Principal Issues:
1. Whether a donation constitutes a gift for income tax purposes when the donation is subject to various conditions.
2. Where a corporation, its controlling shareholder and a charitable organization enter into an agreement with respect to a donation, will subsection 15(1) apply to include the amount of the donation made by the corporation in the shareholder's income?
3. Whether the amount of the advantage in respect of the naming rights granted to the shareholder is nil for the purposes of draft subsection 248(31).
1. Based on the facts, the donation would constitute a gift for income tax purposes.
2. Not in this case. The terms of the agreement provide that the corporation will make the gift.
3. Factual determination. In this case, the scholarships, funds, etc., will be named after the shareholder and other individuals. Provided that there is no prospective economic benefit associated with the naming rights, it is our opinion that the amount of the advantage would be nil.
1. In previous files, we concluded that the fact that there are conditions attached to a gift similar to those present in this case does not, itself, negate the gift.
2. The corporation, the shareholder and the charitable organization are all parties to the agreement.
3. We consulted with the Valuations Section on this issue and were advised that in order to have value, there must be a prospective, quantifiable economic benefit associated with the naming rights.