Income Tax Severed Letters - 2008-02-01


2007 Ruling 2007-0242361R3 - Donation of flow-through shares

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118.1 110.1 38(a.1) 248(32)

Principal Issues: Whether a donation of flow-through shares constitutes a gift for income tax purposes.

Position: Yes

Reasons: Based on the facts and having regard to the caveats provided in the Ruling, it is our view that the donation would constitute a gift for income tax purposes and that the CEE and the investment tax credit renounced to the donors pursuant to the flow-through share financing will not constitute an advantage under the draft split-receipting rules.

XXXXXXXXXX 2007-024236

2007 Ruling 2007-0246781R3 F - EET: Régime d'actions fictives

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Principales Questions: Dans une situation particulière donnée où une société met en place un régime d'actions fictives à l'intention de certains employés, 1) le régime constituera-t-il une entente d'échelonnement du traitement; et 2) le régime constituera-t-il une convention de retraite.

Position Adoptée: 1) et 2) Non.

Raisons: La Loi et positions antérieures.

Technical Interpretation - External

29 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0238871E5 - Deductibility of Club Dues

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Principal Issues: Deductibility of annual membership fees for "business social clubs".

Position: General comments only.

Reasons: Question of fact - can only be determined on a case-by-case basis.

28 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0250831E5 F - Part IV.1 and VI.1 Taxes - Subsection 55(2)

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187.2 191.1(1) 191(4) 55(2)
s. 191(4) unavailable where redemption occurred subsequently to reduction in redemption amount pursuant to a price adjustment clause
s. 55(3)(a)(i) exception does not apply to a redemption of a preferred share giving rise to a deemed dividend irrespective of conversion of that dividend to capital gain
dividend subject to s. 55(2) can also be subject to Pt. VI.1 tax
application of Pt. IV.1 tax to a deemed dividend is ousted to the extent s. 55(2) applies

Principal Issues: A Canadian-controlled private corporation ("Holdco") owns all of the voting and participating shares of the capital stock of another Canadian-controlled private corporation ("Subco"). At one point in time, Holdco also owned more than 50% of the voting shares of the capital stock of a public corporation ("Pubco"). Pubco owns preferred shares of the capital stock of Subco (the "Subco Preferred Shares"). The Subco Preferred Shares were issued as consideration for the transfer of assets by Pubco in favour of Subco on a rollover basis. The Subco Preferred Shares are retractable for an amount equal to the fair market value ("FMV") of the consideration received by Subco upon the issuance of the shares, plus a premium to be established in function of various parameters (the "Premium"). The purchase agreement between Pubco and Subco contains a price adjustment clause. Initially, Subco and Pubco determine the FMV of the transferred assets to be $2 M. Afterwards, the price adjustment clause operates and the FMV of the transferred assets and the Subco Preferred Shares is reduced by $1 M. As a result of various transactions, Holdco ends up losing control of Pubco. After this loss of control of Pubco, the Subco Preferred Shares are redeemed. Question a): Whether the Part IV.1 tax or the Part VI.1 tax would apply with respect to the redemption of the Subco Preferred Shares. Question b): If Part VI.1 tax applies, whether subsection 191(4) would apply in order to deem an amount of $1 M to be an "excluded dividend." Question c): Whether subsection 191(4) would also apply in order to deem an amount equal to the Premium to be an "excluded dividend." Question d): Whether Part VI.1 would apply to any dividends that could be paid on the Subco Preferred Shares. Question e): Whether subsection 55(2) would apply in the circumstances. Question f): What would be the impact of the application of subsection 55(2) with respect to the Part IV.1 and VI.1 taxes.

