Income Tax Severed Letters - 2025-01-15


10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 1, 2024-1028361C6 F - Règles de revente précipitée

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12(12), 12(13), 12(14), 85(1), 87(1)a), 87(2)a), 88(1), 125(7), 245(2)
there are no reorganization continuity rules to avoid triggering a flipped property gain from a disposition upon completion of a reorganization/ meaning of housing unit

Principales Questions: 1. Une société issue d’une fusion qui devient propriétaire d’un logement situé au Canada suite à la fusion et qui en dispose moins de 365 jours après est-elle sujette aux règles de revente précipitée? Le gain lors de la disposition d’un bien à revente précipitée donne-t-il droit à la DAPE? / Is an amalgamated corporation which becomes the owner of a housing unit located in Canada upon amalgamation and disposes of it less than 365 days later, subject to the flipped property rules? Does the gain from the disposition of a flipped property under subsection 12(12) of the Income Tax Act qualify for the small business deduction ?; 2. La réponse serait-elle différente si la société devenait propriétaire du logement suite à une liquidation? / Would CRA’s response be different if the corporation became the owner of the housing unit following a winding-up?; 3. La réponse serait-elle différente si la société devenait propriétaire du logement suite à un roulement? / Would CRA’s response be different if the corporation became the owner of the housing unit following a rollover?; 4. La réponse serait-elle différente si la société devenait propriétaire du logement suite à un transfert à la JVM? / Would CRA’s response be different if the corporation became the owner of the housing unit following a transf er at its FMV?; 5. Quelle est la portée du terme “logement” aux fins du paragraphe 12(13)? / What is the scope of the expression “housing unit” for the purposes of subsection 12(13)?

Position Adoptée: 1. Oui / Yes; 2. Non / No; 3. Non / No; 4. Non / No; 5. À venir / To be determined.

Raisons: 1. Le texte de la Loi / Wording of the Act; 2. Le texte de la Loi / Wording of the Act; 3. Le texte de la Loi / Wording of the Act; 4. Le texte de la Loi / Wording of the Act; 5. Présentement en discussion avec Finance / Currently in discussion with Finance.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 2, 2024-1028371C6 - Transfert intergénérationnel d’entreprise – nouvelles règles

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84.1(2)(e) - 84.1(2.3) - 84.1(2.31) - 84.1(2.32)
retention of special voting shares by parent would preclude access to s. 84.1(2)(e) exception
parent remaining as director of the subject corporation would entail a retention of management
s. 84.1(2)(e) exception is available only for the 1st disposition if the subject corporation shares are sold in tranches
s. 84.1(2.32)(f)(ii) not satisfied if substantial unpaid purchase price at end of 10 years

Principal Issues: Various questions regarding the qualification criteria pursuant to subsections 84.1(2.31) and 84.1(2.32) I.T.A., including: the possibility to qualify for the exception in the case of non-voting and non-participating shares, as typical estate freeze shares; the possibility to qualify for the exception if the parent remains director or in other positions of power; and how the exception mechanism applies to successive transfers of shares.
FINANCE: Finance reviewed the questions and answers, including the ones on successive transfers (not possible to claim the exception more than once regarding the same business), and confirmed that the answers were in accordance with the underlying tax policy. Finance also confirmed that it would be in accordance with the underlying tax policy to claim the exception in respect of more than one class of shares that are sold as part of the same transfer.

Reasons: The law.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 4, 2024-1028431C6 F - Production d’une déclaration de renseignements T1134 dans une situation donnée

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Section 233.4 of the Income Tax Act
example of a designated related-group entity filing a single T1134 for the group

Principales Questions: 1. In a case where two Canadian resident companies, Canco and Holdco held a direct ownership in a U.S. Company, USco for part of their 2023 taxation year, who needs to file a T1134 for that year; is it Canco or Holdco or both? 2. What is the equity percentage that needs to be reported under section III C (ii) of part I of form T1134 summary if USco held a 50% of the interest in a LLC on June 30th, 2022, a 100% interest on December 31, 2022, and a 0% interest on May 1st, 2023?

