We do not guarantee the accuracy of this copy of the CRA website.
- All personal income tax packages
- Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)
- Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) for individuals
- Canada Dental Benefit - Closed
- Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
- Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)
- Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
- Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) Rulings
- Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
- Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) - Closed
- Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP)
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
- Canada Revenue Agency forms listed by number
- Canada Revenue Agency publications listed by number
- Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit (CWLB)
- Charities
- COVID-19 benefits and your taxes - Personal income tax
- COVID-19 rent and property support for businesses
- COVID-19 wage and hiring support for businesses
- COVID-19: Information for Canada Revenue Agency employees
- Debt collection at the CRA
- Digital services for Businesses
- Digital services for Businesses
- Digital services for individuals
- Digital services for individuals
- File information returns electronically (tax slips and summaries)
- Giving to charity
- GST/HST credit - Overview
- Information sessions and webinars
- International and non-resident taxes
- Objections, appeals, disputes, and relief measures
- Other organizations that can issue donation receipts (qualified donees)
- Payments for businesses - Payments to the CRA
- Payments for individuals - Payments to the CRA
- Payments to the CRA
- Previous-year forms and publications list
- Provincial and territorial programs
- Registered plans administrators
- Represent a Client – CRA sign-in
- Representative authorization
- Service Standards in the CRA
- Sign in to your CRA account
- Support services and tools - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- TD1 Personal Tax Credits Returns
- Technical tax information
- Trust administrators
- Understanding notices and letters
- "Let us help you get your benefits!" Indigenous credit and benefit short return
- 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers
- 2017 T1 General Returns, Forms and Schedules
- 300 - Tax on supplies
- 400 - Input tax credits
- 500 - Administration and enforcement
- A brief history of the definition of SR&ED
- A brief history of the guidance on the eligibility of work
- About registered charities
- About the child disability benefit
- Account alerts – Helping you keep tabs on your account information
- Account Information Retrieval Service
- Address of the tax centre to mail your child and family benefit forms
- After you claim - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- All Rates
- Alternate format ordering
- Annual program statistics
- Application Policy
- Application Policy
- Archived income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Archived income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Archived income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Archived income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Arrange to pay your debt over time - Payments to the CRA
- Assistance and Contract Payments Policy
- Auto-fill my return
- Automated Benefits Application - Participating provinces and territories
- Balance owing – Benefits overpayment
- Benefit payment dates
- Benefits statistics
- Business and project information required
- Calculate your CEWS or CRHP amount
- Calculate your rent subsidy amount
- Calculate your wage subsidy amount
- Canada child benefit (CCB)
- Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP)
- Canada Revenue Agency - PKI Services
- Canada training credit
- Canada workers benefit
- Canada workers benefit – Advance payment dates
- Canada workers benefit – Claim and apply
- Canada workers benefit – Eligibility
- Canada workers benefit – How much you can expect to receive
- Candidate profile
- CCB young child supplement
- CDB guideline table effective July 2024 – June 2025 (2023 base year)
- Change my address
- Change my direct deposit
- Change or cancel a past claim
- Change your marital status – Update your personal information with the CRA
- Charities media kit
- Child and family benefits calculator
- Child disability benefit
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2017 - June 2018 (2016 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2018 - June 2019 (2017 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2019 - June 2020 (2018 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2020 - June 2021 (2019 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2021 - June 2022 (2020 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2022 - June 2023 (2021 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline table effective July 2023 - June 2024 (2022 base year)
- Child disability benefit (CDB) guideline tables
- Child Disability Benefit Guideline Table effective July 2014 - June 2015 (2013 tax year)
- Child Disability Benefit Guideline Table effective July 2015 - June 2016 (2014 tax year)
- Child Disability Benefit Guideline Table effective July 2016 - June 2017 (2015 tax year)
- Children's special allowances (CSA)
- Children's Special Allowances (CSA) Fact Sheet
- Claim period dates and deadlines
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors
- Claim Review Manual – severing recommendations revised
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives - Does your work qualify for the tax incentives
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives - What are the tax incentives
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives - What documents are required
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives – After your claim
