News of Note

Fiducie Historia – Tax Court of Canada finds that trust distributions were lawful and deductible even though on paper the trustees had improperly delegated their powers

A discretionary family trust, whose beneficiaries included the family patriarch (LR) and his two sons (the Rémillard Brothers), was a shareholder of a family corporation (Maybach) along with LR and the Rémillard Brothers. The proceeds of an asset sale were used by Maybach to redeem the shares held by LR and the Rémillard Brothers. However, since the trustees of the trust would thereafter all be unrelated individuals, this would have caused an acquisition of control of Maybach-group companies and an extinguishing of losses. To avoid this result, the trustees entered into an agreement with the Rémillard Brothers, in intended reliance on s. 256(7)(a)(ii), providing:

The Trustees hereby undertake to exercise their powers … according to the directives provided by the Brothers and to make no decision regarding the Historia Trust without first obtaining the agreement of the Rémillard Brothers. …

If the Trustees or any of them disagree with the directives received from the Rémillard Brothers, they must then resign … .

The trust then paid distributions of over $50 million to LR that were authorized by the Rémillard Brothers.

Article 1275 of the Civil Code of Quebec (the CCQ) provided:

The … beneficiary may be a trustee but he shall act jointly with a trustee who is neither the settlor nor a beneficiary.

CRA considered that the above agreement had the effect of constituting the Rémillard Brothers as de facto trustees of the trust, contrary to the trust deed and Art. 1275, so that the determinations to make the distributions pursuant to such unlawful agreement were a nullity, with the result that the distribution amounts were not “payable” as required by s. 104(6).

Smith J rejected the trust’s argument that the distributions should be considered to have “became payable” for purposes of s. 104(6) solely because they were paid to the beneficiary and irrespective of whether they were unlawful.

However, he went on to find (at paras. 83, 104), in light of the testimony, that the independent trustees, although consulting with the Rémillard Brothers, had in fact been making the trust decisions:

Even if clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of the Agreement were contrary to the trust deed and Article 1275 of the CCQ … the Court concludes based on the preponderance of the evidence submitted that the Rémillard brothers did not act as trustees or “de facto trustees.” …

[D]espite the Agreement, the Rémillard brothers did not, in fact, usurp the trustees' powers.

Accordingly, the distributions were not unlawful, and had been payable.

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of Fiducie Historia v. The King, 2024 CCI 76 under s. 104(6)(b) and General Concepts – Illegality.

Income Tax Severed Letters 29 May 2024

This morning's release of four severed letters from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate is now available for your viewing.

CRA indicates that a Canadian resident may access the Art. XVIII Treaty exemption re his 401(k) plan by renouncing his US citizenship then collapsing his plan

Shortly after renouncing his U.S. citizenship, a Canadian resident fully collapsed his IRA and 401(k) plan, so that all funds were distributed to him.

Under the U.S. tax rules, by virtue of the expatriation, he was treated as having received a distribution of his entire interest in the IRA, and of the present value of his 401(k) plan, the day before the expatriation date, resulting in an income inclusion for such purposes. The subsequent collapse of the plans did not result in an income inclusion for such purposes to the extent the amounts had been subject to tax on expatriation.

CRA indicated that the deemed distribution for U.S. purposes of his entire interest in the IRA upon expatriation resulted in a corresponding deemed receipt in his income under s. 56(12) and that, by virtue of the exclusion to this effect in s. 56(1)(a)(i)(C.1), on the subsequent actual distribution there was no inclusion under s. 56(1)(a)(i) to the extent that the amount was not taxed in the U.S.

There was no ITA income inclusion upon expatriation regarding the 401(k) plan which (unlike the IRA) was not a “foreign retirement arrangement,” but there was an income inclusion pursuant to s. 56(1)(a)(i) in respect of a “superannuation or pension benefit” on the distribution. However, to the extent that the distribution would have been excluded from taxable income in the U.S. were he a resident thereof, Art. XVIII(1) of the Canada-US Treaty would provide relief from tax for the same amount in Canada.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 6 December 2023 External T.I. 2017-0735631E5 under s. 56(1)(a)(i).

CRA finds that MRPS acquired by a Canadian insurance company subsidiary in order for the Luxco to loan-finance US operations were not acquired in the ordinary course

Indirect US operating subsidiaries of a Canadian insurance company were funded (or their acquisition was funded) in part through an indirect Canadian subsidiary (Canco 2) of the insurance company subscribing for mandatory redeemable preferred shares (MRPS) of a Luxembourg subsidiary of Canco 2 (“Luxco 1”) which, in turn, lent the funds to such US subsidiaries (except that Canco 2 also acquired MRPS made under similar transactions by its immediate Canadian parent, Canco 1, on an s. 85(1) rollover basis). The activities of Canco 2 were limited to providing a guarantee (for guarantee fees) to US Ops Holdco (the parent of a US borrower) and holding the shares of US Ops Holdco and Luxco 1.