Position Adoptée: 1. Both. 2. The equity percentage that must be reported is the one for June 30th. For tax year 2022, Canco will need to report that USco had a 50% equity percentage in LLC and in tax year 2023, both Canco and Holdco will need to report that USco had a 0% equity percentage in LLC regardless of their choice of filing jointly or separately.

Raisons: 1. Canco and Holdco must each file a T1134 in relation to their direct share ownership in USco during their 2023 taxation year. However, Canco and Holdco also have the option of jointly filing the T1134 form provided that they meet the requirements described in the instructions for filing for a group of reporting entities that are related to each other. More specifically, in order to file as a group, Canco and Holdco must be related to each other, share the same tax year end and both use either the Canadian dollar or the same functional currency. It should be noted that the transfer of the shares of USco from Canco to Holdco during the year, in the example provided, would need to be reported under section 3 B of part I of the T1134 summary for tax year 2023. 2. The equity percentage that must be reported is the one at the end of the tax year of the reporting entity or entities which is June 30th. It should be noted that the liquidation of USco would need to be reported under section 3 B of part II of the T1134 supplements for USco.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 5, 2024-1028681C6 F - Précisions sur les instructions au formulaire T1134

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Section 233.4 I.T.A.
a reporting-entity partnership with a partner related to other group members can qualify as a member of a related group for T1134-reduced reporting purposes

Principales Questions: 1. Based on the definition provided in subsection 251(4) of the Income Tax Act (“the Act”), a ''related group'' is a group of persons but a partnership is not always a person for the purpose of the Act. However, it is included in part I – section 3 – iv), Partnership, of form T1134. Can the CRA clarify its position as to when a partnership should be included in a group of reporting entities that are related to each other? 2. The instructions provided under part II, section 1, C., Other information of foreign affiliate, for form T1134 indicate that ''for the purposes of completing this return, gross indebtedness does not include set-offs or trade accounts payable”; can the CRA confirm that this is also the case for part II, section 3, A.4 of the form, and therefore that a trade accounts payable does not need to be reported as a loan from a foreign affiliate under part II, section 3, A.4?

Position Adoptée: 1. A ''group of reporting entities that are related to each other'' can include a partnership in certain cases. 2. No, these instructions are not applicable to part II, section 3, A.4.

Raisons: 1. If a partnership is considered a reporting entity, the administrative position relating to reporting entities that are members of a related group would be extended to partnerships if at least one of the partners is related to every other reporting entity forming the related group. 2. Subsection 90(6) of the Act does not generally apply to trade accounts payable provided that all of the conditions in the exception in paragraph 90(8)(b) of the Act are met. However, a trade accounts payable is still a debt. Therefore, the answer to the first question in part II, section 3, A.4 (4.1) would be “yes”, considering that the trade payable is an amount that the reporting entity owes to a foreign affiliate. If all of the conditions in the exception under paragraph 90(8)(b) of the Act are met, the answer to the second question would be ‘’no’’, considering that subsection 90(6) of the Act would not apply. The answer to the third question would be “yes”, to the extent that the trade payables meet all of the conditions for the exception under paragraph 90(8)(b) of the Act.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 6, 2024-1028881C6 F - Revenu protégé

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55(2), 55(3)(a)
GAAR may apply where the purpose of a s. 55(3)(a) redemption for a note is increasing outside basis, but not where freeze shares are redeemed for personal cash needs
safe income was not allocable to preferred share issued on s. 85(1) roll-in of goodwill

Principales Questions: Whether paragraph 55(3)(a) applied in example 12 of the November 2023 CRA's presentation and the effect on the safe income of the common shares.

