Income Tax Severed Letters - 2008-01-18


2007 Ruling 2007-0245281R3 - windup of income trust on sale of assets:3rd party

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104(21) 40
capital loss on redemption of trust units following distribution of most of its assets including as capital gains distribution
no ACB reduction for capital gains distribution by unit trust to bidco
trustees making filings on behalf of terminated fund
assumed debt traceable to capital distribution
realization and distribution of target MFT gain

Principal Issues: 1.Can the capital gains realized by Fund on the disposition of assets to sole unitholder be allocated to unitholder and deductible under subsection 104(6)?
2. Will the sole unitholder realize a capital loss on the redemption of its units in the Fund after receiving the distributions of income and capital described under the first issue?
3. Will the Trustee be able to file the final return and make the necessary designations following the wind up of the Fund?
4. Will the various amendments to partnership agreement and trust deed to allow for transactions cause a windup or resettlement?
5. If the Fund was a SIFT trust in 2007, would the grandfathering rules in subsection 122.1(2) apply such that the Fund would not be subject to the SIFT rules in 2007
6. Where a note is distributed as payment, do the provisions of section 80 apply?
7. Where new debt is borrowed to invest in shares of a subsidiary that will acquire business and property, is the interest deductible?
8. Where the debt in the business is assumed, is the interest deductible?
9. Would the amendment to the Partnership Agreement in respect of the revised method of allocating Partnership income/loss result in a disposition of the interests held in the Partnership by the Fund and the general partner?
10. Would the same amendment to the Partnership agreement trigger the application of subsection 103 to redetermine the allocation of the income/loss of the Partnership?
11. Would subsection 98(3) apply on the winding-up of the Partnership, with the result that each partner would be entitled to make a paragraph 98(3)(c) designation?
12. Would the Partnership be a SIFT partnership in 2007 and if so, would the grandfathering rules in subsection 197(8) of the Act applied to the Partnership?
13. Will GAAR apply?

Position: 1. Yes, provided the amount is less than the trust's net taxable capital gains for the year.
2.The stop loss rules in 40(3.3), (3.4) and 107(1)(c) will not apply to reduce the amount of any capital loss otherwise realized on the redemption of the sole unitholder's units of the Fund.
3.Yes. 4. No.
5. The grandfathering rules will apply such that the Fund will not be subject to the SIFT rules in 2007. 6.No 7. Yes 8. Yes
9. Not in and of itself.
10. Not in and of itself.
11. Yes.
12. We did not conclude on this point, but did state that, to the extent that the Partnership is a SIFT Partnership, the subscription of certain additional units in the Fund would not, in and of itself, cause subsection 197(1) to apply to the Partnership for its XXXXXXXXXX taxation year.
13. No.

Reasons: 1. The net taxable capital gains will be made payable to the unitholder and all other amounts of income and other taxable capital gains will be made payable to former unitholders (in respect of distributions made before the sale of units to sole unitholder) or to the sole unitholder.
2. Following the redemption of the sole unitholder's units, the Fund will be wound up immediately and no further units will be issued such that the conditions in subsection 40(3.3) will not be met.
3. Filing the final tax return is one of the duties and obligations of the trustee.
4. Consistent with prior rulings.
5. The issue of new equity to the sole unitholder in exchange for the debt that was existing on October 31, 2006 does not qualify as growth for the purpose of the Normal Growth Guidelines.
6. Principal amount is the same.
7. Subject to the usual provisos.
8. Reading of 20(1)(c).
9-12. Our reading of the legislation.
13. Transactions are consistent with object and spirit of the provisions relied on.

2007 Ruling 2006-0187681R3 - Distribution of capital

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95(2)(j) Reg. 5907(12)(b)(iv)

Principal Issues: Whether an Icelandic "Sameignarfélag" (SF) is a partnership such that the distribution that will be made by it to its members will constitute a distribution of capital of the SF?

Position: Yes, it is a partnership.

Reasons: The attributes of an SF resemble more closely those of a partnership than a corporation.

2007 Ruling 2007-0242871R3 - Foreign divisive reorganization

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93 95

Principal Issues: 1. Does the transfer of property in a foreign divisive reorganization result in benefits under subsections 15(1), 56(2) or 246(1)? 2. Will the existing surplus balances move up the corporate chain pursuant to subsections 93(1.1) and 93(1)? 3. What are the proceeds of disposition of the property disposed of in the course of the reorganization? 4. What is the cost of property acquired in the course of the reorganization? 5. Are transactions to purify a foreign affiliate (i.e., ensure that shares are "excluded property") subject to GAAR?

