News of Note

Planning can increase post-compromise tax attributes of a company in CCAA proceedings

It may be desirable for a company that is going through a CCAA restructuring to reduce its non-capital losses (for example, by reversing previous CCA claims) given that it may be better to instead realize income under s. 80(13) (reflecting only half of the unapplied forgiven amounts arising on the CCAA implementation), keeping in mind that with other planning there may be substantial pools to shelter that income, and it can be recognized (under s. 61.4) over five years.

Embedded capital losses in the shares of subsidiaries might be triggered in the year preceding the year of debt settlement so that they would become net capital losses, thereby soaking up the forgiven amount (after first being applied to non-capital losses) before the use of more valuable attributes such as UCC.

It may also be desirable to wind-up a wholly-owned subsidiary under s. 88(1.1) shortly before the CCAA implementation, given that the non-capital losses will be protected from a s. 80(3) grind as they would not be considered NOLs of the parent until after the compromise.

An alluring proposition, if valid, is that contractual claims, whose amount was fully deducted when incurred, will not give rise to a forgiven amount (or other inclusion) when forgiven.

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of Marie-Andrée Beaudry and Dean Kraus, "Selected Income Tax Considerations in the Court-Approved Debt Restructurings and Liquidations," Draft 2015 Annual CTF Conference paper under s. 80(13), s. 80(4), s. 80(3), s. 20(1)(c), s. 80(1) - commercial debt obligation, s. 18(1)(e), s. 224.1, s. 222(2), s. 80(2)(h).

Use of Holdcos may prevent accessing the farming capital gains exemption

The use of holdcos can scupper access to the deduction under s. 110.6(2) for dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property. This would be the case where an interest in an unrelated Farmco is held through a Holdco, or where an interest in a farming partnership is held through a 2-tier corporate structure.

Henry Shew and Jody Wong, "Multi-Level Farming Structures and the Capital Gains Exemption", Canadian Tax Focus, Vol. 6, No. 3, August 2016, p. 10 under s. 110.6(1) – share of the capital stock of a family farm or fishing corporation.

Donald Bowman suggests that a bare trust is not a trust

Former Chief Justice Bowman thinks that “a ‘bare trustee’ is an agent, not a trustee,” and that “no one can legally be a trustee and an agent at the same time,” so that the statement adopted in Trident Holdings that “a person may be both agent of and trustee for another,” was incorrect (although the same passage went on to acknowledge that in a bare trust “it is the agency relation that predominates.”) Accordingly, “judges, when faced with something called a ‘bare trustee’, have to make up their minds and decide which side of the line the entity falls on” and can’t say "maybe both".

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Donald G.H. Bowman, “Bare Trusts and Nominee Corporations,” Tax Topics (Wolters Kluwer), August 11, 2016, No. 2313, p. 1 under s. 104(1).

CRA considers that an exempt foreign charitable trust must satisfy the Canadian common law tests

The definition of an exempt foreign trust in s. 94(1) includes a charitable trust described in para. (d) thereof, which is required to have been created and operated exclusively for charitable purposes. In interpreting this, CRA considers many of the tests applied by it to Canadian registered charities to be applicable:

  • One of the four Pemsel charitable purpose tests must be satisfied.
  • “When the charitable activities are carried out by an intermediary…the activities and the underlying resources provided must be subject to the direction and control of the trust.”
  • “A charitable trust may conduct commercial activities to the extent that they remain incidental to and only serve as a means of furthering the exclusive charitable purposes of the organization.”
  • “An exempt foreign trust may accumulate and invest funds, so long as the accumulation and investments are incidental to and serve as a means of furthering the exclusive charitable purposes of the organization, rather than being an end in themselves.”

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 14 June 2016 T.I. 2016-0647951E5 under s. 94(1) – exempt foreign trust – para. (d).

CRA recognizes that failure to file a T1135 may not indicate carelessness or neglect

CRA considers that a s. 162(7) penalty for failure to file a T1135 form can be assessed beyond the normal reassessment period (or, under s. 152(4)(b.2), beyond the normal reassessment period plus three years where the taxpayer did not report income from specified foreign property in the relevant return) but, in such a case, CRA would have to “prove” that “although that error may have been made in good faith, it was an error that a prudent and conscientious person would not have made.”

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 26 May 2016 Alberta CPA Roundtable, 2016-0645001C6 under s. 152(4)(a)(i).

Income Tax Severed Letters 17 August 2016

This morning's release of five severed letters from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate is now available for your viewing.

