Income Tax Severed Letters - 2004-01-09


2003 Ruling 2003-0047713 - POSTAMBLE INTEREST PART X111

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Principal Issues: whether postamble of 212(1) (b) applies?

Position: No

Based on the particular fact situation. Although the Applicable Margin payable after the Trigger Date employs a variable that is the result of a formula of debt to EBITDA, these extra amounts payable simply use EBITDA as a tool to assess creditworthiness. As the borrower becomes more profitable, its payments decrease; this reflects the opposite of participating debt. Considering the modern rule of statutory interpretation and the apparent purpose of paragraph 212(1)(b), we are of the view that the phrase "computed by reference to" revenue, profit, cash flow, commodity price or any other similar criterion, has a somewhat narrower meaning in the context of the postamble of 212(1)(b) than it may bear in other sections of the Act.

2003 Ruling 2003-0024203 - LEASE OF EXCESS SPACE BY CHARITY

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Principal Issues:
Whether the fact that a charitable organization will be leasing excess space will result in the charitable organization being considered to be carrying on business for purposes of paragraph 149.1(2)(a).

Question of fact. In this case, based on the terms of the lease and the facts as described, the charitable organization will not be carrying on business for purposes of paragraph 149.1(2)(a).

Based on a review of the specific terms under the lease, the charity is not providing any services to the tenant that would indicate that it is earning income from a business. Further, the excess space will be the only property of the charity to be leased to earn income.

2003 Ruling 2003-0036653 F - Affilated Group Loss Utilization

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111 88 245(2)

Principal Issues: Affiliated group loss utilization.

Position: Favorable rulings provided.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law.

2003 Ruling 2003-0039243 - WITHHOLDING TAX

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212(1)(b)(vii) 245(2)

Principal Issues:
Is there an avoidance transaction where a corporation, that is the general partner of a limited partnership operating a business in Canada, that qualifies for the 212(1)(b)(vii) exemption, borrows and on-loans the funds (at a positive spread) to a limited partnership.

Position: No

There is no avoidance transaction. The GP could not borrow in Canada at the US rate and the LP could not borrow in Canada for the GP rate. Also, U.S. investors prefer the security of lending to the GP rather than the LP.


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206 259

Principal Issues:
Will the establishment of a pension corporation (PC1) as described in subparagraph 149(1)(o.2)(iii) and the subsequent transfer of property from a pension corporation (PC2) as described in paragraph 149(1)(o.1) with PC2 holding all of the outstanding shares of PC1, for the purpose of increasing the percentage of underlying foreign property, be abusive for purposes of subsection 245(2) of the Act?

Position: No

Provisions of sections 206 and 259 of the Act are not offended. We have previously ruled that GAAR will not apply to similar arrangements involving trusts that are structured to maximize the percentage of foreign property being held under a trust structure.

Technical Interpretation - External

9 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0050255 - MARRIED TAX CREDIT

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Principal Issues:
1. Whether two individuals are entitled to claim the married tax credit in respect of the same person in the year where the former spouse dies and the surviving spouse re-marries.
2. Does subparagraph 118(1)(a)(ii) of the Act apply to reduce the amount that may be claimed as a tax credit when all of the surviving spouse's income is earned after the death of the former spouse.

Position: 1. Yes. 2. Yes.

Reasons: 1. Subject to subsection 118(4) of the Act, the married tax credit is available to anyone that is married "at any time in the year".
2. The married tax credit is reduced by the spouse's income "for the year".

6 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0050541E5 - Self-administered PHSP

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Principal Issues: Whether a self-administered health care plan qualifies as a PHSP.

Position: Possible but a question of fact.

Reasons: Must meet the definition of PHSP in the Act.

6 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0046745 - MEDICAL EXPENSE CARE IN SCHOOL

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Principal Issues:
Whether a school which provides equipment and personnel for the remediation of learning disabilities could receive approval as a school to which 118.2(2)(e) would automatically apply to so that a payment to it would qualify as a medical expense.

