Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-12-10


16 September 1999 Income Tax Severed Letter 9913210 F - SYNDICAT DE COPROPRIÉTAIRES

Unedited CRA Tags
248(1) SOCIÉTÉ 150(1) 149(12)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Conférence annuelle des conseillers techniques

Question 32

Syndicat de copropriétaires


1 November 1999 Ruling 9924623 - STOCK OPTION PLAN

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Principal Issues: 1) Stock Option Plan- We could not rule as the Plan is already in existence. We gave the taxpayer general opinions with respect to stock option plans.

Position: Established positions re 1) 7(1)(a) benefit, 2) date of acquisition of share, 3) FMV of share at time option granted, 4) exchange rate for day share acquired.

Reasons: 1) requirement of wording of provision, 2) question of fact, 3) satisfaction of 110(1)(d) condition not ascertainable until date share acquired because of variable formula of strike price, 4) value of employment benefit is determined on the day share acquired - that is the day for relevant exchange rate.

11 June 1999 Ruling 9913130 F - PARTIE I.3 SOCIÉTÉ DE PERSONNES

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181.2(3) 181.2(4)

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce que les avances consenties par une société de personnes à une autre société de personnes sont considérées dans le calcul du capital de l'associé pour les fins de la Partie I.3?
2. Est-ce que l'associé a aussi droit à une déduction pour placement dans ce cas?

Position Adoptée:
1. Oui.
2. Non.


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Principal Issues: Does the use of derivatives by one mutual fund trust to mimic the return of another mutual fund trust that holds foreign property qualify to be a registered investment and if so, would such a transaction be subject to GAAR?

Position: Yes and GAAR is not applicable.

Reasons: The cost amount of the forward contract will be based on legal fees, brokerage fees and any similar fees related to the entering into of the forward contract (expected to be nominal). The forward contracts themselves are not foreign property based on the facts given. Thus, provided that the mutual fund trust limits its investments in foreign property to 20%, the mutual fund trust will qualify as a registered investment.


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Principal Issues: See issue sheet.

Position: See issue sheet.

Reasons: See issue sheet.


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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.




Dear Sirs:

Re: Advance Income Tax Ruling
Structured Settlement
XXXXXXXXXX (the "Claimant")


Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Will the Department reconsider its position regarding the application of GAAR to the transfer of stock options to a trust which is designed to avoid the application of subsections 7(1.3) and 47(1) of the Act?

Position: Yes

Reasons: After further consideration, the GAAR Committee reversed the position that it had taken in 9723463. The avoidance of inappropriate tax results resulting from the application of these provisions would not result in a misuse or abuse of the Act.


Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.




Dear Sirs:

Re: Advance Income Tax Ruling
Structured Settlement
XXXXXXXXXX (the "Claimant")


Unedited CRA Tags
44(1) 14(6)

Principal Issues: Whether the replacement property rules can be used in the situation where the former business will be operated under a "license of occupation" by a related corporation for a short period. The reason for this arrangement is so that the purchaser of the former business has a tenant while it completes transactions to acquire other nearby properties.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The rules in section 44 do not prohibit this type of arrangement. In fact, the replacement property rules explicitly allow a taxpayer to dispose of farm property directly to a child [subsection 44(1.1)].

1999 Ruling 9921633 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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56(1)(a) 12.2(5)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.




Dear Sirs:

Re: Advance Income Tax Ruling
Structured Settlement
XXXXXXXXXX (the "Claimant")


Unedited CRA Tags
cash redemption at 95% of market or at 100% with in specie distribution
no disposition on conversion to open-end fund

Principal Issues:
1. whether adding a redemption feature to a unit trust and expanding its investment objectives constitutes a disposition of either trust property or the units of the trust
2. Whether the trust will qualify as an open end unit trust under 108(2)(a) after the redemption feature is added
3. Whether the trust will qualify as a unit trust throughout the taxation year if more than 10% of the shares of a singled corporation are acquired after it becomes an open-ended trust

1. no 2. yes 3. no

1.similar to past positions taken, recognizing that the addition of the redemption feature and the expansion of the investment objectives will not result in any entitlement to proceeds of disposition nor will the units be redeemed, cancelled or acquired
2. the documentation provided and representations made supports this finding
3. 108(2)(b) requires certain conditions to be met throughout the taxation year - as a result, the acquistion of additional assets could result in the trust not qualifying as a unit trust, and thus a mutual fund trust, for the part of the year preceding the addition of the redemption right

1999 Ruling 9914593 - PAYMENT OF PART IV TO AVOID 55(2)

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84(1) 53(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Whether proposed transactions to make two corporations not connected in order to pay part IV tax to avoid 55(2) is appropriate.

