Income Tax Severed Letters - 2002-09-13



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Principales Questions:
Le Ministre peut-il révoquer l'enregistrement d'une œuvre de bienfaisance du fait qu'elle deviendra un commanditaire d'une société en commandite?

Position Adoptée: Non

2002 Ruling 2002-0142113 - Bump on an Amalgamation

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20(1)(c) 88(1)(c)

Principal Issues:
Interest deductibility on series of transactions involving amalgamations.
Availability of the "bump" on the second amalgamation.

Interest is deductible in accordance with our administrative position in Interpretation Bulletin IT315.
The "bump" meets the requirements of the law.

In accordance with the law and our administrative practices.
In accordance with the law.

Ministerial Correspondence

13 September 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0151504 - FUNCTION TEST

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8(1)(c) n/a

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.

Principal Issues

Do all positions within a denomination qualify for the 8(1)(c) deduction if the denomination that employs them considers the individuals to do spiritual ministry?


No, only those individuals who meet the function test for that year.

Technical Interpretation - External

8 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0139335 - TAX. INCOME EARNED IN PROVINCE

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124(4) Reg. 401 Reg. 402

Principal Issues: Whether the decision in Lerric Investments Corp. v. The Queen, 2001, DTC 5169 (FCA) or revised IT-73R6 affects the allocation of taxable income earned in a province by a corporation that is a participant in a joint venture

Position: No

Reasons: The Federal Court of Appeal concluded in Lerric Investments that no joint venturer individually employs the joint venture employees or portions of those employees for the purpose of the "more than five full-time employees" test in the definition of "specified investment business" in subsection 125(7) of the Act. However, the Court confirmed that a joint venturer is responsible for a percentage of each employee's wages. Therefore, the aggregate of salaries/wages paid in the year by the corporation to employees of the joint venture must be considered for the purposes of the allocation of taxable income among provinces as provided in Part IV of the regulations.

8 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0163515 - RRSP AND MORTGAGES

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REG 4900(1)(j)

Principal Issues:
What is considered to be normal commercial practice concerning mortgage terms/interest rates for purposes of a mortgage being a qualified investment for an RRSP?

Position: Question of Fact.

We do not establish guidelines concerning what is considered normal commercial practice regarding morgage terms/interest rates. This is established by approved lenders of mortgages.

8 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0154045 - QUAL. CORPORATION NON-RESIDENT

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125.4 1106(2)

Principal Issues:
1. Would a corporation be a qualified corporation where a non-resident who is a Canadian citizen controls it?

1. Involves a question of fact.

1. Reading of the relevant legislation.

8 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0158785 - Taxation of Embassy Technical Staff

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Principal Issues: Whether a member of the technical staff of the Embassy of XXXXXXXXXX , who is also a Canadian citizen, is taxable on that remuneration in Canada.

Position: No

Reasons: Article XXVII deems the person to be a resident of XXXXXXXXXX . Article XIX then gives XXXXXXXXXX the right to tax the remuneration from the Embassy position.

7 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0145205 - ARMS LENGTH BOARD AND CHARITABLE DESIGNATION

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Principal Issues:
What are the requirements under the Act regarding the number of arm's length members on the board governing a registered charity?

Provided a charity otherwise qualifies for registration, if 50% or more of its directors, trustees, officers or like officials deal with each other and with each of the other directors, trustees, officers and like officials at arm's length, the charity may be designated as either charitable organization or public foundation. Otherwise, it will be designated as a private foundation.

The wording of the definitions for "charitable organization", "public foundation" and "private foundation" in subsection 149.1(1) of the Act.

4 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0154725 - LIFE INTEREST-REMAINDER INTEREST

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70(6) 70(5) 40(2)(g)(iii)

Principal Issues: Tax consequences where pursuant to a will a life interest in real property is conveyed to a spouse while the remainder interest is conveyed to a child.

Position: Subsection 70(6) and 70(5) will generally apply respectively to the life and remainder interest on death. On the death of the life interest holder, any resulting capital loss on the deemed disposition of the life interest may be denied by virtue of subparagraph 40(2)(g)(iii) of the Act. The Act does not provide for an increase in the adjusted cost base of the child's remainder interest.

Reasons: Position taken in previous correspondence.