The Act does not allow for the general approval of a school but rather it is the patient that claims the medical expense if all requirements are met.

Whether 118.2(2)(e) applies is fact dependant on whether the individual is appropriately certified as requiring the particular school.

6 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0047095 - integrated day care-medical expense

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Principal Issues: Whether the cost of sending an autistic child to an integrated day care would qualify as a medical expense for income tax purposes.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: The child must be certified by an appropriately qualified person to be a person who, because of a physical or mental impairment, requires the equipment, facilities or personnel specially provided by that place.

6 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0031925 - PROPERTY TRANSFER-COMMON-LAW PARTNERS

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Principal Issues: Can subsection 73(1) of the Act apply to transfers of capital property under a written separation agreement between former common-law partners who do not have support or property rights under provincial statutes (Quebec in this case).

Position: Yes subsection 73(1) can apply to transfers of capital property between former common-law partners who do not have any support or property rights under their provincial statutes.

Reasons: Rights arising out of a common-law relationship may still exist outside of the codified provincial statutes (ie. such as in written separation agreements).

5 January 2004 External T.I. 2003-0029025 - INTEREST PAID ON MEMBERSHIP IN GOLF CLUB

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20(1)(c) 18(1)(l) 18(1)(a)

Principal Issues:
Whether interest paid or payable by an individual on an amount payable for a membership in a golf club ("Membership") will be deductible in computing income?

31 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0047935 - INDIAN EMPLOYMENT ADJACENT TO RESERVE

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Principal Issues:
Will employment income paid to status Indians working for XXXXXXXXXX , Manitoba be tax-exempt?

Position: Probably not.

If the individual works on-reserve, Guideline 1 or the Proration Rule or Guideline 3 may apply. However, if her work takes place off-reserve, the Guidelines do not apply and the recent "extenuating factors" analysis applicable to the donut stores and/or remote adjacent stores does not apply to this situation.

29 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0036585 - PROPOSED LEGISLATION ON SPLIT RECEIPTING

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248(30) 118.1

Principal Issues:
We are asked to provide comments on the tax implications of gifting a building and land after December 20, 2002.

Provided general comments on the application of the draft gifting legislation in determining the eligible amount of a gift.

Reasons: Legislation and draft legislation.

23 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0045525 - MOTOR HOME

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Class 10 Class 10.1

Principal Issues:
1. What is the CCA class of a motor home?
2. Is the taxable benefit on the personal use of a motor home by an employee determined under paragraph 6(1)(a) or subsection 6(1)(e)?

Position TAKEN:
1. Class 10
2. Paragraph 6(1)(a)

1. A motor home is automotive equipment included in paragraph (a) of Class 10. However, it is not an automobile as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Act.
2. Paragraph 23 of IT-63R5

23 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0008145 F - TRANSFERT ENTRE EX-CONJOINT

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73(1) 248(22) 248(23)
deemed transfer to spouse before divorce where property was subject to matrimonial regime to which s. 248(3) applied, so that no need to rely on being in settlement of matrimonial rights
property transferred in settlement of rights arising out of marriage also includes property transferred in settlement of rights arising out of a matrimonial regime
one-sided adjustments under ss. 69(1)(b) and (a)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'il est possible de bénéficier des règles édictées par le paragraphe 73(1) de la Loi à l'égard de certains biens (un chalet, XXXXXXXXXX terres à bois et des actions d'une société) partagés entre deux ex-époux en vertu d'une convention relative aux mesures accessoires entérinée par un jugement de divorce ?

Position Adoptée:
Oui, dans la mesure où il y a effectivement un transfert des biens.

23 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0014655 F - article 125.5

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exclusion under para. (d) applies where there is indirect control by the province
province is a “taxpayer” exempt from tax

Principle question: Est-ce qu'une société contrôlée indirectement par Sa Majesté du chef d'une province est une " société de production admissible " au sens de la définition de cette expression au paragraphe 125.5 (1) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: Probablement que non.