Position: Yes

Reasons: Payment of Part IV to avoid application of 55(2) specifically provided for in subsection 55(2).

1999 Ruling 991531A - XXXXXXXXXX RULING

Unedited CRA Tags
98.1 53(1) 53(2)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 								1-991531



Dear Sirs:

Re: Supplementary Ruling Request
XXXXXXXXXX (the "Partnership")

Technical Interpretation - External

15 December 1999 External T.I. 9931285 - NATIVE BANDS RESP

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Principal Issues: 1) Can an Indian Band qualify as a subscriber under an RESP? 2) Can an Indian Band make a contribution on behalf of a Band member who may be the subscriber under an RESP?

Position: 1) Question of Fact. 2)Yes

Reasons: 1) A subscriber has to be an individual and whether a band may qualify as an individual for purposes of the Act is a Q of F. 2) A contribution may be made to an RESP by a subscriber or on behalf of a subscriber. However, in accordance with the legislation administered by HRDC, payments on behalf of a subscriber are not eligible for the new Canada Education Savings Grant.

18 November 1999 External T.I. 9926885 - JOINT TENANCY

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Principal Issues: Whether the transfer of title of wholly owned property to joint ownership constitutes a disposition when there is no change in beneficial ownership.

Position: No disposition.

Reasons: Paragraph (e) of the definition of the term "disposition" in subsection 54(1) of the Act makes it clear that a disposition will not occur as a result of any transfer of property by virtue of which there is a change in legal ownership without any change in beneficial ownership. It is not clear if in such a situation, probate fees upon the death of one of the joint owners would be eliminated.

17 November 1999 External T.I. 9924825 - INDIAN ACT EXEMP.-PARTTIME TEACHER

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Principal Issues: Whether a status Indian employee of XXXXXXXXXX , located off-reserve, is exempt from income tax.

Position: No.

Reasons:.. The Guidelines contemplate the location(s) at which an employee is required to perform duties. In the present case, the employer is located off reserve and that is where the employer provides services to its clients.

17 November 1999 External T.I. 9922605 - SETTLED LOAN

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6(1)(a) 6(15)

Principal Issues: Whether paragraph 6(1)(a) and subsection 6(15) of the Income Tax Act would apply to the part of an interest free loan received while employed that is forgiven by the taxpayer's former employer.
Would the provisions apply if, instead of a discount to induce repayment of the loan, the former employer would prepay the employee's interest costs in obtaining a loan to repay the employer?

POSITION: The provisions would apply so that the taxpayer would receive a taxable benefit.

Reasons: Subsection 6(15) provides, for purposes of paragraph 6(1)(a), for a deemed benefit at a specified value where an obligation issued by the taxpayer is settled or extinguished. Under paragraph 6(1)(a), the benefit is included in computing a taxpayer's employment income if the benefit is received or enjoyed in respect of, in the course of or by virtue of an office or employment. The deemed benefit stems from the extinguishment or settlement of an interest free loan received while an employee of the lender. It would be difficult to envisage a situation where such a loan would not have been received by the taxpayer "in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of an office or employment".

17 November 1999 External T.I. 9928815 - PERSONAL USAGE OF FOOD SUPPLEMENTS

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Principal Issues: Is 50% of the cost of the personal consumption of a food supplement that is sold by the taxpayer a reasonable and deductible expense for purposes of the Income Tax Act (the Act).

Position: No.

Reasons: Paragraph 18(1)(h) of the Act precludes a deduction for personal or living expenses of a taxpayer.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9928945 - STATUS OF IT-141

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Principal Issues:

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9914155 - PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST INTEREST RRSP QUALIFIED?

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146(1) 204 Part XLIV Part LI 8502(h)

Principal Issues: Whether particular interests in a trust or in a partnership are qualified investments for an RPP, RRSP and DPSP.

Position: No comment re RPP; certain interests in a partnership or trust are qualified investments for RRSP and DPSP.

