Section 259

Subsection 259(3) - Election

Administrative Policy

2004 Ruling 2003-0052061R3 - 259(3) Election - 149(1)(o.2) Pension Corporation

A corporation that is an agent of a Province establishes wholly-owned corporations ("Investco's") that will qualify as s. 149(1)(o.2) corporations...

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26 April 2001 External T.I. 2001-0071985 - RPP AND MASTER TRUSTS FOREIGN CONTENT

The election may be made by a master trust that does not meet the requirements of Regulation 5000(1.2). Once the election is made, it is not...

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Subsection 259(4) - Requirement to provide information

Administrative Policy

26 April 2001 External T.I. 2001-0071985 - RPP AND MASTER TRUSTS FOREIGN CONTENT

"The unitholders referred to in paragraph 259(4)(a) of the Act are those taxpayers who held units of the qualifying trust during the retroactive...

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Subsection 259(5) - Definitions

Administrative Policy

[1994] Tax Executives Institute Round Table, Q. 24 (C.T.O. "HAA7234-1 Look Through Trust Rules")

Re: application of definition where the percentage interests are determined under a dollar-allocation method rather than by explicit reference to...

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