Income Tax Severed Letters - 2001-06-22


2001 Ruling 2000-0059953 F - 55(2), 55(3)(a), 55(4)

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55(2) 55(3)(a) 55(4)

Principal Issues: In a split-up reorganization involving inter-corporate dividends which would otherwise be exempt from 55(2) pursuant to 55(3)(a), whether 55(4) should apply due to the fact that father acquires nominal value shares giving him voting control of the children's Newcos ?

Position: No

Reasons: The one of the main purposes test in 55(4) is not met as we accepted the reasons for father to have direct voting control of the Newcos like he did OPCO before the split-up.

2001 Ruling 2001-0076453 - Pre-paid Forward Contract - Mimic - Foreign

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Principal Issues: Are the proposed Forward Contracts considered to be foreign property and if not, would such a transaction be subject to GAAR? What is the cost amount of the Forward Contracts?

Position: The contracts are not foreign property, GAAR is not applicable and the cost amount includes the amount paid to enter into the contract and legal fees, brokerage fees and other fees incidental to entering the contract.

The definition of foreign property in 206(1) of the Act includes property which is exchangeable for, convertible to or confers a right to acquire foreign property. Since the Forward Contract described in the ruling is settled in Canadian dollars, does not entitle the Funds to units of the Underlying Funds, would not otherwise be considered foreign property based on the situs of the contract and does not involve the indebtedness of a non-resident person, we can conclude that the Forward Contract is not foreign property. XXXXXXXXXX .

2001 Ruling 2000-0045323 - Forward Contract Mimic Foreign Returns

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Principal Issues: Are the proposed Forward Contracts considered to be foreign property and if not, would such a transaction be subject to GAAR? What is the cost amount of the Forward Contracts?

Position: The contracts are not foreign property, GAAR is not applicable and the cost amount includes the amount paid to enter into the contract and legal fees, brokerage fees and other fees incidental to entering the contract.

Reasons: The definition of foreign property in 206(1) of the Act includes property which is exchangeable for, convertible to or confers a right to acquire foreign property. Since the Forward Contract described in the ruling is settled in Canadian dollars, does not entitle the Funds to units of the Underlying Funds, would not otherwise be considered foreign property based on the situs of the contract and does not involve the indebtedness of a non-resident person, we can conclude that the Forward Contract is not foreign property. XXXXXXXXXX .

2001 Ruling 2000-0046523 - Split-up butterfly

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55(3)(b) 55(3.1)(a)(i)

Principal Issues: This is a split-up butterfly of a corporation (Amalco) that was formed by the amalgamation of two predecessor companies (Jco/XXXXXXXXXX and Kco/XXXXXXXXXX .). Jco and Kco carry on XXXXXXXXXX businesses that earn XXXXXXXXXX income and that are specified investment corporations. Mr. A and Mr. B each control 50% of the shares of Jco and Kco, and subsequently, 50% of the shares of Amalco. The purpose of the ruling is to divide the assets of the two companies so that Mr. A and Mr. B can go their separate ways. The major issue is whether Jco and Kco are related to Amalco and can take advantage of the 55(3.1)(a)(i) exception.

Position: The 55(3.1)(a)(i) exception applies and the split-up qualifies for the 55(3)(b) butterfly exception.

Reasons: Jco and Kco are each related to Amalco because they are controlled by the same group of persons acting in concert in all important decisions regarding the affairs of Jco and Kco.

2001 Ruling 2000-0048513 F - Transfert de biens - Groupe LIÉ

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Principales Questions:
Application de l'alinéa 55(3)a)

Position Adoptée:
Décisions favorables accordées.

2001 Ruling 2000-0049963 - Reorganization

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Principal Issues: see issue sheet



2001 Ruling 2000-0055923 - Butterfly Reorganization

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Principal Issues: Circularity problem with RDTOH

Position: T/ps were advised that their request for a change in year-end, in order to avoid the RDTOH "circularity" problem, must be obtained from TSO

Reasons: Change in year-end will avoid "circularity" problem

2000 Ruling 2000-0015933 - Supplementary - 1999-001121

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Principal Issues: Supplementary to 1999-001121

Position: n/a

Reasons: n/a

Ministerial Correspondence

18 June 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0082054 F - REVENU DE PLACEMENT-INDIENS

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

June 18, 2001



11 June 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0082074 - EMPLOYER-PROVIDED PARKING

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

June 11, 2001



The Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of National Revenue, has asked me to reply to your correspondence of April 5,2001, concerning the taxation of employer-provided parking.

Technical Interpretation - External

21 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086285 F - Disposition transitoire à 112(3)

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112(3) 112(3.2)
condition in 1995 transitional provision for the financing of the redemption of a preferred share includes part of a share
condition re financing the redemption of a preferred share included part of a preferred share
transitional provision re “share” to be applied on a share-by-share basis

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le paragraphe 112(3) ou 112(3.2) (dépendant de l'identité du détenteur des actions) s'appliquerait à toutes les actions privilégiées dans la situation présentée si les 4 conditions sont satisfaites?

