
Table of Contents


Bourque v. The Queen, 96 DTC 6412, [1996] 3 CTC 10 (FCA)

The maintenance of horses for racing by the taxpayer, and the racing itself, represented one business of the taxpayer, rather than two separate...

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Levy v. The Queen, 90 DTC 6346, [1990] 2 CTC 83 (FCTD)

In rejecting an argument that a syndicate of individuals were not engaged in "farming" because their primary operation was the breeding of horses...

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Pollon v. The Queen, 84 DTC 6139, [1984] CTC 131 (FCTD)

The hatching of eggs by mechanical means constituted "farming". Addy, J. stated: "Where the development of the basic food product still involves...

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Israel v. The Queen, 79 DTC 5418, [1979] CTC 468 (FCTD)

Since the definition excludes employment under a person engaged in the business of farming, an individual cannot be said to be engaged in farming...

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McLaws v. The Queen, 76 DTC 6005, [1976] CTC 15 (FCTD)

"The breeding and keeping of horses for racing purposes falls squarely within the meaning of 'maintaining horses for racing' and therefore...

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Juster v. The Queen, 74 DTC 6540, [1974] CTC 681 (FCA)

In finding that the "maintaining" of horses for racing included an operation where the care and training of the horses was contracted out to...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Other Legislation/Constitution - Federal - Official Languages Act - Section 13 26
Tax Topics - Statutory Interpretation - Interpretation/Definition Provisions tags captured a broader range of operations than those specifically referenced 192

The Queen v. Kuhl, 74 DTC 6024, [1973] CTC 846 (FCTD)

Services fees received by two brothers from a corporation that was controlled by them and engaged in growing potatoes, was income from a farming...

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See Also

Serres Toundra Inc. v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2023 QCCQ 10441

The Quebec manufacturing and processing credits claimed by the taxpayer in connection with equipment acquired for use by it in its greenhouse...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 125.1 - Subsection 125.1(3) - Manufacturing or Processing - Paragraph (a) greenhouse cucumber operation was farming 128

Coop de travailleurs en serres Belle-de-Jour v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2019 QCCQ 6609

The taxpayer used approximately 20% of the area within greenhouses to grow cucumbers or other vegetables, or flowers, from seed for sale as...

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Schedules - Schedule II - Class 29 greenhouse heating equipment was used in non-farming manufacturing of floral arrangements 414
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 4 - Subsection 4(1) - Paragraph 4(1)(a) use of greenhouses to further grow flowers before use in making floral arrangements was separate from the taxpayer’s greenhouse plant-growing farming business 221

Crichton v. The Queen, 2013 DTC 1104 [at at 566], 2013 TCC 96 (Informal Procedure)

The taxpayer ran an amusement business in which ponies were harnessed on spokes so that they would move about an axis - essentially a...

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 31 - Subsection 31(1) 115

Desrosiers Estate v. The Queen, 2001 DTC 37 (TCC)

In concluding that the taxpayer was operating wood lots as a farming business rather than a logging operation, Dussault TCJ found on the evidence...

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LeBlanc v. MNR, 93 DTC 1564, [1993] 2 CTC 3054 (TCC)

Activities carried out in a vineyard consisting of the preparation of the soil, the planting of the vines, the growing of the grapes, and their...

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Partington v. MNR, 91 DTC 347 (TCC)

The taxpayer, who bred dogs to be sold as pets and operated a kennel was found not to be engaged in farming.

Administrative Policy

S4-F11-C1 - Meaning of Farming and Farming Business

Non-listed examples

1.5 In addition to the activities described in the definition of farming in subsection 248(1), farming can also include:

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Words and Phrases

2 December 2015 External T.I. 2015-0619501E5 - Definition of farming

Before concluding that the business of breeding parrots to be sold as pets would not be considered farming, CRA stated:

[B]reeding dogs or other...

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13 March 2015 External T.I. 2015-0564611E5 - Definition of farming

Before concluding that "the raising or breeding of rodents could be considered 'farming' for purposes of the Act if the primary purpose for such...

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26 June 2014 External T.I. 2014-0523871E5 F - Revenu d'entreprise agricole

Legume germination production was added to the activities of an already operating vegetable farm. CRA stated that “the legume germination...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(10.2) government contributions and accrued interest in AgriInvest and Agri-Québec accounts are taxable when withdrawn 156
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(1) - Paragraph 12(1)(p) withdrawals from the AgriStability account are taxable as farm business income 175

12 June 2014 External T.I. 2014-0527651E5 - Whether keeping a zoo is a farming activity

In finding that zoo keeping is not farming, CRA stated:

The business of operating a zoo is not, in our view, part of the common, ordinary or...