Position: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Fair market value. 4. Fair market value. 5. No.

Reasons: 1. Position in 2002-016667, case law re benefits, reorganization exclusion in paragraph 15(1)(a), failure to meet conditions in subsections 56(2) and 246(1). 2. Subsection 93(1) deems the relevant amount to be a dividend received by the disposing foreign affiliate immediately before the disposition of the shares. 3. Proceeds of disposition will be equal to the consideration received for the property 4. Rationale in Teleglobe. 5. No misuse or abuse based on facts

2007 Ruling 2007-0244691R3 - reorg of an existing REIT to eliminate subtrust

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132.2 107.4 122.1(2)(b)

Principal Issues: 1. Will a transfer of subtrust's property to a newly created trust with the same beneficiaries, terms and conditions qualify as a qualifying disposition under 107.4(1)?
2. Provided that the newly created trust meets the conditions required to be a MFT, will the exchange between the REIT and the MFT qualify under 132.2?
3. Will the proposed transactions cause the REIT to exceed the Normal Growth Guidelines as set out in the Dept of Finance of December 15, 2006:

Position: 1. Yes, provided the conditions are met and the new trust elects out of (f) of the definition of disposition and the subtrust does not elect out of 107.4(3)(a). 2. Yes. 3 No.

Reasons: 1. The facts demonstrate that the conditions of 107.4(1) are met. 2. The facts demonstrate that the conditions of 132.2 are met. 3. The proposed transaction will not result in any net growth of equity to the REIT.

2007 Ruling 2007-0248041R3 - Application of Paragraph 149(1)(l)

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Principal Issues: Whether the proposed purchase of a building subject to a lease will preclude the Association from being an organization described in paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: No.

Reasons: The facts in this case show that the Association is undertaking this transaction in support of its non-profit objectives. However, whether the Association is operated for a purpose other than profit as required by paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Act is a question of fact each year.

2007 Ruling 2007-0259921R3 - Entity Classification

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Principal Issues: Whether the proposed XXXXXXXXXX cooperative will be treated as a corporation for purposes of the Act.

Position: Question of fact that is determined by the articles creating the cooperative. In this particular case, it will be treated as a corporation.

Reasons: The provisions of the foreign legislation and the articles creating the cooperative support the conclusion that this cooperative will be treated as a corporation for purposes of the Act.

Technical Interpretation - External

18 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0235131E5 F - Faux frais de déplacement

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6(6) 6(1)b)(vii)
Treasury Board allowance rates generally are reasonable, even when applied to entertainment

Principales Questions: Une politique de voyage qui accorderait une indemnité relative à des faux frais - comparable aux taux prévus dans la politique de voyage du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada ( " SCTC ") - lors de déplacement d'employés en service à l'extérieur de la région ou du pays pourrait-elle permettre à l'employé de bénéficier de l'exemption prévue, par exemple, au sous-alinéa 6(1)b)(vii) de la Loi dans un contexte où celui-ci pourrait utiliser son allocation à des fins de divertissement?

Position Adoptée: Oui, possiblement.

Raisons: Dans le cas d'une allocation raisonnable- pour faux frais- d'un montant équivalant aux allocations accordées en vertu de la politique de voyage du SCTC à des employés en déplacement dans le cadre de leur emploi qui répondent aux exigences du sous-alinéa 6(1)b)(vii). L'usage qu'en a fait l'employé n'est pas déterminant pour répondre à cette question; il faut plutôt examiner les fins pour lesquelles l'allocation est accordée.

15 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0251591E5 - Vested indefeasibly & change in trustees

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108(1) 128.1

Principal Issues: General questions 1. Can an interest be considered to have vested indefeasibly where the exact constitution of a class of beneficiaries is unknown? and 2. where one non-resident trustee of a non-resident trust is changed for another is there a disposition where the only ppty held is personal use property situated in Canada?

Position: 1. depends on terms of the trust and the amount of discretion Trustee has wrt the distribution of the property; 2.No disposition where trustee is changed provided new trustee is also non-resident.

Reasons: 1. Question of fact

15 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0235171E5 - Interpretation of "Vested indefeasibly"

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70(6) 108(1) 248(9)

Principal Issues: Whether property had vested indefeasibly in beneficiary despite the fact trustee had disposed of property before estate was fully administered.

Position: Question of fact whether ppty had vested indefeasibly or not.

