Income Tax Severed Letters - 2001-07-06


2001 Income Tax Severed Letter 2001-0076821 - XXXXXXXXXX

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Principal Issues:
This supplemental ruling to file #2000-006135 involves a XXXXXXXXXX . Would certain minor factual changes alter the rulings or opinions previously given?


Only minor changes made. No issues raised as a result of the changes.

XXXXXXXXXX 2001-007682

2000 Income Tax Severed Letter 2000-0061581 - internal reorganization

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Principal Issues: Minor amendments

Position: No affect on the ruling given with respect to paragraph 55(3)(a).

Reasons: No transaction dealing with an unrelated person.


2001 Ruling 2000-0061353 - XXXXXXXXXX

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125.5 18.1 143.2 96(2.2)

Principal Issues:
XXXXXXXXXX The proposed transactions in this ruling are very similar to those we ruled favourably on in file #2000-002238, dated XXXXXXXXXX , 2000. The main issues were the same as previous and included the application of sections 18.1 and 143.2, and subsection 96(2.2) of the Act. XXXXXXXXXX

Position: Similar rulings as issued previously.

Reasons: Based on our reading of the legislation and prior rulings given for files
2000-002238 and 992719.

2001 Ruling 2000-0063143 - Butterfly

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Principal Issues: This is a split-up butterfly of a private corporation. For issues see the Statement of Principal Issues.

Position: Accepted



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Principal Issues:
Whether repurchase of outstanding warrants held by specified shareholders would be viewed as an acquisition of shares of an investment corporation by a specified shareholder such that the investment corporation would lose its grandfathered status under the coming into force provisions for S.C. 1998, c. 19, s. 155(2).

No. The repurchase of warrants of the investment corporation by the investment corporation, would not in and of itself be considered an acquisition of shares of the corporation by a specified shareholder for the purposes of subsection 155(5) of the coming into force provisions.

1. Warrants are separate and distinct instruments from shares. The wording does not extend to the acquisition of a right to acquire shares (ie. warrants), but only to the acquisition of shares of the capital stock of the corporation.


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exercise price respected as the proceeds of property subject to NAL option
question of fact whether post-drop-down loan is boot

Principal Issues: Will the acquisition of limited partnership units of a limited partnership that owns only leased real property result in the corporation ceasing to satisfy subparagraph 149(1)(o.2)(ii) of the Act?

Position: No.

Reasons: Based on the Revised Explanatory Notes issued on June 16, 2000 by the Department of Finance, we have taken the position that the acquisition or holding of interests in a limited partnership that invests in real property will not, in and by itself, result in the corporation not satisfying the requirements of 149(1)(o.2).


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56(1)(d) 12.2

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


La prestation de décès payable mensuellement durant une certaine période suivant le décès sera-t-elle imposable?

Position Adoptée



2001 Ruling 2001-0076753 - Testamentary Trust to Provide Capital

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Principal Issues: Is a deduction available under 104(6) for an amount of income payable to a tax-exempt beneficiary?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The amount is payable to the beneficiary under the terms of the trust and is not a gift for which a charitable donation is available to either the trust, the estate or the deceased taxpayer.

2001 Ruling 2000-0050983 - Re-freeze transactions

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Principal Issues: Application of 55(2) and GAAR to re-freeze transactions.

Position: Dividends not subject to subsection 55(2) by virtue of paragraph 55(3)(a), GAAR not applicable.

Reasons: Paragraph 55(3)(a) satisfied. Not offensive in policy terms, similar to position on original freezes.

2000 Ruling 2000-0049543 - Internal Reorganization

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Principal Issues: Whether an internal reorganization is subject to the exemption under paragraph 55(3)(a)?

Position: Yes

Reasons: Meets all the conditions.

Ministerial Correspondence

1 June 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0077414 - OPTION BENEFIT - REDUCTION IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

Reasons: The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

31 May 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0081314 - OPTION BENEFIT REDUCTION IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

Reasons: The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

31 May 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0081324 - OPTION BENEFIT REDUCTION IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

Reasons: The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

31 May 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0081454 - OPTION BENEFITS REDUCTION IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

Reasons: The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

16 May 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0080434 - OPTION BENEFIT SUBSEQUENT REDUCTION IN VALUE

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Principal Issues: The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Position: Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

Reasons: The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

20 April 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0076124 - EFFECT OF EARLY RETIREMENT ON SDA

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REG 6801

Principal Issues: Must an employee who participates in a DSLP return to work after a leave of absence?

Position: Yes. but if circumstances change the plan may terminate.

Reasons: A return to employment clause is required in the agreement under regulation 6801.
Signed on April 20, 2001

Technical Interpretation - External

4 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0078925 - CHILD SUPPORT

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56(1)(b) 56.1(4)

Principal Issues: A XXXXXXXXXX separation agreement was amended on XXXXXXXXXX , to provide for child support payments of $XXXXXXXXXX per month, commencing on XXXXXXXXXX . Do the new child support rules apply as a result of the second agreement?

Position: No

Reasons: No "commencement day" as per subsection 56.1(4).

4 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0076255 - EMPLOYEE TRUST - VARIOUS QUESTIONS

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248(1) 6(1)(h) 7 110.6

Principal Issues: Various questions relating to employee trusts, stock options, and qualified small business corporation shares

Position: General comments provided

Reasons: The Act

3 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0066395 F - Liquidation d'une société de personnes

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Principales Questions: Est-ce que les dispositions de roulement au par. 98(5) sont applicables à tous les biens reçus par l'ancien associé qui continue à exploiter l'entreprise de la société si un bien de la société est utilisé par l'ancien associé dans l'entreprise?