3 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0133525 F - CADEAUX QUASI-MONETAIRES

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awards of gifts certificates that could be exchanged for under $500 of the employer’s goods were taxable benefits

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les récompenses suivantes seraient admissibles à la politique de l'ADRC sur les cadeaux et récompenses?
a) un chèque-cadeau non remboursable et non transférable;
b) un chèque-cadeau non-remboursable mais transférable;
c) un chèque-cadeau remboursable en partie et non transférable.

Position Adoptée: Non

3 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0151005 - POST-DATED CHEQUES

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Principal Issues:
How are post-dated cheques treated for farmers using the cash method?

Position TAKEN:
General information provided. Post-dated cheques included in income / deducted from income on date payable.

Cash not received / paid until cheque is payable unless post-dated cheque given in absolute payment of debt.

3 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0146585 - FOREIGN PROPERTY OF REGISTERED PLANS

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206(2)(a)(iii) 207(1) 207(2)

Principal Issues:
1. Can the 24 month grandfathering relief in 206(2)(a)(iii) be applied by a trustee, in respect of property that was not foreign which becomes foreign property, to all of its registered plans?
2. How would tax that was incorrectly remitted by the trustee due to failure to apply the 206(2)(a)(iii) relief be claimed?
3. What are the trustee's responsibilities in applying the relief?

1. No.
2. Plan trustee must file tax return for the year in question, or if already filed, a request for reassessment.
3. Explained the usual filing and remittance requirements imposed on the plan trustee by the Act.

1. Wording in 206(2) is clear.
2. 164(1) and a telephone conversation with Kevin Stackhouse in the Trusts and Pension Section at IRPPD, confirming that they would not administratively provide any other faster method to claim the refund.
3. 207(1) and (2)

3 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0122345 F - EN RAPPORT AVEC ENTREPRISE

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37(1)a)(i) 37(1.1)
related-business requirement will generally be satisfied where the results of the SR&ED, if successful, have a direct and beneficial application in the taxpayer’s business
SR&ED performed by sub to improve products of unrelated business of parent is deemed to be related to sub’s business

Principales Questions:
Diverses situations dans lesquelles la société A fait un paiement à la société B qui effectue des activités de recherche scientifique et de développement expérimental. Est-ce que la société A peut tenir compte d'un montant aux fins du sous-alinéa 37(1)a)(i) de la Loi? Est-ce que la société B peut tenir compte d'un montant aux fins du sous-alinéa 37(1)a)(i) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée:
Dans les diverses situations, la société A peut tenir compte d'un montant aux fins du sous-alinéa 37(1)a)(i) de la Loi (soit les paiements versés à la société B si cette dernière n'agit pas à titre de mandataire de la société A, soit les dépenses payés par la société B en son nom si la société B est mandataire de la société A).

3 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0159315 - MEDICAL TREATMENT OUTSIDE CANADA

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118.2(2)(g) 118.2(2)(h)

Principal Issues: Whether the cost of cancer treatments in the United States qualifies as a medical expense under subsection 118.2(2) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act").

Position: Payment to a public or licensed private hospital (i.e., licensed by the state in which the hospital operates) by an individual to obtain medical services qualifies as a medical expense under paragraph 118.2(2)(a) of the Act. Certain travel and transportation expenses qualify as medical expenses if the conditions in paragraphs 118.2(2)(g) or (h) are met.

Reasons: Definition of medical expenses in subsection 118.2.

2 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0149935 - EMPLOYMENT AWAY FROM HOME

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8(2) 8(10)

Principal Issues:
A taxpayer is hired through a union hall to work in various locations away from his principal residence. The issue is whether the taxpayer is entitled to deduct employment expenses in respect of travel, board and lodging.

Position TAKEN:
Not deductible.

No deduction is available under section 8. Subsection 8(2) restricts deductions for employment expenses to those specifically contained in section 8. Travel between an employee's home and the employer's establishment where the employee ordinarily reports for work is personal in nature.

2 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0118815 F - DIABETE JUVENILE

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child with juvenile diabetes does not generate the infirm credit, including under para. (a.1)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les parents d'enfants atteints de diabète juvénile ont maintenant droit au montant pour personne déficiente à charge compte tenu des modifications apportées au paragraphe 118.3(1) de la Loi depuis l'année 2000 ?

Position Adoptée:
Généralement non.

