Tax information web service


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Tax information web service

If your CRA user ID and password have been revoked

Some taxpayers may have received notification that their CRA user ID and password have been revoked when attempting to sign in to their CRA account. Visit CRA user ID and password have been revoked for more information.

Impacted individuals can continue to file their income tax return online using NETFILE certified software, and can apply for emergency benefits once a different sign-in method is used, or a new CRA user ID and password is established. If you are unable to use this online option, please call the CRA.

The Tax information web services currently include the following applications:

  • Auto-fill my return, used to get tax information for individual tax returns
  • T2 Auto-fill, used to get tax information for corporate tax returns
  • Express NOA
  • Account Information Retrieval Service, using CRA certified software, automatically obtain your basic account data, such as balance owing, from CRA
  • Account creation for the Canada Digital Adoption Program

Choose from one of two ways to access CRA’s Tax information web service:

Option 1 – Using one of our Sign-In Partners

Sign in or register with the same sign-in information you use for other online services (for example, online banking).


For the security of your CRA account, when you are on your Sign-In Partner website, ensure it is your information that is entered and not that of somebody else.

View list of Sign-In Partners

Option 2 – Using a CRA user ID and password

Sign in with your CRA user ID and password, or register.

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