Position Adoptée: Oui

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0073595 - STOCK OPTIONS

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7(1.1) 7(1.5)

Principal Issues: Questions on disposition of CCPC shares acquired on the exercise of a stock option and the exchange of shares under subsection 7(1.5).

Position: Explained operation of the law.

Reasons: Explanation of law requested.

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083845 - SUPPORT AMOUNT-LIFE INSURANCE

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Principal Issues: Whether life insurance premiums paid pursuant to a written separation agreement are deductible under the provisions of the Act.

Position: No.

Reasons: Payments are not made to the taxpayer's spouse nor on her behalf but to third parties. The written agreement does not provide any reference to subsections 60.1(2) nor 56.1(2) of the Act and no reference of any kind is made by the parties as to the income tax consequences of these payments.

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0052295 - Corporate attribution rules - Kiddie Tax

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74.4(2) 74.1(2)

Principal Issues:
Whether 74.4(2) applies when the regular attribution rules in 74.1(2) already apply.

Question of fact whether one of the main purpose test is met.

The reduction of capital gains tax on a disposition may constitute a reduction of income for the purposes of the main purpose test in subsection 74.4(2) of the Act

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072955 - STOCK OPTIONS

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7(1.31) 7(1.3) 7(1.1) 7(8)

Principal Issues: 1. Does our pre-budget 2000 position regarding identical shares acquired from a public corporation extend to shares acquired from a CCPC? 2. Under the new deferral rules, there will be two pools for stock option benefits, the "non- deferred pool" and "the "deferred pool". Is there another pool created when options are exercised on shares acquired while a company was a CCPC (i.e. before it became public)?

Position: 1. No. 2. No.

Reasons: 1. Existing subsection 7(1.3) prevents the extension of the position to CCPCs.

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0077245 - MEANING OF CHILD

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252(1) 251(6) 251(2)

Principal Issues: An adult brother ("Individual A") and his adult sister ("Individual B") live in the same residence along with some other relatives. Individual B is the natural mother of a child (the "Child"). Clarification has been requested with respect to the requirements of paragraphs 252(1)(b) and (d), and whether the Child can be considered the "child" of Individual A for purposes of the Act.

Position: General comments provided on paragraphs 252(1)(b) and (d), and it does not appear that the Child can be the "child" of Individual A pursuant to these provisions.

Reasons: Limited facts provided; however, given that the Child lives with her natural mother (Individual B), and given the mother's financial situation, it is unlikely that the Child can be said to be a child of Individual A under the above note provisions. In our view, the fact that Individual A expends funds in respect of the maintenance of the residence and takes the Child to school, is not sufficient to fall within these provisions. We also note that there appears to be other relatives in the household and it is unclear as to what their role is in the above situation.

29 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0088145 - Capital gains deduction

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Principal Issues: Whether an individual can benefit of the enhanced capital gains deduction under 110.6(2.1) in a given fact situation ?

Position: No

Reasons: The redemption of the individual's shares result in an 84(3) deemed dividend not in a gain under 40(1).

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0067935 - IND. MEMBERS OF A PARTNERSHIP INCORP.

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Principal Issues: Whether incorporation by each individual member of a partnership could result in the corporations being personal services businesses (PSB).

Position: no - If Aco did not exist then it would not be reasonable to conclude that individual 'A' is a employee or officer of XYZ partnership since individual 'A' would be a partner of XYZ partnership.

Reasons: ITA 125(7) PSB definition

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0061365 F - Frais de déplacement - athlètes

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18(1)(a) 18(1)(h)
travel and accommodation expenses satisfying s. 18(1)(h) must also satisfy s. 18(1)(a)
receipts under Athlete Assistance Program are non-taxable

Principale Question:
Les frais d'hébergement et de repas d'un athlète amateur peuvent-ils être déduits de ses revenus d'entreprise?

Position Adoptée:
Question de fait. Commentaires généraux

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0078465 - PAYMENTS TO AMATEUR HOCKEY

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6(1)(a) 56(1)(n)

Principal Issues: Whether payments to Junior "C" hockey players are taxable.

Position: General comments only.

Reasons: Question of fact.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0068425 - CLEARING LAND-GOLF COURSE

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20(1)(a) Class 17

Principal Issues: How are costs incurred for clearing, leveling and/or draining land for a golf course treated for tax purposes.

Position: Question of fact, generally qualify for inclusion in Class 17 of Schedule II of the Regulations.

The test laid out in the Mont-Sutton case will determine the appropriate tax treatment. Where the criteria in Mont-Sutton are satisfied, the costs incurred for greens, tees and fairways will qualify as "surface construction" within paragraph (c) of Class 17 in Schedule II of the Regulations.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0078935 F - waiving of dividend

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15(1) 56(2) 245(2)
CCRA will rule on whether s. 245(2) applies to a dividend waiver

Principal Issues: To confirm that ss 15(1), 56(2) and 245(2) would not apply in a situation where certain shareholders waived their right to dividend income to end circular flow of funds caused by parent subsidiary cross ownership of shares.

Position: No.

Reasons: Insufficient information.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0084405 - RRSP - TRANSFERS BETWEEN SAME-SEX PARTNERS

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Principal Issues: Are financial institutions required to obtain written documentation where a common-law relationship breaks down before proceeding with the various tax-deferred transfers that are permitted under the Income Tax Act (e.g. transfer of an RRSP under 146(16)(b))?