Because Canco 2 was a specified financial institution and the MRPS were term preferred shares, s. 258(3) would have denied the s. 113(1)(a) deduction to Canco 2 for the MRPS dividends unless (per s. 258(4)(a)) the MRPS had not been “acquired in the ordinary course of the business carried on by [Canco 2].” In finding that the s. 258(4)(a) exception applied, CRA stated:

In order to constitute “carrying on” a business, it normally requires some continuity, frequency and regularity of the commercial activities. It is arguable that the acquisition of the … MRPS is not considered part of the ordinary course of business carried on by [Canco 2], but rather the acquisition may be considered an isolated and special transaction that is not part of a course of conduct that involves repeated dealings of a similar nature. …

[I]t is also important to consider whether the arrangement in the current case, at its core, more closely resembles a debt financing arrangement or a capital investment. …[W]e are more inclined to conclude that the arrangement more closely resembles a capital investment. … [Canco 2] is not in the business of lending money to the general public or to any disinterested third parties and the loans it made were limited to its foreign related corporations. All of the proceeds from the issue of the … MRPS were used by Luxco 1 to make loans to … US foreign affiliates for their US operations. …

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 19 October 2023 Internal T.I. 2020-0856851I7 under s. 258(4)(a).

We have translated 6 more CRA interpretations

We have translated a further 6 CRA interpretations released in December of 2001. Their descriptors and links appear below.

These are additions to our set of 2,844 full-text translations of French-language Technical Interpretation and Roundtable items (plus some ruling letters) of the Income Tax Rulings Directorate, which covers all of the last 22 ½ years of releases of such items by the Directorate. These translations are subject to our paywall (applicable after the 5th of each month).

Bundle Date Translated severed letter Summaries under Summary descriptor
2001-12-07 30 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100125 F - Traitement fiscal fiducies-sûreté Income Tax Act - Section 212 - Subsection 212(1) - Paragraph 212(1)(c) a disposition on the transfer of Canada bonds by a non-resident to a security trust signified that interest distributions by the trust were subject to withholding under s. 212(1)(c)
Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Disposition - Paragraph (j) exclusions from a disposition under para. (c) on a transfer to a trust do not extend to para. (j) exclusion
11 December 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0109357 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(f) no s. 20(1)(f) deduction for the FMV of shares issued on debenture conversion since conversion price is equal to the face value of debenture
6 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0101505 F - Impôt des non-résidents sur Unités de Fiducie Income Tax Act - Section 227 - Subsection 227(6) overview of procedure for applying for refund of over-withholding
7 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092105 F - Traitement fiscal - dommages-intérêts Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(1) - Paragraph 12(1)(c) damages that include an award of interest for the delay in paying the disputed amount constitutes interest income, even if paid out of after-tax income
19 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096455 F - Bien agricole admissible Income Tax Act - Section 70 - Subsection 70(10) - Child application of extended definition of “child” to qualified farm property determination
19 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098455 F - Employés à l'étranger - production de T4 Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 200 - Subsection 200(1) any payer of salaries must prepare T4s even if not the employer and employees are non-resident

Gillies – Tax Court of Canada had no jurisdiction regarding an employee’s complaint that CRA had not credited him for source deductions withheld but not remitted

Mr. Gillies sought a Tax Court decision regarding his 2016 and 2017 taxation years that he was not responsible to the Minister for federal income tax which his then employer had withheld from his remuneration but had not remitted to the Minister. Russell J concluded (at para. 16) that he would quash Mr. Gillies’ appeal “on the basis that this Court is without jurisdiction to address the matter of an employer withholding but not remitting tax payable under the Act, which is ‘a collection problem’ falling within subsection 222(2) of the Income Tax Act, which assigns jurisdiction to the Federal Court.”

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Gillies v. The King, 2024 TCC 53 under s. 171(1).

CRA comments on the PPT application to a treaty-reduced dividends of Canco paid to a pure Holdco with an ultimate Treaty-resident parent

CRA was asked how the principal purpose test (PPT) in Art. 7(1) of the MLI) would apply in the situation where:

Canco is wholly-owned by a Foreign Entity (FE) and FE is owned by a foreign multinational (Foreign MNC). Foreign Entity (FE), with no employees and only holding shares of Canco, enjoys a treaty-reduced rate of 5% on its dividends from Canco under the relevant “Treaty 1” with Canada (a Covered Tax Agreement) and, in turn, is wholly-owned by Foreign MNC, who also would enjoy a reduced 5% withholding tax rate under “Treaty 2” had it received Canco dividends directly.

