Income Tax Severed Letters - 2004-05-07

Ministerial Correspondence

28 April 2004 Ministerial Correspondence 2004-0067671M4 - Clergy residence deduction

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Principal Issues: Is a minister who is no longer required to be in full active service entitled to the 8(1)(c) deduction?

Position: Yes, on the employment income that meets the function test

Reasons: Part-time employment qualifies for the 8(1)(c) deduction.

15 April 2004 Ministerial Correspondence 2004-0067711M4 - Moving Expenses

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Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer would be entitled to deduct moving expenses?

Position: No.

Reasons: The definition of an eligible relocation requires that the new residence be at least 40 kilometres closer to the new work location than the old residence was.

Technical Interpretation - External

6 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0057171E5 - Capital Gains Deferral

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44.1(2) 44.1(1)

Principal Issues: Taxpayer enquiry on whether existing shares & proposed replacement shares will qualify for the "small business investment" capital gains deferral where the original shares and the replacement shares are shares of farming corporations.

Position: Question of Fact - farming corporations may not qualify for such deferral.

Reasons: Subsection 44.1(10) excludes corporations where more than 50% of the FMV of property (net of related debts) is attributable to real property. Section 44.1 also contains a number of other conditions which must be met to qualify for the deferral.

6 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0065621E5 - Medical Expense

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Principal Issues: Whether the cost of sending an autistic child to an integrated day care would qualify as a medical expense under paragraph 118.2(2)(e) of the Income tax Act.

Position: No

Reasons: The certification does not clearly indicate that the Centre has specialized equipment, facilities, or trained personnel to provide care, or care and training, of a person with an autistic disorder.

5 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0072511E5 - Foreign Scholarship, Tuition

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Principal Issues: Is a scholarship received from the British Council, by a Canadian resident, taxable?

Position: Yes

Reasons: Legislation.

5 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0066271E5 - Private Health Services Plan

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118.2(2); 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether a plan would qualify as a PHSP.

Position: General comments provided

Reasons: Proposed transactions must be subject of an ATR and must meet conditions as set out in IT-339R2.

5 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0063051E5 - Moving Exp. - mortgage default ins.

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62(1) 62(3)

Principal Issues: Whether CMHC mortgage default insurance is an eligible moving expense?

Position: No.

Reasons: Subsection 62(3) provides that for greater certainty, moving expenses do not include costs (other than costs referred to in paragraph (f)) incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the acquisition of the new residence. Paragraph 62(3)(f) allows the deduction of legal fees in respect of the purchase of the new residence, and any tax, fee or duty (excluding GST or value added tax) imposed on the transfer or registration of title to the new residence.

4 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0062231E5 - Shareholder interest-free loan; deduct interest

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Principal Issues: whether interest is deductible in various fact situations where a shareholder borrows money (at interest) and loans money interest-free to a corporation in which the shareholder owns shares

Position: question of fact

Reasons: question of fact

3 May 2004 External T.I. 2004-0063331E5 - Medical expenses - dependent

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118.2(2) 118(6)

Principal Issues: Can an individual claim a medical expense of a patient who is
the mother of the taxpayer's deceased spouse?

Position: Yes, provided that the patient is a dependent of the

Reasons: Extension of administrative practice as described in Appendix A of IT-513R that where a marriage has been dissolved by death, the family relationships created by the marriage continue to exist.

3 May 2004 External T.I. 2003-0054391E5 - Status Indian's business income

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Principal Issues: Whether a status Indian's business income is exempt.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: The most significant factors that serve to connect business income to a location on a reserve or off reserve are the location where the revenue generating activities are carried out and the location of the business customers.

3 May 2004 External T.I. 2003-0049061E5 F - Calcul du PBR d'une terre agricole

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allocation by sq. m. not always appropriate

Principales Questions: Advenant qu'une terre agricole soit subdivisée en deux lots et qu'un des lots soit vendu, comment doit être calculé le prix de base rajusté de la partie vendue?