Reasons: Rules respecting RPPs are set by the pension authorities of a province or Canada; the interests in trusts and partnerships described in Reg. 4900 are qualified. Cannot confirm whether particular interest is qualified unless advance ruling request.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9924865 - PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICES PLANS

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Principal Issues: Subsection 20.01 of the Income Tax Act (the "Act") sets out rules for the deduction of PHSP premiums payable by a proprietor in respect of himself or herself, his or her spouse and members of his household. Paragraphs 20.01(2)(c) and (d) of the Act set out limitations concerning the deduction. Paragraph 20.01(2)(c) sets out a formula but is subject to paragraph 20.01(d) of the Act. Paragraph 20.01(2)(d) of the Act refers to one of more persons with whom the individual (the proprietor) deals at arm's length and are described in subparagraph 20.01(2)(b)(i) of the Act. Do the persons include a part-time employee?

Position: No

Reasons: Subparagraph 20.01(2)(b)(i) of the Act refers to certain persons employed on a full-time basis.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9902145 - STOCK OPTIONS

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7 9 52(1)

Principal Issues: Application of section 7 where options granted as payment in kind for services performed by a management company.

Position: Section 7 will not apply unless the option is granted to an employee of the issuer or the corporations are not at arm's length and the option is granted to an employee of the management company.

Reasons: Wording in section 7. Definition of employee by statute and by jurisprudence.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9926575 - EMPLOYER RPP CONTRIBUTIONS PAID BY EMPLOYEE

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Principal Issues: Where an employee makes both the employee's and the employer's contributions to an RPP (generally to buy back a period of leave or past service) will the employee get a deduction for an amount calculated under 60(j.1)(ii)(B) on the transfer of a retiring allowance to an RRSP?

Position: Not in general.

Reasons: This position was taken in 1986 after consultation with our legal advisors and is based on our view that the legislation only intends to increase the 60(j.1) deduction for those years that the person does not have concurrent pension plan coverage.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9925595 - GIFT OR SALE

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Principal Issues: Whether the disposition of a property by a parent to a child for the nominal amount of $1.00 constitutes a gift for purposes of paragraph 69(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.

POSITION: Cannot give such an opinion.

Reasons: It is a question of fact as to whether or not a particular transaction results in a gift.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9926725 - CONSOLIDATION OF INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS

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Principal Issues: An individual ( a mother) has 5 separate accounts with a stockbroker. For estate planning purposes, the individual has registered each of her five children with respect to right of survival (i.e., each child is registered with respect to one account). For income tax purposes, the individual currently considers herself to be the owner of property in respect of the accounts. As there are large variances in the fair market value of each account, the individual would like to consolidate the five accounts into one account with all five of her children named on the account with right of survival. Would the consolidation result in a disposition?

Position: This issue involves a question of fact. However, it is our general that a disposition would not occur.

Reasons: As a result of the term "right of survivor" (this term is understood to refer to the right of a survivor to certain property of a person following the death of that person), it is our general view that a disposition would not occur.

16 November 1999 External T.I. 9925845 - FOREIGN PROPERTY RULES FOR SHARES

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Principal Issues: Are shares of a specific corporation foreign property?

Position: Only general information was provided.

Reasons: The nature of the shares is a question of fact.

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9927025 - ASSIGNMENT OF SETTLEMENT

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

C. Tremblay
Attention: XXXXXXXXXX 

November 15, 1999


15 November 1999 External T.I. 9921175 - REIMBURSEMENT OF HOUSING LOSS

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6(21) 6(20)

Principal Issues: Taxation of reimbursement of a housing loss on termination of employment.

Position: May be taxable or non-taxable depending on circumstances.

Reasons: If the home at location B was purchased because of a relocation prior to October 1998, to a remote place by the same employer who is now providing compensation on termination of employment or at the employer's request and the employer had a housing loss compensation policy in place at the time the home was purchased, in our view, the compensation would be compensation for an eligible housing loss and provided the relocation to location B meets the definition of an eligible relocation in subsection 248(1) of the Act, no amount would be required to be included in income if compensation on the sale of the home at location B is paid before the year 2001.

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9907215 F - STAGES INTERNATIONAUX DE L'ACDI

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6(1)b)(iii) 8(1)h) 8(4)

Principales Questions :

(1) Déterminer si une allocation versée en vertu d'un programme de stage est admissible au traitement fiscal du sous-alinéa 6(1)b)(iii) ?

(2) Déterminer si les étudiants ont droit à une déduction "pour séjour".

Position Adoptée :

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9927765 - ACB OF WAR REPARATIONS

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Principal Issues: What is the adjusted cost base of property received by an individual from the German government as result of war reparations.

