Income Tax Severed Letters - 2000-01-21


17 January 2000 Income Tax Severed Letter 9933266 - RCA CONTRIBUTIONS

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8(1)(m.2) 207.6(7) 56(1)(x) 56(1)(z)

Principal Issues:

1. Can funds be transferred between RCAs as a consequence of a marriage breakdown?
2. Can an employee contribution to an RCA be treated as a refundable overpayment of taxes if it is not deductible under paragraph 8(1)(m.2)?


1. Yes but the consequences may not be as expected.
2. No.


22 December 1999 Income Tax Severed Letter 9917606 - SUBCONTRACTORS - FILM PRODUCTION SERVICES

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Principal Issues: Would the corporate owner of a film that subcontracts all of the production work out to one or more third parties be entitled to claim the film or video production services tax credit?

Position: Yes, based on the particular set of assumptions.

Reasons: The owner was in a film or video production business and the other necessary conditions were met. It is not a requirement that the owner be in a film or video production services business in order to claim the film or video production services tax credit in section 125.5.

15 December 1999 Income Tax Severed Letter 9919006 - CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT COMMENCEMENT DATE

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Principal Issues:
In a situation where there is a change in the custody and the order or the agreement stipulates that the amount for child support will be maintained, whether the order or the agreement is varied to change the child support amount for the purposes of 56.1(4)(b)(ii) and 56.1(3).


Reasons :
56.1(4)(b)(ii) requires a change in the child support amount payable.

24 September 1999 Income Tax Severed Letter 9919789 - TAX CREDITS FOR U.S. STATE TAXES

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126 18(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether certain State taxes are creditable

Position: Depending on the bases of how the taxes are computed

Reasons: see text in the memo


1999 Ruling 9931893 - LOSS UTLILIZATION

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Principal Issues: Additional Ruling

Position: OK

Reasons: 111(1)(A)

1999 Ruling 9907203 - DSLP, PMT OF % OF PRE-LEAVE SALARY

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Principal Issues: Can an employee make (after-tax) contributions to a deferred salary leave plan arrangement during the deferral period? Where the arrangement pays an amount that is a percentage of the employee's normal salary during the period of the leave of absence, is the test in clause 6801(a)(iii)(A) met, notwithstanding that the deferred amounts would not appear to be sufficient to fund the amounts paid during the leave of absence period?

Position: Nothing in paragraph 6801(a) precludes employee contributions. The arrangement meets the 2nd formula test in clause 6801(a)(iii)(A).

Reasons: Wording of the provision and previous interpretations on employee contributions.

1999 Ruling 9912643 - COMPENSATION FUND - NPO

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Principal Issues:

Whether a non-share corporation to be established by provincial statute to set up a compensation fund for the purpose of compensating persons who have sustained losses as a result of wrongful or dishonest dealings by licensed real estate agents would be organized as a non-profit organization for the purposes of paragraph 149(1)(l).


Yes, based on the facts presented.


1999 Ruling 992226A - MULTI-CLASS MUTUAL FUND

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Principal Issues:
The taxpayer's representative has requested a supplemental ruling to amend the proposed transactions contained in the original ruling request to refer to an additional class of units to be issued. Will this affect the rulings given in 990500?

Position: No. The rulings given will continue to be binding.

Reasons: The proposed transactions set out in ruling 990500 have not been completed and do not have to be completed until XXXXXXXXXX. The proposal to revise the proposed transactions as previously stated and to revise the draft master declaration of trust to include a reference to Class F units and a redesignation feature in respect of these units does not affect the rulings given.


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248(1); 56(1)(a)(ii)

Principal Issues: Whether severance amounts paid to employees hired by third party purchasers are retiring allowances.

Position: Yes

Reasons: Question of fact. The pertinent facts which are all able to be established at the time of the ruling lead to the conclusion that the third party purchasers are not affiliated with former employer.

Technical Interpretation - External

19 January 2000 External T.I. 9931785 - INDIANS INVESTMENT IN MUTUAL FUNDS

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Principal Issues: Whether the income earned by Indians from mutual funds will be exempt from tax

Position: No

Reasons: The income will be earned in the commercial mainstream, not on a reserve.