Position Adoptée: Pour les fins de l'application du paragraphe 43(1) de la Loi, le PBR de la partie disposée correspond à la fraction du PBR, à ce moment, de la totalité du bien qu'il est raisonnable d'attribuer à cette partie. Plusieurs méthodes de calcul pourraient donner un résultat acceptable.

Raisons: Application de la Loi.

XXXXXXXXXX Danielle Bouffard
Le 3 mai 2004

30 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0045851E5 F - L'affaire Gillette Canada inc.

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CRA does not follow Gillette Canada

Principales Questions: Est-ce que notre position quant à l'application du paragraphe 15(2) de la Loi est maintenue compte tenu de la décision dans la cause Gillette Canada inc. ?

Position Adoptée: Notre position est maintenue.

Raisons: Nous sommes en désaccord avec la position prise dans cette affaire. À notre avis, les paragraphes 15(2) et (2.1) de la Loi pourraient être applicables à certaines situations impliquant des sociétés des personnes et cette position est en accord avec la politique fiscale sous-jacente à ces paragraphes.

30 April 2004 External T.I. 2004-0057531E5 - Forgiveness of debt; bankruptcy

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Principal Issues: Whether a corporation that is insolvent falls within (i) in the definition of forgiven amount in 80(1)

Position: Not unless it is also bankrupt

Reasons: Definition of bankrupt

29 April 2004 External T.I. 2004-0059511E5 - Motor vehicle benefits

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definition of "automobile" 248(1) 6(1)(e) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether employees are subject to taxable employment benefits that are calculated on a basis other than using the "standby charge", because the pick-up trucks are not considered "automobiles" under the Act.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Certain vans, pick-up trucks or similar vehicles are excluded from the definition of automobile in subsection 248(1), depending on their use in transporting goods, equipment or passengers in the course of gaining or producing income. For example, subparagraph (e)(i) excludes such a vehicle that "has a seating capacity for not more than the driver and two passengers and that, in the taxation year in which it is acquired or leased, is used primarily for the transportation of goods or equipment in the course of gaining or producing income". Subparagraph (e)(ii) excludes such a vehicle "the use of which, in the taxation year in which it is acquired or leased, is all or substantially all for the transportation of goods, equipment or passengers in the course of gaining or producing income". Subparagraph (e)(iii) excludes a motor vehicle of a type commonly called a pick-up truck that is used in the taxation year in which it is acquired or leased primarily for the transportation of goods, equipment or passengers in the course of earning or producing income at one or more locations in Canada that are, in respect of any of the occupants of the vehicle, a special work site pursuant to subparagraph 6(6)(a)(i) or a remote work location pursuant to subparagraph 6(6)(a)(ii). The subparagraph (e)(iii) exception only applies where the taxpayer was required by the taxpayer's duties to be away from the taxpayer's principal place of residence, or to be at the special work site or location, for at least 36 hours.

28 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0046241E5 - German tax-exempt life insurance plan

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56(1)(a) 56(1) )

Principal Issues: Whether lump-sum payment from German tax-exempt life insurance plan is taxable in Canada?

Position: Question of fact, but likely to be taxable under 56(1)(a) or 56(1)(j).

Reasons: Not enough details to make a determination.

28 April 2004 External T.I. 2004-0064781E5 - Classification of Conduit

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Sch. II Class 3 Sch II, Class 8

Principal Issues: Is an underground conduit, which carries wire or cable referred to in paragraph (j) of Class 3, a class 3 or a class 8 asset for CCA purposes?

Position: Class 3

Reasons: Wording of paragraph (l) of Class 3.

28 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0046401E5 - Employee-pay-all Plans

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Principal Issues: 1. In an employee-pay-all wage loss replacement plan, where an employer makes a contribution to the plan and includes the amount on the employee's T4 slip, is the payment subject to CPP and EI?
2. Where an employer makes a contribution to an employee's RRSP, is the contribution subject to CPP and EI?

Position: 1. Yes.
2. CPP - Yes; EI - Depends

Reasons: 1. Payment is salary, wages or other remuneration.
2. CPP - amount is taxable. EI - If employee is able to withdraw funds from RRSP, amount is salary, wages, or other remuneration; if employee cannot withdraw funds, the amount is treated as a non-cash benefit.

