Frequently asked questions
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Frequently asked questions
1. How many forms and publications can I order at once?
You may order up to 15 different forms and publications at once.
2. How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Allow eight business days for delivery of your order.
3. I haven't received my order. How can I find out where it is?
To track your individual income tax or trust-related order, call 1-800-959-8281. To track a business and self-employed individual order, call 1-800-959-5525 (hours of service). If you're calling from outside Canada and the United States, find the numbers you need on our International tax and non-resident enquiries page. For TTY (Teletypewriter) service, call 1-800-665-0354 (Canada only).
4. I don't have a printer attached to my computer. How else can I get forms and publications?
Choose the forms and publications you want to order through our online ordering service. We will deliver them to your address.
5. I can't find the form or publication that I want to order.
If you can't find the form or publication you're looking for, call 1-800-959-8281 for individual income tax and trust-related enquiries, or 1-800-959-5525 for business and self-employed individual enquiries (hours of service). If you're calling from outside Canada and the United States, find the numbers you need on our International tax and non-resident enquiries page. For TTY (Teletypewriter) service, call 1-800-665-0354 (Canada only).
- Date modified:
- 2013-05-04