1 October 2002 External T.I. 2002-0151355 - LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN

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Principal Issues:
Is an education program that is considered part-time by the educational institution but that the student will spend more that 10 hours a week eligible for the LLP

Position: No

The student has to be enrolled as a full-time student and as this is a part-time program it would not qualify.

27 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0160095 - qualifying amount

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Principal Issues:
Follow-up inquiry to 2002-014329 on whether a retroactive lump-sum payment received as a result of a job classification process is a "qualifying amount" for the purposes of a deduction in the computation of taxable income under section 110.2 of the Income Tax Act (the Act). The follow-up specifically relates to whether the employer's job classification committee is a "competent tribunal" within the meaning of the definition of "qualifying amount".


The words competent tribunal in the definition of qualifying amount in subsection 110.2(1) refers to a particular tribunal that has the legal jurisdiction to make the order or judgement.

27 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0145415 - EMPLOYMENT EXPENSES

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8(1)(h.1) 8(1)(h) 8(1)(i)

Principal Issues: Whether various employment related expenses may be deducted by forestry workers, particularly travel expenses.

Position: Not deductible unless specifically provided for under section 8. Expenses incurred while travelling in the course of employment may be deducted, subject to the conditions in 8(1)(h), 8(1)(h.1), and 8(4) of the Act.

Reasons: Pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Act, employment related deductions are only allowed in specifically provided situations. Forestry workers may be considered to travel away from their employer's place of business or in different places in certain circumstances.
XXXXXXXXXX 2002-014541
P. Massicotte, CA, M.Fisc.
September 27, 2002

26 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128955 F - 84.1(1)(b) Deem Dividend 83(2) CDA

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83(2) 84.1(1)(b)
s. 84.1 deemed dividend to someone who in fact was not a shareholder was not eligible for an s. 83(2) election

Principal Issues: In a given fact situation involving related parties where ss. 84.1(1) applies, whether: (1) The purchaser corporation can make a ss. 83(2) election in respect of the dividend it is deemed to have paid to the taxpayer pursuant to paragraph 84.1(1)(b) ? (2) CCRA's position on the application of paragraph 129(1)(a) in document E9729855 could apply for the purpose of ss. 83(2) in this situation ?

Position: (1) No (2) No

(1) A dividend deemed to be paid pursuant to 84.1(1)(b) does not meet the requirement in 83(2) that the dividend becomes payable to shareholders of any class of shares of a corporation's capital stock. There is no deeming provision in the Act to that effect like there was in the original version of 84.1 under sub-paragraph 84.1(1)(c)(iii). The Department of Finance was informed of the situation.
(2) The opinion expressed in document E9729855 does not represent CCRA's position anymore.

25 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0149155 - T4A's for grants to carry on research

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Principal Issues: When to complete T4A's for the payment of certain fellowships that are taxable to the recipients under paragraph 56(1)(o) of the Income Tax Act. That it, whether the payments should be reported on T4A's when paid or based on the period the payment relates to.

Position: When paid.

Reasons: Paragraph 200(2)(b) of the Income Tax Regulations.

24 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0151185 - DISABILITY TAX CREDIT

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118.3(1) 118.4(1)

Principal Issues: Can a medical doctor certify that an individual, who dies prior to having been disabled for a period of 12 months, qualifies for the disability tax credit after the individual has died?

Position: Certification will be accepted only if it is based on a prognosis made before the individual's death.

Reasons: Certification meets the requirements of paragraph 118.3(1)(a.2) if a qualified person made the prognosis before the individual dies and the impairment could reasonably be expected to last for a period of 12 months.

9 September 2002 External T.I. 2002-0122035 - Crown Surface Rights and Charges

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18(1)(m) 12(1)(o) 1211

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.

2002 Oil and Gas Steering Committee Meeting
Halifax, Nova Scotia
September 9-11, 2002

Re: Crown Surface Rights Rentals and Charges
Prepared by Peter Lee
Income Tax Rulings Directorate
September 9, 2002 (#2002-012203)


Technical Interpretation - Internal

7 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0159947 - MEALS & ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES

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67.1(2)(a) 67.1(2)(e) 67.1(1)

Principal Issues:
1. Whether entertainment expenses incurred by a restaurant to offer a "piano bar" to its patrons are deductible in computing income or subject to the application of subsection 67.1(1) of the Act.
2. Whether meals provided to athletes, while on the road, are deductible in computing income or subject to the application of subsection 67.1(1) of the Act.