Raison pour position adoptée: Le libellé de la Loi.

22 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0053385 - Foreign Tax Credit FICA

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Principal Issues: Whether a social security payment to the government of the United States pursuant to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) is an "income or profits tax", pursuant to subsection 126(7) of the Act for the purposes of the foreign tax credit in subsection 126(1) of the Act.

Position: A FICA payment is not technically an "income or profits tax" but the CCRA treats it as such because we agreed in the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention to give a foreign tax credit for such a payment.

Reasons: See herein.

19 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0051915 - F/X loss on repayment of a loan

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40(3.3) 40(3.4)

Principal Issues: Whether subsections 40(3.3) and (3.4) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act") apply to the repayment of a loan?

Position: No.

Reasons: The repayment of a loan is not the disposition of "a particular capital property".

18 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0021195 F - Etablissement Stable en Ontario

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an office with only incidental functions will not constitute a fixed place of business
Words and Phrases
fixed place of business
Ontario sales office was not a deemed PE since general authority to contract was at the Quebec administrative office

Principales Questions: Déterminer l'existence ou non d'un établissement stable en Ontario.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

16 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0013335 - Qualifying Incomes & Capital Gains

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126(i) 126(9)

Principal Issues: Numerator in calculation of "net foreign non-business income" on Form T2209 - does it include capital gains, or taxable capital gains?

Position: Taxable capital gains

Reasons: The starting point in the calculation of "qualifying incomes" is the net income amounts as calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Canadian Income Tax Act.

XXXXXXXXXX 2003-001333
S. E. Thomson
December 16, 2003

16 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0019075 - Pension from XXXXXXXXXX

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56(1)(a) Article XVII

Principal Issues: Taxpayer would like to know:
1. When will he be considered to be resident in Canada for tax purposes, and
2. Will his pension from the XXXXXXXXXX be taxable to him once he is resident in Canada?

Position: We can't say, although the questions may be re-submitted as a request for an advance income tax ruling.

Reasons: Both are questions of fact, although we gave some general information on both points.

XXXXXXXXXX 2003-001907
S. E. Thomson
December 16, 2003

15 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0182855 - Fiducie pour Loi au Quebec

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73(1.02) 248(3)
meaning of “a right as a beneficiary in a trust” is found in s. 248(25)
sole beneficiary of Quebec trust is the beneficial owner of its property
no change in beneficial ownership on transfer of property to self-benefit Quebec trust
policy is for s. 75(2) application not to result in double taxation

Principales Questions : Questions générales quant aux fiducies pour soi constituées en vertu du Code civil du Québec.
General queries on self-benefit trusts constituted under the Quebec Civil Code.

Position Adoptée : Pas de changement de propriété effective à l'égard d'un bien transféré à une fiducie, pour les fins du paragraphe 73(1.02), lorsque la seule personne à avoir un droit de bénéficiaire dans la fiducie est la personne qui avait le droit de propriété sur le bien avant le transfert.
No change in the beneficial ownership for the purposes of subsection 73(1.02) regarding property transferred to a trust where the only person having a right as beneficiary under the trust is the same person that had the rights of ownership of the property before the transfer to the trust.

11 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0043785 - CEE/CDE Various Expenses

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66.1(6) 66.2(5) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether certain types of expenses would constitute CEE or CDE and qualify for renunciation for flow-through share purposes.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: Consideration of the nature of the types of expenses in question in light of the relevant legislative provisions.

9 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0032585 - Immeuble détenu par une succession

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13(1), 20(16) 54, 69(1), 104(1) 107(2), 248(25)
income beneficiary of estate could be a specified beneficiary using as principal residence
s. 107(2) rollover unavailable to an income beneficiary

Principales Questions: Questions relatives à un immeuble détenu par une succession.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

4 December 2003 External T.I. 2003-0041345 - Taxable dividends - loss trust or estate

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112(3.2)(ii)(B)(C), 112(3.2(b)(i) 112(3.2), 112(3.3) 112(3.31), 112(3.32)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.

