Income Tax Severed Letters - 2000-08-18


5 June 2000 Income Tax Severed Letter 2000-0008206 - Investor Rules; Film Tax Credits

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Principal Issues:
1. whether amounts are charitable "gifts"
2.whether donors are "investors"
3. whether "investor rules apply to deny film tax credit to producer
4. whether amounts are assistance

1. depends on facts of case
2. yes
3. no if charitable gifts; possibly if not charitable gifts
4. no if charitable gifts; probably if not charitable gifts

1. meaning of "gifts" at law
2. definition of "investor" in 125.4(1) is very broad
3. 125.4(4) question of fact whether amounts are deductible in respect of the production
4.12(1)(x) may apply depending on the facts

15 May 2000 Income Tax Severed Letter 2000-0008006 - TUITION FEES-DISTANCE LEARNING

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Principal Issues:
Does a distance learning programme MBA taken by a Canadian resident student offered by a foreign university qualify for the tuition tax credit?


2000 Ruling 2000-0013703 - Resource Royalties

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66(15) 66.4

Principal Issues: see issue sheet



2000 Ruling 2000-0007163 - Public butterfly

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Principal Issues: Public butterfly.
DC proposes to refinance existing debt to avoid events of default.

Position: Acceptable.

Reasons: Meets all the requirements

1999 Ruling 9902973 - VARIATION OF TRUST

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54 106 107 108(1)

Principal Issues: Variation of a trust with unborn beneficiaries- can a Saunders & Vautier variation be made?

Matter is not free from doubt--representative agreed to get a court ordered variation;

Issue 2- do the proposed transactions change the fixed entitlements therefore precipitate a resettlement of the trust-

As the entitlements will not be changed, rather it is just the distribution resettlement



Ministerial Correspondence

24 July 2000 Ministerial Correspondence 2000-0027564 - MEDICAL EXPENSES - AUTISM

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.



The Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of National Revenue, has asked me to reply to your correspondence of June 19, 2000, to which you attached a copy of your letter to the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada.

21 July 2000 Ministerial Correspondence 2000-0035394 - REIMBURSEMENT OF HOUSING LOSSES

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Principal Issues: Whether reimbursement of a particular housing loss would be required to be included in income under paragraph 6(1)(a) as determined under paragraph 6(20)?

Position: No

Reasons: The situation involved a move to, and commencement of work in, a remote location many years before under an equity protection program, under which the company will protect the employee from any loss of his equity caused by a general reduction in residential property values. Provided the original move meets the criteria in the definition of an eligible relocation, the new housing loss rules will only apply to amounts paid after December 31, 2000. Accordingly, the old rules apply to payments made before January 1, 2001, such that payments under an equity protection arrangement should not result in a taxable benefit.

4 July 2000 Ministerial Correspondence 2000-0017894 - Taxation of TCP of Trust on depart. frm. Can.

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104 54

Principal Issues: reports of loss of tax revenue from the emigrant of a trust

Position: referred to draft legislation which proposes to ensure that all persons, including trusts, who leave Canada or transfer property from Canada, will realize a deemed disposition at the time of departure (with exceptions for Canadian real estate and Canadian business property which is taxed when sold)

Reasons: House of Commons Standing committee report of Set 18, 1996; draft legislation on migration dated Dec 17, 1999

Technical Interpretation - External

3 August 2000 External T.I. 2000-0032635 - Food, Beverages and Entertainment

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Principal Issues: Paragraph 67.1(2)(f) of the Act sets out an exemption for food, beverages, or entertainment generally available to all employees at a "place of business of a person", to such expenses incurred in respect of "6 or fewer special events" held in a calendar year.
Does the phrase "6 or fewer special events" relate to each place of business of the person?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The position is consistent with the wording of the Act and the explanatory notes issued by the Department of Finance.

2 August 2000 External T.I. 2000-0039805 - CAPITAL LOSSES

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7 38

Principal Issues: Can a net capital loss be carried over and applied against stock option benefits included in income under section 7 of the Income Tax Act?

