Principal Issues: Whether payments made from a U.S. charity set up to provide emergency assistance to employees of a large employer, who require emergency financial assistance due to a catastrophic event beyond the employee's control, to obtain the basic necessities of life would be considered taxable employment benefits, or would otherwise be included in income.
Position: Not required to be included in employment income, or otherwise included in income.
Reasons: Not employment income because employees receive the grants in their personal capacity as evidenced by the fact that the charity operates completely independent of the employer, the employer is not involved in the decision-making process, and the grants are based on the employee's need for emergency assistance. Also, the amount would not be social assistance because it is a one-time grant to cover an employee's basic necessities of life similar to disaster relief funding, and is not within the spirit of paragraph 56(1)(u) as shown by the fact that that such payments are excepted from the normal social assistance reporting requirements.