:

Supplementary ruling with regard to a change in the earning of the "First Fee" component of the XXXXXXXXXX fee by the XXXXXXXXXX Partnership.


Ruling requests confirmed.



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Principal Issues: Will an executive share purchase plan be considered an EBP for purposes of the Act?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The plan meets the definition of EBP and does not qualify as an SDA or RCA for purposes of the Act.


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149(1)C) 149(1)d.5)

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que la Bande peut-être considérée comme une municipalité pour les fins de l'application de l'alinéa 149(1)c) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:


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Principal Issues: Whether shares of foreign subsidiaries received on a subsection 88(3) wind-up are shares substituted for the shares of the foreign affiliate that has been wound-up for the purposes of the application of subsection 93(2).

Position: They are.

Reasons: The words of subsection 93(2) are clear. The Department recognizes that this will result double counting of certain dividends that have flowed through the wound-up affiliate from foreign affiliates below. In these circumstances, such dividends will be counted only once for the purposes of applying subsection 93(2). In addition if shares of more than one affiliate have been transferred from the foreign affiliate being wound-up to its former shareholder, the dividends that have been paid by the wound-up corporation will be allocated for the purposes of applying subsection 93(2), to the subsidiaries on a pro-rata basis on the basis of adjusted cost base.

1999 Ruling 9920043 F - PAPILLON

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Principal Issues: Modification aux faits



1999 Ruling 9825353 F - LICENCE

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245 56(4) 69(1) 125.1

Principal Issues: Voir sommaire des principales questions

Position: Voir sommaire des principales questions


1999 Ruling 9900123 - BUTTERFLY RULING (SPIN-OFF)(SUPP)

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55(2) 55(3.1) 55(3)(b)

Principal Issues:

Whether certain pre-butterfly property acquisitions by DC or certain corporations controlled by DC would affect the rulings granted.

Position: No.

Reasons: The acquisitions of property are permitted under subparagraph 55(3.1)(a)(iv)

1999 Ruling 9922663 F - TRANSFERT D'ACTIFS

Principal Issues: Modifications des opérations projetées. Pas de nouvelles questions.



1998 Ruling 9830603 - SUPP.BUTTERFLY RULING(980097)

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55(2) 55(3.1) 55(3)(b)

Principal Issues: Butterfly Ruling (Supp. Ruling to 980097) which contains several issues.

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Supp. Ruling)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Supp. Ruling)

1998 Ruling 9716813 F - TRACKING SHARES

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84.1 85(1) 86(1) 129(6)

Position Adoptée:

1998 Ruling 9828673 F - VENTE D'ACTIONS

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183.1 245 84.1 20(1)(c)

Principal Issues: Voir énoncé des principales questions

Position: Voir énoncé des principales questions

Reasons: Voir énoncé des principales questions

Technical Interpretation - External

4 November 1999 External T.I. 9833405 - RRSP, XXIX B(6) TREATY

Principal Issues: Will Article XXIX B(6) of the Canada-US Treaty apply to allow U.S. estate taxes on U.S. property held in an RRSP at the time of the Canadian-resident annuitant's death to be applied as a credit against Canadian income tax payable for the year of death on any income, profits or gains arising in the U.S.?

Position: Answer not available.

Reasons:. Under review by Finance. File closed and client advised that a response will be prepared when we hear back from Finance.

4 November 1999 External T.I. 9925155 - SPECIAL WORKSITES

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6(6) 8(2)

Principal Issues: An employee ("A") moves (a distance of 200 kilometres) from one city (City B) to another city (City C) in connection with a 5 month employment contract. A rents accommodation in City C and maintains her residence in City B which A does not rent. A is required to pay her meal and rent expenses at the new location. As A does not receive a board and lodging allowance from her employer, can A claim expenses under section 8 in respect of the accommodation and meals.

Position: No

Reasons: There is no provision within section 8 of the Income Tax Act (the "Act") that would permit A to do so (see subsection 8(2) of the Act) even though an allowance from the employer in respect of board and lodging would not be taxable by virtue of subsection 6(6) of the Act..

