Legal Representative

See Also

Mingle v. The Queen, 2022 TCC 34

Wong J rejected the taxpayer’s submissions that he had renounced his executorship shortly after being appointed and that his subsequent acts in...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 159 - Subsection 159(3) even if the taxpayer had renounced his executorship, his acting as a trustee de son tort would have rendered him liable under s. 159(3) 290
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 222 - Subsection 222(5) - Paragraph 222(5)(c) assessment of executor under s. 159(3) within the s. 222(4) 10-year period restarted the limitation period pursuant to s. 222(5)(c) 63

Groscki v. The Queen, 2017 TCC 249 (Informal Procedure)

Bocock J found that a director was not a “legal representative” of a Macao-incorporated corporation that disposed of all of its inventory...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 159 - Subsection 159(3) a director was not liable for failure to obtain a s. 159(2) certificate before his corporation disposed of most of its assets 328
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(p) - Subparagraph 20(1)(p)(ii) reporting of bad debt deduction on “net” basis not permitted/specifically-evidenced claims required 316

Administrative Policy

11 January 2002 External T.I. 2001-0112605 F - Section 159 - Payments on behalf of others159(2)

The arm’s length purchaser of a building paid the purchase price to a notary who, acting on its instructions, used a portion to discharge the...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 159 - Subsection 159(2) payment of purchase price by purchaser to trust account of its lawyer or purchaser’s lawyer for discharge first of non-CCRA debts did not engage s. 159(2) 192