Position: Depends on the agreements and actual circumstances.

Reasons: The adjusted cost base of property depends on the cost of the property as of the date of acquisition. A taxpayer is considered to have acquired property when the taxpayer has acquired both the legal and beneficial ownership of the property. N/A

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9926245 - FINANCING EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Expenses regarding financing

Position: general comments

Reasons: should be a ruling

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9925405 - HEALTH CARE SPENDING ACCOUNT

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Principal Issues: Whether a health care spending account which is part of a flexible benefit plan that allows employees to choose their benefit package after the end of the year qualifies as a private health services plan.

Position: No.

Reasons: Based on position in paragraph 6 of IT-529.

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9927845 - DSLP

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reg 6801

Principal Issues: Does plan satisfy Regulation 6801

Position: No

Reasons: several provisions missing or not clearly stated

15 November 1999 External T.I. 9923115 - LEGAL FEES FOR INCREASE IN SUPPORT

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18(1)(a) 9(1) 18(1)(b) 18(1)(h)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

C. Tremblay

November 15, 1999


15 November 1999 External T.I. 9924585 - PREPAID RENT&SALE OF BUILDING

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20(24) 12(1)(x) 9(1)
prepaid rent on related-party building transfer

Principal Issues: (i) The effect of a subsection 20(24) election where an amount is paid by a seller of a property to compensate the buyer for assuming lease obligations for which the seller has received prepaid rent. (ii) The income tax treatment where an amount is not paid but the purchaser pays less than fair market value for the property.

Position: (i) The amount may be deducted by the seller under 20(24) and must be added to the income of the buyer under 12(1)(a). (ii) The difference between the FMV of the property and the amount paid by the purchaser must be included in the purchaser's income under 9(1) or 12(1)(x).

Reasons: (i) Based on the words in 20(24). (ii) The difference may be considered as an amount received by the purchaser to reduce the future expenses with respect to the lease.

12 November 1999 External T.I. 9917795 - LUMP-SUM PAYMENT-DISABILITY

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6(1)(f) 56(1)(d) 110.2 120.31

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

C. Tremblay
November 12, 1999


This is in reply to your letter of June 23, 1999, wherein you seek our assistance in respect of an out of court settlement with an insurance company with regards to a long term disability claim.

10 November 1999 External T.I. 9921445 - SAR/SEP IRAS & REG. 8308.2 PRESCRIBED AMOUNTS

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Reg 8308.2

Principal Issues: Whether U.S. IRA "SAR/SEP" plan (IR Code 408(k)) is subject to Reg 8308.1 Pension Adjustment or 8308.2 RRSP Reduction

Position: Subject to 8308.2

Reasons: Services rendered in U.S.. Would be an RCA but for par (l) of definition of RCA

10 November 1999 External T.I. 9917585 - QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS IN AN RRSP

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146(1) 204

Principal Issues: 1) Required explanation of what type of financial instruments a CCPC can issue as a qualified investment for an RRSP

Position: 1) Provided basic explanations of relevant law

Reasons: Gave our standard explanatory letter on this topic, also made modifications to explain our standard position on investment in trusts and warrants and rights.

10 November 1999 External T.I. 9902305 - NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS

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Principal Issues: where a trust that is a partner of a partnership that holds the exclusive right to produce and publish a newspaper or periodical how is that ownership and income tests satisfied.

Position: look through to the beneficiaries

Reasons: similar to 19(6)

10 November 1999 External T.I. 9918195 - ARM'S LENGTH MORTGAGES

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Principal Issues: How can unrecoverable or zero value mortgages be removed from registered retirement savings plans ("RRSP").

Position: Through disposition.

Reasons: The mortgage cannot be written-off but if legally discharged (through foreclosure or power of sale) the value will be written down and the amount of the proceeds received (which may be nil) will be entered; and if disposed of for fmv same result. If disposition to non-arm's length party and sold for less or more than fair market value, tax consequences to annuitant.

10 November 1999 External T.I. 9804705 - OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT TAX CREDIT

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122.3 128.1

Principal Issues: 1) Whether CIDA contribution was a loan assistance funds as a result of being repayable contingent upon the occurrence of an event.

2) Whether a right to a commission was deemed disposed of pursuant to 128.1 on emigration.

Position: 1) A contingently repayable contribution is not loan assistance funds.