18 January 2000 External T.I. 9930565 - BIL-DIR. PAYING UNPAID SALARIES

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39(1)(c) 40(2)(g) 39(12)

Principal Issues:

18 January 2000 External T.I. 9930895 - TRANSFER TO RRSP

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146 69

Principal Issues: Can a retroactive transfer of assets be made to an RRSP?

Position: No.

Reasons: No provision in the law to allow it.

18 January 2000 External T.I. 9912575 - MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING DEDUCTION

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Principal Issues: is the re-conditioning of pallets for sale or rental considered to be manufacturing and processing?

Position: Maybe if activities are analogous to comments made in IT145R par. 46 & 49. Also consider comments made by court in Tenneco.

Reasons: IT-145R par 46 & 49. Also comments in Tenneco

17 January 2000 External T.I. 9932865 F - ACTION APPROUVÉE - FONDS DE TRAVAILLEURS

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Principales Questions:

Est-ce qu'un contribuable aurait droit au crédit d'impôt prévu à l'article 127.4 de la Loi dans les circonstances indiquées dans votre lettre ?

Position Adoptée:

13 January 2000 External T.I. 9928085 - SURRENDER OF INCOME INTEREST IN TRUST

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Principal Issues: 1) Is a beneficiary considered to have received proceeds of disposition where the beneficiary releases and surrenders an income interest in an testamentary trust for no actual consideration and makes no direction concerning who is entitled to receive the benefit as a result of the release or surrender?
2) What are the tax consequences of a distribution of trust property to beneficiaries resident in Canada in satisfaction of the beneficiaries' capital interest in the trust?

Position: 1) No 2) Typically no capital gain or loss arises as a result of such a disposition of a capital interest in a trust

Reasons: 1) The release of an income interest in a trust for no consideration and the related tax consequences is commented on in IT-385R2 and has been the subject of various rulings and opinions. 2) The interaction of 107(2), 107(1)(a) and the definition of cost amount in 108(1)

13 January 2000 External T.I. 9926775 - INVESTMENT INCOME OF INDIANS

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Principal Issues: Income tax treatment of investments held by status Indians in banks located on reserves.

Position: Likely taxable.

Reasons: Unless the income can be identified as exclusively on the reserve, the income is not exempt from tax.

13 January 2000 External T.I. 9923675 - CLASSIFICATION OF CARPETING AND RUGS

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Reg 1100 20(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Do carpet squares or modular carpeting qualify as class 8 assets?

Position: yes. appear to fit

Reasons: see comments in IT-472. Could be leasing property.

13 January 2000 External T.I. 9927035 - FIRST NATIONS CORP. TAXABLE

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Principal Issues: Whether the taxable income earned by a corporation owned by a First Nation is exempt from income tax.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: For taxation years and fiscal periods that begin after 1998, the taxable income of a corporation owned by one or more municipalities in Canada may be exempt from Part I tax pursuant to paragraph 149(1)(d.5) of the Income Tax Act if not less than 90% of the corporation's capital is owned by the municipality or municipalities and the income of the corporation from activities carried on outside the geographical boundaries of the municipality or municipalities does not exceed 10% of the corporation's income for the period. Thus, if the particular First Nation which owns the corporation qualifies as a municipality, the corporation's taxable income may be exempt from Part I tax under paragraph 149(1)(d.5).

12 January 2000 External T.I. 9932085 - BLOOD CORD KIT

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118.2(2)(a) 118.2(2)(o)

Principal Issues: Whether charges to register and store the umbilico cord of a new-born baby for future use ("Blood Cord Kit") are considered qualifying medical expenses under paragraphs 118.2(2)(a) or 118.2(2)(o) of the Act.

Position: Question of fact but probably no.

Reasons: Paragraph 118.2(2)(a) does not apply as the payments must be for medical services involving an existing medical condition or illness.

12 January 2000 External T.I. 9932925 - FAMILY CARE PAYMENTS

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Principal Issues:
Are certain family care payments received in part from Social Services and Mental Health taxable?

Insufficient information and completed or ongoing transaction.

General information concerning the possible application of paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act.

12 January 2000 External T.I. 9910105 F - PRIS PAR DES PERSONNES/HUMAN CONSUMP

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Principales Questions : Déterminer le sens de "pris par une personne" au paragraphe 67.1(1).

Position Adoptée : Le sens de l'expression "pris par une personne" s'interprète de concert avec l'expression "human consumption" tirée de la version anglaise du paragraphe 67.1(1). La consommation humaine inclut la dégustation.

