Income Tax Severed Letters - 2001-12-07


2001 Ruling 2000-0039873 - Sublease of XXXXXXXXXX .

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9 12(1)(x) XXXXXXXXXX 5204

Principal Issues: (a) Whether the sublease is a sale/purchase or lease transaction? (b) Whether section 16.1 of the Act would apply, given the assets under the sublease are owned by the tax-exempt entities? (c) Whether the activities in respect of production of XXXXXXXXXX would qualify for the M&P profits deductions under section 125.1 of the Act? (d) Whether paragraph 12(1)(x) of the Act would apply to XXXXXXXXXX cash receipts by the Partnership for assuming certain contingent liabilities (re unfunded supplemental pension and other retirement benefit liabilities)? (e) Whether the initial lump-sum payment at the beginning of the term of the sublease would be considered as a pre-paid rental or an acquisition cost of a leasehold interest? (f) Whether the annual rental amounts which are subject to prospective change after the first five years but before the initial term (XXXXXXXXXX ) is expired, pending on any additional contingent liability (XXXXXXXXXX ) established under an independent review of such contingent liability, would be considered as contingent amounts for the purposes of paragraphs 18(1)(a) and (e) of the Act? (g) Whether the costs in respect of lay-up and shut-down of XXXXXXXXXX would be deductible in computing income and are not precluded from deduction by virtue of paragraph 18(1)(a) of (b) of the Act? (h) What would be the first renewal term of the sublease with an automatic renewal feature (i.e., whether it is one year or XXXXXXXXXX years term) for the purposes of Schedule III of the Regulations? (i) Whether the additional rent, which is defined as any amounts payable under the sublease agreement in additional to those rents referred to in (e) and (f) above and the supplemental rent which refers to the amount and price of XXXXXXXXXX produced, would be deductible in computing income? (j) Would the normalcy test under subparagraph (b)(iii) and paragraph (c) of the definition of "cost of labour" in section 5204 of the Regulations in respect of the fees to be paid by the Partnership to a company that would provide the services of operating the XXXXXXXXXX to the Partnership?

Position: (a) Lease Transaction (b) No (c) Yes (d) Yes (e) Leasehold Interest Costs (f) No (g) Yes (h) XXXXXXXXXX Years (i) Yes or No (j) No

(a) The terms and conditions of the sublease indicate that they are a lease transaction in legal form and legal substance, which is consistent with the case of Construction Berou Inc. XXXXXXXXXX There is no option to purchase. Furthermore, the risk and obligations of XXXXXXXXXX will substantially remain with the sublessor.

2001 Ruling 2001-0082013 F - Création d'un Master Trust

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54 104(7.1) 104(13)

Principales Questions: Les transactions projetées consistent à modifier les mesures administratives ainsi que les termes et les modalités d'une convention de fiducie régissant un groupe de fiducies à participation unitaire afin d'harmoniser leur administration et leur gestion avec une autre convention de fiducie régissant une autre famille de fiducies à participation unitaire. Les modifications apportées n'entraîneront pas le rachat, ni l'annulation des unités des fonds et n'auront pas pour effet de conférer aux détenteurs d'unités des fonds le droit à un produit de disposition. Les transactions proposées entraîneront-elles 1) une disposition des unités 2) une disposition des actifs 3) une inclusion dans le revenu des détenteurs d'unités 4) l'application du paragraphe 107(4.1) de la Loi et 5) l'application du paragraphe 245(2) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: 1) non 2)non 3) non 4) et 5) non

2001 Ruling 2001-0091643 - papillon

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Principales Questions: Papillon - Séparation

Position Adoptée: Papillon conforme à l'article 55

2001 Ruling 2001-0101813 - Wind--up NRD-Transfer Debt Obligations

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Principal Issues: Whether the transfer of debt from Canco (owing to NROco) to a limited partnership (established in XXXXXXXXXX but managed out of the US), where NROco's sister corporation is the general partner and NROco's parent corporation is the limited partner, allowed:
(a) the application of the 10% treaty withholding rate on the interest paid from Canco to the limited partnership; and
(b) Canco to continue deducting the interest paid on the debt.

Position: Yes to both.

Reasons: See our document #2000-0054593 and the related Issue Sheet.