XXXXXXXXXX 	2003-004134
		Annemarie Humenuk
December 4, 2003


Re: Taxable Dividends and the Application of the Stop Loss Rules to Estates and Trusts


10 October 2003 Roundtable, 2003-0030185 F - Attribution par une Fiducie

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107(2) 107(2.1) 248(1)

Principales Questions : Est-ce que l'alinéa 248(1)i) de la définition de " disposition " s'applique à une partie d'une participation au capital?
Whether paragraph 248(1)(i) of the definition of "disposition" applies to a part of a capital interest?

Position Adoptée : Oui/Yes

Technical Interpretation - Internal

9 January 2004 Internal T.I. 2003-0044277 - Flow-Through of Redesignated CDE

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66(12.601) 66(12.602) 66(12.66)

Principal Issues: Can a principal-business corporation renounce $2,000,000 of specified CDE in a particular year which is made up of $1,000,000 of specified CDE incurred in that year and $1,000,000 of specified CDE incurred in the following year?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Since the deeming provision in subsection 66(12.66) does not apply to paragraph 66(12.602)(c) of the Act, the amounts incurred in 2003 and carried back to 2002 will not affect the amount renounced in 2002.

8 January 2004 Internal T.I. 2003-0035797 - REINSURANCE RESERVES

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REG 1404 138(3)(a)

Principal Issues:
Should a reinsurer calculate its policy reserves using the pre-1996 or the post-1995 rules where pre-1996 life insurance policies are the subject of the reinsurance contract?

Position: Generally, the post-1995 rules should be used.

Based on the Agency's position that a reinsurance agreement is a "life insurance policy" and a "life insurance policy in Canada" where the underlying policies are "life insurance policies in Canada" and further to discussions with the Department of Finance, we have reconsidered our position as stated in E1999-001593 and we are now of the view that generally a reinsurer which has reinsured pre-1996 life insurance policies after 1995 should apply the post-1996 rules in computing its policy reserves in respect of those policies.

23 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0049927 - SAR-STOCK OPTION PLAN

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7(3)(b) 7(1)(h)

Principal Issues:
Will an employer be allowed a deduction for a cash payment made to an employee in lieu of the employee receiving shares under a stock option agreement, where the employee elects to receive cash and the employer has the right to decline to pay cash?

Position: Yes, where the employee elects to receive cash and the employer pays cash.

The position reflected in paragraph 11 of IT-113R4 concerning the tax consequences when an employee has the right to elect to receive cash in lieu of shares under a stock option agreement will apply, despite the fact the employer has the right to decline to pay cash.

23 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0049497 - EMPLOYMENT INCOME CHEQUE WAS NOT REC'D

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Principal Issues: The impact of the deeming provision in subsection 248(7) of the Act on the taxation of employment income. The taxpayer was entitled under a contract of employment to an annual residual payment for employment services that were performed under the contract. The employer mailed cheques to the taxpayer for the payments for a period of XXXXXXXXXX years. The taxpayer did not receive these cheques and later received a lump-sum amount from the employer in lieu of the cheques not received.

Position: Subsection 248(7) is not applicable in this situation. Subsection 5(1) of the Act applies to include the lump-sum payment in employment income in the taxation year in which it was received.

Reasons: In terms of determining a taxpayer's employment income under subsection 5(1) of the Act, paragraph 248(7)(a) would apply to include therein an amount that has been mailed in the taxation year but not received until the following taxation year. However, paragraph 248(7) of the Act would not apply to include an amount in a taxpayer's employment income where the facts clearly show that the taxpayer, or someone else for the taxpayer's benefit, never received the amount. In this situation, the taxpayer did not actually receive the cheques, nor did someone else receive them for the taxpayer's benefit.