11 January 2000 External T.I. 9933115 F - REER FRAIS D'ADMINISTRATION REMBOURSES

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146(1) 18(1)A)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les frais d'administration payés par une fiducie régie par un REER peuvent être remboursés par un rentier sans conséquence fiscale?

Position Adoptée:
Non. Généralement, nous considérons que le remboursement est une somme versée à un REER en tant que "prime".

11 January 2000 External T.I. 9929125 - MEDICAL TRAVEL

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Principal Issues: Whether the Agency's per kilometre rate for vehicle expenses in connection with medical travel is reasonable.

Position: Reference was made to the Agency's new policy announced in a news release dated December 14, 1999.

Reasons: The Agency's new policy appeared to address the writer's concerns.

11 January 2000 External T.I. 9930695 F - VETEMENTS D'AVOCATS

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18)1_b) 79(3)

Principales Questions: (1) Les vêtements d'un avocat sont-ils déductibles ?
(2) Quel est le produit de disposition d'un immeuble suite à une reprise du créancier hypothécaire ?

Position Adoptée: (1) Les toges et les rabats sont inclus dans la catégorie 8.
(2) Le produit de disposition inclut le total du principal impayé de la dette et des intérêts impayés courus sur cette dette.

11 January 2000 External T.I. 9916595 F - FRAIS MEDICAUX-CONSEILLERS GENETIQUES

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Principales Questions:

Est-ce que les frais payés à un conseiller en génétique peuvent être admissibles à titre de frais médicaux en vertu de 118.2(2) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:

10 January 2000 External T.I. 9917635 F - FRAIS JURIDIQUES-PENSION ALIMENTAIRE

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18(1)A) 18(1)b)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les frais juridiques engagés par une bénéficiaire de pension alimentaire relativement à une requête qu'elle a faite pour rendre non imposable la pension alimentaire qu'elle recevait et déterminer le montant selon les nouvelles lignes directrices fédérales sont déductibles dans le calcul du revenu de la bénéficiaire ?

Position Adoptée:

10 January 2000 External T.I. 9927335 - RRIF LUMP-SUM PAYMENTS WITHHOLDINGS

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REG 103(6)(d.1) REG 103(4)

Principal Issues: Where a taxpayer requests more than one lump sum payment in a year, are the withholdings required under subsection 103(4) of the Regulations based on the individual amounts paid or on the aggregate amounts paid?

Position: Withholdings based upon the request submitted by the taxpayer.

Reasons: The position has been taken by the Trust Accounts Division.

10 January 2000 External T.I. 9928165 - DSLP

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REG 6801(a)

Principal Issues: Does their policy for a proposed deferred salary leave plan satisfy the conditions described in paragraph 6801(a) of the

Position: No.

Reasons: The policy does not cover all of the conditions that have to be satisfied before a plan or arrangement will be exempted from the SDA rules under paragraph 6801(a) of the Regulations.

10 January 2000 External T.I. 9908665 F - PROGRAMME IMMIGRANT INVESTISSEUR

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Principales Questions : Déterminer si des effets de commerce détenus à des fins de couverture du recours à un emprunt en vertu du programme Immigrant Investisseur constituent des actifs utilisés principalement dans l'exploitation active d'une entreprise.

Position Adoptée : Question de fait.

10 January 2000 External T.I. 9908925 F - FRAIS DE VOYAGE DU CONJOINT

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'une décision récente de la cour du Québec change notre position relativement à un avantage imposable pour un employé à qui son employeur rembourse les frais de déplacement de son conjoint et de sa famille?

Position Adoptée:
Non. La décision du juge de la cour du Québec (il a considéré le remboursement des frais de déplacement du conjoint et de la famille d'un employé comme un montant non imposable) ne change pas notre position.

6 January 2000 External T.I. 9926255 - SPOUSAL TRUST ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ALL IN

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Principal Issues: Whether a trust is a spousal trust if the trustee has discretion to hold back any portion of the trust income (other than income not included in the definition of income of the trust by reason of subsection 108(3)) from the spouse beneficiary.

Position: No

Reasons: "Entitled to receive" means having the ability to enforce payment. Discretion available to the trustee means that the spouse is not entitled to all of the income.

