Scientific Research and Experimental Development policies, procedures, and guidelines


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Learn about policies and procedures


These policies address topics such as eligibility of work, expenditures, and the calculation of tax credits.

Scientific research and experimental development glossary

The scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) glossary contains explanations of terms used within these policies, procedures, and guidelines.

Procedures and guidelines

These procedures and guidelines address topics such as review procedures and guidelines for resolving claimants' concerns.

Eligibility of Work
Guidelines on the eligibility of work for scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) tax incentives

Information on the Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS) as government assistance
Guidance: How the Canada emergency wage subsidy affects SR&ED claims

Information for the medical sector
SR&ED claims made by physicians and medical professional corporations – Information for claimants

Resolving claimants’ concerns
Guidelines for resolving claimants’ SR&ED concerns

Review procedures for financial reviewers
Financial Claim Review Manual – Review Procedures for Financial Reviewers (public severed version)

Review procedures for research and technology advisors
Claim Review Manual for Research and Technology Advisors

Technical review guide for claimants
SR&ED Technical Review: A Guide for Claimants

Eligibility of Work

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