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Schedules - Schedule II - Class 8 zoo animals 50

7 May 2014 Internal T.I. 2014-0528251I7 - Surface Rentals for Wind Farms

Would income received by a farmer for the rental of land to a wind farm developer for the purpose of constructing and operating a wind farm be...

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 4 - Subsection 4(1) - Paragraph 4(1)(a) wind farm rentals as incidental to farming business 157

10 April 2014 Internal T.I. 2014-0522091I7 - Whether aquaculture is farming under the Act

After stating that "growing fish or shellfish in water is normally farming where those are stocked, raised and harvested in a controlled...

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25 October 2013 External T.I. 2013-0491141E5 F - Sens d'« agriculture » - Meaning of « farming »

In response to a query on agronomic monitoring, CRA stated:

[T]he definition of "farming" … does not include the situation where an individual...

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22 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0510711E5 - Is growing marijuana farming?

A taxpayer's legal growing and drying of marijuana likely constituted "farming," based on the breadth of the definition in s. 248(1). CRA...

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19 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0510351E5 - Steel Tanks and Oak Barrels of a Winery Business

The taxpayer in 2013-0503311E5 carried on a wine-making business that involved both farming activities (i.e., growing grapes) and non-farming...

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4 November 2011 Internal T.I. 2011-0413341I7 F - Bien agricole admissible

The taxpayer acquired farmland and rented 50% of it to an unrelated farm producer and 50% to a corporation that operated a nursery there and whose...

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6 October 2008 External T.I. 2008-0271421E5 F - Terres à bois-plan d'aménagement forestier Québec

Before describing the requirements for a rollover under s. 73(3) (or 70(9), CRA noted the distinction in IT-373R2, para. 14 (approved in

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 73 - Subsection 73(3) - Paragraph 73(3)(c) Quebec regional agencies’ plans for forest management plans would generally satisfy s. 73(3)(c), whose “engaged” requirement would be met if such plans did not require work 257
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 70 - Subsection 70(9) - Paragraph 70(9)(a) “engaged” requirement in s. 70(9)(a) is satisfied to extent the forest management plan requires no action 110

16 November 2006 External T.I. 2006-0198811E5 F - Article 28 - Entreprise agricole

In finding that the operation of an egg hatchery (in which the taxpayer purchased eggs from various producers and, after an artificial incubation...

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Words and Phrases

15 March 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0058591I7 F - Projet agricole au sens de 122.3(1)b)(i)(B)

On the basis of additional information, the Directorate concluded that foreign woodlots on which employees performed work constituted farms within...

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10 April 2003 External T.I. 2002-0152065 F - DEFINITION D'AGRICULTURE

A veterinarian practising exclusively with farmers in his region then sells his goodwill, mainly related to the sale of medicine to his farmer...

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Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - 101-110 - Section 110.6 - Subsection 110.6(1) - Qualified Farm or Fishing Property goodwill of veterinary practice of servicing farmers did not constitute “qualified farm property” 99

11 March 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0000087 F - Projet agricole au sens de 122.3(1)b)(i)(B)

The Directorate treated the question of whether felling, bucking and limbing operations constituted an "agricultural activity" for the purposes of...

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19 February 2002 External T.I. 2002-010649

A limited partnership that was created for the purpose primarily of working land so that it would eventually be certified as an organic farm by a...

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21 February 2002 External T.I. 2001-0102405 F - ACTIVITE AGRICOLE-ERABLIERE

A taxpayer operating a maple sugar bush has a sugar shack that he and employees use to produce maple syrup and to serve meals, with the latter...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - 101-110 - Section 110.6 - Subsection 110.6(1) - Qualified Farm or Fishing Property use of maple sugar shack in significant meal preparation operation caused the farm property to not qualify as a “qualified farm property” 103

31 May 1994 External T.I. 9406165 - FARMING BUSINESS

"... The activity carried out after the crops have been harvested by farmers (not the taxpayer's own crops) and taken to the grain drying...

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2 December 1992 T.I. [raising horses]

The activity of raising, training and exercising a horse in order that it may compete as a show jumper can be considered as "farming".

22 June 1992 T.I. 921022 [ostrich farm]

The raising of ostriches for breeding purposes or for the production of eggs or food products likely constitutes farming.

22 January 1992 T.I. (Tax Window, No. 15, p. 23, ¶1709)

Hydroponics can meet the definition of farming.

11 June 1991 T.I. (Tax Window, No. 4, p. 11, ¶1296)

Activities relating to the raising of fish may be considered "farming" when fish are stocked, raised and harvested in a controlled environment...

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