6 January 2000 External T.I. 9929675 F - FUSION - CAPITAL VERSÉ ET PBR

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85(1) 87(3) 87(4) 84.1

Principales Questions:
Quel est le capital versé et le prix de base rajusté des actions du capital-actions de la société issue d'une fusion ?

Position Adoptée:
Dans la situation particulière, le capital versé pour les nouvelles actions est égal au capital versé des anciennes actions. Idem pour le prix de base rajusté.

6 January 2000 External T.I. 9926285 - PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE -FARM

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40(2)(c) 54(e) 110.6(1) 69(1)(b)

Principal Issues:
1) Is all the property consisting of residence and XXXXXXXXXX acres considered a principal residence?
2) Does a portion of the sale qualify as "qualified farm property" ?
3) Can the provisions of subsection 110.6(19) be used to offset a portion of the gain?
4) Is GST payable on the sale?
5) On the subsequent disposal of a XXXXXXXXXX % interest in the property, is there a capital gain?

1) Question of fact, but presumably No
2) Possibly, if "qualified farm property"
5) Yes

1) Principal residence if farm property determined under 40(2)(c) and two methods described in IT 120R4
2) Rules in 110.6(1) "Qualified farm Property" for acquisition prior to June 18,1987.
3) Time for election expired
4) No GST as property is an exempt real property per Schedule 5 - section 12(b)
5) 69(1)(b) applies

6 January 2000 External T.I. 9908735 - FRESH START RULES UNDER 95(2)(K)

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prior s. 95(2)(k) rule did not provide for step-up of ACB for capital gains purposes

Principal Issues: application of fresh-start rules in 95(2)(k)

Position: "95(2)(k) does not apply in the computation of capital gains and losses

Reasons: Our understanding that Finance will amend 95(2)(k) to address capital gains and losses

23 December 1999 External T.I. 9926175 - MORTGAGE AS A QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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REG 4900(1)(j) REG 4900(4) 28(1)

Principal Issues: Can a non-arm's length mortgage qualify for an RRSP

Position: Yes, if certain conditions are met

Reasons: 4900(1)(j)

23 December 1999 External T.I. 9931685 - RRIF, DEATH, WITHHOLDING TAXES

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Principal Issues: Why are there no withholding taxes on amounts held in a RRIF included in the deceased annuitant's income under subsection 146.3(6) of the Act?

Position: There is no requirement under the Act.

Reasons: There is a deemed receipt under subsection 146.3(6) of the Act immediately before the annuitant's death so there is no payment from which withholdings could be made.

23 December 1999 External T.I. 9929415 - INDIAN ACT EXEMP. FOR EMPLOY. INCOME

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Principal Issues:

1. Whether status Indian RCMP member's are exempt from income tax pursuant to section 81(1)(a).
2. Is travel time to and from a reserve included as time spent working on reserve?


1. May be exempt.
2. No.


23 December 1999 External T.I. 9926865 - LSVCC, FOREIGH PROPERTY BUMP

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Principal Issues: Whether and how could LSVCC shares increase the foreign property limit of a trust governed by an RRSP.

Position: Based on the current wording of the Act and Regulations, it is our opinion that, generally, an otherwise eligible corporation that is described in both sections 6700 and 6701 of the Regulations (for example an RLSVCC) qualifies as an eligible corporation for the purpose of the small business amount definition in subsection
206(1), even if it is a trader or dealer or a money-lender.

Reasons: Section 5100 of the Regulations defines an "eligible corporation". This definition includes an LSVCC provided it is prescribed under Regulation 6700, but in
paragraph (c) excludes a corporation that is a taxpayer described in subsection 39(5). The Department of Finance, in its July 1997 Technical Notes for amendments made to subsection 39(5), has expressed its intention to make a parallel change to paragraph (c) of the Reg. 5100 definition to exclude mutual fund corporations from the application of that paragraph. Based on the Department of Finance's expressed intention as to how this legislation is designed to function, we have chosen to interpret the existing wording of the paragraph (c) definition of "eligible corporation" as referring to subsection 39(5) as a whole, including its preamble, so that the paragraph (c) exception is not applied to deny mutual fund corporations treatment as eligible corporations.

22 December 1999 External T.I. 9930325 - PAYMENTS TO RETIREMENT HOMES

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118.2(b) 112.2(d)

Principal Issues: Whether the retirement home expenses qualify as medical expenses in subsection 118.2(2).