2001 Ruling 2001-0103713 - PHANTOM STOCK PLAN, EXECUTIVE

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Principal Issues:
Will proposed amendments to an arrangement adversely affect rulings that were previously obtained with respect to the 6801(d) plan?


The proposed amendments do not have any effect on the rulings previously issued because the provisions of 6801(d) remain satisfied.

2001 Ruling 2001-0105863 - reimbursement of stock option benefit

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15(1) 12(i)(x)

Principal Issues: PARENT and its UK subsidiary, UKSUB, will enter into an agreement under which UKSUB will pay to PARENT an amount equal to the stock option benefit enjoyed by UKSUB's employees on the exercise of options to acquire shares of PARENT. The issue is whether this amount would be included in the income of PARENT under subsection 15(1) or paragraph 12(1)(x).

Position: No.

Reasons: It would not be unreasonable for the subsidiary to reimburse the parent for that portion of the employment benefit that has been effectively borne by the parent on the subsidiary's behalf. For an in-depth analysis see the SPI for file 2000-003491.

Ministerial Correspondence

17 December 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0109244 - OPTION BENEFIT SUBSEQUEN REDUC IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer wrote on behalf of contstituents with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and noted that the issue is under review at Finance.

Reasons: Issue is still under review.

13 December 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0111254 - Family Trust

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Referred to changes in the law enacted by Bill C-22 which ensure that all persons who leave Canada or transfer property from Canada will generally realize a deemed disposition.

3 December 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0106684 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTY

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44(5) 13(4)

Principal Issues: Whether Agency in applying replacement property rules too rigidly where farmers dispose of farmland and acquire larger property

Position: Question of fact. It is possible for larger farm property to qualify as replacement for former property where it is reasonable to conclude that the new property was acquired as a replacement for old property. Also, farmer can replace leasehold interest in land with land that is purchased.

Reasons: Consistent with definition of replacement property and prior opinions given.

21 November 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0107174 - Foreign Spin-off

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.


November 21, 2001



Technical Interpretation - External

20 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0106905 - INTERSPOUSAL TRANSFER OF LOSSES

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40(1) 53(1)(F)

Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer can effectively transfer capital losses to the taxpayer's spouse in a particular situation.

Position: Yes

Reasons: The application of the superficial loss rules can give rise to the result

19 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0115095 F - DISPOSITION D'UNE ASSURANCE-VIE

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application to maturity (other than on death) of pre-1982 policy

Principale Question:

Le paragraphe148(1) de la Loi s'applique-t-il au montant reçu à l'échéance d'une police d'assurance-vie acquise avant 1982?

Position Adoptée: Oui.

19 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0101205 - PARTNERSHIP INTEREST; RETIRED PARTNER

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Principal Issues: whether disposition of interest in partnership that is a capital property is a disposition of one capital property notwithstanding that certain partners may be entitled to enter into retirement agreements when they cease to be partners

Position: generally yes

Reasons: interest in a partnership is generally one bundle of rights

19 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0113805 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:
We have been asked to be of assistance with respect to the commutation of an annuity contract issued in connection with a structured settlement arrangement and the payment of the related lump sum to the claimant. Apparently, the individual's mother and legal guardian is in financial difficulty.

We are unable to be of assistance.

One of the requirements of a structured settlement arrangement is that the related annuity contract be non-commutable.

18 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0114715 - MATCHABLE EXPENDITURES; GRANDFATHERING

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Principal Issues: grandfathering if amendment to OM

Position: yes

Reasons: changes not substantial in context of overall Offering

18 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0110315 F - ACTIONS SEPE PLACEMENTS ADMISSIBLES

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REG 4900(12)
overview of connected person and exempt person definitions

Principale Question:

Est-ce que des actions d'une SPCC sont des placements admissibles?

Position Adoptée:
Commentaires généraux


18 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0107655 - SECURITIES-INCOME VS. CAPITAL

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9(1) 39

Principal Issues: Whether an individual who deals in put and call options and in connection with those activities also buys and sells securities is carrying on a business.

Position: General comments. However, it appears that the transactions would be on account of income.

Reasons: Based on comments in IT-479R.

18 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0114435 F - Capacité de gain - Earn Out

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39(1) 40(1) 12(1)(g)
it must be possible to compute all the payments within the 5-year period

Principal Issues: Whether the condition stated in 1) d) of the Interpretation Bulletin IT-426 (i.e. that the duration of the sale agreement does not exceed 5 years) is met in particular situations.