2) A right to receive a commission is only deemed disposed of if it relates to a sale that has already been made.

Reasons: 1) The definition of the term "loan" does not include a contribution that may or may not have to be repaid.

9 November 1999 External T.I. 9912655 - CONFIDENTIALITY COVENANT

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Principal Issues: Is tax required to be withheld on a payment made to an employee upon dismissal to secure a confidentiality agreement.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The payment fits into the description of an amount under 6(3)(e) as an amount paid as consideration for a covenant with reference to what the employee is not to do after termination of employment, making the payment deemed to be salary, wages or other remuneration under section 5. Paragraph 153(1)(a) applies to the payment.

9 November 1999 External T.I. 9926105 - COMBINED STOCK OPTION AND SDA PLAN

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Principal Issues:

Will an arrangement that encompasses both a section 7 - employee stock option plan and a performance incentive plan be excluded from the SDA rules?


The issue should be addressed as the subject matter of an advance income tax ruling. However, in general we would be inclined to treat the arrangement as being two separate although interrelated plans.


9 November 1999 External T.I. 9927775 - TUITITON TAX CREDIT-FLYING CLUB

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118.5 118.6

Principal Issues: 1) With respect to tuition fees paid by a student in the process of obtaining a commercial pilot license, how many hours of flying time are allowable?
2) In cases where aircraft are not available from a flying training school certified by the Minister of Human Resources Development, is the cost of these flying hours allowable for the tuition tax credit? 3) If unused tuition tax credits are being transferred to a parent, can this be done without signing form T2202A?

Position: 1) Paragraph 29 of IT-516R2, Tuition Tax Credit, indicates that Transport Canada requires that the minimum dual and solo flying time is 45 hours for a Private Pilot's Licence and 65 additional hours for a Commercial Pilot's Licence. Confirmed with Transport Canada that the minimum dual and solo flying times in a airplane for a Private Pilot's Licence and a Commercial Pilot's Licence is still 45 hours and an additional 65 hours, respectively.

2) No. With particular reference to flight instruction tuition, fees are only eligible for calculating the tax credit where the individual is taking flying lessons in order to become a commercial pilot or professional instructor. The individual must be under
instruction and direct supervision for the fees to be considered as tuition. The cost of dual and solo flying time, up to the minimum flight training requirements of the Department of Transport to obtain a Private Pilot's Licence or Commercial Pilot's Licence, is considered to be tuition. In contrast, the cost of flying time while not under instruction is not to be so considered even if the fees were paid to a qualifying educational institution. Ground school and flight simulator fees are eligible but costs incurred by an individual flying a personal aircraft while taking a course at a flying training school or club are not eligible. A certificate (form TL11B) must be submitted with an individual's tax return when claiming eligible tuition fees.

3) The back of form T2202, Education Amounts Certificate, has to be signed by the student in order to transfer the unused tuition tax credit to his or her parent or grandparent. I spoke to Eric Watterud, Client Services Directorate, on October 26, 1999. Mr. Watterud confirmed that there is no room on form TL11B for a certification area to transfer tuition for flight courses to a parent or grandparent. Accordingly, the certification area (Part 4) of Form T2202, Education Amounts Certificate, is to be used.

Reasons: See IT-516R2, Tuition Fees. Also, see 9331896, EC4742, EC4670, E73885A, E58397, E57015, E9507095

9 November 1999 External T.I. 9928395 - CHILD CARE EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Whether child care expenses can be claimed by a non-custodial parent

Position: No

Reasons: See 982344. In the case where two parents are divorced and only one parent is the custodial parent, child care expenses for the year will be allowed only to the individual who resided with the child at the time the child care expense was incurred and only to the extent that they were paid by that individual to enable the individual to engage in the activities listed in paragraph 1 of IT-495R2, Child Care Expenses. If the non-custodial parent pays the child care expenses, the non-custodial parent is not entitled to deduct the child care expenses. As a general rule, when there is no longer a "supporting person" (as defined in subsection 63(3) of the Income Tax Act), the individual claiming the child care expense deduction must have paid the child care expenses and must have resided with the child at the time the child care expenses were incurred.

8 November 1999 External T.I. 9905015 F - PLACEMENTS EN COMMUN - DÉCÈS D'UN DÉTENTEUR

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70(1) 70(5) 20(14)

Principales Questions:

Conséquences fiscales au décès d'un des détenteurs d'un compte conjoint.