Position: Positions expressed in CCRA publications such as paragraph 5 of IT-528 (dated February 21, 1997) will be now extended to common-law partners unless that position has been changed by a later CCRA publication.

Reasons: Effective for the 2001 taxation year, common-law partners will generally have the same status under the Income Tax Act as spouses (i.e. married individuals).

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0069865 F - CRÉDIT-BAIL

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248(3) 1100(1.1) 13(5.2) à 13(5.4)
Construction Bérou interpretation of s. 248(3) was erroneous
Construction Bérou should not be followed in finding that a lessee can be the tax owner of the leased property

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce qu'un contribuable est considéré avoir acquis un bien selon un contrat de crédit-bail (selon la position de l'Agence au Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R et selon la décision de la Cour d'appel fédérale dans la cause Construction Bérou Inc.)?
2. Sinon, à partir de quel moment la position de l'Agence a-t-elle été révisée?
3. Comment devront être traités les contrats de crédit-bail qui avaient été antérieurement capitalisés par les contribuables?

Position Adoptée:
1. Non, s'il s'agit d'une convention de crédit-bail en droit. Le Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R a été annulé en date du 14 juin 2001 (voir le bulletin de Nouvelles techniques no 21). L'Agence distingue la décision dans la cause Construction Bérou Inc. Dans cette cause la Cour appuie, entre autres, son jugement sur la formulation d'avant 1991 du paragraphe 248(3) pour justifier un fondement législatif à la position de l'Agence au Bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R.
2. L'Agence est d'avis que sa position n'a pas été révisée.
3. Cette détermination dépendra des faits particuliers d'une situation donnée.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0085255 - MICs - Deemed Dividends

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Principal Issues: Can a stock dividend be a "taxable dividend" for the purposes of subsection 130.1(1) and hence, be deducted in computing a MIC's income? If a MIC increases its paid-up capital resulting in a deemed dividend under subsection 84(1), is the deemed dividend a dividend for the purposes of subsection 130.1(1) and deductible in computing the MIC's income?

Position: Yes to both questions.

Reasons: A stock dividend is a taxable dividend for the purposes of subsection 130.1(1) where it satisfies the definition "taxable dividend" in subsection 89(1) of the Act. MICs are subject to subsection 84(1). Therefore, a dividend deemed to be paid under that subsection is a dividend for the purposes of subsection 130.1(1) and deductible if the provisions of subsection 130.1(1) are otherwise satisfied.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0073205 - SUBSTANTIAL ISSUER BID

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248(1) PART VI.1

Principal Issues:
Will Part VI.1 apply to a corporation in regards to a deemed dividend on taxable preferred shares arising on the purchase of its issued common shares by way of a substantial issuer bid.

28 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0060465 F - déductibilité - frais d'internet

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20(1)(bb) 18(1)(b)
internet costs incurred for investment research purposes were not deductible under s. 20(1)(bb)
internet costs incurred for investment research purposes were capital expenditures

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les frais de souscription à des services internet ainsi que les frais de location d'un modem, encourus pour avoir accès à des données d'information financières sur l'évolution des marchés pour aider un contribuable à gérer ses placements, sont déductibles en vertu de l'alinéa 20(1)bb)?

Position Adoptée:

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082125 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE; DAMAGES

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Principal Issues: whether retiring allowance

Position: question of fact

Reasons: 248(1) definition

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082515 - GROUP RRSP CONTRIBUTIONS

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204.2(1.31) 204.2(1.32)

Principal Issues: Are contributions mandatory group RRSP contributions and therefore excluded from Part X.1 tax?

Position: This would be a question of fact.

Reasons: The contributions must be qualifying group RRSP premiums to an RRSP under a qualifying arrangement, in accordance with subsections 204.2(1.31) and 204.2(1.32) of the Act. This determination can only be made based on an examination of the relevant facts.

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086755 - TRANSFER UNDER 60(j.1)

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Principal Issues: Restrictions applicable to a transfer of severance pay under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: 1) As per the limits under paragraph 60(j.1).

Reasons: 1) Limits provided under paragraph 60(j.1).

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083125 - TRANSFER UNDER 60(j.1)

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Principal Issues: Restrictions applicable to a transfer of severance pay under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: 1) As per the limits under paragraph 60(j.1). 2) A retention bonus is not a retiring allowance.

Reasons: 1) Limits provided under paragraph 60(j.1). 2) Retention bonus does not satisfy the definition of retiring allowance.

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0079875 - EQUITY-LINKED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE

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12(9) REG 7000
return on stock-index linked GIC require to be recognized on maturity

Principal Issues:
Why must the total amount earned and received upon maturity of a 3 year equity-indexed GIC be reported in full in the taxation year in which the GIC matured and not apportioned over the three year term of the GIC?

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081105 - TRANSFERS UNDER 147.3(4)

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147.3(4) 8517

Principal Issues: Application of Regulation 8517 prescribed amount formula to an RPP transfer under subsection 147.3(4).

Position: The excess amount, above the Regulation 8517 prescribed amount, cannot be tax deferred and is therefore subject to withholding tax.

Reasons: Required by the applicable sections of the Income Tax Act.

27 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083135 - Foreign Exchange Gain

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Principal Issues: Whether a foreign exchange gain realised upon maturity of Ontario strip bonds denominated in US currency can be deferred until the funds are converted into Canadian dollars.

Position: The foreign exchange gain cannot be deferred until the funds are converted into Canadian dollars. It must be calculated upon maturity of the bonds.

Reasons: Subsection 39(2) of the Income Tax Act and paragraph 13 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-95R.