Position: No.

Reasons: In each situation submitted, the duration of the sale agreement does or may exceed 5 years. Various comments made, including one to the effect that the 5-year period begins at the time the sale agreement is formed (the determination of such time being a question of law). Such time may coincide with the date appearing on a contract or the date of its signature, depending on the applicable law and the facts related to a particular situation.

17 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0101675 F - T5008 NON-RESIDENT

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REG 230(2) REG 230(6)
requirement to prepare Reg. 230(6) return may apply to a non-resident

Principale Question:

Les paragraphes 230(2) et (6) du Règlement s'appliquent-t-ils à des mandataires non-résidents?

Position Adoptée:

Analyse législative

XXXXXXXXXX 2001-010167
L. J. Roy, CGA
Le 17 décembre 2001

14 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092385 - CLASSIFICATION WATER RIGHTS

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14 1100

Principal Issues:
(1) Whether the purchase of water rights years ago should have been capitalized to the cost of land or an eligible capital property.
(2) If so, and the amount was capitalized to land, should it now be capitalized as an eligible capital property and form part of the calculation of cumulative eligible capital?
(3) What are the implications on the sale of the water rights - is it qualified farm property? Is it an eligible capital amount or proceeds for the sale of land?

Insufficient information to provide comments given changes to the Act, ITAR's and ITR. Suggested that critical information be presented to the relevant Tax Services Office.

The request did not contain sufficient information to enable us to provide any comments with respect to the questions raised in the letter. To begin answering the inquiry, information, such as dates of transactions, relevant agreements and whether the owner of the property is a corporation or an individual, is necessary.

14 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100045 - FOSTER CARE PROVIDER-TAXABILITY

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Principal Issues:
Whether amounts received by persons for providing foster care in their home for disabled individuals is taxable?

Exempt if all conditions of 81(1)(h) of the Act are met - in this situation it is a question of fact - general information provided

Reasons: conditions of ITA 81(1)(h) may be satisfied

XXXXXXXXXX 2001-010004
Shaun Harkin, CMA
December 14, 2001

13 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0019525 - Relationship between a trust & corporation

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251(2) 256(7)

Principal Issues: Whether a trust is related to a corporation in three different situations and whether the sale of the shares of the corporation by its sole shareholder to a trust would result in an acquisition of control.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Wording of the Act and case law.

13 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0099245 - PHARMACIST PROGRAM & SERVICES

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Principal Issues:
Do services and programs provided by a pharmacist that are not associated with "dispensing" of medication qualify as a medical expense?

13 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0108305 - Is a partnership an unrelated person

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55(3)(a) 55(3.01)(a) 251(2)(b)(iii)

Principal Issues: Is a partnership an "unrelated person" with respect to a subsidiary corporation controlled by the partnership, where each member of the partnership is related to the subsidiary corporation.

Position: No

Reasons: Each member of the partnership is related to the subsidiary corporation.

13 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081015 - CAPITAL GAINS DEFERRAL

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Principal Issues: (1) Is the requirement that the share be issued from treasury to the person seeking deferral to be ignored ? (2) Will an active business be considered to arise when shares are first issued from treasury ? (3) Will initial shares issued to a lawyer on incorporation and then transferred to the current owner also disqualify the current owner from using the deferral ?

Position: (1) No. (2) Question of fact. (3) No, except in some cases.

Reasons: (1) Wording of the Act is clear and cannot be ignored. (2) Whether a corporation is carrying on a business is a question that can only be determined after reviewing all the relevant facts and information. (3) Position taken for purposes of section 110.6 of the Act could be extended to section 44.1 on the same basis.

11 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0111495 - MATCHABLE EXPENDITURES

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Principal Issues: grandfathering if expenditures not paid before Sept 18, 2001

Position: yes, if other conditions met

Reasons: "made" is broader than "paid"

11 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0111505 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT-LOAN

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Principal Issues:
Can a person borrow on a stream of payments from a structured settlement and direct the issuer to deposit in a specific account that is owned by the claimant?

10 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0109195 F - Test d'objet à 55(2)

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s. 55(3)(a) applicable to creditor-proofing transactions

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le test d'objet serait rencontré dans les situations présentées?