4 November 1999 External T.I. 9900175 - BANKRUPTCY AND SPOUSAL DEDUCTION

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118.95 118(1)

Principal Issues: (1) Does section 118.95 affect the calculation of Ontario tax credits on Form T1C?
(2) What is the effect of bankruptcy on the calculation of the Ontario tax credits?
(3) How does the individual's bankruptcy affect the calculation of the spousal deduction at 118(1) when (a) their spouse is not bankrupt in the year; (b) when their spouse becomes bankrupt at the same time as the individual; (c) when the spouse becomes bankrupt at a different time than the individual?

Position: (1) . The Ontario tax credits are credits available under the Ontario Income Tax Act. Section 118.95 of the Federal Income Tax Act does not affect the calculation of Ontario tax credits. Section 118.95determines the personal tax credits available in years in which an individual became bankrupt and prevents an individual from claiming more tax credits under sections 118 to 118.9 than he would have been entitled to had he not become bankrupt
(2) Since January 1, 1998 the Income Tax Act of Ontario requires the Ontario tax credits be calculated as if neither the individual nor their spouse become bankrupt during the year. Prior to 1998, only the individual's post-bankruptcy income was used in the calculation, plus their spouse's income for the whole calendar year, whether or not the spouse became bankrupt in the year.
(3) In all three situations, the income of the individual's spouse for the calendar year is allocated to match the two taxation years of the individual. The limitation in section 118.95 will prevent the individual from claiming more personal tax credits than would have been allowed had bankruptcy not occurred.

4 November 1999 External T.I. 9925425 - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE

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81(1)(h) 56(1)(u)

Principal Issues: A person receives funds from the Ministry of Family Services (the B.C. Government) with respect to foster children for whom care has been arranged with others. The person, in turn, pays the caregiver a fee for caring for a foster child (or children) as well as other amounts for the care of the children. In relation to these circumstances, can the payment be considered to have been received "directly or indirectly" for the purposes of paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act.

Position: Yes

Reasons: We have previously taken the position that a payment to a caregiver through a third party can be considered to have been received indirectly.

2 November 1999 External T.I. 9923285 - TAX EXEMPTION

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149(1)(l) 149(1)(k)

Principal Issues: Tax treatment of disbursements made to Union and Employer's Association on wind up of training trust fund?

Position: Question of fact whether the exemption in subsection 149(1) of the Act applies.

Reasons: IT-496. Paragraph 149(1)(k) & 149(1)(l) of the Act.

1 November 1999 External T.I. 9903905 - TAX SHELTER INVESTMENT

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Principal Issues:

Whether Corp. A's partnership interest in LP1 would constitute a "tax shelter investment" within the meaning of subparagraph 143.2(1)(b)(iii) of the Income Tax Act.


Subparagraph 143.2(1)(b)(iii) would not apply to the interest in LP1 that Corp. A holds.


1 November 1999 External T.I. 9917155 - HOME BUYERS' PLAN

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Principal Issues:

1) Can an individual who owned a home jointly with his wife participate in the Home Buyers' Program
2) What is the maximum withdrawal out of an RRSP for the Home Buyers' Program


29 October 1999 External T.I. 9906655 - LSVCC SHARES-RRSP/RRIF FOREIGN PROPERTY

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206(2) 146(16)

Principal Issues:

Whether an LSVCC share (that is a small business property) will continue to be a "small business property" if it is transferred between a single annuitant's two RRSPs, between a single annuitant's two RRIFs, from an annuitant's RRSP to the same annuitant's RRIF or, pursuant to paragraph 146(16)(b), 146.3(14)(b) or 60(l), from an annuitant's RRSP or RRIF to the spouse's RRSP or RRIF.


Currently, only if all property of an RRSP is transferred to another RRSP of the same annuitant. Under proposed changes, also where transferred between RRIF and RRSP trusts of the same annuitant or of the spouse of the annuitant or to the spouse or the annuitant.