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives – How to claim
- Claim SR&ED Tax Incentives – More information
- Claim the SR&ED investment tax credit
- Claiming SR&ED tax incentives
- Claims to date - Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) and Lockdown Support
- Claims to date - Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS)
- Claims to date - Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP)
- Claims to date - Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HHBRP)
- Claims to date - Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP)
- Confirm a payment - Payments to the CRA
- Confirm your payment
- Contact information – child and family benefits
- Contact us - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Contact us about SR&ED
- Contract Expenditures for SR&ED Performed on Behalf of a Claimant Policy
- COVID-19 application statistics
- CSA on the net
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax information circulars (ICs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Current income tax interpretation bulletins (ITs)
- Customized forms
- Determine your eligibility
- Determine your payment method
- Determine your revenue drop: COVID-19 wage and hiring support for businesses
- Digital services for charities and donors
- Digital services for large corporations and multinational enterprises
- Digital services for tax preparers
- Direct deposit – Payments the CRA sends you
- Documenting the use of a vehicle
- Documents available in Braille
- Documents available in etext
- Documents available in large print
- Due dates for amounts you owe - Payments to the CRA
- E-services for charities and donors
- E-services for large corporations and multinational enterprises
- E-services for tax preparers
- E-services updates
- Electronic Form T2200S
- Electronic mailing lists – Benefit and credit payment dates reminders
- Eligibility for past subsidies
- Eligibility of Work for SR&ED Investment Tax Credits Policy
- Eligibility of Work for SR&ED Investment Tax Credits Policy
- Employee Leasing: Tax-Planning Arrangements Based on Section 87 [Updated- 2012-12-12]
- Employee Leasing: Tax-Planning Arrangements Based on Section 87 [Updated- 2012-12-12]
- Evolution of the SR&ED Program – a historical perspective
- Excise and GST/HST News
- Excise duty circulars
- Excise duty memoranda
- Excise taxes and other levies memoranda
- Excise taxes and other levies notices
- Explanatory Note: Time Limits and Other Periods Act – Excise Tax provisions
- Explanatory Note: Time Limits and Other Periods Act – Income Tax provisions
- Express NOA
- FAQs available on the CRA website
- Federal SR&ED legislative proposals status
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review procedures for financial reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review procedures for financial reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review procedures for financial reviewers
- Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers
- Find out if you can claim the SR&ED investment tax credit
- First-Time Claimant Advisory Service
- Form T661 (13) – Questions and Answers
- Forms and publications - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Forms and publications listed by client group
- Forms and publications listed by document type
- Forms and publications listed by topic
- Forms listed by number
- Frequently asked questions
- Frequently asked questions about the child and family benefits calculators
- Frequently asked questions: Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS)
- General income tax and benefit package for 2016
- Get a form or publication
- Get help to complete your remittance voucher
- Getting benefits and credits when in an abusive or violent situation
- Gross Negligence Penalty on Overstated SR&ED Claims Policy
- GST Memoranda (by chapters)
- GST/HST credit - COVID-19 - Increase to the GST/HST credit amount
- GST/HST credit - How much you can expect to receive
- GST/HST credit – Apply
- GST/HST credit – Eligibility
- GST/HST credit – Payment dates
- GST/HST Info Sheets
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Memoranda Series (by chapters)
- GST/HST Notices
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Policy Statements
- GST/HST Technical Information Bulletins
- GST/HST Technical Information Bulletins
- GST/HST Technical Information Bulletins
- GST/HST Technical Information Bulletins
- Guide RC4108, Registered Charities and the Income Tax Act, is no longer available
- Guidelines for resolving claimants’ SR&ED concerns
- Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HHBRP)
- Help page - Child and family benefits calculator
- Help with forms and publications
- How much you can get - Canada workers benefit
- How the subsidies were calculated - COVID-19 wage and rent subsidies for businesses -
- How to apply for child and family benefits when registering the birth of your newborn with the Automated Benefits Application
- How to Claim - Canada workers benefit
- How to prepare your claim - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- IC92-2 Guidelines for the cancellation and Waiver of Interest and Penalties
- Important dates
- Indian Act Exemption for Employment Income Guidelines
- Indian Act Exemption for Employment Income Guidelines
- Indigenous income tax issues
- Information has moved
- Information has moved
- Information has moved
- Information on the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act
- Information on the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act
- Information on the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act
- Information on the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act
- Interest and penalties on late or incorrect payments - Payments to the CRA
- International social security agreement forms
- Keep your information up to date
- List of charities
- Local Lockdown Program