Position Adoptée: Habituellement non.

7 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0101025 - Definition of underlying foreign tax

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126(7) Reg.5907(1)

Principal Issues: Definition of "underlying foreign tax" in Regulation 5907(1).

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Interpretation Bulletin IT-270R2.

6 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0110065 - TERMINATION AND RE-EMPLOYEMENT

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Principal Issues: Has an employee retired in the situation described?

Position: Because it is a factual situation we provided general comments that may apply in the circumstances described.

Reasons: Our answer is based on positions developed over time.

6 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0101505 F - Impôt des non-résidents sur Unités de Fiducie

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overview of procedure for applying for refund of over-withholding

Principales Questions: Procédure pour obtenir le remboursement de l'impôt de la partie XIII payé en trop.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux. La procédure est expliquée aux paragraphes 68 à 77 de la Circulaire d'information IC 77-16R4.

4 December 2001 External T.I. 2001-0108675 - PRESCRIBED VENTURE CAPITAL CORPORATIONS

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REG 6700(a)(xiv) REG 4900 (1)(i.ii) 53(2)(K)(i) 206(2)

Principal Issues:

Taxpayer requested: 1. Confirmation that subparagraph (a)(xiv) of section 6700 of the Regulations is a proposed addition to the Regulations. 2. A brief explanation of the process followed to make a "proposed amendment" to the Regulations law. 3. Confirmation that (a) shares of Community Economic Development Funds ("CEDIFs") would be qualified investments for RRSPs (b) the adjusted cost base of CEDIF shares would not be reduced by the amount of the Nova Scotia Equity Tax Credit (c) CEDIF shares would be considered small business investment amounts if held in an RRSP.

Position: Confirmed requests. Subparagraph 6700(a)(xiv) is now law.

Reasons: Law.

30 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100125 F - Traitement fiscal fiducies-sûreté

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104(1) 212(1)b) et c) 248(1), 212(11) 248(25.2)
exclusions from a disposition under para. (c) on a transfer to a trust do not extend to para. (j) exclusion
a disposition on the transfer of Canada bonds by a non-resident to a security trust signified that interest distributions by the trust were subject to withholding under s. 212(1)(c)

Principales Questions: Application de la division 212(1)b)(ii)(C) à l'égard d'intérêts versés relativement à des obligations dont le transfert à une fiducie est visé à l'alinéa j) de la définition de " disposition " prévue au paragraphe 248(1).

Position Adoptée: Dans la mesure où la fiducie ne constitue pas un arrangement réputé, aux termes du paragraphe 104(1), ne pas constituer une fiducie pour les fins de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, et dans la mesure où le transfert des obligations à la fiducie n'est pas visé à l'alinéa k) de la définition de " disposition " prévue au paragraphe 248(1), l'exception prévue à la division 212(1)b)(ii)(C) ne sera pas applicable dans un tel cas.

28 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0097155 - Amendments to 104(6)(b)(iii)

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Principal Issues: Explanations regarding the example provided in Clause 78 of the Explanatory Notes on subsection 106(4) accompanying the Notice of Ways and Means Motion dated March 16, 2001.

Position: Subparagraph 104(6)(b)(iii) was amended by the Notice of Ways and Means Motion dated March 16, 2001 in order to disallow the deduction by a trust of the portion of its income accrued to the end of the deemed disposition day caused by the spouse's death but payable only after the death.

Reasons: Clause 78 of the Explanatory Notes accompanying the Notice of Ways and Means Motion dated March 16, 2001.

28 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0112095 - RRSP QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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REG 4900(1) 84(c)

Principal Issues: Is a public corporation (not a mortgage investment corporation) that is no longer listed on a prescribed stock exchange in Canada still a qualified investment for an RRSP?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Since the company is still a public corporation it will continue to be a qualified investment (Paragraph 4900(1)(b))(paragraph (c) of the definition of "public corporation" in subsection 89(1))

27 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086875 - STOCK OPTION BENEFIT PAID IN SHARES

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REG 6204

Principal Issues:
An employee is entitled to exercise a stock option. Rather than pay the exercise price, the employee asks instead to be paid the value of a stock option benefit in shares. Will that prevent the shares from qualifying as "prescribed shares" as set out in section 6204 of the Regulations?