Position Adoptée: Oui

20 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081065 - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE

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Principal Issues:
Tax treatment under paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act of payments under a specific program.

Position TAKEN:
Exempt under paragraph 81(1)(h) based on information provided.

Consistent with CCRA policy for years after 1997.

19 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0058665 F - CESSION DE PENSION ALIMENTAIRE

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56(1)u) 56(1)b)
support payments assigned to the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services and paid in arrears in order to receive social assistance payments were not taxable

Principales Questions:

Une personne cède, au ministère des services sociaux, ses droits de recevoir une pension alimentaire qui serait imposable selon les anciennes règles afin de recevoir des prestations d'assistance sociale de 1996 jusqu'à juillet 1998. La personne inclut dans son revenu des années 1996, 1997, 1998 les prestations d'assistance sociale reçues au cours de ces années conformément à l'alinéa 56(1)u) de la Loi. Le ministère des Services sociaux récupère, de l'ancien conjoint, les montants de pension alimentaire en 1999. Est-ce que les montants versés par l'ancien conjoint au ministère des Services sociaux sont inclus dans le revenu en 1999 à titre de pension alimentaire.

Position Adoptée:

19 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0082625 - SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE

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Principal Issues: Two married individuals ("Individual A" and "Individual B") entered into a separation agreement in XXXXXXXXXX . Subsequently, in XXXXXXXXXX , they entered into an amending agreement in which it was acknowledged that Individual B needed and was entitled to spousal support and that Individual A would pay Individual B the monthly sum of $XXXXXXXXXX (indexed annually) in that regard. We have been asked whether Individual A is entitled to deduct the monthly payment under paragraph 60(b) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: It appears that the payments are deductible.

Reasons: The available information indicates that monthly payments qualify as "support amounts" described in paragraph 14 of IT-530. We also indicated that if there was a particular concern with the conditions set out in paragraph 14 of IT-530, the local TSO should be contacted.

19 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083505 - Foreign Spin-offs Procedures

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Principal Issues: Administrative requirements for acquiring shares from a foreign spin-off on a tax-deferred basis under proposed s.86.1.

Position: Must contact foreign company, not CCRA, to ensure requirements met.

Reasons: Confidentiality issues have not yet been resolved with ITD; see especially our Q&A's on foreign spin-offs of March 2001.

18 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0025005 - Part XII.2 Tax Refund

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Part XII.2 210.2(3)

Principal Issues: 1. Is Part XII.2 tax refundable to a trust governed by a RRSP, RRIF, or DPSP even though no Part I tax is payble by any of these plans?

Position: 1. amount is refundable

Reasons: 1. 210.2(3) deems an amt to have been paid on account of tax, but does not form part of the tax calculation

18 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0078975 - VACANT LAND

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9 10 45 54

Principal Issues: Whether there has been a change in use in the land.

Position: Cannot comment.

Reasons: Situation relates to completed transactions and requires a finding of fact whether the property was held on account of income or capital.

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0076595 - CAPITAL GAINS DEDUCTION-QFP

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110.6(2) 73(3) 110.6(1)

Principal Issues: Whether property can be rolled using 73(3) and whether the capital gains deduction can be claimed for qualified farm property.

Position: General comments provided

Reasons: Question of fact and insufficient information provided to provide conclusive comments.

14 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0060085 F - Transfert à une société

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Holdco with one discretionary share in Opco (an SBC) and which received periodic purification dividends form Opco likely would not be an SBC

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le paragraphe 74.4(2) pourrait s'appliquer à la situation présentée?

Position Adoptée: Possiblement en ce qui concerne les transferts à HOLDCO

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0079775 - MOVING EXPENSES

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62(3) 62(1)

Principal Issues: An individual has asked us about the deductibility of mortgage interest as an eligible moving expense.

Position: General comments were provided. We referred the individual to paragraph 12(g) of IT-178R3.

Reasons: See principal issues and position.

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081345 - TUITION-UNIVERSITY OUTSIDE CANADA

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Principal Issues:
Whether an individual student dropped to part-time status by a foreign university qualifies for the tuition credit.

13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0075425 - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS

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81(1)(h) 96

Principal Issues:

Tax treatment under paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act of payments under six scenarios:

(a) Can paragraph 81(1)(h) exempt business or rental income?
(b) Do the social assistance cheques need to be issued directly in the name of the caregiver?
(c) In the case of partnerships, is the application of paragraph 81(1)(h) determined at the partnership level or at the level of the partners?
(d) Can the application of paragraph 81(1)(h) result in one member of a partnership earning exempt income and another member earning taxable income?
(e) Can paragraph 81(1)(h) apply to a joint venture?
(f) Can the caregiver's principal place of residence be considered the place where the caregiver spends the majority of the day even if the caregiver sleeps somewhere?