19 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0035347 - AVAILABLE FOR USE RULES

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13(26) 13(27) 13(28)

Principal Issues: Whether a building that will be used in a sawmill operation is available for use.

Position: No.

Reasons: The earlier of one of the times enumerated in paragraphs (a) to (e) of subsection 13(28) of the Act has not yet occurred.

18 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0044007 F - OPTION D'ACHAT D'ACTIONS RACHETEES

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7(1)(b) 40(2)(g)(ii)
full option surrender consideration included under s. 7(1)(b) even though a portion thereof never paid
unpaid and defaulted balance of stock option surrender consideration was not property used in a property or business source
employee stock option surrender proceeds were not from the disposition of capital property

Principales Questions:
1. Est-il possible de réduire l'avantage résultant de l'application de l'article 7 de la Loi et imposé dans l'année de la disposition des options, si le contribuable visé n'a pas reçu le solde dû suite au rachat par la société des options d'achat d'actions qui lui ont été préalablement accordées?
2. Dans l'affirmative, l'employeur doit-il émettre un feuillet T4 modifié?

17 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0047367 F - Benefit Conferred on Non-arm's Length Person

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15(1) 84(2) 246(1)
s. 84(2) inapplicable on sale by defunct corporation of its assets at an undervalue to one of its shareholders
s. 246(1) applicable to sale of assets by corporation to employee-shareholder at an undervalue
application of s. 15(1) or 246(1) to property distributed by corporation to shareholder would be added to the property’s ACB

Principal Issues: Whether subsection 15(1) or 84(2) of the Act should apply in a given fact situation where a corporation ("OPCO") would dispose of property to a person ("X") with whom OPCO would not be dealing at arm's length, for proceeds less than fair market value. At any relevant time, X would have been an employee and a director (vice-president) of OPCO.

Position: The value of the benefit conferred by OPCO on X should be included in the income of X under subsection 15(1), provided that such benefit would not be conferred on the winding-up, discontinuance or reorganization of OPCO's business (for example, if OPCO's business would have ceased some time before the transfer of assets in favour of X). In the given fact situation, X, and no other shareholder of OPCO, would receive property from OPCO pursuant to an agreement of purchase and sale. Consequently and based on the particular circumstances surrounding the given situation, subsection 84(2) would not be applicable. However, if subsection 15(1) is determined not to be applicable, subsection 246(1) would be applicable if it is possible to establish that OPCO would have conferred a benefit, either directly or indirectly, by any means whatever, on X, and if the amount of the benefit would be included in X's income if the said amount of the benefit was a payment made directly by OPCO to X. Such hypothetical payment would be included in computing X's income under subsection 6(1) in the circumstances. If subsection 246(1) were applicable, the benefit would be included in X's income. Paragraph 69(1)(b) would probably be applicable in the given fact situation to deem OPCO to have received proceeds of disposition equal to the fair market value of the property transferred. X may have had de facto control over OPCO. In that case, the application of subsections 13(21.2) and 40(3.4) would have to be considered. Subsection 13(21.1) could also be relevant in the given situation.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

17 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0047727 F - Right of Use-Deemed Trust

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248(3) 105(1) 105(2)
no s. 105(1) benefit from personal use of personal-use property of a trust
potential s. 105(2) benefit where Opco pays all of the expenses on its property to a portion of which the sister of Opco’s indirect controlling shareholder has a right of (personal) use

Principal Issues: In a given fact situation, an individual would dispose of a home used primarily for her personal use or enjoyment in favour of a corporation ultimately controlled by her sister ("X"), for fair market value consideration. A right of use or habitation would be granted in favour of the individual with respect to the portion of the home she uses for residential purposes. The rent generated by the reminder of the home after the sale would be the property of the corporation. Whether, in such situation, the value of some sort of benefit should be included in the income of one of the taxpayers involved.