Current position that wholesale transfers between RRSPs of same annuitant do not result in disposition/acquisition and therefore meets requirement of definition of "small business property" that taxpayer who acquired the share is the original acquirer. Proposed definition of "small business property" says the various owners can be the 1) one who first acquired it (i.e. the registered plan trust) or 2) another RRSP or RRIF of the same annuitant or an RRSP or RRIF trust of the spouse of that annuitant, or 3) the annuitant or the spouse of the annuitant.

29 October 1999 External T.I. 9926825 - CASHING OUT VACATION LEAVE

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56(2) 5(1)

Principal Issues: Tax consequences of employees foregoing vacation leave so that cash equivalent may be given to ill co-worker

Position: Taxable to employees who convert vacation; not taxable to ill employee

Reasons: Payments in respect of vacation constitute employment income, even when benefit is directed to another person as per IT335R; Not taxable to recipient of gift per Savage and Phaneuf cases.

29 October 1999 External T.I. 9927905 - INCOME OR CAPITAL LOSS

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40 9(1)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 1999-000570

October 29, 1999


Re: Your request for an Advance Income Tax Ruling

29 October 1999 External T.I. 9923795 - SUPPORT PAYMENTS - SAME SEX COUPLES

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56(1)(b) 56.1(4) 60(b) 252(4)

Principal Issues:

28 October 1999 External T.I. 9922965 - EXPECTATION OF PROFIT

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18(1)(a) 9(1)

Principal Issues: Deductibility of expenses regarding proposed single purpose creative writing pursuit.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Paragraph 18(1)(a) of the Act prohibits the deduction of expenses that are not made for the purpose of earning business income.

28 October 1999 External T.I. 9923105 - DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES

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18(1)(a) 9(1)

Principal Issues: Requested information about the expenses that may be deductible in respect of a proposed undertaking.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: Question of fact whether proposed undertaking will constitute the carrying on of a business.

27 October 1999 External T.I. 9926225 - JOINT REGISTRATION OF INVESTMENTS

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54 69(1)(b) 69(1)(c)

Principal Issues: The income tax consequences of including children's names on a parent's investment accounts, with a view to reducing probate fees.

Position: In adding names to an investment account, there may or may not be a change in how the income from this investment should be reported. This depends on whether the registration of additional names has resulted in the disposition of a share of the parent's interest in the property to the children.

Reasons: By virtue of paragraph (e) of the definition of "disposition" in section 54 of the Income Tax Act, a disposition does not include a transfer of property in which there is a change in the legal ownership without any change in the beneficial ownership.

26 October 1999 External T.I. 9917505 - QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS IN AN RRSP

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146 40(2)(g)(iv)

Principal Issues: Whether delisted shares are qualified investments

Position: In some cases, yes.

Reasons: The shares may still be shares of a public corporation.

25 October 1999 External T.I. 9908775 F - RESIDENCE-ACTIF ADMISSIBLE

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Principales Questions:

Est-ce que deux résidences appartenant à une société de personnes peuvent être considérées comme des biens utilisés principalement dans le cadre de l'exploitation d'une entreprise agricole pour les fins de la définition de «participation dans une société de personnes agricole familiale» au paragraphe 110.6(1) de la Loi si les deux résidences sont habitées par des associés de la société de personnes ?

Position Adoptée:


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125.1 Reg 5202

Principales Questions:

Est-ce qu'une société, qui transforme un bien fourni par un client et qui ne vend pas lui-même le bien transformé, a droit à la déduction d'impôt pour BFT?

Position Adoptée:

25 October 1999 External T.I. 9925045 - WITHHOLDINGS ON VACATION PAY

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153(1)(a) 153(1.1)

Principal Issues: Whether withholdings are required from vacation pay when contributed to RRSP

Position: No, if paid directly to RRSP by employer and vacation pay is $10,000 or less, or employee receives letter of authority from Revenue Canada. CPP & EI still required.

Reasons: Wording of Regulations

25 October 1999 External T.I. 9909565 - SECTION 7 IDENTICAL SHARES7

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Principal Issues:

What is the order of disposition of identical shares, some acquired under option and some not, for the purposes of section 7?