A variant of this situation was the same except that a holding company (HC), resident in a non-treaty country, was interposed for non-tax reasons between Foreign MNC and FE – but with the funding for the acquisition of the Canco shares still having come from Foreign MNC.

CRA indicated that it wished to provide only general comments which, regarding the first Situation, included:

  • Regarding the transaction “principal purpose” element of the PPT, the OECD Commentary on Art. 29 in paras. 178-79 indicates that this is an objective/subjective determination which include an examination of the surrounding facts, with reasonable inferences therefrom.
  • Here, the relevant factors were that FE is a pure holding corporation with no employees and that both Treaties provided a 5% withholding rate.
  • Regarding the “object and purpose” part of the PPT test, para. 174 of the OECD Commentary on Art. 29 gives some indications that the treaty is meant to provide benefits in respect of bona fide exchanges of goods and services, and movements of capital and persons, as opposed to arrangements whose principal objective is to obtain favourable tax treatment.
  • Another element that might inform the object and purpose part of the test is whether FE is a genuine resident of the Treaty 1 country.
  • Also relevant is that the Treaties provide a reduction to a 5% dividend rate.

The same considerations would be relevant for the variant Situation. The initial factors here might be the timing of the transaction (when was HC introduced into the structure), the non-tax reasons for the structure, and any other judicial doctrines, provisions or treaties which might be relevant.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 15 May 2024 IFA Roundtable, Q.7 under Treaties – MLI – Art. 7(1).

CRA effectively indicates that, to disengage a single PLOI election, the loan agreement must be replaced

Effective March 25, 2022, CRA adopted an administrative policy that requires only one PLOI election to be made in respect of each loan or indebtedness governed by the same agreement owing by each non-resident person, with no election being required to be made regarding amounts borrowed under the same agreement in a subsequent taxation year. What if the taxpayer does not wish to have the election apply to amounts advanced under the agreement after the initial year of the election?

CRA indicated:

  • If the intention is to treat only certain amounts as a PLOI, then the above policy does not apply, and a separate election should be filed in respect of each separate amount under the agreement.
  • Taxpayers who have engaged the policy by making a single election in respect of all amounts made under the same agreement, and then no longer wish for the election to apply to amounts borrowed in subsequent years should ensure that those amounts are governed under a separate agreement. (This seems to imply a necessity of terminating or bifurcating the current loan agreement.)
  • The single election to engage the administrative policy is made by checking “yes” in field 100 of Form T1521. If the administrative relief is not desired, a separate election for each separate amount should be made, and “no” checked in field 100 in each T1521 form.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 15 May 2024 IFA Roundtable, Q.6 under s. 15(2.11)(d).

CRA indicates that a late-filing of a PLOI election does not cause the related deemed interest to be statute-barred

Where a late-filed PLOI election is made prior to the three-year limitation period referred to in s. 15(2.12) or 212.3(12), CRA confirmed that the interest deemed to thereby arise under s. 17.1(1) not having been reassessed would not preclude the election from being valid. However, s. 152(4)(b)(iii)(A) would extend the normal reassessment period for assessing such interest given that the joint PLOI election filing by a CRIC and its non-resident parent would be an “arrangement or event” and, thus, a “transaction,” as defined in s. 247(1), involving a taxpayer and a non-resident person with which it did not deal at arm’s length.

Where the CRIC and each "non-resident parent" (defined in s. 212.3(1)(b) as a member of a group of non-resident persons not dealing with each other at arm’s length) are not related, they nonetheless will not be dealing at arm’s length as a factual matter, so that CRA would be able to reassess the relevant taxation years beyond the normal reassessment period to include additional interest income for the CRIC.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 15 May 2024 IFA Roundtable, Q.5 under s. 152(4)(b)(iii)(A).

CRA revises its procedures for the filing of late PLOI elections

S. 15(2.12) or s. 212.3(12) allows for a late filing of a PLOI election by up to three years provided that the late filing penalties are paid by the corporation resident in Canada (CRIC).

CRA indicated that it has revised its procedures for the late-filing of a PLOI election. Although this can still be accomplished by the CRIC filing an amended Schedule 1, the CRIC can instead use recently published CRA forms (Forms T1521 and T2311 for filings under s. 15(2.11) and s. 212.3(11), respectively) to provide the relevant information.

Regarding loan indebtedness owing to a qualified Canadian partnership, the instructions contained in Part 3 of Form T1521 will be revised to clarify that, in order to process the adjustment in respect of the qualified Canadian partnership and corporate partners, the taxpayer should submit an amended partnership information return(s) as well as an amended Schedule 1.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 15 May 2024 IFA Roundtable, Q.4 under s. 15(2.12).