Position: Based on the particular facts and circumstances surrounding the given fact situation, we are of the view that no amount should be included in computing the income of X, although some arguments may be made in support of the opposite view. However, a benefit should probably be included in the income of the sister under subsection 105(2) in the given situation. Pursuant to paragraph 248(3)(b), a right of use or habitation shall be deemed to be a trust, and property subject to such a right shall be deemed to have been transferred to the trust and to be held in trust. Although it is the CCRA's position that the use of trust property by a beneficiary of the trust constitutes a benefit for the purposes of subsection 105(1), in the case of personal-use property owned by a trust, the CCRA will generally not assess a benefit for the use of that property under subsection 105(1). However, a benefit in respect of the upkeep, maintenance, or taxes for such property may arise pursuant to subsection 105(2). Under paragraph 104(6)(b), there may be deducted in computing the income of the trust any amount included under subsection 105(2). Any portion of the outlays or expenses, effectively incurred by the corporation in respect of the portion of the home used by the individual for residential purposes that would not give rise to a benefit under subsection 105(2), would not be deductible pursuant to paragraph 18(1)(a).

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

Le 17 décembre 2003

16 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0046167 F - Section 50- Shares of Insolvent Corporation50(1)

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69(1) 88(1)
corporation not insolvent if affiliates intend to pay its creditors, and its shares have value if it has non-capital losses
Words and Phrases
sale of Lossco with no assets but non-capital losses for nil consideration to another subsidiary generated a gain under s. 69(1)(b)
shares of corporation that had ceased business and had no assets but had non-capital losses had a significant value

Principal Issues: How would subsection 50(1) and paragraphs 69(1)(b) and 88(1)(b) of the Act apply in a given fact situation. Briefly, a parent corporation ("Parentco") would elect to have subsection 50(1) to apply in respect of the shares of one of its wholly-owned subsidiary ("Lossco") in XXXXXXXXXX . In XXXXXXXXXX , Parentco would dispose of its Lossco shares in favour of another wholly-owned subsidiary ("Profitco") for a nominal cash consideration. Some time after this transfer, Lossco would be wound-up into Profitco. Profitco would then use Lossco's non-capital losses in conformity with subsection 88(1.1).

Position: It should normally be very difficult to apply subsection 50(1) of the Act in a situation of the type described in this letter. Assuming that the taxpayer would rely on paragraph 50(1)(b)(iii), the conditions stated in subparagraphs 50(1)(b)(iii)(A) and (C) could be difficult to meet. On this point, the benefits that can be derived from the utilization of non-capital losses should generally be taken into consideration in assigning a value to the shares of a corporation. In a situation of the type described in the letter, if subsection 50(1) were not applicable, Parentco would sustain a loss on the transfer of the shares of "Lossco" in favour of "Profitco." However, such loss would generally be suspended pursuant to subsections 40(3.3) to 40(3.5). If subsection 50(1) were applicable in the given fact situation, the application of paragraph 69(1)(b) to the disposition by Parentco of its Lossco shares in favour of Profitco for a nominal cash consideration would result in a capital gain. The deemed disposition of Lossco shares on the winding-up of Lossco under paragraph 88(1)(b) would not result in any capital gain in the circumstances.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

Le 16 décembre 2003

8 December 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0042537 F - CIEE & SRAS

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lay-off due to SARS did not qualify as an absence
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions:
Ayant exercé ses fonctions à l'étranger, un employé mis à pied temporairement, en relation avec le SRAS, avant la fin d'une période de plus de six mois consécutifs est-il admissible au crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger?

Position Adoptée:

27 October 2003 Internal T.I. 2003-0034157 - Senior Official of the ICAO

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250(5) 40(2) 140(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether the gain from the disposition of a house of a senior official of the International Civil Aviation Organization is taxable in Canada.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: However, as a resident of Canada under the Income Tax Act (the "Act"), the individual can benefit from the principal residence exemption of subsection 40(2) of the Act.
October 27, 2003