Position: General comments only.

Reasons: Question of fact.

21 December 1999 External T.I. 9928755 F - INDEMNITE DE DEPART-DECES

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248(1) 56(1)

Position Adoptée:

21 December 1999 External T.I. 9929515 - EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP

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Principal Issues: Does an employer- Employee relationship exist?

Position: Factors top be considered were provided

Reasons:. This is a question of fact.

20 December 1999 External T.I. 9930245 F - COOPERATIVE DE CREDIT ET CAPITAL ACTIONS

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Principales Questions: Les sommes confiées par une caisse à une fédération à titre de dépôt de participation peuvent-elles être considérées comme des sommes versées pour acquérir des actions au sens de ce terme au paragraphe 248(1) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée: Probablement non

22 October 1999 External T.I. 9925025 - RESIDENCY STATUS

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Principal Issues: Residency Status - whether acquiring a condo in Vancouver and using it as a vacation property for 3 to 4 weeks in a year would render a non-resident person resident in Canada

Position: Depending on the situation.

Reasons: In and by themselves, such ownership of a condo in Canada and the use of it as a vacation property are not conclusive to say that the owner of the condo is resident in Canada. Even if he were, as he is also a resident in Italy and his centre of vital interest is probably in Italy, he will be deemed to be a non-resident under 250(5) of the Act.

5 July 1999 External T.I. 9831245 - RÉSIDENCE D'ACCUEIL

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Principal Issues: Whether various scenarios related to foster care qualify for the exemption in paragraph 81(1)(h).

Position: General comments only. Each situation depends on the particular facts.

Reasons: In our view, the requirement in paragraph 81(1)(h) that an amount be received directly or indirectly by the taxpayer for the benefit of the cared-for individual may be satisfied in the situation where the taxpayer is paid directly by the cared-for individual or a guardian of the cared-for individual. Accordingly, provided the amount constitutes a social assistance payment (question of fact) and provided that the cared-for individual resides in the taxpayer's principal place of residence (question of fact), or the taxpayer's principal place of residence is maintained for use as the residence of that cared-for individual (question of fact) the amounts would likely be exempt under paragraph 81(1)(h). Further, the exemption is applied to amounts that are set aside in provincial or federal legislation for care of an individual in a foster home.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

12 January 2000 Internal T.I. 9918467 F - CORRECTION PARTAGE VS. SOULTE

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12(1)x) 248(20)

Principales Questions:

Quel traitement fiscal doit être accordé aux montants versés en vertu d'une entente de règlement hors Cour relativement à une erreur survenue lors du partage des parts indivises des biens d'une société de personnes en XXXXXXXXXX .

Position Adoptée:

12 January 2000 Internal T.I. 9930357 - STANDBY CHARGE

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Principal Issues: For purposes of the standby charge benefits calculation, is the use by an employee of an emergency vehicle for travelling between the employee's home and usual workplace considered personal use or is the use "in connection with or in the course of the taxpayer's office or employment" where the employee is required by the terms of the employee's employment contract to so use the emergency vehicle.

Position: It continues to be our view that travel between an employee's home and usual workplace is personal use.

Reasons: This matter was reviewed as recently as September, 1999, at which time our Assistant Commissioner confirmed the above position.

10 January 2000 Internal T.I. 992148A - ELIGIBILITY FOR SPOUSAL AMOUNT

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Principal Issues: Can an individual claim the spousal amount when only moral support has been provided?

Position: No.

Reasons: The term non-financial support refers to such thing as shelter, clothing and food and was not intended to mean merely moral support.

23 December 1999 Internal T.I. 9917277 - RETROACTIVITY - SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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56.1 60.1 60(b)

Principal Issues: 1) Court Order dated XXXXXXXXXX awarding retroactive payments from XXXXXXXXXX What is the tax treatment?

Position: 1) Commencement day is XXXXXXXXXX .
Taxed under new regime
Problems with retroactivity and statute barred issues

Reasons: 1) 56 (4) Commencement day
Intent is to apply the new rules

22 December 1999 Internal T.I. 992147A - SPOUSAL AMOUNT

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Principal Issues: Can a separated father claim the equivalent-to-spouse credit when the child stays overnight on a regular basis such as every second weekend.?

Position: Perhaps, can only be determined on a case-by-case basis..