Position: No

Reasons: Net capital losses are applied against taxable capital gains. Stock option benefits are treated as employment income.

1 August 2000 External T.I. 2000-0028935 - Deemed Disposition at FMV - Death

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70(5) 70(6) 159(5)

Principal Issues:
Whether there is a deemed disposition of a capital property at fair market value in a situation where a taxpayer died and bequeathed by will that capital property to his family (surviving spouse, two sons and two daughters).

If the conditions of subsection 70(6) apply to the part of the property bequeathed to the spouse, there would be a deemed disposition at fair market value of the part of property bequeathed to the children. If the conditions of subsection 70(6) does not apply to the part of the property bequeathed to the spouse, there would be a deemed disposition at fair market value of the entire property.

Subsections 70(5) and 70(6) of the Act.

31 July 2000 External T.I. 2000-0022555 F - FRAIS DE DÉMÉNAGEMENT-RÉS. TEMPORAIRE

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Principales Questions : est-ce que des dépenses de déménagement concernant une nouvelle résidence où le contribuable réside ordinairement sont admissibles après que le contribuable ait déménagé dans une résidence temporaire?

Position Adoptée : question de fait.

31 July 2000 External T.I. 1999-0014055 - Dual Residency

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250(5) Art. 4

Principal Issues: dual residency

Position: question o f fact

Reasons: question of fact

31 July 2000 External T.I. 1999-0009445 - Tax Equalization Payments

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115(1)(a) 6(1)

Principal Issues:
Is an additional payment, a so called "gross-up" payment, made by the employer to the employee to compensate the employee for the additional Canadian tax payable on a tax equalization payment income from employment which is wholly attributable to the employee's duties performed in Canada?

Position: yes

Same tax treatment as the tax equalization payment described in our letter of Feb. 5, 1999, file #981979.

31 July 2000 External T.I. 2000-0015925 F - ASSURANCE COLLECTIVE MALADIE ACCIDENTS

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6(1)a) 6(1)a)(i)

Principales Questions : est-ce qu'un "régime d'assurance collective contre la maladie ou les accidents" peut couvrir la perte d'un revenu d'emploi et de bénéfices non distribués.

Position Adoptée : non.

31 July 2000 External T.I. 1999-0009745 - Gambling winnings on internet web site

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9 18

Principal Issues: tax treatment of gambling winnings won through an internet web site

Position: question of fact

Reasons: question of fact see IT- 334R2

26 July 2000 External T.I. 2000-0038625 - Association

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Principal Issues: will 256(2.1) apply to a reorg of a partnership where the individual partners incorporate their business activities?

Position: Generally, not in and of itself.

Reasons: If for reasons other than tax reasons. Determination of reasons is a question of fact.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

4 August 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0037687 - Film Tax Creidts; 30 months

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125.4(3) Reg 1106(3)

Principal Issues: Which taxation year where film co-production?

Position: Taxation year of each corporation

Reasons: film tax credits and certificates are issued on a corporation by corporation basis per 125.4(3) and definition of "excluded production"

4 August 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0038827 - Fishing licence; ECE; class 14

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class 14

Principal Issues: Whether full amount paid to acquire fishing licences, where probability but not certainty of renewal, is cost of a class 14 asset?

Position: No

Reasons: Bulk of payment represents eligible capital property, not cost of Class 14 asset

2 August 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0039187 - EQUIVALENT TO SPOUSE - 1995

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118(1)a) 118(1)b)

Principal Issues:
Can a common-law spouse claim the equivalent-to-spouse credit for a child (from a previous relationship), where the spouse lived separate and apart for less than 90 days in 1995 from her common-law partner and reconciled before the end of the year.

31 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0017597 F - COMMISSION-POLICES D'ASSURANCE-VIE

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5(1) 9(1)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que le paragraphe 27 du IT-470R s'applique pour rendre non imposables les commissions reçues par un vendeur d'assurance-vie sur l'achat d'une police à fonds réservé ou d'un contrat de rentes pour ses propres fins ?