Potentially serious difficulties can emerge in implementing a butterfly in the context of a spin-off by a foreign parent

When Foreign Pubco is planning to spin off some of its assets in the form of Foreign Spinco, there will be various points to consider respecting a potential preceding butterfly transfer of the Canadian spin-off assets by a Canadian subsidiary (DC) to a transferee corporation subsidiary of Foreign Spinco (TC), including:

  1. Other "spin" assets would need to be contributed to Foreign Spinco before the butterfly of the Canadian "spin" business assets, in order to ensure that the Foreign Spinco shares never derived 10% or more of their FMV from the TC shares.
  2. Given the relatively narrow meaning accorded to "reorganization" by CRA, in the context of a cross-border butterfly, one need only ensure that the series of transactions or events does not include prohibited transactions or events described in 55(3.1)(a) or 55(3.1)(b), “and the continuity of interests rules in paragraphs 55(3.1)(c) and (d) should be largely irrelevant.”
  3. A "reverse" foreign spin-off, where the "keep" assets are butterflied to TC as part of the usual three-party share exchange and the Foreign Spinco that is distributed to the Foreign Pubco shareholders is the existing shareholder of DC, likely will not work – unless, for example, Foreign Spinco held the DC shares through a single purpose foreign holding company.
  4. The standard three-party exchange mechanics do not accommodate the foreign shareholder transferring the DC shares on a s. 85 rollover basis, so that it is problematic if the DC shares are taxable Canadian property with an accrued gain.
  5. Although CRA does not believe that a transaction can qualify as a "permitted exchange" if preferred shareholders of DC do not participate in the butterfly, it nonetheless may be that the FMV of the Foreign Spinco shares should be conisdered to "approximate" the amount determined under the "permitted exchange" formula where this difficulty arises.
  6. A one-way cash adjustment mechanism was accepted in 2014-0530961R3 and 2013-0491651R3.
  7. Although, under GAAP, a pro rata portion of DC’s retained earnings likely will be transferred onto the balance sheet of TC, this cannot occur as of the very beginning of TC’s taxation year, so that TC for its first year cannot “use” its retained earnings for thin cap purposes. Accordingly, TC might determine to have a year-end immediately after the butterfly.

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of Christian Desjardins and Nik Diksic, "Cross-Border Butterflies in the Context of Public Spin-Off Transactions", Draft 2015 CTF Annual Conference paper under s. 55(3.1)(b) and s. 55(1) – distribution.

Ross – Tax Court of Canada finds that legal fees incurred to preserve a livelihood rather than to establish a right to salary are non-deductible from employment income

V.A. Miller J found that legal fees incurred by a pharmacist in disciplinary proceedings before the Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists were merely “incurred to allow her to preserve a future right to work as a pharmacist,” and “not incurred… to collect or establish a right to salary or wages,” so that they were not deductible from her employment income under s. 8(1)(b).

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Ross v. The Queen, 2016 TCC 170 under s. 8(1)(b).

Bell – Tax Court of Canada finds that bonuses received by a spouse handling back office functions were disproportionate to her contribution

A husband-wife team owned and managed a construction firm doing work in the general Vancouver area with the husband managing the business development and construction work and the wife handling the administrative and human resources work. In order to take advantage of her being a status Indian (he was not), the admin office was moved to the reserve which was closest to Vancouver. (Her own band was on a different reserve.)

The Crown did not challenge the Indian Act exemption for the regular salary paid to her (of approximately $100,000 per annum, which approximated her husband’s salary), nor did it challenge the deductibility of the bonusing of all of the firm’s remaining profits to her, including a $2 million bonus in 2008, but did challenge the exemption to her of those bonuses.

In finding that her bonuses were taxable to the taxpayer, Woods J found that there was no evidence that they were reasonably intended to compensate her for her duties of employment and, in particular, no evidence that her contribution was greater than her husband’s - and found, more generally, that there was no substantive connection between the reserve lands and the bonuses. However, she went on to note obiter that “if an Indian chooses to situate property on a reserve, the income should qualify for the exemption regardless of the individual’s motivation for doing so,” i.e., “the payment of the bonuses is abusive, but it is not abusive to locate the office on a reserve.”

It is not clear what she would have done if she had also been considering whether s. 67 denied the deduction of half or all of the bonuses, nor was she asked to address whether GAAR can apply to accessing the Indian Act exemption.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Bell v. The Queen, 2016 TCC 175 under Indian Act, s. 87 and ITA. s. 67.

CRA asserts that Treaty-exempt receipts must be included in income and deducted from taxable income under s. 110(1)(f)(i)

In connection with the possibility that the a lump sum payment received by a recent Canadian resident out of a Malaysian pension plan might be Treaty exempt, CRA stated that in such event:

the individual who receives it still has to include the amount in income under clause 56(1)(a)(i)…but that individual can claim an offsetting deduction under subparagraph 110(1)(f)(i)… in computing the individual’s taxable income.

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of 2015-0571591E5 under s. 248(1) – superannuation or pension benefit and s. 110(1)(f)(i).
