Electronic Form T2200S


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Electronic Form T2200S

As an employer, you may create Form T2200S, Declaration of Conditions of Employment for Working at Home Due to COVID-19, that can be generated electronically by your business.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does not provide advice or guidance for developing electronic products. As long as the following conditions are met, you are allowed to create, maintain, store and issue the T2200S forms electronically. For the 2020, 2021, and 2022 tax years, the CRA will accept an electronic signature on Form T2200S to reduce the need for employees and employers to meet in person.

The electronic forms have to meet these requirements:

  • be made available to employees in a format that CRA representatives can read
  • be completed in full before being given to the employee (Part A, Part B, and the employer declaration)
  • mirror the CRA paper version of Form T2200S
  • be in a format that cannot be altered
  • meet all of the CRA's general guidelines on record retention and electronic records, which can be found in information circular IC78-10R, Books and Records Retention/Destruction

To assist you, an adjustable version of the 2022 form and corresponding xml file are provided here.

Previous-year version is also available.

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