Principales Questions: Whether the CRA should assess a corporation the control of which was acquired by another corporation (or the amalgamated corporation, as the case may be) in the taxation year that includes the time of the acquisition of control in order to reduce the non-capital loss of the acquired corporation (for the taxation year ending before the acquisition of control) if the acquired corporation (or the amalgamated corporation, as the case may be) does not deduct any part of the non-capital loss in that taxation year.
Position Adoptée: No. If the non-capital loss is not deductible in computing the taxable income of the corporation for a taxation year ending after the acquisition of control pursuant to subsection 111(5) and if part of the non-capital loss has effectively been deducted from its taxable income in that year, the CRA should assess the taxation year in which the deduction has been claimed, assuming that such taxation year is not statute-barred.
Raisons:Wording of the Act.