Position Adoptée:

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9920585 - REIMBURSE REDEMPTION FEES, RRSP

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Would the reimbursement of fees associated with the early redemption of mutual funds held by an RRSP constitute a prohibited advantage under paragraph 146(2)(c.4) where the property in the RRSP is being transferred into an insurance company's insured RRSP?

Position: No

Reasons: The reimbursement into the RRSP trust is simply earnings of the RRSP and is not an advantage, benefit or contribution.

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9828125 F - RÈGLE TRANSITOIRE - 112(3)

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Principal Issues: Est-ce que la règle transitoire pour le paragraphe 112(3) est applicable dans la situation présentée?

Position: Probable que non. Toutefois, pas assez de faits pour nous prononcer de façon définitive.


5 November 1999 External T.I. 9829435 F - CRÉDIT D'IMPÔT POUR EMPLOI À L'ÉTRANGER

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether paragraph 122.3(1.1)(a) of the Act applies in the particular situation.

Position: None.

Reasons: The issue is irrelevant. Since the condition provided under paragraph 122.3(1.1)(c) is not met in the particular situation, subsection 122.3(1.1) of the Act cannot apply.

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9830055 F - DIVIDENDE EN ACTIONS

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Principal Issues: Quel est le montant d'un dividende en action avec un capital versé nominal pour les fins de l'alinéa 74.4(2)f)?

Position: Montant du capital versé des actions.

Reasons: Analyse des dispositions de la Loi dans son ensemble, discussions avec Finances, jurisprudence.

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9925805 - SPOUSAL BENEFITS PER S 13.1 OF PSSA

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56(1)(a) 56(2) 56(4)

Principal Issues: Will income tax be reduced in accordance with reduced amount of superannuation received by virtue of application for spousal benefits?

Position: Yes

Reasons: Wording of ITA 56(1)(a)

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9905885 - VESSEL MOORING SPACE

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reg 1100(1.13)(a)(vii)

Principal Issues: what does term vessel mooring space mean?

Position: water area as well as permanent chains anchors and dock space

Reasons: dictionary definition

5 November 1999 External T.I. 9901555 F - SOCIETE EXPLOITANT UNE PETITE ENTREPRISE

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Principales Questions : Précisions demandées au sujet de F9729225, à savoir ce qu'on entend par le fait que la détention d'actions doit être clairement nécessaire aux opérations du contribuable pour que le bien soit considéré comme utilisée dans l'exploitation active de l'entreprise.

Position Adoptée : selon les faits en présence, les actions de Groupe ne seraient pas des actifs utilisés principalement dans l'exploitation active d'une entreprise de Marchand.

4 November 1999 External T.I. 9924305 - FOREIGN STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX UNITS

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204 "qualified investment"

Principal Issues: Whether foreign stock exchange index units are qualified investments for deferred income plans

Position: Currently WEBS are qualified investments. Proposed regulations will consider WEBS, SPDRs & DIAMONDs to be qualified investments after 1993.

Reasons: WEBS are shares listed on a prescribed foreign stock exchange. If regulations are amended as proposed, SPDRs & DIAMONDs will be qualified investments.

29 October 1999 External T.I. 9926965 - DEBT SECURED BY RRSP WITHDRAWALS

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146(2)(c.3) 146(12)

Principal Issues:
Can an FI secure loans with payments to be made out of an RRSP?

The question must be answered on a case by case basis with the involvement of Registered Plans Division.

An in depth review of this issue was done in 1992 and 1993 and it was then determined that a general reply should not be provided. There is no indication that any further clarification has been provided since.

27 October 1999 External T.I. 9919965 - NON-ARM'S LENGTH DISPOSITION, 7(1.1)

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Principal Issues: Will 7(1.1) apply where shares acquired under a stock option are disposed of to a non-arm's length person?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The provision clearly applies to any disposition of the shares that were subjected to subsection 7(1.1) of the Act.

19 October 1999 External T.I. 9926065 - SPECIAL WORK SITE - NON-RESIDENT

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6(6) 115(1)

Principal Issues: Whether non-residents are eligible for subsection 6(6) exemption.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: Must be determined on a case by case basis.

6 October 1999 External T.I. 9907415 - ADVANTAGE EXTENDED TO ANNUITANT OF RRSP

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Principal Issues: Are there any immediate income tax consequences when a broker rebates to an RRSP investor of a percentage of its commission on the deferred sales charges in respect of mutual fund units purchased by the RRSP?