Position: Possibly

Reasons: We cannot say with certainty without examining the relevant documents.

26 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0107145 - Interaction between 17(7) and 227(6.1)

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17(7) 227(6.1) 17(1) 152(4)(b)(iii)

Principal Issues: How does subsection 17(1) of the Act work where a non-resident refunds in year 8 an amount that he has been owing since year 1 and applies under subsection 227(6.1) of the Act for a refund of Part XIII?

Position: Subsection 17(7) of the Act provides that Part XIII tax is deemed never to have been paid on the loan. Therefore, subsection 17(1) of the Act may technically apply to the amount owing from the time that the amount first became outstanding. Thus, as the loan was interest-free, a deemed interest calculated at the prescribed rate has to be included in the Canadian-Resident Corporation for each taxation year. However, because some of those years are beyond the normal reassessment period CCRA can only reassess taxation year that are within the reassessment period.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

26 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0095445 - Reporting Capital Gain Mutual Fund Trust

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104(21) 104(13) 38 104(21.4)

Principal Issues: How should a corporation with a June 30, 2001 year-end that owns units in a mutual fund trust with a December 31, 2000 year-end report its share of capital gains realized by the trust during period 1?

Position: Application of paragraph 104(21.6)(c) of the Act.

Reasons: Wording of the disposition.

21 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098885 - Cancellation of Shares on Foreign Mergers

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87(1) 84(9) 95(2)(d) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether the administrative position outlined in paragraph 42 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-474R applies to foreign mergers.

Position: No.

Reasons: The administrative position outlined in paragraph 42 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-474R is restricted to amalgamations which satisfy the requirements of subsection 87(1) of the Income Tax Act.

20 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0085365 - Transfer of Property by an Estate

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69 60 43 251

Principal Issues: Non-resident executors of an estate comprising real property situated in Quebec and subject to life rights (usufruct or rights of use) held by the deceased's common-law spouse. Tax consequences resulting from the sale of the real property or its transfer to the deceased's common-law spouse.

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Insufficient facts.

19 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0106995 - Meaning of "income" under 108(3)

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104(4)(a) 108(3) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether it is possible for a trust, which provides that the amount which is payable to the income beneficiary in any year during the beneficiary's lifetime is defined as a percentage of the total value of the trust property at the commencement of that year, to qualify as a spousal trust, an alter ego trust or a joint spousal or common-law partner trust.

Position: No.

Reasons: In order for a trust created by a taxpayer to qualify as a spousal trust, an alter ego trust or a joint spousal or common-law partner trust, the taxpayer's spouse or common-law partner in the case of a spousal trust, the taxpayer in the case of an alter ego trust, and the taxpayer in combination with the taxpayer's spouse or common-law partner in the case of a joint spousal or common-law partner trust, must be entitled to receive all of the income of the trust. For the purposes of this requirement, the income of a trust, as provided under subsection 108(3) of the Income Tax Act, is the income of the trust computed for trust accounting purposes minus certain specified dividends.

19 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098455 F - Employés à l'étranger - production de T4

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153(1)(a) 248(1) Reg. 200(1)
any payer of salaries must prepare T4s even if not the employer and employees are non-resident

Principales Questions: Obligation de produire un T4 pour des employés non-résidents transférés à une société étrangère liée.

Position Adoptée: Oui.

19 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096455 F - Bien agricole admissible

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110.6(1) 110.6(2) 70(1) 252(1)
application of extended definition of “child” to qualified farm property determination

Principales Questions: Qualification d'un bien détenu par une succession à titre de " bien agricole admissible " au sens du paragraphe 110.6(1) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux concernant la définition de " bien agricole admissible " contenue au paragraphe 110.6(1) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

16 November 2001 External T.I. 1999-0009295 - Reserve deemed capital gain

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40(1)(a)(iii) 55(2) 84(3)

Principal Issues: confirmed position in Decision summary 55-066 still valid



13 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0079985 - Ordinary Course of Business

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258(3) 258(4)

Principal Issues: Whether subsection 258(4) applies in the particular situation described in the letter so as to deny the application of subsection 258(3) of the Act?

Position: Question of fact. Generally, term preferred share acquired by a specified financial institution would be considered to have been acquired in the ordinary course of business.

Reasons: All the factors surrounding the situation must be examined.