Reasons: When the custody rights of the secondary caregiver, the father in this case, require that person to be responsible for the usual day-to-day activities of raising a child, such as ensuring the child attends school, preparing regular meals etc., the child would be considered "to live" with the secondary caregiver during the times that the secondary caregiver has custody of the child and would likely be entitled to the equivalent-to-spouse credit. This is not the case when a non-custodial parent only has legal access or visitation rights.

22 December 1999 Internal T.I. 9927117 - HEDGING, RESOURCE ALLOWANCE

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Reg 1204 12(1)(v.1)

Principal Issues: commodity hedge, resource allowance

Position: Question of fact whether a hedge, and must examine capacity and intent to produce product at time when forward sal is entered.

Reasons: Echo Bay reasons for judgment

16 December 1999 Internal T.I. 9919007 F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE DATE D'EXECUTION

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'il y a une date d'exécution aux fins du paragraphe 56.1(4) de la L.I.R. à la suite des 4 accords ou ordonnances de séparation et de divorce émis dans la situation donnée ?

Position Adoptée:

1 December 1999 Internal T.I. 9919237 F - RENTE VIAGERE-PENSION ALIMENTAIRE

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60b) 12.2(1)

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que le montant d'une rente viagère constitue un montant versé à titre de pension alimentaire déductible en vertu de l'alinéa 60b) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:

30 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9925837 - TIMBER SALE, WOODLOT, ACB

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

			November 30, 1999
Ottawa Tax Services Office	Resource Industries Section
	Client Services Division	Denise Dalphy
Rick Allen	957-9231


29 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9925097 - CHILD SUPPORT

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56.1(4) 56(1)(b) 60(b) 56.1(3)

Principal Issues: A separation agreement dated XXXXXXXXXX , provides that XXXXXXXXXX . shall pay to his wife $XXXXXXXXXX per month as spousal support and $XXXXXXXXXX per month for child support, commencing XXXXXXXXXX . The taxpayers were divorced on XXXXXXXXXX . A verbal agreement between the taxpayers changed the child support to $XXXXXXXXXX per month and eliminated spousal support commencing XXXXXXXXXX . A written agreement dated XXXXXXXXXX provides that the XXXXXXXXXX written agreement continues to have legal force and effect except as varied by the XXXXXXXXXX agreement. The XXXXXXXXXX agreement provides that the parties agree that the Schedule A separation agreement be amended retroactive to XXXXXXXXXX , to provide for monthly child support payable of $XXXXXXXXXX per month. The XXXXXXXXXX agreement provides that the Schedule A separation agreement is amended to rescind all spousal support effective XXXXXXXXXX and that XXXXXXXXXX is required to pay to his former spouse $XXXXXXXXXX plus interest in satisfaction of all child and spousal support arrears and all claims for future spousal support and all interest accrued on the arrears of support. The XXXXXXXXXX agreement also states that XXXXXXXXXX has paid to his former spouse $XXXXXXXXXX per month for child support from XXXXXXXXXX , to XXXXXXXXXX ; and $XXXXXXXXXX per month for child support since XXXXXXXXXX ; and $XXXXXXXXXX per month for spousal support up to XXXXXXXXXX and no spousal support is payable after that date.

1) Is subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of "commencement day" in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act applicable to the XXXXXXXXXX separation agreement? 2) Do subsections 56.1(3) and 60.1(3) of the Act apply? 3) Is the $XXXXXXXXXX lump sum payment in satisfaction of all child and spousal support arrears and all claims for future spousal support and all interest accrued on the arrears of support taxable and deductible?

1) Yes, subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of "commencement day" in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act applies such that there is a commencement day for the XXXXXXXXXX written agreement.

2) XXXXXXXXXX , it is our view that subsections 56.1(3) and 60.1(3) of the Act are not applicable in this particular case.

3) Insufficient information to determine if the $XXXXXXXXXX lump sum payment is taxable/deductible. General comments provided.

Reasons: See 9804967, 9812307, 9731995, 9824705, 981266, 9806525, 9801315, 9823445, 9829345, 9922586, 9909419, 9907417, 9832235, 9910845

24 November 1999 Internal T.I. 982063A - SUCCESSOR ANNUITANT, RENUNCIATION

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Principal Issues: Can a RRIF successor annuitant renounce his or her rights under the RRIF contract so that RRIF property is taxed in the hands of the original RRIF annuitant on death?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Even though there is no provision in the Act to allow for the renunciation of RRIF rights under the contract by a successor annuitant, the courts have ruled that a beneficiary has a legal right to renounce or disclaim a legacy. We will now accept the renunciation of such rights which is a reversal of the position expressed in 9833225.