Position: No.

Reasons: Consistent with prior positions. The reimbursement is a transaction between the RRSP investor and the broker and has no impact on the annuitant of the RRSP.

22 July 1999 External T.I. 9833815 - CASH-OUT OPTION ADDED TO STOCK OPTION PLAN

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7(1)(b) 110(1)(d)

Principal Issues: Does a change in a stock option plan to give the employer the right to pay an employee cash instead of shares cause an immediate disposition pursuant to 7(1)(b)?

Position: No.

Reasons: As long as the employee could potentially still receive shares under the agreement (albeit at the employer's discretion) the plan still falls within the ambit of s.7 & no 7(1)(b) disposition.


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146(8) 118.1

Principal Issues: Are benefits received from an RRSP taxable when transferred to a charitable remainder trust?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Subsection 146(8). No exceptions provided in this situation. The writer's comments relate to tax policy and thus he should write to the Department of Finance.


29 June 1999 APFF Roundtable Q. 12, 9913090 F - DÉDUCTIBILITÉ DES INTÉRÊTS

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Principales Questions:

Déductibilité des intérêts lorsqu'un bien génère des gains en capital

Position Adoptée:

8 June 1999 APFF Roundtable Q. 51, 9913160 F - PAIEMENT INCITATIF À LA LOCATION

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Principales Questions: Est-ce que le résultat de la décision de la Cour suprême dans Canderel fera en sorte de modifier de beaucoup notre façon d'effectuer nos cotisations?

Position Adoptée: Un des grands changements découlant de ces décisions concerne le fardeau de la preuve.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

17 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9924747 - PERSONAL INJURY-FOREIGN TRUST

Unedited CRA Tags
18(1)(h) 108(5) 104

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

		November 17, 1999
	Ottawa Tax Services
	Client Services 	HEADQUARTERS
	4th Floor, 333  Laurier	C. Tremblay
	Ottawa, ON  K1A 0L9	957-2139
	Attention:  Y. Besner

Settlement of Personal Injury

10 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9924737 - MEDICAL EXPENSES

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118.2(2) 118.4 118(6)

Principal Issues: (A) Whether the patient (the patient is four years old and resides solely with his mother and father) is dependent upon his grandfather for support in relation to subsection 118(6) and section 118.2 of the Act. The patient is autistic and it is expected that the impairment will continue in the foreseeable future.
(B) Whether travel expenses reimbursed by the grandfather to a consultant who provided medical services, are eligible medical expenses with respect to the medical expense tax credit.
(C) We have also been requested to provide our comments concerning the deductibility of amounts which relate to therapy provided to the patient.

Position: (A) The determination of this issue involves a question of fact. However, the facts indicate that the patient is dependent upon the grandfather for support.
(B) In relation to the medical expense tax credit, the travel expenses would be treated in the same manner as the medical services that were provided.
(C) It is our view that the consideration would be paragraph 118.2(2)(a) of the Act (the fees would have to be paid to a "medical practitioner" which is defined in subsection 118.4(2) of the Act).

Reasons: (A) The patient's parents do not have the means to pay the medical expenses and the grandfather will pay the expenses on an ongoing basis. It is also noted that an individual can be dependent upon more than person for support.
(B) The sole consideration received from the consultant for the payments was the medical services.
(C) See reasons - (specific information was not provided)

5 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9827587 F - DÉDUCTION POUR IMPÔTS ÉTRANGERS

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Principal Issues: Is an amount deductible under 20(11) regarding interest income received by an American citizen who resides in Canada, given the provision of subparagraph 5b) of Article XXIV of the Canada- U.S. Tax Convention.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Subparagraph 5b) of Article XXIV of the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention applies to the calculation of the tax credit, not the calculation of the net income from property.

5 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9926837 - EXEMPTION UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT

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Principal Issues: Tax treatment under paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act of payments under a specific program.

Position: Exempt if all conditions in paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act are met.

Reasons: Question of Fact.

4 November 1999 Internal T.I. 9926080 - RRSP TO RRIF TRANSFERS, FOREIGN PROPERTY

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Principal Issues: 1. Can an RESP be closed after the subscriber withdraws contributions and a nominal amount remains in the plan? 2. Will property be transferred from an RRSP to RRIF at its cost amount or fair market value? 3. Can an RESP hold CSBs?