26 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0088475 - MEDICAL EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: whether expenses are medical expenses

Position: -question of fact

Reasons: 118.2(2)

26 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0068285 F - DATE DE DISPOSITION ACTIONS EN BOURSE

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disposition date on a stock exchange is the settlement date, being the due date for the proceeds

Principale Question:

Un contribuable qui utilise à chaque année la date de négociation comme date de disposition d'actions transigées en bourse, peut-il déduire une perte en capital établie selon la date de négociation alors que la date de liquidation est dans l'année d'imposition subséquente?

Position Adoptée:

Non. Doit utiliser la date de liquidation.

26 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0058815 - Does 74.4 apply when 74.1 & 74.3 apply?

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Principal Issues: Do the corporate attribution rules in subsection 74.4(2) apply in a situation where subsections 74.1(1) and 74.3(1) apply?

Position: Perhaps.

Reasons: Question of fact whether one of the main purposes test is met. Given that there is already attribution, generally it would not appear that a purpose would be to

25 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0076645 - SPEC. INVESTMENT BUSINESS-JOINT VENTURE

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Principal Issues: Whether the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal in Lerric Investment Corp. changes our assessing practices with respect to the determination of whether a corporation carrying on a business as a member of a joint venture employs more than 5 full-time employees for the purposes of the definition of "specified investment business" in subsection 125(7) of the Act.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The Court's decision cannot be distinguished based on the facts of the case. It clearly rejected the allocation method described in IT-73R5 with respect to a corporation carrying on a business as a member of a joint venture. The administrative practice suggesting an allocation of employees of a joint venture is therefore no longer appropriate. Unless the corporation, as employer, has a direct relationship with the specified employee, it cannot be considered to have employed the employee.

25 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0087585 - ITA ELECTION

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Principal Issues: Is there a ITA 48.1(1)(c) deemed disposition in a situation where a SBC raises funds in an IPO and, after the election referred to in ITA 48.1(1)(b) is filed, it is determined that the SBC ceased to be such not because its shares (or those of another corporation) were listed on a prescribed stock exchange, as required by ITA 48.1(1)(a)(ii), but rather it ceased to be such prior to the listing of the shares (e.g., it ceased to be a CCPC due to an acquisition of control)?

Position: No.

Reasons: The ITA 48.1(1)(c) deemed disposition occurs if both preconditions in ITA 48.1(1)(a) and (b) are met and they are not met in the situation under consideration.

22 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0075275 F - Dommages-intérêts

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damages pursuant to Article 1617 of the CCQ, being damages resulting from delay in the performance of an obligation to pay a legacy, were taxable as interest

Principales Questions: Traitement fiscal d'un paiement reçu à titre de dommages-intérêts.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux quant au traitement fiscal de sommes reçues à titre de dommages-intérêts..

21 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080855 - U.S. 403(b) PENSION PLAN

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56(1)a) 6(1)g)

Principal Issues: How are payments made out of a U.S. 403(b) pension plan to a Canadian resident beneficiary (not the employee who is deceased) taxed?

Position: The entire amount is included in income pursuant to 56(1)(a)(i)

Reasons: The entire amount is excluded pursuant to 6(1)(g)(iii) because the benefits are attributable to a non-resident rendering services in the U.S. Therefore, the exception in clause 56(1)(a)(i)(D) will not apply.

20 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086505 F - RPEB - MONTANTS PERDUS

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144(9) 144(1)
s.144(9) inapplicable until employee ceases to be a beneficiary
payment to the employer of amounts forfeited by the employee could deny EPSP status

Position Adoptée:
Le paragraphe 144(9) de la Loi n'est pas applicable avant que l'employé cesse d'être bénéficiaire.

Analyse législative. E9424115 et E9413065

20 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0066825 F - REGLES D'ATTRIBUTIONS

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74(1) 74.1 74.5
ss. 74(1) and (2) applied to dividends and taxable capital property received from the spouse before May 23, 1985

Principales Questions: Les paragraphes 74(1) et (2) de la Loi s'appliquent-ils à l'égard d'actions acquises avant le 23 mai 1985?

Position Adoptée: Oui

19 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086615 - INCORPORATION OF NON-PROFIT SOCIETY

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Principal Issues:
1) Whether converting a society registered under the B.C. Society Act to a company under the B.C. Company Act would result in a deemed disposition of its property?
2) Whether conversion would result in tax consequences to the members of the Society?

Position: Depends on particular facts

Reasons: Wording of paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Act.

18 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083875 - RRSP QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS

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REG 4900(1)(j)

Principal Issues: Can a mortgage held by an RRSP which is a qualified investment pursuant to paragraph 4900(1)(j) of the regulations (annuitant of RRSP is the mortgagor) be increased without a tax consequence?

Position: Yes

Reasons: As long as the increased mortgage continues to satisfy the requirements of paragraph 4900(1)(j) of the regulation, it will continue to be a qualified investment for the RRSP.

18 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0079205 - TAX ON NON-QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS

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146(10) 146(10.1) 207.1(4) REG 4900(1)(s)

Principal Issues: Will a non-qualified investment which was deemed by new draft paragraph 4900(1)(s) of the Regulations to be a qualified investment, be considered to be acquired by a deferred plan on
January 1, 2002 if held beyond the deeming period which ends on December 31, 2001?

Position: No.

Reasons: Factual acquisition must have occurred before September, 2000 for draft Regulation 4900(1)(s) to apply and the law does not deem an acquisition to occur at the later date.