Reasons: Depends on whether trustee was acting on behalf of beneficiary at the time of ppty disposal or whether ppty did not vest until administration of the estate was complete.

11 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0259051E5 - Foreign Spin-off

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Principal Issues: Whether a spin-off by a non-resident corporation qualifies as an "eligible distribution" within the meaning thereof in subsection 86.1(2) of the Act.

Position: No.

Reasons: The distribution of shares does not satisfy the requirements of subsection 86.1(2) of the Act.

11 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0227061E5 F - Revenu imposable sociétés associées non-résidentes

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taxable income of non-resident associated corporations, which are not taxable in Canada under s. 2(3), is ignored

Principales Questions: (1) Est-ce que l'on doit tenir compte du revenu imposable des sociétés associées non-résidentes dans le calcul de la limite de dépenses RS&DE de la SPCC au paragraphe 127(10.2)LIR? (2) L'ARC peut-elle préciser si le concept de " société associée " fait référence ou non aux sociétés sur une base mondiale aux fins des autres articles de la LIR?

Position Adoptée: (1) Oui. (2) Oui.

Raisons: RAISONS: (1) Le terme "revenu imposable" indiqué au paragraphe 127(10.2)LIR réfère au revenu imposable gagné au Canada calculé conformément à la section D de la partie I.
(2) Une société non-résidente est une " société " et une " personne " aux fins de l'application des dispositions de la LIR.

10 January 2008 External T.I. 2005-0139681E5 F - Dépenses reportées à une année ultérieure

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9 9(1)
expense generally is deductible when incurred if it generates both current and future benefits

Principales Questions: Dans le calcul de son bénéfice sous l'article 9 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, un contribuable peut-il reporter la déduction de dépenses dans une année ultérieure à celle dans laquelle les dépenses ont été engagées?

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux fournis.

Raisons: Afin d'établir son bénéfice pour une année d'imposition aux fins de l'article 9, un contribuable doit adopter une méthode de calcul qui ne soit pas incompatible avec la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu ou les autres règles de droit établies, qui soit conforme avec les principes commerciaux reconnus et qui produise une image fidèle de son bénéfice.

10 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0227191E5 F - REVENUS D'UNE SOCIÉTÉ DE PERS. - PART PRIVILÉGIÉE

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96(1) 103 53(1) 53(2)
common and preferred units can be used as a mechanism for profits to be allocated to each partner’s interest (a single property)
division of partnership interest into preferred and common units does not affect determination of partnership interest’s ACB


Position Adoptée: NON. NON.


7 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0225481E5 F - GRIP Addition for 2006

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GRIP addition from subsidiary resulting from 2001 and 2005 dividends

Principal Issues: In a given sitution, where a parent corporation (Parentco) received a taxable dividend of $ 400,000 in 2001 from its wholly-owned subsidiary (Subco) and Subco's variable A of the formula for computing the GRIP Addition for 2006 pursuant to ss 89(7) for 2002 to 2004 was nil and for the years 2001 and 2005 was $ 125,000 and $ 600,000, respectively, what would be Parentco's and Subco's GRIP Addition for 2006, pursuant to ss 89(7)?

Position: Subco's GRIP Addition for 2006 would be $ 325,000.

Reasons: Subco's GRIP Addition for 2006 would be $ 325,000 representing variable A ($ 725,000) minus variable B ($ 400,000) of the formula for computing the GRIP Addition for In our view, Parentco's GRIP Addition for 2006 would be $ 400,000 as it is reasonable to consider, in this situation, that $ 400,000 of the dividends Parentco received from Subco during the years 2001 to 2005 is attributable to an amount described in variable A of the formula for computing the GRIP Addition for 2006 in respect of Subco, pursuant to ss 89(7).

7 January 2008 External T.I. 2007-0227071E5 F - GRIP Addition for 2006

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GRIP addition from subsidiary equaling its GRIP given dividends paid by it in excess of that amount

Principal Issues: In a given situation, where a parent corporation (Parentco) received taxable dividends of $1.2 M in 2003 and $ 300,000 in 2005 from its wholly-owned subsidiary (Subco) and Subco's variable A of the formula for computing the GRIP Addition for 2006, pursuant to ss 89(7), for 2001 to 2003 was nil and for the years 2004 and 2005 was $ 400 000, whether the $ 300,000 taxable dividend received from Subco in 2005 increases Parentco's GRIP Addition for 2006 pursuant to ss 89(7)?

Position: Parentco's GRIP Addition for 2006 would be $ 400,000.