Position TAKEN:

(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) No.
(d) No.
(e) No.
(f) Probably not.


13 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081555 - TUITION AND EDUCATION

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118.6(1) 118.5(1)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Principal Issues

Are upgrading courses taken at a university that are not at a post secondary level but integral towards a XXXXXXXXXX program eligible for the tuition and education tax credits.

Position TAKEN

12 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0083475 - TUITION TAX CREDIT

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118.6(2) 118.6(1)

Principal Issues :
Whether a graduate student can be considered full-time and claim the education tax credit for a full-time student?

12 June 2001 External T.I. 2000-0062135 - Various question re: previous crystallization

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110.6 84.1 55(2)

Principal Issues: Various questions regarding a previous crystallization and proposed sale.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: General comments provided.

12 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0072345 F - Émigrant du Canada et statut de résident

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128.1(4) 220(4.5)
cessation of Canadian residency status not significantly affected by leaving adult children behind to pursue Canadian studies (who generally would continue as residents)

Principales Questions: Le fait de maintenir certains liens au Canada pour aider ses enfants majeurs à poursuivre leurs études au Canada pourrait-il influencer le statut de résidence du parent qui prévoit quitter le Canada afin de s'établir dans un autre pays?

Position Adoptée: Question de faits

7 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0079505 F - Gel suivi d'un rachat des actions priv.

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issuance of preferred shares on freeze, and their redemption 3 years later, would be part of the same series
safe income of common shares converted to pref under s. 51 was transferred to the pref/ non-cumulative pref dividends do not reduce safe income until declared

Principales Questions: Est-ce que le paragraphe 55(2) est applicable lors du rachat des actions privilégiées qui avaient été émises lors d'un gel?

Position Adoptée: Oui

5 June 2001 External T.I. 2001-0081755 - PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE

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Principal Issues:
Taxpayer wishes to subdivide one-acre property and sell one-half acre. Taxpayer enquired as to income tax consequences.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

19 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0053887 F - STATUTE-BARRED YEARS - GST CREDIT

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152(1.2) 122(5.3) 160.1(1)
where a taxpayer claims a non-capital loss for a statute-barred year so that his GSTC is eliminated, CCRA cannot recover the overpaid GSTC
a taxpayer’s non-capital loss claimed for a statute-barred year eliminated his GSTC for that year, without repayment thereof being required

Principale Question:

La mise à jour d'une perte d'entreprise au cours d'années prescrites entraîne-t-elle que Monsieur A doit rembourser son crédit de taxe pour les produits et services reçu au cours de ces années prescrites?

Position Adoptée:

13 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0078237 - support payments

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Principal Issues: A separation agreement included terms concerning support that an individual ("Individual A") was to provide ($XXXXXXXXXX of each month) to his spouse ("Individual B") as well as certain expenses (e.g., with respect to the residence occupied by Individual B and the two children). The agreement provided that it would be effective from XXXXXXXXXX until XXXXXXXXXX .
Under the terms of a court order dated XXXXXXXXXX (the "Order"), Individual B was granted custody of the two children and Individual A was required to pay Individual B the monthly amount of $XXXXXXXXXX for the support of the two children and the monthly amount of $XXXXXXXXXX for the support of Individual B, commencing XXXXXXXXXX . Individual A was also liable to pay Individual B the amount of $XXXXXXXXXX as arrears (the "Arrears") with respect to the months of XXXXXXXXXX (i.e., $XXXXXXXXXX for each of the three months). However, the Order also indicated that the payment of the Arrears was suspended until a hearing was held in respect of the Arrears. The hearing was held in XXXXXXXXXX , which held that Individual A was not required to pay the Arrears to Individual B.
Are the Arrears "payable" for the purposes of paragraph 60(b) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act").

Position: No

Reasons: The payment of the Arrears was suspended by the Order, therefore, they are not "payable" under the Order.
June 13, 2001

13 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0078627 - CHILD SUPPORT - ARREARS

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Principal Issues: Two Individuals (Individual A and Individual B), who became divorced in XXXXXXXXXX , entered into a separation agreement dated XXXXXXXXXX (the "Agreement"). Pursuant to the Agreement, Individual B was required, commencing XXXXXXXXXX , to pay $XXXXXXXXXX a month in respect of their two children ($XXXXXXXXXX per month per child) to Individual A. Pursuant to a court order (the Order) issued on XXXXXXXXXX , the monthly support amount was reduced to $XXXXXXXXXX per month commencing on XXXXXXXXXX . On XXXXXXXXXX , a decision was rendered by the Ontario Court (General Division) concerning the arrears outstanding. With respect to the Agreement, the court determined that the outstanding arrears totalled $XXXXXXXXXX . The court in its decision reduced these arrears to $XXXXXXXXXX . In the case of the Order, the outstanding arrears totalled $XXXXXXXXXX . No part of these arrears were reduced. Can the arrears of $XXXXXXXXXX and $XXXXXXXXXX qualify as "support payments" as defined in subsection 56.1(4) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act")?