Position: Answer to Question a): The dividend resulting from the redemption of the Subco Preferred Shares would be an "excepted dividend" as described in paragraph 187.1 (d), provided that such dividend is received on a short term preferred share and is not described in paragraph (b) or (c) of the definition of "excluded dividend" in subsection 191(1). However, assuming that this is the case, Part VI.1 tax would apply to the dividend payer in the circumstances. Answer to Question b): Subsection 191(4) would not apply. The CRA's position is that for the purposes of subsection 191(4), the amount must be expressed in dollars and cannot be subject to a price adjustment clause. Answer to Question c): No. Answer to Question d): Yes. Answer to Question e): Yes. Answer to Question f): Where subsection 55(2) applies, the dividend is deemed not to be a dividend received by the corporation. Subsection 55(2) applies "notwithstanding any other section" of the Act. However, the dividend will still be a dividend from the perspective of the dividend payer. Consequently, Part IV.1, which normally applies with respect to dividends received by a corporation, cannot apply to the amount of the dividend deemed by subsection 55(2) not to be a dividend. However, the provisions of subsection 55(2) have no impact on the potential application of Part VI.1, which applies with respect to dividends paid by a corporation.

Reasons: Wording of the Act and previous positions.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0238601E5 - Taxation of a Person's Gambling Activities

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9 40(2)(f) 3

Principal Issues: Income tax treatment of an individual's on-line poker earnings/losses.

Position: Question of fact. However, it appears that these gambling activities are undertaken more for personal pleasure and would not constitute business activities carried on by the individual.

Reasons: The law.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0238631E5 - Taxable Benefits - Definition of "Automobile"

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6(1)(a) 248(1) automobile

Principal Issues: Are pick-up trucks provided by an employer "automobiles" as defined in subsection 248(1)?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: The law.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0241391E5 - Withholding tax on payments made by a guarantor

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212(1)(b) 212(3)

Principal Issues: Will Part XIII withholding tax apply to amounts of interest and/or principal payments made by a Canadian resident corporate guarantor (the "guarantor") to a non-resident lender where the original corporate borrower was the non-resident parent of the guarantor?

Position: If the interest is not fully exempt interest, and is paid or payable to a person with whom the payer is not dealing at arm's length, or is participating debt interest, the portion of the payment made by the guarantor on account or in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of, interest is liable to Part XIII withholding tax.

Reasons: An amount, on account or in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of interest, has been paid by a resident (the guarantor) to a non-resident (the lender).

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0236051E5 F - Frais de relocalisation

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6(1)a) 6(1)b)
IT-178R3, IT-470R and T4130 should be referenced for question on employee relocation reimbursement and allowance

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal réservé à une somme payée à un employé dans le cadre de sa relocalisation à Montréal?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. Nous avons référé le demandeur à certaines publications de l'Agence du revenu du Canada.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0236851E5 - Deductibility of Club Dues

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Principal Issues: Deductibility of annual membership fees for "business social clubs".

Position: General comments only.

Reasons: Question of fact - can only be determined on a case-by-case basis.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0237251E5 F - Résidence principale - Destruction d'un triplex

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40(2)b) 54 948, 954 à 964 CCQ
gain on triplex destroyed by fire then sold should be allocated between the personal use portion and rental portion based on relative building areas, but with years of use being pre-fire
garage remaining after destruction of triplex by fire was part of the contiguous land

Principales Questions: Un contribuable est propriétaire d'un triplex qui a été complètement détruit lors d'un incendie. Il a normalement habité une partie du triplex avant sa destruction. Il désire actuellement vendre le garage et le terrain sur lequel le triplex était construit. Quelles sont les conséquences fiscales résultant de la disposition du garage et du terrain?

Position Adoptée: Le gain en capital réalisé lors de la disposition du garage et du terrain pourra être admissible à l'exemption pour résidence principale et être réduit en vertu de l'alinéa 40(2)b).

Raisons: Selon les règles d'accession prévues au Code Civil du Québec, le fonds de terre inclus le garage. Le fond de terre pourra être désigné comme résidence principale seulement pour les années d'imposition au cours desquelles la résidence a été normalement habitée, soit avant la destruction du triplex. Également, aux fins du calcul de l'exonération pour résidence principale, le coût d'acquisition et le produit de disposition du fonds de terre doivent faire l'objet d'une répartition raisonnable entre la partie locative et la partie résidence principale de la propriété.