28 April 2004 External T.I. 2004-0066201E5 F - Associated Corporations - Control by same person

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256(1) 256(2) 256(2.1) 256(7)
illustration of application of s. 256(2)

Principal Issues: Whether, in a particular situation, corporations would be associated with others in a taxation year.

Position: Some corporations would be associated with others. However, in the given situation, one particular corporation would not be associated with another in a taxation year under paragraph 256(1)(b) because both corporations would not be, at some common point in time in the same taxation year, controlled directly or indirectly by the same person.

Reasons: Wording of the Act and past positions.

28 April 2004 External T.I. 2004-0066231E5 F - Connected Corporations

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186(1) 186(4) 186(2) 186(3)
connected corporation exemption applied at the time of receipt rather than declaration of the dividend

Principal Issues: For the purposes of Part IV tax, whether the dividend payer must be connected with the recipient at the time the dividend is received, or at some other time during the recipient's taxation year.

Position: The dividend payer must be connected with the recipient at the time the dividend is received.

Reasons: Wording of the Act and past positions.

27 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0048351E5 F - Prestation de décès versée par la RRQ

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56(1)(a.1) 56(1)(a)(i)(F)
amounts paid directly to heirs are not included in income

Principales Questions:
Qui doit s'imposer sur la prestation de décès versée par la RRQ si la prestation de décès a été reçue :
au cours des années d'imposition 1997 et suivantes?
avant l'année d'imposition 1997?

Position Adoptée:
Pour les années d'imposition 1997 et suivantes, en vertu de la division 56(1)a)(i)(F) et de l'alinéa 56(1)a.1) de la Loi, seul le récipiendaire d'un tel paiement qui est également une succession doit l'inclure dans le calcul de son revenu. Pour les années d'imposition antérieures à 1997, les dispositions de la division 56(1)a)(i)(B) de la Loi s'appliquaient.

Application de la Loi.

26 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0051791E5 - lump sum lease payment - employee

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8(1)(f) 18(9) 7307(3) 67.3

Principal Issues: Is an employee permitted to claim all or part of lump sum lease payment that would be greater than the 67.3 limitation?

Position: YES

Reasons: IT-522 par 9, fairness for cash basis employees who cannot use 18(9) to average out the up-front deduction, provided amount meets the 67.3 limitation if amount is averaged out and vehicle is within the other restrictions of the section ie $ 30,000 vehicle cost and $800 mo. lease.

21 April 2004 External T.I. 2003-0049071E5 - Transfers "In Trust"

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74.1 75(2)

Principal Issues: Application of attribution rules on a transfer of property by a parent to his or her minor child.

Position: General comments on applicability of rules.

Reasons: Attribution rules apply where in fact and in law there has been a transfer by a parent to his or her minor child.

XXXXXXXXXX 2003-004907

Technical Interpretation - Internal

4 May 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0060871I7 F - Frais de coaching

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18(1)a) 18(1)b) 18(1)h)
coaching expenses of self-employed person were personal

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les frais de coaching engagés par un travailleur autonome sont déductibles dans le calcul de son revenu d'entreprise ?

Position Adoptée: Non

Raisons: Ces frais constituent des frais personnels.

4 May 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0062671I7 F - Associé qui se joint à une société de personnes

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249.1(4), 34.2(3)
former s. 34.2(3) permitted the continuation of the former Dec. 31, 1995 professional income reserve on joining a similar partnership
taxpayer bound by previous off-calendar year election of partnership which he joined

Principales Questions: 1) Est-ce que le contribuable peut continuer à réclamer la provision pour le revenu au 31 décembre 1995 qu'il a tiré de l'entreprise d'une société de personnes qu'il quitte à l'encontre du revenu de l'entreprise d'une société de personnes à laquelle il se joint ?
2) Est-ce que le contribuable peut faire le choix d'avoir un exercice ne correspondant pas à l'année civile en vertu du paragraphe 249.1(4) de la Loi lors de son arrivée dans cette société de personnes ?