Prorata distribution out of the various pools


25 October 1999 External T.I. 9912375 - LSVCC SHARES TRANSFERRED TO RRSP OR RRIF

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Principal Issues: Whether prescribed venture capital corporation shares retain their identity as "small business property" as defined in 206(1) where the shares are transferred between RRSPs and/or RRIFs of a single annuitant or spouse of an annuitant.

Position: Currently, only if all property of an RRSP is transferred to another RRSP of the same annuitant. Under proposed changes, also where transferred between RRIF and RRSP trusts of the same annuitant or of the spouse of the annuitant or to the spouse or the annuitant.

Reasons: Current position that wholesale transfers between RRSPs of same annuitant do not result in disposition/acquisition and therefore meets requirement of definition of "small business property" that taxpayer who acquired the share is the original acquirer. Proposed definition of "small business property" says the various owners can be the 1) one who first acquired it (i.e. the registered plan trust) or 2) another RRSP or RRIF of the same annuitant or an RRSP or RRIF trust of the spouse of that annuitant, or 3) the annuitant or the spouse of the annuitant.

25 October 1999 External T.I. 9925705 - DOSCRETIONARY TRUST, DISABLED CHILD, RRSP

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Principal Issues: Can amounts in a deceased annuitant's RRSP be paid to a discretionary trust for the benefit of a financially dependent disabled adult child of the deceased annuitant?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The amount would constitute a refund of premiums for purposes of the Act. However, the 60(l) benefit for a rollover will only be allowed where the child is the annuitant under the RRSP or RRIF or the beneficiary under any annuity acquired with the funds.

21 October 1999 External T.I. 9922125 - EPSP CALCULATION OF MINIMUM CONTRIBUTION

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Principal Issues:

Is the minimum amount of an employer's contribution to an EPSP as described in paragraph 6 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-280R calculated on a per employee basis or in aggregate?


In aggregate.


21 October 1999 External T.I. 9924385 - ROTH IRAS AND 4-YEAR INCOME INCLUSION

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Principal Issues: Whether income inclusion that is spread over 4 years from conversion of ordinary IRA to Roth IRA is taxable in Canada where taxpayer was not a resident in Canada in the year of conversion.

Position: Unable to provide an opinion

Reasons: Draft legislation not yet released

21 October 1999 External T.I. 9915785 - PENSION ADJUSTMENT REVERSALS

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reg 8304.1

Principal Issues:

If the date a payment of termination benefits out of an RPP provision is delayed beyond the year in which the member terminates employment, must the member's PAR be calculated for the year the amount is paid or for the year the member ceased employment.


PAR is calculated for the year the termination benefits are paid.


21 October 1999 External T.I. 9918255 - CCPC SHARES HELD IN AN RRSP

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reg 4900

Principal Issues:

1. Required explanation of rules on holding CCPC shares in an RRSP
2. Required explanation of regulations in respect to employer contributions to an RRSP withheld from employee wages.


Provided basic explanations of relevant law


21 October 1999 External T.I. 9923155 - RRSP PARTICIPATING MORTGAGES

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reg 4900

Principal Issues:

Is a participating mortgage issued by a corporation whose shares are owned by annuitants of RRSPs a qualified investment for those RRSPs?


A participating mortgage may represent an equity interest in a real property which would not be a qualified investment. This is a question of fact. It is also a question of fact whether the annuitant/shareholders and the corporation are dealing with each other at arm's length.



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Principales Questions:

Est-ce qu'un sous-traitant, qui transforme un bien fourni par un client et qui ne vend pas lui-même le bien transformé, a droit à la déduction d'impôt pour BFT si le bien produit est une composante d'un bien vendu par le client?

Position Adoptée:

20 October 1999 External T.I. 9919345 - STOCK OPTION, SUPERFICIAL LOSS

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Principal Issues: 1) Will the Department's general position as set out in paragraph 18 of IT-479R apply if the taxpayer owns the particular property that is sold short?
2) Can the use of the proceeds of disposition result in a taxpayer being exempted from the superficial loss rules?

Position: 1) Yes 2) No

Reasons: 1) The general position applies to all short sales. 2) The law is clear and there is no exemption other than as detailed in the definition of superficial loss.