Position: 1. Yes if terms of plan provides for an allowed payout. 2. FMV 3. Yes

Reasons: 1. Promoters do not want to retain responsibilities in respect of small amounts. 2. 206(4) is very clear. 3. CSBs are qualified investments

28 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9912537 - PERSONAL USE OF EMPLOYER PROVIDED AUTO

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6(1)(b) 6(1)(e)

Principal Issues:

Whether use of employer provided automobile is personal in different situations such as travel between home and hotel or airport; travel to competitor on way to work or home. What constitutes regular workplace.


Question of fact. Travel from home to regular workplace is personal. Primary purpose of trip must be considered for work related stop on way home or to regular workplace. Travel to hotel is work-related where it is for business purposes.. Travel to airport probably employment related. Travel to warehouse depends on whether warehouse is owned or managed by employer.


26 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9913080 F - EXPROPRIATION

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Principales Questions:

1. Est-ce qu'on considère que des équipements qui sont déménagés suite à l'expropriation du terrain et du bâtiment sont aussi l'objet d'une expropriation?
2. Comment doit-on traiter une indemnité reçue pour déménager les équipements lors d'une expropriation?

Position Adoptée:

22 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9910937 - INDIAN BAND AS A MUNICIPALITY

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149(1)(d.5) 149(1)(c)

Principal Issues:

1. Is band a municipality per 149(1)(c)?
2. Is a corporation owned by the band exempt from tax?


1. No decision.
2. No decision.


18 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9905377 F - ALLOCATION FRAIS DE DEPLACEMENT

Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

		Le 18 octobre 1999
	Bureau des services fiscaux de Chicoutimi	Administration centrale
	Mme Nadia Hassan	 Nancy Deslandes
	Services à la clientèle	 (613) 957-8961


Allocation raisonnable pour frais de déplacement

15 October 1999 Internal T.I. 9912007 - INDIAN BAND AS A PUBLIC BODY

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Principal Issues:
Whether an Indian Band meets the prerequisites in order to be able to issue receipts for gifts under sections110.1 and 118.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Yes.

The Department's administrative position is to consider a band to be a municipality for purposes of sections 110.1 and 118.1 and therefore be able to issue official receipts for gifts if it qualifies for exemption under paragraph 149(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act. Bands that do not meet this requirement can be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the band performs a function of government. If they so qualify, the Department, as an administrative concession, considers them to be Canadian municipalities for purposes of issuing donation receipts. A recently completed Health Services Transfer Agreement between the Minister of Health and the Band is evidence that the band is performing at least one function of government.

27 September 1999 Internal T.I. 9916367 F - REMISE DE DETTE/PRET ETUDIANT

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Principales Questions:

Est-ce que les montants de remise offert par le programme de remise de dette du gouvernement du Québec sont des montants imposables selon l'alinéa 56(1)n) de la Loi de L'impôt sur le revenu ?

Position Adoptée:

27 July 1999 Internal T.I. 9913490 F - LOCATION- MONTANT REÇU- JUGEMENT

Unedited CRA Tags
12(1)(x) 9 12(1)c)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Questions 58 et 63

Un contribuable achète un triplex en 1987. Un vice caché l'oblige à débourser 40 000 $ en travaux. Il capitalise 13 000 $ et réclame 27 000 $ comme dépense d'entretien et de réparation en 1988.

29 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9913180 F - AFFACTURAGE

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181(3) 9 20(1)e)

Position Adoptée:

24 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9913420 F - BFT- HONORAIRE DE GESTION

Unedited CRA Tags
127 5202

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Question 18

24 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9913480 F - BIA REGROUPEMENT D'ENTREPRISE

Unedited CRA Tags
14 IT-143R2

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Question 60

4 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9913100 F - APPLICATION 40(2)G)(II), 20(1)C) ET 18(1)A)

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40(2)g)(ii) 20(1)c) 18(1)a)

Position Adoptée:

4 June 1999 Internal T.I. 9913120 F - APPLICATION DE 20(1)F)

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Position Adoptée:

Ministerial Letter

7 October 1999 Ministerial Letter 9918978 - TAXABLE BENEFITS

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

October 7, 1999



Thank you for your letter of June 1, 1999, concerning the calculation of taxable benefits relating to transportation passes given by some airlines to their employees.

24 September 1999 Ministerial Letter 9920568 - AUTOMOBILE TAXABLE BENEFITS

Unedited CRA Tags
6(1)(e) 6(1)(k)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

September 24, 1999