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080085 F - Intérêt payé pour honorer une caution

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20.1 20(1)c)
s. 20.1(1) inapplicable where money borrowed to honour guarantee for wholly-owned insolvent corporation

Principales Questions: Un actionnaire a cautionné un emprunt d'une société auprès d'un tiers. Il emprunte un montant pour payer la dette de la société et rembourse son emprunt pendant quelques années. Est-ce-qu'il peut déduire les intérêts versés en vertu du paragraphe 20.1(1) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: Non

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0044935 F - Coût des actions

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cost to Pubco of CCPC shares acquired by it in exchange for treasury shares equal to the addition to its stated capital account, rather than the Pubco shares’ FMV

Principales Questions: Quel est le coût des actions dans la situation présentée?

Position Adoptée: Coût correspond au capital déclaré des actions.

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081885 F - Congé à traitement différé

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6801 a)
a sabbatical leave, following a deferral period, can be taken before the date initially scheduled

Principales Questions: L'employé peut-il prendre son congé plus tôt que prévu et être rémunéré par son employeur pour les fins de l'application de l'alinéa 6801a) du Règlement.

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086535 - ACB of shares

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Principal Issues: Determination of average cost of XXXXXXXXXX shares acquired over a long period of time

Position: ACB of shares to be determined on the basis of the costs incurred by an individual to acquire the shares, there is no provision in the Act for establishing an arbitrary amount.

Reasons: Acb has meaning conferred by the Act and generally would be cost of property plus sec 53 adjustments

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083575 - REFUNDABLE TAX ON AN RCA

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207.5(2) 207.7(3)

Principal Issues: Can refundable RCA tax be accessed to pay benefits under an RCA?

Position: Not until a distribution is made from the RCA, or if the RCA makes a valid election under subsection 207.5(2).

Reasons: No other mechanism under the legislation.

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080605 - T4RSP FOR SWAPPED PROPERTY

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146(8) 146(9)

Principal Issues: Should an RRSP issuer prepare a T4RSP for the value of property that was "swapped" with property held by the annuitant?

Position: Referred the issuer to the TSO.

Reasons: This is a completed transaction.

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081085 - DSLP RETURNING TO WORK

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REF 6801(a)

Principal Issues: What are tax consequences if an employee does not return to work after a period of leave under a 6801(a) plan?

Position: Deferred amounts are taxable at the point where all the conditions of 6801(a) are not met.

Reasons: The deferred amounts are no longer part of a prescribed plan.

7 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0055905 - DEMUTULIZATION CONVERSION BENEFIT

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Principal Issues: Would an employee who obtained coverage under a policy subsequent to the date of demutualization be an "individual for whose benefit insurance coverage was provided under the policy" pursuant to subparagraph 139.1(16)(b)(iii) of the Act?

Position: Yes, as there is no point in time specified in subparagraph 139.1(16)(b)(iii) of the Act. However, the other requirements of subsection 139.1(16) of the Act including paragraph 139.1(16)(c) of the Act must be met.

Reasons: As above

7 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086165 F - REGLES DE ROULEMENT ET REER

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104(2) 85 86(1) 146
ss. 85, 85.1, 86 and 87 apply to RRSPs and RRIFs

Principales Questions: Les règles de roulement prévues aux articles 85, 85.1, 86 et 87 s'appliquent-elles à un RÉER?

Position Adoptée: Oui

6 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0062725 - NON-INTEREST BEARING DEBT

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Principal Issues: Is a corporation's non interest-bearing debt included in its "outstanding debts to specified non-residents" for the year?

Position: No. However, it is a question of fact whether any particular debt is one on which an amount in respect of interest is paid or payable for the year.

Reasons: Paragraph 18(5)(a)(ii) of the definition "outstanding debts to specified non-residents".

5 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0067675 F - TRANSFERT D'ALLOCATIONS DE RETRAITE

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years of service with former employer taken into account even if recognized solely for the purpose of limiting the reduction in the retirement benefit for early retirement
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions: Interprétation de "personne liée à l'employeur" dans 60j.1) dans plusieurs circonstances.

Position Adoptée: S/O

4 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072765 - Corporate owned life insurance & safe income

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55(2) 89(1) 148\ 56(1)(j)

Principal Issues: What is our general position on the impact of corporate-owned insurance on the calculation of a corporation's safe income on hand? Do the premiums paid reduce safe income on hand? Do increases in the policy's cash surrender value and any benefits received by the corporation under the particular insurance policy increase the corporation's safe income on hand?

Position: Premiums paid should reduce the safe income on hand to the extent that they have not already been deducted in computing the corporation's net income for tax purposes. Increases in the cash surrender value of a corporate-owned exempt insurance policy will not increase the safe income on hand. Benefits would not increase the amount of safe income or safe income on hand of the corporation unless the amount of such benefit is otherwise required to be included in the corporation's net income for income tax purposes.

Reasons: The law.

1 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081515 - EMPLOYEE STOCK PLANS

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Principal Issues:
How should a particular employee stock bonus plan be treated for taxation purposes?

The questions relate to an actual proposal. We provided general information that is basic to the understanding of such plans.

A basic understanding of section 7 was required.

1 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0055775 - NON-RESIDENT PENALTY FAILURE TO FILE

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150(1)(a) 162(2.1)

Principal Issues: Consequences of failure to file T2 Schedule 91 if claiming a treaty-based exemption

Position: Penalty imposed pursuant to 162(2.1)

Reasons: Statutory provision

31 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0077735 - QUALIFIED INVESTMENT AND TAX CAP. GAINS

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38(1)(a) 146(1)

Principal Issues: Questions regarding qualified investments for RRSP and RRIF purposes and capital gains inclusion rates.