23 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9917117 - GRAIN INVENTORY

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70(2) 28(1)(b) 28(1)(f)

Principal Issues: It is not clear from the written enquiry whether the farmer reported income on his XXXXXXXXXX return pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(b) or whether the farmer claimed a deduction on his XXXXXXXXXX return pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(f) so we have discussed the tax consequences in both of these two scenarios.

1) An individual who was a farmer claimed an optional inventory adjustment of $XXXXXXXXXX on grain inventory on his XXXXXXXXXX tax return, pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(f) of the Act. The individual died in XXXXXXXXXX and the value of the grain on the date of death was $XXXXXXXXXX . Can $XXXXXXXXXX of the value of the grain be included in income on the final return of the deceased and can the remaining $XXXXXXXXXX be reported on an elective subsection 70(2) return? Alternatively, can the paragraph 28(1)(f) optional inventory deduction of $XXXXXXXXXX be claimed on the subsection 70(2) return if the value of the grain ($XXXXXXXXXX ) is reported on the subsection 70(2) return?

2) An individual who was a farmer reported income of $XXXXXXXXXX on grain inventory on his XXXXXXXXXX tax return, pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(b) of the Act. The individual died in XXXXXXXXXX and the value of the grain on the date of death was $XXXXXXXXXX . Can $XXXXXXXXXX of the value of the grain be included in income on the final return of the deceased and can the remaining $XXXXXXXXXX be reported on an elective subsection 70(2) return? Alternatively, can the paragraph 28(1)(f) optional inventory deduction of $XXXXXXXXXX be claimed on the subsection 70(2) return if the value of the grain ($XXXXXXXXXX ) is reported on the subsection 70(2) return?


1) The taxpayer's legal representative can choose to elect to file a 70(2) return and report the $XXXXXXXXXX value of the inventory at the date of death on the 70(2) return. The total value of all the deceased taxpayer's rights or things has to be reported on the 70(2) return (other than rights or things transferred to beneficiaries within the time provided by 70(3)). No portion of the value of the rights or things is to be reported on the taxpayer's final XXXXXXXXXX T1 return for the year of death. The taxpayer included the value of inventory ($XXXXXXXXXX ) in income pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(b) for the XXXXXXXXXX taxation year and claimed a corresponding deduction ($XXXXXXXXXX ) pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(f) for the XXXXXXXXXX taxation year. Therefore, no further amounts are required to be reported or deducted on the deceased's final T1 return for the year of death in respect of the optional inventory adjustment.

2) If the legal representative chooses not to file a separate 70(2) return, a deduction under paragraph 28(1)(f) would be claimed for $XXXXXXXXXX on the deceased's XXXXXXXXXX final return and the total value of the grain inventory of $XXXXXXXXXX would also be reported as income on the deceased's XXXXXXXXXX final return. If the taxpayer's legal representative chooses to file an elective 70(2) return, then the total value of the grain inventory of $XXXXXXXXXX must be reported on the 70(2) return and a deduction for $XXXXXXXXXX pursuant to paragraph 28(1)(f) could be claimed on the deceased's XXXXXXXXXX final return.

Reasons:. As indicated in paragraph 2 of IT-212R3, Income of Deceased Persons - Rights or Things, where a taxpayer at the time of death had rights or things which, when realized or disposed of, would have been included in computing income, subsection 70(2) requires the value of such rights or things at the date of death to be included in computing income for the year of death. Subsection 70(2) includes in income amounts that have been earned but have not been included in income such as amounts in respect of which an amount has been deducted in computing income such as a "cash basis" inventory. Paragraph 20 of IT-212R3 indicates that if a separate subsection 70(2) return is filed, it must include the total value of all the deceased taxpayer's rights or things other than those transferred to beneficiaries within the time provided by subsection 70(3) of the Act. Accordingly, the taxpayer's legal representative can choose to elect to file a subsection 70(2) return within the time period permitted, as set out in that provision, and report the full amount of the value of the grain inventory of $XXXXXXXXXX on the subsection 70(2) return. By virtue of subsection 70(2), the taxpayer's legal representative cannot choose to report only part of the value of the grain inventory on the subsection 70(2) return. In addition, if an election is made by the taxpayer's legal representative to file a subsection 70(2) return, all of the taxpayer's rights or things have to be reported on that return.