Position Adoptée:
Non. La commission est imposable.

28 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0037287 - CLERGY RESIDENCE DEDUCTION

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Principal Issues: Does taxpayer meet the function and status test such that he can avail himself of the 8(1)(c) deduction?

Position: It appears that he does.

Reasons: Provided the individual meets the status test, and provided he meets the function test as a result of 1) The individual is a minister and is engaged exclusively in full-time administrative service (paragraph 18 requires the function to be full-time) appointed by a religious organization (paragraph 20 of IT-141R) or
2) it is arguable that the individual could be considered to be ministering to a congregation.(see Koop, Klassen & Rushton (Youth for Christ Employee)

27 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0033697 F - ALLOCATIONS VERSEES A DES STAGIAIRES

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6(6) 6(1)b)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les indemnités couvrant le logement, le déplacement et la nourriture d'un stagiaire participant à un programme international pour une période de 6 mois sont exclues du revenu en vertu du paragraphe 6(6) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:
Oui, si les conditions prévues au paragraphe 6(6) de la Loi.

27 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0033137 F - RÉSIDENCE ACCUEIL-PRESTATION ASS. SOC.

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Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce qu'il faut exiger un calcul distinct des besoins de chaque bénéficiaire?
2. Est-ce que la condition au sous-alinéa 81(1)h)(ii) de la Loi est respectée si la bâtisse où est située la résidence d'accueil est rattachée à la résidence principale du contribuable?
3. Le revenu net du contribuable provenant de la résidence d'accueil est élevé, est-ce possible de prétendre que l'alinéa 81(1)h) de la Loi ne s'applique pas pour cette raison?

Position Adoptée:
1. Non.
2. Non.
3. Non.

26 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0037597 - Meaning of Canada

Principal Issues: Definition of "in Canada" for SR & ED purposes

Position: Canada includes "exclusive economic zone" only for those purposes described in subsection 8(2.1) of Interpretation Act

Reasons: 8(2.1) Interpretation Act; Oceans Act
255 Income Tax Act

26 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0031717 - nature of allowance and moving expenses

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6(1)b) 62(1) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Canadian students will be working overseas in France for the Canadian Government for about 11 or 12 weeks. The rate of pay is $10.11 per hour plus a daily allowance of $24.00. The daily allowance is being paid to compensate the guides for the high cost of living in France. The issues are whether (i) the allowance is taxable; and (ii) whether a student can deduct their travel costs to and from France.

Position: (i) The allowance is taxable as employment income. (ii) Generally, the student may be entitled to deduct the costs of moving to France - In the case of coming back to Canada, some students may be entitled to deduct moving costs from award income (scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, prizes and research grants) or employment or business income.

Reasons: (i) For the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act") the allowance is considered to be for "personal or living expenses or as an allowance for any other purpose." (ii) The comments are consistent with those in the General Income Tax and Benefit Guide" and Form T1-M.

24 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0031567 F - TRAVAIL DE NATURE TEMPORAIRE

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6(6) 6(6)a)(i)

Principales Questions : le travail accompli par un employé engagé seulement pour travailler sur un chantier particulier est-il de nature temporaire?

Position Adoptée : oui, dans la mesure où l'intention de limiter la durée du travail pour moins de deux ans est apparente dès le début de l'affectation.

20 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0035017 - Conversion Capital Property to Inventory

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39 10

Principal Issues: Whether conversion of capital to inventory when leasing company sells 3-year old trucks?

Position: yes

Reasons: Trucks are not worn out or obsolete and sale of formerly leased trucks is essential to operation of business.

12 July 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0027857 F - PDTPE - COOPÉRATIVE

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39(1)c) 50(1)a) 136

Principales Questions : est-ce que la définition de "Perte déductible au titre d'un placement d'entreprise" est applicable à certaines créances et parts sociales dans une coopérative de travailleurs.

Position Adoptée : commentaires généraux.