19 October 1999 External T.I. 9925055 - GAINS & LOSSES ON OPTIONS

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39(4) 39(5) 39(6)
options outside RRSP treated as naked options

Principal Issues:

18 October 1999 External T.I. 9919265 - STOCK OPTIONS & CCPC

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7(1.1) 110(1)(d.1)

Principal Issues: Whether CCPC options or shares are still eligible for 7(1.1) & 110(1)(d) or (d.1) treatment

Position: Yes

Reasons: Wording of 7(1.4) and 7(1.5)

15 October 1999 External T.I. 9921255 - RRSP REFUND OF PREMIUMS

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Principal Issues: Does a grandchild have to actually be supported by the deceased, or will he be considered financially dependent if his income is below the threshold?

Position: Must be supported.

Reasons: Wording of "refund of premiums" in 146(1).

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9910085 F - ASSURANCE-VIE

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89(1)(d) 15(1) 246(1) 308 148(9)

Principales Questions:
Il y a-t-il un avantage attribué à un actionnaire et l'application de la règle générale anti-évitement dans le cas d'une situation particulière impliquant la détention d'une police d'assurance-vie par une société?

Position Adoptée:
Question de fait. Cependant, dans la situation décrite, il pourrait y avoir un stratagème pour faire en sorte que des bénéfices non répartis imposables soient payés en franchise d'impôt.

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9916355 - EMPLOYER PROVIDED VEHICLE BENEFITS

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6(1)(e) 6(1)(k) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether the use of employer-provided vehicles in travelling between the employees' homes and their regular place of employment in certain circumstances (e.g. the employee will be on call) is of a personal nature.

Position: We have maintained the position that travel between the home and the regular workplace is of a personal nature..

Reasons: The main purpose of the trips is considered to be personal..

14 October 1999 External T.I. 9904465 F - CORP. UTILISEE PAR MEMBRES PROF. LIBERALE

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9 125(1)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que le revenu de profession qu'un XXXXXXXXXX gagne par le biais d'une société doit lui être réattribué à titre personnel?

Position Adoptée:
Non, s'il rencontre tous les critères au bulletin d'interprétation IT-189R2

5 October 1999 External T.I. 9922285 F - RAP SENS DU MOT CONJOINT

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Principales Questions: Une personne qui vit séparée de son conjoint sans en être légalement divorcée peut-elle bénéficier de son RAP si son conjoint possède déjà une habitation?

Position Adoptée: Non

29 September 1999 External T.I. 9923955 - QUALIFIED INVESTMENT FOR AN RRSP

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reg 4900(1)(j) reg 4900(4)

Principal Issues:

24 September 1999 External T.I. 9905605 - LIABILITY OF LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE

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159(1) 159(2) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Extent of liability of the legal representative of a taxpayer under subsection 159(1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Absent other circumstances, it does not appear that a lawyer or law firm would be considered to be a "trustee . . . or any other like person" where the lawyer or law firm holds funds in a trust account and disburses those funds to close a transaction.

Reasons: The legal representative of a taxpayer is a person who stands in the place of, and succeeds to the interest in property of, another individual or corporation. A legal representative represents the interests of, and oversees the legal affairs of, another person.

24 September 1999 External T.I. 9916865 - LIABILITY OF LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE

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159(1) 159(2) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Extent of liability of the legal representative of a taxpayer under subsection 159(1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: In the absence of facts and circumstances that indicate a trustee and beneficiary relationship, it does not appear that a lawyer or law firm acting on behalf of a client in a commercial transaction would be considered to be a "legal representative" as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

Reasons: The legal representative of a taxpayer is a person who stands in the place of, and succeeds to the interest in property of, another individual or corporation. A legal representative represents the interests of, and oversees the legal affairs of, another person.

22 September 1999 External T.I. 9911695 - NISA RECEIPTS-DEEMED DEPOSITS&WITHDRAWALS

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Principal Issues: Whether allowing farmer's who participate in NISA program to exercise more than one deposit/withdrawal option affects the taxation of amounts withdrawn; whether participants who transfer funds to Fund No. 1 from Fund No. 2 can transfer the funds back later.