23 January 2008 External T.I. 2006-0206351E5 F - Subsection 69(11)

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69(11) 73(4)
no application to transfer of interests in family farm partnership to farming son

Principal Issues: Whether subsection 69(11) would apply in the three scenarios described in the letter?

Position: General comments, but probably no.

Reasons: Conditions in subsection 69(11) appear not to be satisfied.

22 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0235791E5 - Northern Residents Deduction

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Principal Issues: The taxpayer had asked for an advance income tax ruling in respect of his claim for the Northern Residents Deduction for the 2006 taxation year.

Position: The taxpayer's request was not in the form of a proper advance income tax ruling request as described in IC-70-6R5 and the transactions were already completed. While we had very few facts, it appears that the taxpayer did not live in a prescribed intermediate zone for a qualifying period.

Reasons: See above.

22 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0248321E5 - Prescribed International Organization

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Principal Issues: Whether the XXXXXXXXXX is a prescribed international organization for purposes of subparagraph 110(1)(f)(iii) of the Act.

Position: No.

Reasons: The XXXXXXXXXX does not form an integral part of the United Nations, nor is it a specialized agency bought into relationship with the United Nations.

22 January 2008 External T.I. 2006-0165521E5 F - Prime versé à l'emprunteur

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12(1)x) 14(10) 12(2.2)
no opinion expressed on whether a bonus received under the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program reduced the cost of the eligible capital property acquired

Principales Questions: Un emprunteur fait appel au programme "Immigrants-Investisseurs" d'Investissements Québec. Dans le cadre des prêts qu'il reçoit, il reçoit également une prime afin d'amoindrir le coût de financement global du projet d'investissement. Quel est le traitement fiscal de cette prime?

Position Adoptée: En raison du peu de renseignements fournis par le représentant, nous pouvons seulement émettre des renseignements généraux. Si la prime ne réduit pas le coût du bien en immobilisation admissible, elle doit être incluse dans le revenu de l'emprunteur aux termes de l'alinéa 12(1)x). Toutefois, un choix peut être effectué en vertu du paragraphe 12(2.2) afin de réduire le montant de la dépense et le montant de l'inclusion au revenu.

Raisons: Dispositions de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

21 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0227531E5 F - GRIP / GRIP Addition for 2006

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89(1) 89(7) 55(2) 55(5)(f)
for 2006 only, CRA accepted designating a portion of a dividend as an eligible dividend

Principal Issues: In a given situation where, in 2006, Bco's GRIP is $1.3 M and, pursuant to ss 84(3), Bco is deemed to have paid a dividend of approximately $ 1 M to Cco and Dco (approximately $ 500,000 each), whether Bco can designate a fraction of the deemed dividend representing Bco's safe income on hand attributable to the purchased shares (approximately $ 700,000) as an eligible dividend, pursuant to 89(14)?

Position: Yes

Reasons: CRA's policy to allow a dividend to be designated as two seperate dividends, applicable only to dividends paid in 2006

21 January 2008 External T.I. 2008-0264221E5 - Foreign tax credit

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126(1) 126(7)

Principal Issues: Eligibility for foreign tax credit - is a foreign tax credit available to a Canadian resident who voluntarily submits to a foreign withholding tax?

Position: No.

Reasons: Payment is not eligible for the foreign tax credit unless it is compulsory. A voluntary payment does not qualify as a tax.

18 January 2008 External T.I. 2005-0140291E5 - Article XXI of the Canada-US Tax Convention

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Article XXI Canada US Tax Convention

Principal Issues: Interest and dividend derived by certain qualifying U.S. pension funds are exempt from Canadian non-resident withholding tax pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article XXI. Are the words "derived by" broad enough to make the exemption available to a qualifying U.S. pension fund that is a partner in a partnership whose only assets are shares and debt of Canadian issuers?