30 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0029917 F - Dépense en capital - arbres fruitiers

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20(1)(a) 18(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Traitement fiscal des arbres fruitiers

Position: Attente de la décision rendue dans la cause Archambault

Reasons: Le contribuable a porté la cause en appel

29 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0028067 F - provision pour revenu année du décès

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34.2(8) 150(4)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que le contribuable décédé pouvait déduire un montant à l'égard de sa provision pour le revenu au XXXXXXXXXX dans sa déclaration finale et est-ce que le représentant légal devait produire une déclaration de revenu supplémentaire pour inclure le montant déduit dans sa déclaration finale ?

Position Adoptée:
Dans la présente situation, oui.

29 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0012547 - FIRST NATIONS - ISSUING CHARITABLE RECEIPTS

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110.1 118.1 149(1)(c)

Principal Issues: Can the Yukon First Nations issue receipts for gifts under section 110.1 and 118.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The Department's administrative position is to consider a band to be a municipality for purposes of sections 110.1 and 118.1 and therefore be able to issue official receipts for gifts if it qualifies for exemption under paragraph 149(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act. Bands that do not meet this requirement can be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the band performs a function of government. Since each of the 14 Yukon First Nations have been involved in the negotiations and implementation of a land settlement claim, they would be considered public bodies performing a function of government in Canada.

13 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0001227 - Partnership definition

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96(1) 96(2.4) 96(2.5)

Principal Issues:
Determining whether the relationship of certain investors in respect of the acquisition and rental of apartment buildings was a partnership, and if so, whether a limited or general partnership.

Relationship was a general partnership.

There was no executed written agreement confirming that a limited partnership was created under the Limited Partnership Act. Also, no evidence was presented to suggest that the requirements of subsection 96(2.4) of the Income Tax Act would apply to cause a particular investor to be a limited partner.

13 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0027577 F - CORRECTION PARTAGE VS SOULTE

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Principales Questions:
Nous avons examiné de nouveau notre position prise dans le dossier 9918467 à la lumière des renseignements additionnels présentés par le contribuable.

Position Adoptée:
Nous maintenons notre position à l'effet que la partie du montant représentant le remboursement des paiements effectués sur l'hypothèque doit être incluse dans le revenu du contribuable en vertu de l'alinéa 12(1)x) de la Loi.

2 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0016087 F - SECTION DE LA LOI128(2)E

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128(2)G 128(2)R

Principales Questions:
Les pertes encourues avant la libération d'un failli peuvent-elles être déduites par le syndic en vertu de 128(2)e)(ii)(B) LIR après la libération du failli malgré 128(2)g) LIR en raison de 128(2)h) LIR?

Position Adoptée:

1 May 2000 Internal T.I. 1999-0010677 - Inventory Valuation

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87(2)(b) 10(1)

Principal Issues: Inventory Valuation Following Amalgamation

Position: New Corporation May Adopt Any Inventory Valuation Method Permitted by Subsection 10(1)

Reasons: No Statutory or Legal Basis to Deny Taxpayers Right to Choose

27 April 2000 Internal T.I. 1999-0011827 - Temporary Access Roads

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66.1(6)(a) 66.2(5)(a)

Principal Issues:
Are costs incurred to build a temporary access road or in respect of the preparation of a site CEE, CDE, a capital expenditure or an operating cost in those situations where no oil or gas well is ever drilled.

Position: Question of Fact

Reasons: A review of all of the facts surrounding a specific situation will determine the tax treatment of these expenses. They may qualify as CDE or as CEE.

13 April 2000 Internal T.I. 1999-0011917 - CEE; Resource Allowance; Recovery Expense

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66.1(6)(l) 66.1(6)(k.1) Reg 1210

Principal Issues:
1. Whether cost of depreciable property may be CEE
2. Whether resource allowance is reduced by enhanced recovery expenses

1. No
2. Yes

1. made clear in new retroactive legislation - 66.1(6)(k.1), (l); meaning of "included"
2. "concept of source of production in resource allowance provisions is broader than in legislation where "development" must be distinguished from "production"