Position: All amounts paid out of Fund No. 2 whether as a withdrawal or transfer are included in income. There is no provision to allow a deduction for amounts paid into Fund No. 2

Reasons: Similar position taken on other cases

16 September 1999 External T.I. 9916715 - INTEREST DEDUCTIBILITY - IT 315\

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Principal Issues: Deductibility of Interest in a leveraged buy-out situation

Position: Generally deductible, but we would want to review any particular transaction before giving an unqualified opinion.

Reasons: IT-315

1 September 1999 External T.I. 9829805 F - CRISTALLISATION G EN CAP ET DISPOSITION

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85(1) 110.6(1)

Principales Questions:

Est-il acceptable de transférer des actions ordinaires selon 85(1) pour une contrepartie incluant des actions ordinaires et des actions privilégiées?

Position Adoptée:

4 August 1999 External T.I. 9908885 - TOTAL RETURN SWAPS

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Principal Issues:

1. How do you measure whether a borrower enjoys all of the income derived from "money" which has been lodged as collateral under a security lending arrangement as required under paragraph 260(8)(a)?

2. Should the deemed fee in paragraph 260(8)(b) be calculated in the foreign currency or Canadian currency?


1. OK to use a comparative return on a deposit of similar quantum and duration.

2. Constant currency should be used using constant exchange rates.

1. Borrower does not have access to lender's records to determine the actual return earned on the money.

4 August 1999 External T.I. 9918345 - GAIN ON DISPOSITION OF DEBT OBLIGATIONS

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43 53(2)(d)
gain on debt repayments based on pro rata ACB

Principal Issues: Treatment of principal payments received on a debt, the ACB of which is less than the principal amount

Position: Each receipt of a principal payment is a partial disposition - Section 43 and para. 53(2)(d) applicable.

Reasons: Subparagraph (b)(ii) of definition of "disposition" -

13 July 1999 External T.I. 9913875 - PARAGRAPH 66(12.6)(A)

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66(12.6)(a) 66(12.66)

Principal Issues: Would the provisions of paragraph 66(12.6)(a) apply to reduce the amount available for renunciation for an amount of "assistance", related to the expenses in question and arising under the BC Mining Exploration Tax Credit, if the taxpayer has not applied for the BC METC or if the expenses in question are "deemed" to have been incurred due to the application of subsection 66(12.66).

Position: Whether a corporation can reasonably be expected to receive a particular amount of assistance at any time is a question of fact to be determined with reference to the facts of a particular situation. However, the fact that a corporation has a) not applied for the BC METC, or b) has been deemed to incur the expenses in question due to the application of 66(12.66) will not, in and by themselves, prevent a reduction from arising under paragraph 66(12.6)(a).

Reasons: Consistent with the "Technical Notes" issued by the Minister of Finance in June of 1986 concerning the addition of subsections 66(12.6) and (12.66) to the Act.

18 June 1999 External T.I. 9912755 F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE

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Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'une entente dont le but est de prolonger un jugement de pension alimentaire est une nouvelle entente pour les fins d'application des nouvelles règles ?

Position Adoptée:


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Principales Questions: Quels sont les critères pour déterminer si les activités d'une société sont principalement PCMC

Position Adoptée: q faits voir IT-290 pour liste non exhaustive

18 November 1998 External T.I. 9610685 - CONNECTED PERSON

Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

F. Francis

November 18, 1998

Dear Sirs:

Re: Meaning of Connected Person

Technical Interpretation - Internal

4 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9925417 - MEDICAL EXPENSE

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Principal Issues: Will payments made for the services provided by XXXXXXXXXX . qualify as medical expenses for purposes of subsection 118.2(2) of the Act?

Position: Likely not. However, there is insufficient information to make a definitive determination.

Reasons: There are several requirements to be met in order for a claim to succeed under paragraph 118.2(2)(e) of the Act. The information provided is not sufficient to determine if all the requirements can be met.