Position: The amount of $XXXXXXXXXX can qualify while this is not the case for the amount of $XXXXXXXXXX .

Reasons: It is our general position that where arrears are settled for an amount which is less than the total periodic amounts that had fallen into arrears, the amount paid and received pursuant to the settlement, whether as a lump sum or by way of instalments, would not be deductible to the payer or required to be included in the recipient's income. On the other hand, an amount paid in a taxation year is regarded as qualifying as a periodic payment where it can be identified as being the payment of amounts payable periodically that were due after the date of the order or agreement. (See paragraph 22 of IT-530).

12 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0053957 - Canada-United States Income Tax Convention

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Art XXIX B (5) 70(6) 70(5.2)

Principal Issues: Whether paragraph 5 of Article XXIX B of the Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention applies to property described in subsection 70(5.2) of the Income Tax Act and transferred to his or her spouse by the deceased taxpayer.

Position: No.

Reasons: A reading of paragraph 5 of Article XXIX B indicates that that paragraph is only applicable for the purposes of subsection 70(6) of the Act.

8 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0079327 F - PERTE RÉPUTÉE NULLE

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50(1) 40(2)g)(ii)

Principales Questions:
Lorsqu'une société a cessé d'exploiter son entreprise, est-ce que la perte sur une créance sans intérêt, qui est due par cette société à son actionnaire et qui est irrécouvrable, est réputée nulle étant donné que l'entreprise est maintenant exploitée par une autre société détenue par le conjoint de cet actionnaire?

Position Adoptée:
Elle ne serait pas réputée nulle.

5 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0075677 - BED AND BREAKFAST BUSINESSES

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Principal Issues: Whether subsection 18(12) of the Act applies to a B&B business.

Position: Depends on the facts but generally yes.

Reasons: The intention of Parliament in introducing the rules in subsection 18(12) of the Act were clear in respect of a B&B business. Case law has generally upheld the application of the subsection to B&B businesses. Audit has issued a memorandum on May 9, 2001 in respect of the application of subsection 18(12) of the Act to the same TSO with which we agree.

31 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0062337 - prepaid forward sales contract - bifurcation

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12(1)(a) 20(1)(c)

Principal Issues: Whether a specific agreement should be bifurcated into two components, namely a sale and a loan.

Position: No.

Reasons: The agreements represent purchase and sale agreements and do not create a lender/borrower relationship with respect to the prepaid amount. Jurisprudence does not appear to lend support to the notion of bifurcating the agreements into two components, namely a forward sale and a loan.

18 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0079637 - FISCAL PERIOD AND INSTALLMENTS

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157(1) 161 (4.1)

Principal Issues:
(1) Where, and in what manner, does the legislation define the filing date for the first tax return of a newly incorporated corporation?

(2) When would a corporation be required to pay interest on installments of tax that it has failed to pay to the Receiver General?

(1) A corporation's "taxation year" is any fiscal period and the "fiscal period" of a corporation is the period for which the corporation's accounts in respect of the business are made up for purposes of assessment under the Act. No fiscal period of a corporation can end more than 53 weeks after it began.

(2) Question of fact.

(1) A corporation's "taxation year" is defined in paragraph 249(1)(a) of the Act and its "fiscal period" is defined in subsection 249.1(1) of the Act. Subsection 150(1) of the Act details when a corporation must file a tax return.

11 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0072367 - Accrued Royalty Income

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Principal Issues:
1. Does paragraph 12(1)(g) override subsection 9(1)?
2. Does paragraph 12(1)(g) apply to accrued royalties?

1. No.
2. Yes.

1. Subsection 12(1) does not provide specific exceptions to the computation of income under subsection 9(1), but expands on the range of amounts that can be included in income. Therefore paragraph 12(1)(g) is not an authority for deducting an amount that has been included in income under section 9, but permits an amount that may not have been included in income under section 9, to be included in income for tax purposes.
2. In the context of computing income for tax purposes under section 9, income is computed on the accrual basis unless the Act specifically provides for another method of computation such as section 28(1).

10 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0069497 - Thin capitalization rules

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18(4) 18(3.1)

Principal Issues: Does subsection 18(4) apply to loan interest capitalized pursuant to subsection 18(3.1)?

Position: Not currently.

Reasons: Previous position taken. However, proposed amendments to subsection 18(3.1) applicable to outlays and expenses incurred after December 21, 2000 will ensure that only the interest not subject to the 18(4) limitations will be allowed to be capitalized.