1. Subsection 67.1(1) of the Act does not apply.
2. Subsection 67.1(1) of the Act may apply.

1. The exception in paragraph 67.1(2)(a) of the Act applies.
2. Where the exceptions in subsection 67.1(2) of the Act do not apply, subsection 67.1(1) of the Act will apply.

4 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0159427 - Administrative Guidelines RE : 104(4)

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Principal Issues: Whether certain administrative guidelines were ever developed.

Position: No.

Reasons: Responsible area has confirmed that guidelines were not developed.

4 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2001-010564A F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE-ARRERAGES

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lump sum payment in settlement of periodic support payments in arrears is an amount payable on a periodic basis
Words and Phrases
periodic payment
set-off does not constitute payment unless the parties so agree

Principale Question:

Est-ce que le paiement forfaitaire de XXXXXXXXXX $, pour couvrir des arrérages de pension alimentaire, peut être considéré comme un montant payable de façon périodique et ce, même s'il est moindre que celui prévu initialement ?

Position Adoptée:

4 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0139807 F - REMBOURSEMENT DE TPS

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GST rebate claimed by employee re CCA on car after its sale reduces UCC pursuant to J of formula rather than under s. 13(7.1)
GST rebate received after sale of asset would not, under J of UCC formula, produce recapture
GST rebate claim reduced UCC pursuant to J of formula rather than under s. 13(7.1, since claimed after asset’s disposition

Principale Question:

Quel traitement fiscal doit-on accorder à un remboursement de la TPS qui a trait au coût en capital d'un bien de catégorie 10.1 lorsque ce remboursement est reçu par un employé après la disposition de ce bien ?

Position Adoptée:
La FNACC de la catégorie à laquelle appartenait le bien est réduite.

2 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0153417 F - REVENU D'EMPLOI ORGANISATION

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110(1)f)(iii) 8900

Principale Question:

Aux fins de l'application du sous-alinéa 110(1)f)(iii) de la Loi, le revenu gagné auprès du centre financier international (" CFI ") de XXXXXXXXXX . est-il un revenu tiré d'un emploi auprès d'une organisation internationale visée par règlement?

Position Adoptée:

1 October 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0154887 F - DEPENSES DE REPAS

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8(1)a) 9(1)
simplified method not available for self-employed individuals

Principales Questions: Il existe pour les employés des entreprises de transport et pour certains autres employés une méthode simplifiée pour calculer les frais de repas déductibles. Un travailleur autonome qui travaille sur la route dispose-t-il d'un mécanisme semblable s'il répond à des conditions semblables à celles de l'alinéa 8(1)g) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: Non.

30 September 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0152107 F - BRANCHEMENT A DES SERVICES PUBLICS

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8(1)c) 62(3)
utilities do not extend to cable, satellite TV and internet in light of s. 8(1) preamble
utilities include cable, satellite TV and internet
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les services de câblodistribution, les services de transmission de télévision par satellite et les services de branchement à Internet sont des services publics aux fins des alinéas 8(1)c) et 62(3)h) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée:
Aux fins de l'alinéa 8(1)c) de la Loi, ces services sont généralement considérés comme étant des dépenses personnelles qui ne se rapportent pas au revenu d'emploi. Par conséquent, en tenant compte du préambule du paragraphe 8(1), ces services ne sont pas déductibles. Afin de tenir compte de cette interprétation, le paragraphe 23 du Bulletin d'interprétation IT-141R limite les services publics admissibles en déduction aux fins de l'alinéa 8(1)c) à l'électricité, le chauffage, l'eau et les égoûts.

31 July 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0136937 F - Placement Français "Assurance-salaire-vie

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withdrawal from French employee-contribution plan (assurance-salaire-vie) was not a “pension”
Words and Phrases
cost amount of foreign retirement plan may have been stepped up under s. 128.1(1)

Principale Question:

Est-ce qu'un placement français, à titre d' "assurance-salaire-vie", semblable à un REÉR

1. Ferait partie des biens étrangers aux fins du formulaire T1135?

2. Serait imposable au Canada?

Position Adoptée:
Selon les faits présentés,
1. Oui
2. Oui