Position: Provided general comments.

Reasons: N/A

31 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0076195 - OPTION BENEFITS VALUATION

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Principal Issues:
The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

31 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072855 - CALU; MEDICAL EXPENSES

Principal Issues:
1. whether plan is PHSP if expenses of persons not listed in 118.292)(q)?
2. whether medical expense of person if person is entitled to be reimbursed by a health plan

1. no
2. no

1. 118.2(2)(q)
2. 118.2(3)(b)


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Principal Issues:
The writer made representations with respect to the timing and computation of benefits under paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Act where the value of the shares under the option decreases.

Provided general information and included commentary related to concerns on valuation declines experienced in 2000.

The benefit is calculated at the time of the shares acquisition and the time of the acquisition is a question of fact.

31 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080075 - 1.3 FUTURE INCOME TAX LIABILITY

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181.2(3)(b) 181.2(3)(h)

Principal Issues: Whether a component of the calculation of deferred taxes under new CICA Handbook section 3465 can be excluded from the computation of capital under subsection 181.2(3).

Position: No. It is the entire amount of both the Future Income Tax Liability and the Future Income Tax Asset as shown on the balance sheet that are to be included in the computation of capital under paragraphs 181.2(3)(b) and (h). It is also the carrying value of all assets and other amounts including amounts added to the carrying value of the asset in relation to adjustments under the CICA Handbook section 3465 that should be used for computing amounts for capital tax purposes, including the investment allowance.

Reasons: The wording of the Act.

30 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080735 - SALE OF A BUSINESS R/A

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Principal Issues: Will an amount paid to an employee by a non-incorporated employer for vested sick leave credits qualify as a retiring allowance where the non-incorporated employer transfers its business to a corporation and the shares of the corporation are sold to an arm's length corporation on the same day and the new corporation is wound up on the same day?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The non-incorporated employer is selling its business to an arm's length person and we have previously concluded that this constitutes a loss of office or employment.

29 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082675 F - CONGE A TRAITEMENT DIFFERE ET RETRAITE

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REG 6801(a)(i) REG 6801(a)(D)
employee may withdraw from the plan in special circumstances stipulated in the plan such as lay-off

Principales Questions: Un employé peut-il adhérer à un régime visé à l'alinéa 6801a) du Règlement et prendre sa retraite sans revenir à ses fonctions habituelles chez son employeur pour une période au moins égale à la durée de son congé?

Position Adoptée: Non, sauf dans des situations exceptionnelles

24 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0069045 - SHORT SALE AND IDENTICAL PROPERTIES

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identical property rules apply to ACB of shares sold on both ends of a short sale on capital account

Principal Issues:

15 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072845 - TRANSFERS OF RIGHTS TO INCOME

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5,6,9 56(4)

Principal Issues: Whether our position that, where the legislation precludes a corporation from being registered as a mutual fund salesperson, we will not accept the reporting of income from the sale of mutual funds by a corporation (even if there is a bona fide employment contract between the corporation and the individual under which this income is assigned to the corporation) should be reconsidered in light of Dr. H. Hoyle Campbell (80 DTC 6239), Jerome Wallsten (1999-5116(IT)I) and Lakeside Properties Ltd. (1999-5117(IT)I).

Position: We are awaiting formal legal advice.

Reasons: In our view, the facts in Campbell are distinguishable from those in the case of mutual fund salespersons. For example, in Campbell, it was found that a corporation was operating a hospital, which was permitted under provincial laws, rather than practicing medicine, which was not permitted under such laws. In so far as the impact of Jerome Wallsten and Lakeside Properties Ltd., we are consulting with our legal advisors to determine the impact, if any, that the decisions may have on our current position.

15 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072825 - OWNER - MANAGER REMUNERATION

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67 5 6 18(1)a)

Principal Issues: What criteria must be met relative to ownership and management structure of a CCPC before reasonableness of an owner manager bonus/salary would be challenged

Position: There are no specific criteria in place but the more complex the structure, the more likely that reasonableness would be challenged especially if there is an undue tax advantages. The key is whether the recipient has been active in the business and contributed to the CCPC's profits from which the salary is paid, in which case the reasonableness of the amount would not likely be challenged.

Reasons: The law is very general and essentially we are required to look at the facts in making a judgment on reasonableness of the amount of salary or wages in particular circumstances.

10 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0066095 F - CREDIT-BAIL

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following Shell, CCRA will only recharacterize a lease where the true legal relationship is not of a lease
Construction Bérou did not comment on the CCRA’s current position on what is a lease

Questions :

1. Précisez la portée du paragraphe 248(3) dans le cadre de la décision de la Cour d'appel fédérale dans la cause Construction Bérou Inc.

2. Quelle est la portée de ce jugement?

3. Comment doit-on faire pour savoir à quel moment le droit civil québécois à préséance sur la Loi et vice versa?

Position Adoptée :

1. La Cour a indiqué que le paragraphe 248(3), dans son ancienne formulation, permet d'appliquer les notions de propriétés effective aux contrats de crédit-bail en cause. Nous sommes d'avis que cette position est contraire à l'intention du législateur qui voulait considérer certaines situations en droit civil équivalentes au " beneficial ownership ". Nous sommes d'avis que le présent libellé de ce paragraphe ne peut s'interpréter comme dans la cause Construction Bérou.