Position Adoptée: General comments on paragraph 55(3)(a) and confirmation that safe income of the common shares is not affected whether or not paragraph 55(3)(a) applied.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 7, 2024-1027361C6 F - Impôt en main remboursable au titre de dividendes déterminés et impôt en main remboursable au titre de dividendes non déterminés

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129(1), 129(4), 186(1)
potential conversion of ERDTOH to NERDTOH through inter-corporate dividends

Principal Issues: Whether the conversion of ERDTOH into NERDTOH in a given situation is problematic.

Position: No position taken.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 8, 2024-1028891C6 F - Définition du terme « automobile »

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248(1) French Définition "automobile", 248(1)(d)(i), (ii), (iii)
the exclusions under (e), in the case of a leased vehicle, are to be applied in the year of lease signing

Principales Questions: Dans le cas d’un véhicule loué, est-ce que les critères d’utilisation prévus aux sous-alinéas d)(i), (ii) ou (iii) de la définition d’« automobile » au paragraphe 248(1), s’appliquent au cours de l’année d’imposition de la signature du contrat de location ou à chacune des années visées par le contrat de location ? / In the case of a leased vehicle, are the tests in subparagraphs (e)(i), (e)(ii) or (e)(iii) of the definition of “automobile” in subsection 248(1), applying in the taxation year in which the contract leased was signed or in each of the years covered by the leased contract?

Position Adoptée: En ce qui concerne les véhicules loués, l’ARC est d’avis que les critères d’utilisation s’appliquent au cours de l’année d’imposition où a lieu la signature du contrat de location. / With regard to leased vehicles, CRA is of the opinion that the use criteria apply in the taxation year in which the contract leased was signed.

Raisons: Libellé de la Loi / Wording of the legislation.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 9, 2024-1028901C6 F - Exercice d’une option d’achat et vente du véhicule

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13(5.2), 49
vehicle lease payments converted into recapture on option exercise and vehicle sale
portion of lease payments added to ACB of purchase option only to the extent reasonably attributable thereto

Principales Questions: Dans un exemple donné, est-ce que l’ARC est d’accord que le particulier doit inclure un montant de 5 000 $ à titre de gain en capital dans le calcul de son revenu? / In a given example, does the CRA agree that an individual must include $5,000 as a capital gain in his income?

Position Adoptée: Oui. / Yes.

Raisons: Libellé de la Loi. / Wording of the Act.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 10, 2024-1028911C6 F - Traitement fiscal du montant payé par un particulier en affaires pour mettre fin hâtivement à un contrat de location automobile

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8(1)h.1) 9(1), 18(1)jh), 67.3
an early lease termination fee might potentially be an “actual lease charge” for purposes of the s. 67.3 lease-payment deductibility limit
Words and Phrases
actual lease charge

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les paiements qu'un travailleur autonome effectue dans le but de mettre fin par anticipation à un contrat de location automobile sont assujettis à l'article 67.3 de la LIR lorsqu'il calcule son revenu en vertu du paragraphe 9(1)? / Whether the payments made by a self-employed individual to terminate an automobile lease contract early is subject to section 67.3 of the ITA when he is calculating his income under subsection 9(1)?

Position Adoptée: La limite prévue à l'article 67.3 L.I.R. s’applique à un contribuable qui est un travailleur autonome lorsqu'il peut déduire dans le calcul de son revenu d'entreprise aux fins du paragraphe 9(1) L.I.R., un montant au titre de « frais réels de location » payés ou payables pour une voiture de tourisme. / The limitation on deductible leasing cost for an automobile in section 67.3 applies to a taxpayer who is a self-employed individual when he is entitled to deduct, in calculating his business
income for the purposes of subsection 9(1), an amount as “actual lease charges “ paid or payable for a passenger vehicle.