8 November 2001 External T.I. 2000-0059795 - Testamentary Trust Variation

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248(8) 248(9) 108(1) 106

Principal Issues: Whether a trust created under a will, if varied, is still regarded as a "testamentary trust" within the meaning of subsection 108(1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Insufficient facts to reach a conclusion.

7 November 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092105 F - Traitement fiscal - dommages-intérêts

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damages that include an award of interest for the delay in paying the disputed amount constitutes interest income, even if paid out of after-tax income

Principales Questions: Traitement fiscal d'un paiement reçu à titre de dommages-intérêts.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux quant au traitement fiscal de sommes reçues à titre de dommages-intérêts..

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0103585 - RRIF FOREIGN CONTENT

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Principal Issues: Application of foreign property limits to more than one RRSP trust and application of fairness provisions to waive the tax.

Position: Explained provisions

Reasons: The tax is assessed to individual trusts. The fairness provisions do not allow us to waive the tax.

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093325 F - Dettes assumées-Somme convenue

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85(1)(b) 55(3)(b)

Principales Questions:
À compter du 1er janvier 2001, lorsqu'un tel bien est transféré en vertu du paragraphe 85(1) de la Loi, les dettes ainsi assumées par le cessionnaire ou la souscription à des actions du cédant seront dorénavant considérées comme une contrepartie autre qu'en actions, aux fins de l'alinéa 85(1)b) de la Loi. Des allégements sont-ils prévus lorsqu'un bien est transféré dans le cadre d'une réorganisation papillon prévue à l'alinéa 55(3)b) de la Loi.

Position Adoptée:

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093375 F - caputal gains strip

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Principal Issues:
(1) In a given fact situation, whether ss 55(2) can apply to a dividend received by the sole shareholder of the dividend payor when the dividend is paid on the common shares and the dividend amount is equal to the safe income attributable to both the common and the preferred shares ?
(2) Whether ss 55(2) can apply if the preferred shares in 1 above are exchanged for common shares such that the common shares is the only existing class of shares when the dividend is paid ?

(1) Yes (2) Not in this situation.

(1) Assuming all other conditions are met, ss 55(2) technically applies because the dividend reduces the portion of the capital gain that, but for the dividend, would have been realized on a disposition at FMV of the common shares immediately before the dividend that is attributable to something other than safe income of the common shares.
(2) Provided that the common shares issued for the preferred shares receive a dividend equal to the safe income attributable to them.

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093385 F - Perte d'une société étrangère affiliée

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Principales Questions: Voir ci-dessous

Position Adoptée: Voir ci-dessous

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093155 F - Certificat de 116-Attribution de biens

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Principales Questions: 1) Le paragraphe 116(5) s'applique-t-il lors de l'attribution de biens par une fiducie à l'un de ses bénéficiaires non-résident en règlement de tout ou partie de la participation de celui-ci au capital de la fiducie? 2) La présomption de l'alinéa 107(2.1)c) s'applique-t-elle pour les fins de l'article 116? 3) Quel est l'effet de cette présomption sur la responsabilité de l'acheteur prévue à 116(5)?

Position Adoptée: 1) Oui. 2) Oui. 3) Aucun

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093395 F - Wind-up refund interest calculation

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88(1.1) 164(1) 164(3) 164(5)

Principal Issues: In a situation where there may be a certain number of taxation years between the time of the commencement of the wind-up and the formal dissolution of a wholly-owned subsidiary:

(1) Would CCRA reassess the parent corporation if it claimed a subsidiary's loss in its first taxation year commencing after the commencement of the winding-up, pursuant to s.s. 88(1.1), even though the subsidiary is not formally dissolved ?

(2) If the parent waited until the subsidiary is formally dissolved to claim a subsidiary's loss, would CCRA pay interest on a refund from the day the original return to which the loss is being applied was filed to the day of the reassessment ?

(3) Can the CCRA reassess the parent's first taxation year commencing after the commencement of the winding-up to allow the subsidiary's loss if the normal reassesssment period for that taxation year expired before the subsidiary is officially dissolved ?

(4) Can the parent corporation protect its right to claim the subsidiary's loss in its first taxation year commencing after the commencement of the winding-up by filing a waiver of the normal reassesssment period for that year under s.p. 152(4)(a)(ii) ?