2. La Cour a conclu que la position au bulletin d'interprétation IT-233R, telle qu'elle existait à l'époque (en 1982) s'appliquait à tous les contribuables à ce moment et n'a pas fait de commentaires sur la position actuelle de l'Agence.

3. Lorsque l'application de la Loi comporte des aspects de droit privé, on doit recourir au droit provincial applicable (soit la common law ou le droit civil) pour déterminer les relations juridiques.

8 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072805 - CALU CONFERENCE 2001 QUESTION 4

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Principal Issues: Will subsection 207.6(2) of the Act apply where an RCA trust acquires an interest in a life insurance policy?

Position TAKEN: No.

Reasons: Subsection 207.6(2) does not apply where an RCA trust acquires the interest in a life insurance policy. The rules in 207.6(2) only apply if the plan or arrangement is not otherwise an RCA for purposes of the Act.

CALU - Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (2001)

8 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072815 - CALU CONFERENCE 2001 QUESTION 5

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Principal Issues: Will a life insurance policy owned by an RCA trust be exempted under paragraph (e) of the definition of taxable life insurance policy in subsection 211(1) of the Act?

Position TAKEN: No.

Reasons: A life insurance policy owned by an RCA trust is not a policy that is at that time a retirement compensation arrangement

8 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072795 - CALU CONFERENCE 2001 QUESTION 3

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Principal Issues: Will the conversion of an established bonus compensation plan into a funded supplementary executive retirement plan result in the application of the salary deferral arrangement provisions or in the retirement compensation arrangement provisions?
POSITION TAKEN: Question of fact.

Reasons: We would have to review the facts related to each conversion before making a determination of which provisions of the Act would apply. See 2000-0024213, 9732101, 9529413, 9910423, 9824357, 9807000

CALU - Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (2001)

CALU - Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (2001)

5 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0065915 - Credits to customers of XXXXXXXXXX

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Principal Issues: The appropriate treatment under the Act of certain credit amounts arising to customers of XXXXXXXXXX .

Position: Unable to provide the technical interpretation requested.

Reasons: Confirmation as to income tax consequences of proposed transactions can only be provided in the context of a request for an advance income tax ruling.

8 May 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072705 - Romkey - Estate Freeze

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Principal Issues: Assessing practice in aftermath of Romkey decision.

Position: No change.

Reasons: Decision does not affect "typical" estate freeze.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

3 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0076867 F - frais de garde-inscription

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childcare centre annual registration fee is included

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les frais d'inscription à un service de garde sont des frais visés par la définition de "frais de garde d'enfant" au paragraphe 63(3) de la L.I.R. ?

Position Adoptée: oui

26 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0053287 - 135

Principal Issues: 1. Does the phrase "income of the taxpayer for the year" in the definition of "income of the taxpayer attributable to business done with members" found in subsection 135(4) of the Income Tax Act include rental income and management fee income received by a cooperative corporation from a wholly-owned subsidiary?
2. Is the subsidiary a "customer"as that term is defined in subsection 135(4)?

Position: 1. Yes
2. Unable to conclude

Reasons: 1. Wording of the Act and paragraph 2 of IT-362R
2. Sufficient information has not been provided to allow a determination of whether the subsidiary is a "customer" within the meaning of subsection 135(4)

22 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0078457 F - Décret remise d'impôt revenu gagné au Québec

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Principales Questions: Déterminer si le Décret de 1988 concernant la remise d'impôt sur certains revenus de particuliers gagnés dans la province de Québec s'applique à l'égard d'un gain en capital imposable réalisé par un non-résident du Canada suite à la disposition d'un avoir minier canadien.

Position Adoptée: Le Décret ne s'applique pas dans un tel cas. La surtaxe des non-résidents est donc applicable à l'égard d'un tel gain.

14 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0082157 - WITHHOLDING FROM PENSION PAID TO CHARITY

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56(1)(a) 153(1)(b) 153(1.1)

Principal Issues: Are withholdings required from payments made to a registered charity where the charity is the named beneficiary of an RPP?

Position: Yes, but CCRA will consider a waiver under subsection 153(1.1).

Reasons: The charity is tax-exempt.

7 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0084037 - DEMUTUALIZATION BENEFITS AND RPP

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Principal Issues: Tax treatment of a demutualization benefit received by a defined benefit RPP trust.

Position: Generally, if the RPP received a cash demutualization benefit, it is considered to have received a dividend pursuant to paragraph 139.1(4)(f). If the demutualization benefit consisted of shares, the shares would have a cost of nil pursuant to subsection 139.1(4). Such cash or shares would form part of the assets of the RPP in the determination of whether there is an actuarial surplus in the RPP.

Reasons: Legislation.

5 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0053047 - REVERSE REPURCHASE TRANSACTION

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REG 404(1) REG 404(2) 260

Principal Issues:
Whether the cash transferred by the bank to a customer in exchange for shares under the terms of a Repurchase/Reverse Repurchase Transaction Agreement ("Standard Agreement") constitutes a loan for purposes of paragraph 404(1)(b) and subsection 404(2) of the Regulations.

31 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0081257 - RETROACTIVE REGISTRATION OF A PENSION PLAN

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220(2.1) 147.1(2)

Principal Issues: Does subsection 220(2.1) provide the Minister with discretion to allow retroactive registration of a pension plan as provided for in subsection 147.1(2)?

Position: No.

Reasons: Subsection 147.1(2) states that a plan may not be registered prior to January 1st of the year in which application is made.