Raisons: Question de faits / Question of facts.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 11, 2024-1028921C6 F - Récupération d’amortissement liée à un bien de la catégorie 10.1 – travailleur autonome

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13(1), 13(7), 13(21), 18(1)a, 18(1)h, 20(1)a
where a vehicle is used both personally and for business by a self-employed worker, there is a choice between a simplified method, and that under ss. 13(7)(c) and (d)
choice between technical and simplified method where mixed business and personal use

Principales Questions: 1) Dans une mise en situation donnée, quel pourcentage d’utilisation à des fins commerciales doit être utilisé pour calculer la récupération d’amortissement: celui de l’année d’acquisition de la voiture de tourisme ou celui de l’année de la disposition? 2) S’il s’agit du pourcentage d’utilisation à des fins commerciales de l’année de la disposition, l’ARC est-elle d’accord que cela pourrait donner lieu à un résultat inadéquat comme démontré dans la mise en situation donnée? / In a given scenario, which percentage of business use should be used to calculate the recapture of capital cost allowance: the percentage of business use in the year of acquisition of the passenger vehicle or the percentage of business use in the year of disposition? 2) If it is the percentage of business use of the year of disposition, does the CRA agree that this could lead to an inappropriate result as demonstrated in the given scenario?

Position Adoptée: 1) Lorsqu’une récupération d’amortissement doit être incluse dans le calcul du revenu pour l’année en vertu du paragraphe 13(1) L.I.R., cette récupération d’amortissement doit être incluse selon la proportion correspondante à l’utilisation à des fins commerciales de l’année de la disposition. 2) L’ARC accepte deux méthodes pour le calcul de la DPA dans la mise en situation donnée. Par conséquent, un travailleur autonome peut utiliser la méthode qui est la plus appropriée à sa situation. / 1) Where a recapture of capital cost allowance is required to be included in computing income for the year under subsection 13(1) I.T.A., such recapture of capital cost allowance is included in the proportion corresponding to the business use in the year of disposition. 2) The CRA accepts two methods for calculating CCA in the given situation. Therefore, a self-employed individual may use the method that is most appropriate to his or her situation.

Raisons: 1) Conformément à la méthode utilisée pour le calcul de la DPA. 2) Dans certaines situations, le calcul de la DPA et de la récupération d’amortissement peut donner un résultat différent selon la méthode de calcul utilisée. / 1) In accordance with the method used to calculate CCA. 2) In certain situations, the calculation of CCA and recapture of CCA may produce a different result depending on the calculation method used.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 12, 2024-1028931C6 - Article 84.1 L.I.R.

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the testing of a NAL relationship regarding the ACB grind under ss. 84.1(2)(a.1) and 84.1(2)(a.1)(ii) occurs when the shares are acquired, rather than when transferred as described in s. 84.1/ non-application in back-to-back sale

Principal Issues: 1. What is the relevant moment for assessing the non-arm’s length relationship, for the purpose of the ACB reduction in 84.1(2)(a.1)(ii) I.T.A.? 2. Whether the reduction applies when the capital gains deduction was claimed by a person who was, at the time of the prior disposition, not dealing at arm’s length but who is now dealing at arm’s length? 3. Whether the reduction applies when the capital gains deduction was previously claimed by a non-arm's length person but the shares were subsequently held by an arm's length person

Position: 1. The relevant moments for the non-arm's length determination are the time of acquisition by the taxpayer and the time of a prior disposition for which the capital gains deduction was claimed; 2. The fact that the parties are now dealing at arm’s length is not relevant; 3. The prior claim of the capital gains deduction will not reduce the ACB, provided the shares were acquired by the taxpayer from a person dealing at arm’s length and the intermediate detention by the third party was bona fide.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 13, 2024-1027371C6 - Planification post mortem à la suite du décès du bénéficiaire d’une fiducie testamentaire exclusive au conjoint

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Subsections 40(3.6), 69(5), 129(1), 129(1.2) and 245(2)
s. 69(5) wind-up of a Newco can be used by trust to realize a capital loss to offset a capital gain realized by it under s. 104(4)(a)
non-application of s. 129(1.2) where post-mortem planning to prevent double taxation
post-mortem planning to avoid double taxation is generally not abusive

Principales Questions: Whether the CRA positions expressed in 2012-0456221R3 « Post Mortem Planning » Ruling and in 2013-0480361C6 STEP round table question are still valid.