Reasons: In our view, it is reasonable to consider in this situation that the amount of $ 400,000 of the taxable dividends Parentco received from Subco during the years 2003 and 2005 is attributable to an amount described in variable A of the formula for computing the GRIP Addition for 2006 in respect of Subco, pursuant to ss 89(7).

Technical Interpretation - Internal

21 January 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0256931I7 - Registered securities dealer

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Principal Issues: Whether a particular corporation fell within the definition of "registered securities dealer" in subsection 248(1).

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The corporation's letters of registration permitted the corporation to trade in securities without any restriction as to the types or kinds of securities in which the corporation could trade.

18 January 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0261441I7 - ecoAuto Rebate Program

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13(7.1) 8(1)(j)(ii) 12(1)(x) 153(1); s.200 of the Regulations

Principal Issues: 1. What is the appropriate tax treatment of a rebate received under the federal government's ecoAuto Rebate Program in respect of vehicles purchased under the program ? 2. Whether Transport Canada is obligated to provide tax receipts to recipients of the ecoAUTO rebate?

Position: 1. Capital cost of vehicles used to earn income from business, property, office or employment will be reduced by the amount of the rebate received. No tax consequences on vehicles used for personal use. 2. Transport Canada not required to provide tax receipts.

Reasons: Subsection 13(7.1) is applicable with respect to capital cost reduction. No withholding under s.153(1) and no requirement under Regulation 200 for Transport Canada to provide tax receipts to recipients of the rebate.

10 January 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0254551I7 F - Provision relative à certaines marchandises

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9(1) 12(1)a) 20(1)m) 20(1)m.2)
ss. 12(1)(a)(i) inclusion and 20(1)(m)(i) available for gift certificates sold to franchisees where goods are only tendered to franchisee, with adjustment for unredeemed certificates
s. 20(1)(m.2) available for returned gift certificates sold to franchisees

Principales Questions: 1-Un franchiseur qui émet des certificats cadeaux à l'intention de ses franchisés (qui les revendront à leurs clients) moyennant 10$ l'unité doit-il inclure dans le calcul de son revenu les sommes reçues en vertu de l'alinéa 12(1)a)? 2- Peut-il se prévaloir d'une provision au titre des marchandises non livrées avant la fin de l'année d'imposition en vertu de l'alinéa 20(1)m)?

Position Adoptée: 1- Oui. 2- Oui.

Raisons: L'alinéa 12(1)a) édicte que des sommes reçues au titre de marchandises non encore livrées à la fin de l'année sont à inclure dans le calcul du revenu. Puisque les sommes sont reçues par le franchiseur lors de l'émission de certificats cadeaux à l'égard de marchandises destinées à être échangées contre les certificats, elles deviendront exigibles de la part des franchisés (auprès du franchiseur) lorsqu'ils livreront la marchandise en conformité avec le certificat. Ainsi, l'émission des certificats et la livraison des marchandises sont deux opérations directement reliées par l'obligation (au moment de l'émission), par le franchiseur, de payer le franchisé au moment de la livraison de la marchandise conformément au certificat honoré. La provision compensatoire prévue à l'alinéa 20(1)m) trouve application dans le calcul du revenu du franchiseur au même titre que l'alinéa 12(1)a) même si la marchandise est ultimement livrée par le franchisé.

8 January 2008 Internal T.I. 2007-0254881I7 F - Amortissement d'une aire de camping

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20(1)a) Catégorie 17c)
costs of developing a campground would generally be added to Class 17(c)
Words and Phrases
surface construction
campground, if a business, not subject to leasing property restriction rule
Words and Phrases
swimming pool is a water storage tank
Words and Phrases
water storage tank

Principales Questions: (1) Dans quelle catégorie de l'annexe II du Règlement de l'impôt sur le revenu doit-on inscrire les aires de camping ainsi que les améliorations qui leur sont apportées?
(2) Les règles relatives aux biens locatifs s'appliquent-elles aux aires de camping de façon à limiter le montant qui peut être déduit au titre de la déduction pour amortissement?
(3) Les autres actifs qui se retrouvent sur une aire de camping doivent-ils être inscrit dans leurs catégorie respective?

Position Adoptée: (1) Question de fait mais fort probablement la catégorie 17c);
(2) Si l'exploitation de l'aire de camping représente l'exploitation d'une entreprise, non.
(3) Oui sauf pour le réseau d'aqueduc si ce dernier fait partie intégrante de l'aire de camping.