24 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0081607 - PROPERTY TAX ; INTEREST

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Principal Issues: Whether 18(2)(e) or (f) apply if 18(2)(d) applies

Position: no

Reasons: wording of Act

18 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0083317 - RRIF - OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues:
Tax treatment of amounts paid directly to spouses and to their RRIFs in settlement of lawsuit for mismanagement of their RRSPs.

Nature of settlement amounts must be ascertained. Amounts paid in compensation for losses to RRSPs are taxable in hands of spouses but may be transferred to their RRIFs without tax consequences to them. Amounts paid in compensation for legal costs may not be transferred to RRIFs.

Character of underlying claim determines tax treatment of amounts paid in settlement of claim. Amounts in RRSP taxable when paid to annuitants thereof. ATR-24 provides for replenishment of RRSP or successor deferred income plan with damages paid in respect of those funds. Failure to replenish RRSP or RRIF with those damages therefore would result in taxable income to spouses. Property that may be transferred to a RRIF is limited by paragraph 146.3(2)(f) and would not include amounts received in settlement of legal costs

9 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0006587 - CASH PURCHASE TICKETS PART 1.3

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Principal Issues: Application of Part I.3 of Act to outstanding cash purchase tickets (CPTs) and deferred cash purchase tickets (DCPTs).

Position: Where the cheque is currently dated, the only capital to the issuer resulting from the transaction would be the capital represented by any bank overdraft resulting from the issuance of the cheque. Where the cheque is post-dated, the capital of the issuer would generally be the amount represented by the CPT, except in rare circumstances where the post-dated cheque is accepted in full settlement of the indebtedness represented by the CPT, in which case the issuer's capital would be the amount represented by the post-dated cheque. Where the CPT itself is post-dated, the issuer's capital is the amount of indebtedness represented by the CPT.

Reasons: As we understand it, it is industry practice to issue CPTs together with detachable cheques. The CPTs formally constitute notes. Where a cheque is currently dated, the note is paid immediately upon issuance of the cheque. Where a cheque is post-dated, the note would generally remain outstanding until the earlier of the date on the face of the cheque and the date that the cheque is actually honored for payment. In rare circumstances where the CPT is settled upon the issuance of a post-dated cheque, our view is that the cheque is a "similar obligation" for the purposes of paragraph 181.2(3)(d). Where the CPT itself is post-dated, our view is that it nonetheless constitutes indebtedness represented by a note for capital tax purposes, as the indebtedness arises upon delivery of the grain or redemption of the grain storage ticket, whichever is the case.
May 9, 2001


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Principal Issues:
1. How are the views of the Agency to be obtained on critical illness insurance and on split dollar insurance arrangements?
2. What are some of the concerns we may have with split dollar insurance arrangements?

1. Via an advance income tax ruling request or via the appropriate Tax Services Office.
2. See comments below.

Reasons: This determination is a question of fact.

8 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0072777 - POLICY LOANS

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Principal Issues: Whether or not a withdrawal from the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy is a "policy loan" where the terms and conditions of the policy do not refer to the withdrawal as a "policy loan".

Position: Even though the life insurance policy does not refer to the withdrawal as a "policy loan", in and of itself, does not mean that the withdrawal would not be a "policy loan".

Reasons: It is a question of fact. The broad wording of the definition of a "policy loan" in subsection 148(9).

7 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0079677 - STOCK OPTIONS PAPER TEI

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Principal Issues: Prepare a paper on the recent amendments to the stock option provisions in the Act.

Position: Paper drafted.

Reasons: Paper discusses old provisions, proposed amendments and effects on the recent administrative positions taken in respect of stock options.

5 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0075297 - PERSONAL CARE HOMES

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118.2(2)(6.2) 118.2(2)c) 118.2(2)(6.1) 118.2(2)d)

Principal Issues:
Whether residents of Personal Care Homes qualify for a medical expense under 118.2(b), (b.1), (b.2), (d) or (e)

21 March 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0056297 - TENANT INDUCEMENT INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE

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181.2(3) 181.2(4)

Principal Issues: Are certain amounts amounts set out on the taxpayer's balance sheet as "secured receivables" eligible for an investment allowance under subsection 181.2(4)? In particular, are the amounts "loans and advances" within the meaning of paragraph 181.2(4)(b)? Landlords party to standard form lease agreements opted to pay tenant inducements over a period of 20 years. The taxpayer, in some years, accounted for the amounts payable as "secured receivables" on its balance sheet and in others, as deferred income. The taxpayer reduced the cash payments it made for its rents by the amounts owing from the landlords, but did not reduce its rent expenses by the amount set off.

Position: The amounts are not loans or advances for the purposes of 181.2(4)(b). Rather, the amounts constitute indebtedness of another corporation. The indebtedness is not in respect of any loan or advance to the other corporation, nor does it satisfy the formal requirements of the obligations of a note for the purposes of paragraph 181.2(4)(c). Therefore, no investment allowance may be claimed in respect of the amounts.

Reasons: There appears to be no lender and borrower relationship between the taxpayer and its landlords. The taxpayer has not delivered any money to its landlords that is subject to repayment. Therefore, the amounts are not loans. No amounts have been paid by the taxpayer to its landlords before due. Rather, the taxpayer is offsetting its rent liabilities as they arise against concurrent obligations from the landlords to make payments in respect of the amounts. Therefore, the amounts are not advances. The "allowance" provision in the standard lease does not appear to satisfy the formal requirements of a note. Therefore, there is no basis upon which the taxpayer could claim an investment allowance in respect of the amounts. It is not relevant whether the amount is "indebtedness in respect of a lease" for investment allowance purposes.