Position Adoptée: 1) Oui, si les conditions du paragraphe 34.2(3) de la Loi sont respectées et si le sous-alinéa 34.2(6)c)(i) de la Loi ne s'applique pas dans les circonstances.
2) Le contribuable ne peut pas faire autrement que de se conformer au choix qui est toujours en vigueur au moment où il intègre la société de personnes.

Raisons: 1) Le paragraphe 34.2(3) de la Loi est applicable si le revenu de l'entreprise de la seconde société de personnes provient de la prestation de services semblables à ceux rendus par l'entreprise de la première société de personnes.
2) L'entreprise de la société de personnes à laquelle le contribuable se joint est une nouvelle entreprise pour lui, exploitée au sein de cette société de personnes, et ce, aux fins de la détermination de l'exercice à l'article 249.1 de la Loi. L'année d'imposition qui comprend le premier jour du premier exercice de l'entreprise qui commence après 1994 aux fins de l'alinéa 249.1(4)a) de la Loi n'est pas celle de son entreprise conduite au sein de la première société de personnes pour laquelle aucun choix n'avait été effectué dans les délais prescrits mais bien celle de l'entreprise de la société de personnes à laquelle il se joint et pour laquelle un choix a été effectué au moment où cette entreprise a débuté. Malgré le fait que le contribuable n'était pas un associé de la société de personnes au cours de l'exercice où le choix en vertu du paragraphe 249.1(4) de la Loi a été fait par un des associés conformément au paragraphe 96(3) de la Loi, le contribuable ne peut pas faire autrement que de se conformer au choix qui est toujours en vigueur au moment où il intègre cette société de personnes. Le contribuable se trouve donc lié aux décisions antérieurement prises par la société de personnes au niveau du choix de la date de la fin de l'exercice de cette dernière.

4 May 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0066741I7 - Compensatory payment to status Indian

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Principal Issues: Would a payment made by an Indian band to compensate a reserve-resident status Indian for the inconvenience of having to move from one house on reserve to another be taxable?

Position: No

Reasons: The connecting factors test, as laid out by Williams v. R appears to be satisfied. All connecting factors tie the payment to the reserve. Accordingly, the payment is considered to be real property situated on reserve and exempt pursuant to 81(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act and 87(1) of the Indian Act.

21 April 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0070901I7 F - 163(2) Penalty - Off-Calendar Fiscal Period

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163(2) 163(2.1) 34.1 11(1)
penalty for failure to bring reserves back into income reduced under s. 163.2(2.1)(a)(ii) for further deductible reserve amounts

Principal Issues: Whether, in a given fact situation, the calculation of the "understatement of income," on which the additional tax and the amount of the 163(2) penalty are based, is correct.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Application of the law. Amounts were required to be included in computing the individual's income for the relevant years under subsections 11(1) and 34.1(1). Furthermore, with respect to one of the taxation years, an amount would have to be considered under subparagraph 163(2.1)(a)(ii) because such amount would have been deductible by the individual in computing his or her income for the relevant year under subsection 34.1(3). Finally, all of the "understatement of income" was attributable to the false statements or omissions.

15 April 2004 Internal T.I. 2003-0051731I7 - distributions from a non-resident trust

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Principal Issues: Whether the comments in file 2002-018343 are still valid given the comments in file 2003-0013677.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: They are different situations as explained in the letter.

25 March 2004 Internal T.I. 2002-0134201I7 - Foreign accrual tax-timing of Deduction

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91(4) 5907(1.3)
relevance of 5-year look-back rule

Principal Issues: Whether the deduction for foreign accrual tax can be claimed in the taxation year of the taxpayer in which the taxation year of the foreign affiliate for which it is paid, ends, or the taxation year of the foreign affiliate in which it is paid, ends.

Position: It is deductible in the taxation year of the taxpayer in which the taxation year of the foreign affiliate for which it is paid, ends.

Reasons: Consistent with position on the timing of the foreign tax credits.