1 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9925437 - ADJUSTED COST BASE

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110.6(19) 110.6(20) 40(1)

Principal Issues: Whether or not we are required to accept the deemed cost of a property resulting from an individual's capital gains election under subsection 110.6(19) where the capital gain resulting from the election is understated due to the overstatement of the property's ACB (e.g., overstated V-Day value).

Position: The deemed cost must be accepted if the election is filed on time, in prescribed manner and the individual meets one of subparagraphs 110.6(20)(a)(i), (ii) and (iii).

Reasons: A deeming provision cannot be ignored. However, in many cases the understatement of a property's ACB may cause the individual not to meet the requirement in subparagraph 110.6(20)(a)(i) which could invalidate the election.


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Part XIII 147.3(4)

Principal Issues: Whether refund of excess contributions from pension plan under the 50% rule is subject to tax in Canada when paid to a resident of UK

Position: Yes

Reasons: In settlement of all future entitlements

19 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9922707 F - OSBL CHANGEMENT DE STATUE

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149(1)(l) 149

Principales Questions: Un organisme à but lucratif peut-il poursuivre ses activités à titre d'organisme sans but lucratif visé à l'alinéa 149(1)l) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée: Oui

13 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9926327 - COMMON LAW SPOUSE, ROLLOVER

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Principal Issues: Will an individual qualify as a deceased taxpayer's spouse under subsection 252(4) of the Act?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The evidence (in a Section 58 proceeding under the Ontario Succession Law Reform Act) presented to the court by the individual (which is not contradicted in any material way by the estate) supports a conclusion that the conditions in subsection 252(4) of the Act were satisfied at the time of death.

6 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9925307 F - CONVENTION DE RETRAITE

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248(1) 60j.1)

Position Adoptée:
À moins que les faits démontrent qu'on est en présence d'une entente d'échelonnement de traitement, la convention pourrait être une convention de retraite.


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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que le contribuable peut réduire ses revenus pour les paiements de pension qu'il verse mensuellement à son ex-conjointe à titre de pension alimentaire?

Position Adoptée:

16 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9913380 F - CONF. CONS. TECHNIQUES - COÙT EN CAPITAL

Unedited CRA Tags
13(7)(c) 13(7)(g)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


Coût en capital


16 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9913390 F - CONF. CONS. TECHNIQUES - REVENU NON DÉCLARÉ

Unedited CRA Tags
152(4) 13(7)(b)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Question 7

Revenu non déclaré


9 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9902717 F - DÉDUCTIBILITÉ D'UN REMBOURSEMENT DE DETTE

Unedited CRA Tags

Principales Questions:

1. Dans une situation de délégation, est-ce que le paiement de la dette par le délégant résulte en une perte en capital ?
2. Dans une situation où un contribuable est solidairement responsable d'une dette avec des associés et qu'il se doit de rembourser personnellement le créancier en entier, est-ce que l'on peut considérer ce remboursement comme une acquisition de créance vis-à-vis ses associés et par conséquent déduire cette créance advenant que celle-ci devienne irrécouvrable ?

Position Adoptée:

28 July 1999 Internal T.I. 9920787 - FILING OF SUBSECTION 144(10) ELECTION144(10)

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Reg 1500(3)

Principal Issues: What does a T.C. do with a 144(10) election?

Position: Files it with the T2 of the electing employer.

Reasons: Decision by IRPPD and Audit that this was the appropriate location to keep 144(10) elections (note Regulation 1500(3) says elections to be mailed to DM).

18 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9830217 F - FRAIS MEDICAUX-AGENCE D'ADOPTION

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Principales Questions: Une partie des coûts d'adoption comprend des frais alloués aux examens médicaux que doivent subir l'enfant durant le processus d'adoption avant leur arrivée au Canada. Est-ce que de tels frais sont des frais médicaux admissibles selon 118.2(2) de la L.I.R. ?

Position Adoptée:
Peu probable

Ministerial Letter

4 October 1999 Ministerial Letter 9917368 - INDIAN - RACHEL SHILLING

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81(1)(a) 6(1)(a)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 				October 4, 1999