- Make a payment
- Making payments for businesses
- Materials for SR&ED Policy
- Message for contracted resources and suppliers
- Mobile apps – Canada Revenue Agency
- More information on forms NR301, NR302, and NR303
- New Service Standards
- Non-profit organizations
- Non-Resident Tax Calculator
- Ontario
- Order Respecting Time Limits and Other Periods under the Income Tax Act (COVID-19)
- Order Respecting Time Limits Under the Excise Tax Act (COVID-19)
- Outreach activities for organizations
- Pay at a foreign bank or credit union through wire transfer - Payments to the CRA
- Pay at the counter (teller) at a bank or credit union - Payments to the CRA
- Pay by a third-party service provider
- Pay by scheduled pre-authorized debit (PAD) through CRA online services - Payments to the CRA
- Pay online with your bank or credit union - Payments to the CRA
- Pay through a third-party service provider - Payments to the CRA
- Pay through the mail - Payments to the CRA
- Pay with a debit card through the CRA's My Payment service - Payments to the CRA
- Payments the CRA sends you
- Pending updates to IC76-12, Applicable rate of part XIII tax on amounts paid or credited to persons in countries with which Canada has a tax convention related to forms NR301, NR302, and NR303
- Policies and guidelines - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Pool of Deductible SR&ED Expenditures Policy
- Pre-Claim Consultation
- Pre-claim consultation request form
- Pre-Claim Review
- Prepare for our review of your claim
- Prescribed interest rates
- Prescribed Proxy Amount Policy
- Progress Tracker
- Proof of birth
- Provincial and Territorial Government R&D Programs
- Provincial and territorial research and development (R&D) tax credits - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Public holidays
- Public opinion research
- Quebec
- R&D links
- RC4106 Registered Charities: Operating Outside Canada
- Recapture of SR&ED Investment Tax Credit Policy
- Recently added forms and publications
- Refunds - Payments the CRA sends you
- Regulations Amending the Income Tax Regulations (COVID-19 — Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Fifth Qualifying Periods)
- Remittance vouchers and payment forms - Payments to the CRA
- Repayments for publicly traded corporations
- Report a subsidy on your tax return
- Request for a Pre-Claim Review
- Required tax instalments - Payments to the CRA
- Return a payment
- Revised Form T1134, Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates
- RSS feeds – Canada Revenue Agency
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development Outreach Program
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development policies, procedures, and guidelines
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive - Overview
- Secure Drop Zone
- Service standards for the SR&ED program before April 1, 2018
- Services and tools
- Sign in to MyBenefits CRA
- SR&ED Capital Expenditures Policy
- SR&ED Claims for Partnerships Policy
- SR&ED claims made by physicians and Medical Professional Corporations - Information for claimants
- SR&ED During Production Runs Policy
- SR&ED During Production Runs Policy
- SR&ED Filing Requirements Policy
- SR&ED forms and publications
- SR&ED Glossary
- SR&ED Investment Tax Credit Policy
- SR&ED Lease Expenditures Policy
- SR&ED multimedia gallery
- SR&ED news and updates - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- SR&ED Overhead and Other Expenditures Policy
- SR&ED Program policies
- SR&ED Program procedures and guidelines
- SR&ED Program Service Standards
- SR&ED Salary or Wages Policy
- SR&ED Self-Assessment and Learning Tool (SALT) - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- SR&ED Shared-Use-Equipment Policy
- SR&ED while Developing an Asset Policy
- SR&ED while Developing an Asset Policy
- Submit documents online
- Submit your claim - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Success stories - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- Summary of provincial and territorial research & development (R&D) tax credits
- Support from the CRA during financial hardship
- Supporting documents
- T2 Returns and schedules
- T661 Claim for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) in Canada
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax forms (income tax, excise, GST/HST)
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax guides and pamphlets
- Tax Info Sheets
- Tax Information Phone Service (TIPS)
- Tax information web service
- Tax relief and support for businesses affected by tariffs
- Tax schedules
- Tax schedules
- Tax schedules
- Tax schedules
- Tax-Free Savings Account
- TD1 forms for 2017 for pay received on January 1, 2017 or later
- Terms of use for email notifications
- The city nearest you is Sudbury
- The Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP)
- The SR&ED Technical Review: A Guide for Claimants
- Third-Party Payments Policy
- Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19)
- Total Qualified SR&ED Expenditures for Investment Tax Credit Purposes Policy
- Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP)
- Traditional and Proxy Methods Policy
- Update your personal information with the CRA
- Using electronic signatures
- Using PDF forms
- Validating your applications: COVID-19 benefits from the CRA
- Validating your eligibility for benefits and credits
- What are SR&ED tax incentives - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- What the Archived Content notice means for interpretation bulletins
- What work is eligible - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
- What's new
- What’s new – SR&ED Program
- Who is eligible – Canada workers benefit
- Working income tax benefit – Overview
- Your tax centre is Jonquière
- Your tax centre is Shawinigan-Sud
- Your tax centre is Sudbury
- Your tax centre is Winnipeg
- YourMoney Network