Position: (1) It could. (2) No. (3) No.
(4) Technically no. Final decision made on a case by case basis.


5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093175 F - Revenu gagné en main et artilce 80

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80 55(5)

Principales Questions: Voir ci-dessous

Position Adoptée: Voir ci-dessous

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0099805 F - CADEAUX ET RECOMPENSES

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Principales Questions: Énoncé de la nouvelle politique sur les cadeaux et les récompenses.

Position Adoptée: Deux cadeaux non monétaires par année pour des occasions spéciales et deux récompenses non monétaires par année en reconnaissance de certains accomplissements relatifs à l'emploi. Dépenses déductibles par l'employeur.

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093205 F - REGLEMENT STRUCTURE

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Principales Questions:
Une des conditions à respecter pour qu'on puisse établir un règlement structuré aux fins du IT-365R2 est qu'une demande (en anglais: "claim") de dommages-intérêts doit être faite à l'égard de blessures ou d'un décès. Est-ce que cela signifie qu'une demande doit être déposée devant les tribunaux ?

Position Adoptée:

5 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093235 F - Pouvoir discrétionnaire prévu à 220(4.7)

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Principales Questions: Application du pouvoir discrétionnaire prévu au paragraphe 220(4.7).

Position Adoptée: Question de faits.

31 August 1995 External T.I. 9518285 - EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF U.S.

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art XI

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 								951828
S. Leung
Attention:  XXXXXXXXXX 

August 31, 1995F

Dear Sirs:

Re: Canada-United States Income Tax Convention (1980)
Guaranteed Financing by the Export-Import Bank
of the United States (the "Eximbank")


23 October 2001 APFF Roundtable Q. 1, 2001-0098730 F - PANEL SUR LA DGAE

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Principales Questions:
Conférence prononcée par Marc Vanasse, dans le cadre du congrès annuel de l'APFF, concernant les procédures d'établissement de cotisations basées sur la DGAÉ et les stratagèmes récents analysés par le comité de la DGAÉ

Position Adoptée:

Technical Interpretation - Internal

17 December 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0109207 - STANDBY CHARGE

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6(1)(e) 6(2)

Principal Issues: An employee leased an automobile from his employer who in turn leased the automobile from an arm's length third party. The terms of the employee's lease agreement are identical to the terms in the employer's lease agreement.

Position: Are the standby rules applicable to such a situation?

Reasons: Yes. The standby provision applies where, in accordance with paragraph 6(1)(e) of the Income Tax Act, "the taxpayer's employer...made an automobile available to the taxpayer" and such is the case in the situation presented.

December 17, 2001

11 December 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0109357 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES

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no s. 20(1)(f) deduction for the FMV of shares issued on debenture conversion since conversion price is equal to the face value of debenture

Principale Question:

Lorsque l'émetteur convertit des billets convertibles en actions ordinaires, l'alinéa 20(1)f) de la Loi s'applique-t-il pour permettre à l'émetteur de déduire le montant de la JVM des actions émises qui excède la somme pour laquelle le titre a été émis?

Position Adoptée:

28 November 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0091247 - Employer Stock Opt. & Section 116116(5)

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no acquisition of property by the obligor corporation when its debt repaid or employee stock option exercised

Principal Issues:
(i)Does the exercising of an employee stock option constitute a disposition of property?
(ii)Would subsection 116(5) apply where the employee is a non-resident person and the stock option is a taxable Canadian property?

(i) Yes.
(ii) Probably not.

(i) An option is a property and the exercise of it constitutes a factual disposition of property.
(ii) It may be difficult to say that the Canadian employer is the purchaser of the option.

28 November 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0107717 - REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF PROFIT

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3 4

Principal Issues:
1 - Reasonable expectation of profit from growing trees
2 - Does section 68 apply to separate the proceeds of disposition from the sale of treed land between the trees and the land?

1 - General comments.
2 - No

1 - Question of fact.
2 - It has been our long-standing position that timber is not an asset distinct form the land on which the timber stands.

28 November 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0108517 - Treaties Whether trust is individual

Principal Issues: Whether a trust is an individual for purposes of tax conventions.

Position: No

Reasons: Trusts and individuals are both referred to in most tax conventions. As a result, a reference specifically to an individual in a particular provision of a tax convention cannot be considered as a reference to a trust.