4 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9912267 F - TRANSFERT CREDIT FRAIS DE SCOLARITÉ

Unedited CRA Tags
118.5 118.6 118.94 115(2)b)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les crédits d'impôt pour frais de scolarité et pour études d'un particulier qui est un non-résident à l'égard d'une année peuvent être utilisés dans l'année par un de ses parents qui est un résident canadien lorsque la totalité du revenu du particulier a été gagné à l'étranger?

Position Adoptée:
Non, si le particulier n'est pas sujet à une cotisation en vertu de la Partie I de la Loi pour l'année.

11 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9913907 F - COURTIERS D'ASSURANCE-VIE COMMISSIONS

Unedited CRA Tags
6(1)a) 9

Principales Questions:
Une commission reçue par un travailleur autonome sur la vente d'une police d'assurance-vie acquise à des fins personnelles est-elle imposable ou peut-elle être exclue du revenu d'entreprise?

Position Adoptée:
Elle est exclue du revenu d'entreprise.

5 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9919297 - HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION-SETTLEMENT

Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

		October 5, 1999
	Waivers	C. Tremblay
	Attention:  Catherine Slattery



Unedited CRA Tags
56.1(4) 60b) 56(1)b)

Principales Questions:

Requête pour fixation intérimaire signée le XXXXXXXXXX à valoir jusqu'au jugement pour les mesures provisoires. Consentement pour jugement à l'égard des mesures accessoires signé le XXXXXXXXXX prévoit que le montant de pension alimentaire est réduit temporairement et sera augmenté lorsque le payeur se trouvera un emploi. Est-ce que la pension alimentaire pour enfants et pour conjoint qui sera payable lorsque le payeur se trouvera un emploi sera assujettie aux nouvelles règles sur les pensions alimentaires ?

Position Adoptée:

10 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9911747 F - ACTIONNAIRES D'UNE SOCIÉTÉ

Principales Questions:
Qui détient la propriété effective des actions de Gesco, les particuliers ou leur société de gestion?

Position Adoptée:
Leur société de gestion respective.

1 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9917657 F - REVENU D'INTÉRÊTS ET BFT

Unedited CRA Tags
reg 5202 125.1

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que la société peut inclure les intérêts reçus suite à un litige fiscal dans son revenu rajusté tiré d'une entreprise, tel que défini à l'article 5202 du Règlement, aux fins du calcul de la déduction pour bénéfices de fabrication et transformation?

Position Adoptée:

Ministerial Letter

4 January 2000 Ministerial Letter 9933028 - EQUIVALENT-TO-SPOUSE TAX CREDIT

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: A taxpayer is separated from his spouse because of marital breakdown but is living in the same house as his spouse and child until the house can be sold. Is the taxpayer entitled to claim the equivalent-to-spouse tax credit for his son?

Position: Question of fact

Reasons: See 9714368, 9511795, 9612947, 9833139, 9833137, 9902035.

30 November 1999 Ministerial Letter 9925568 - FEDERAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TAX CREDIT

Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

November 30, 1999



10 November 1999 Ministerial Letter 9926048 - LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS - GENERAL INFORMATION

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

November 10, 1999


Dear Colleague:

7 October 1999 Ministerial Letter 9923758 - EARLY RETIREMENT PLAN

Unedited CRA Tags
REG 6801(a)

Principal Issues: What happens if employee takes early retirement, and does not return to work for period equal to period of leave?

Position: Taxable as soon as it is known that employee will not return to work for specified period.

Reasons: Condition of 6801(a)(v) no longer met.

7 October 1999 Ministerial Letter 9924088 - SEVERANCE PAY AND PENSION BUY BACK

Unedited CRA Tags
REG 8503(15)

Principal Issues:
A taxpayer has asked the Minister to explain why an income tax ruling request is taking so long.

No information can be provided specific to any possible ruling request but general information on the issue may be.

The writer refers to a file number which identifies the referral as an advance income tax ruling request. Authorization to discuss any ruling request with specific persons must be provided by the person requesting the ruling.