Position: We cannot provide a definitive answer. We would have to consider whether paragraph 3 is applicable to a particular situation. However, we can provide the following position: if the partnership is not taxed as a separate entity in either country (Canada and U.S.), it is our view that we will look-through to the members in determining whether paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article XXI of the Treaty is applicable in respect of that member and in determining whether a particular member is related to the person from which the income is derived for the purpose of paragraph 3 of Article XXI of the Treaty.

Reasons: If the partnership is not taxed as a separate entity in either country, the partnership should be treated as a conduit for the purposes of the Treaty.

18 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0252081E5 F - Placements admissibles REÉR

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share must not be eligible for patronage dividends

Principales Questions: Est-ce que des parts sociales, parts privilégiées et des parts privilégiées participantes peuvent être des placements admissibles pour des REÉR ?

Position Adoptée: Oui si les conditions de la définition de part admissible sont respectées.

Raisons: Texte de 4901(2)

16 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0232751E5 F - Éléments "A" et "B" du paragraphe 127(10.2)

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81(1)a) 125(5.1); 127(10.2) 181.1(3)d) 181.4; 181.5(7); règl 400(2); règl 8600(3);
no inclusion of taxable capital regarding associated non-resident with no Canadian PE
expenditure limit does not take into account income of associated non-resident that has no Canadian PE or other Canadian nexus

Principales Questions: (1) Concernant l'élément A du paragraphe 127(10.2) : Devons-nous tenir compte du revenu imposable d'une société associée non-résidente aux fins du calcul de la limite de dépense pour une SPCC?
(2) Concernant l'élément B du paragraphe 127(10.2) : Devons-nous considérer le capital imposable et/ou l'impôt de la partie I.3 d'une société associée non-résidente qui n'a pas d'établissement stable au Canada dans l'établissement du plafond des affaires de la SPCC pour l'application du paragraphe 125(5.1)?

Position Adoptée: (1) Oui.
(2) Non.

Raisons: (1) L'ARC est d'avis que l'on doit tenir compte du revenu imposable des sociétés associées non-résidentes dans le calcul de la limite de dépense RS&DE prévue au paragraphe 127(10.2). Le terme "revenu imposable" indiqué à l'élément A du paragraphe 127(10.2) réfère au "revenu imposable gagné au Canada" calculé conformément à la section D de la partie I.
(2) L'ARC est d'opinion que seul l'impôt de la partie I.3 et/ou le capital imposable de la SPCC doit être considéré aux fins de l'application du paragraphe 125(5.1).
400(2); règl 8600(3);

XXXXXXXXXX 2007-023275
Julie Racette
Le 16 janvier 2008

14 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0263241E5 F - Mise à part de l'argent

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20(1)(c) 245

Principales Questions:
La déductibilité des intérêts est-elle encore permise dans la situation d'un propriétaire unique qui utilise la technique de mise à part de l'argent?

Position Adoptée:
La position est toujours valide.

Nous examinerons les conséquences de l'affaire Lipson lorsque la Cour suprême aura rendu sa décision.


11 January 2008 Roundtable, 2007-0259011C6 - 2007 TEI-Taxation of LLC under Protocol

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Article IV Residence - US Treaty

Principal Issues: 1) Will LLC's income from a business carried on in Canada but not through a permanent establishment be exempt in Canada? 2) Should LLC file the T2 to claim treaty exemption?

Position: 1) Yes 2) Yes

Reasons: 1) Under the conditions described in the response. 2) The LLC is a taxpayer for Canadian tax purposes.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

23 January 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0255351I7 F - Frais médicaux - déplacement

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118.2(2)g) 118.2(2)h)
certificate should state why the physician considers that there are no adequate and appropriate medical services in the venue where the patient resides

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les frais de déplacement encourus par le contribuable afin de recevoir un traitement médical spécifique sont admissibles à titre de crédit d'impôt en vertu des alinéas 118.2(2)g) et h) de la LIR? Nous comprenons qu'un traitement médical similaire mais comportant des risques plus élevés et des séquelles permanentes est offert dans la région du contribuable.

Position Adoptée: Possible.