Position Adoptée: Yes.

Raisons: Subsection 69(5) can apply to prevent the capital loss from being deemed nil under subsection 40(3.6) without it being considered as abusive according to subsection 245(2). Subsection 129(1.2) does not apply, since the purpose test of that subsection is not met and the tax integration system is respected.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 14, 2024-1028951C6 - Utilisation des pertes autres qu’en capital après acquisition de contrôle et fusion

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87(2.1), 111(5) de la L.I.R.
losses from a business of Holdco providing admin services to Opco likely would disappear following an acquisition of control and their amalgamation
separate admin services business within Amalco likely would not be respected as the continuation of a predecessor's management business

Principales Questions: 1) Est-ce que les pertes autres qu'en capital accumulées par une société de gestion avant l'acquisition de contrôle de la société pourront être déduite après l'acquisition de contrôle et après la fusion de la société avec sa filiale? 2) Est-ce que la réponse de l'ARC serait la même si deux divisions étaient créées dans la société issue de la fusion?

Position Adoptée: 1) Question de fait, peu probable que les pertes autres qu'en capital pourraient être déduites après l'acquisition de contrôle dans une telle situation 2) Notre réponse serait la même.

Raisons: Nous sommes d’avis qu’il serait raisonnable de considérer que l’entreprise ayant généré les pertes a cessé d’être exploitée après la fusion.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 15, 2024-1028451C6 F - Paiement d’une dépense d’une fiducie et paragraphe 75(2) L.I.R.

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payment of trust-related professional fees by a trustee or beneficiary prior to (rather than after) trust settlement does not engage s. 75(2)

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le paiement d’honoraires professionnels par un fiduciaire ou par un bénéficiaire d’une fiducie peut entraîner l’application du paragraphe 75(2)?/ May the payment of professionals fees by a trustee or a beneficiary of a trust result in the application of subsection 75(2)?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait / Question of fact.

Raisons: Sous réserve de l'examen de l'acte de fiducie et des circonstances propres à chaque situation, les conditions d'application du paragraphe 75(2) pourraient être satisfaites. / Subject to the review of the trust deed and the circumstances specific to each situation, the conditions for the application of subsection 75(2) could be met.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 16, 2024-1028961C6 F - Modification de la règle générale anti-évitement

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summary of prior positions on the new GAAR with economic substance

Principal Issues: Whether CRA's can provide some examples of tax planning were the former version of GAAR was not applied but the amended GAAR could now be applied. Whether CRA is planning to issue a new version of the IC88-2 General Anti-Avoidance Rule - Section 245 of the Income Tax Act. Whether CRA will issue other documents similar to TI 2023-0987941I7.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: See below.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 17, 2024-1028981C6 - Acquisition de contrôle

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sale by 2 equal shareholders of 1/3 of each’s shares to a 3rd unrelated person might not entail an acquisition of control; similarly where 1 of 4 equal shareholders is redeemed

Principal Issues: 1) Is there an acquisition of control of a corporation by an unrelated group of persons in a situation where the two 50% shareholders of the corporation would each dispose of one third of their shares in the corporation to an unrelated person. 2) Is there an acquisition of control of a corporation in a situation where the corporation has 4 unrelated shareholders, none of which individually controls the corporation, and redeems the shares held by one of the shareholders such that the corporation now has 3 unrelated shareholders, none of which individually controls the corporation.

Position: 1) Question of fact 2) Question of fact.

Reasons: General comments provided.

10 October 2024 APFF Roundtable Q. 18, 2024-1027351C6 F - Arrêt Foix et ventes hybrides

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Foix established that s. 84(2) should be construed broadly

Principales Questions: What is the CRA position regarding the Foix case.

Position Adoptée: General comments provided.

Raisons: See below.