News of Note

6 more translated CRA interpretations are available

We have published translations of a CRA interpretation released last week, and a further 5 CRA interpretations released in January, 2012. Their descriptors and links appear below.

These are additions to our set of 873 full-text translations of French-language Rulings, Roundtable items and Technical Interpretations of the Income Tax Rulings Directorate, which covers the last 7 1/3 years of releases by the Directorate. These translations are subject to the usual (3 working weeks per month) paywall. You are currently in the “open” week for June.

Bundle Date Translated severed letter Summaries under Summary descriptor
2019-05-29 15 September 2017 External T.I. 2017-0696821E5 F - Amalgamation Income Tax Act - Section 87 - Subsection 87(1) - Paragraph 87(1)(a) receipt of cash on amalgamation did not preclude qualification under s. 87(1) [per Envision, 2013 SCC 48?]
Income Tax Act - Section 87 - Subsection 87(4) receipt of cash on amalgamation precluded rollover
2012-01-27 4 January 2012 External T.I. 2011-0417371E5 F - Frais de garde d'enfants Income Tax Act - Section 63 - Subsection 63(3) - Child Care Expense - Paragraph (b) - Subparagraph (b)(i) child care corporation can render qualifying child care services to the child of its sole shareholder
4 January 2012 External T.I. 2011-0418291E5 F - Transfert entre conjoints Income Tax Act - Section 74.2 - Subsection 74.2(1) - Paragraph 74.2(1)(a) s. 74.2 attribution cease on divorce/s. 74.5(3)(b) election available after marriage breakdown
9 January 2012 External T.I. 2011-0427461E5 F - Attribution Rules and Suspended Loss Rules Income Tax Act - Section 74.2 - Subsection 74.2(1) stop-loss rule in s, 40(3.6) trumped s. 74.2(1) so that denied capital loss was added to transferee spouse’s common share ACB
Income Tax Act - Section 40 - Subsection 40(3.6) stop-loss rule in s, 40(3.6) gave ACB addition to commons shares of transferee spouse who redeemed preferred shares gifted to him by spouse
19 January 2012 External T.I. 2011-0414341E5 F - Déf revenu brut location Partie XIII Income Tax Act - Section 216 - Subsection 216(4) election permits withholding only on net amount remitted by agent-manager to NR owner
Income Tax Act - Section 212 - Subsection 212(1) - Paragraph 212(1)(d) agent-manager required to withhold on gross rent rather than net rent remitted absent s. 216(4) election
7 October 2011 APFF Roundtable Q. 23, 2011-0412111C6 F - Validity of Price Adjustment Clause General Concepts - Effective Date price adjustment clause does not require filing amended election
Income Tax Act - Section 85 - Subsection 85(7.1) validity of price adjustment clause does not depend on filing an amended election

CRA proactively shares interesting information with foreign tax authorities and Revenu Québec, and will increase use of s. 231.4 inquiries

Comments of Sue Murray, the Director General of the High Net-Worth Compliance Directorate, included:

  • CRA is contemplating more frequent use of s. 231.4 to delegate the power to make inquiries, and may use it in some of the more egregious cases of offshore non-compliance if it is unable to obtain information and cooperation in other ways.
  • There have been increased exchanges of information with Revenu Québec, and with whom there is a high degree of cooperation.
  • CRA’s position is that, for 2018 and subsequent filing years, any failure to file a CbC report as required under s. 233.8(3) will be presumed gross negligence, absent special circumstances. Things are still in transition, and CRA would be lenient where there is ambiguity or other problems, but it expects that that would be rare.
  • Where CRA, in undertaking compliance activities, comes across information that will be of interest to a foreign tax administration, it will proactively take that information and provide it to the other country. CRA expects reciprocity in this regard, and receives it.

Neal Armstrong. 14 May 2019 IFA Conference - Sue Murray on Information Exchanges.

CRA can infer and assume where, post-Cameco, taxpayers refuse interviews

CRA acknowledges that Cameco decided that “the Minister … does not have the authority to compel the employees requested by the CRA to attend interviews and answer oral questions under [the ITA]” – but emphasizes that:

…[T]he FCA … also stated that:

  • all taxpayers should fully cooperate with reasonable requests arising in the course of an audit;
  • it remains open to the Minister to make inferences when no answer is given; and
  • the Minister is free to make assumptions and to assess on that basis.


Where taxpayers decline interviews in circumstances similar to the Cameco case, the CRA will use alternative means to carry out its obligations … [which] may include the use of assumptions about the nature of a taxpayer's business activities and tax planning to form the basis of an assessment of taxes owing.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 31 May 2019, Statement from the Canada Revenue Agency regarding the decision in Canada (National Revenue) v. Cameco Corporation (2019 FCA 67), CRA Webpage under s. 231.1(1)(a).

Connolly – Federal Court of Appeal finds that the CRA internal guidelines on waiving the RRSP over-contribution tax were inherently unreasonable

S. 204.1(4) provides that the tax imposed on RRSP contributions may be waived by the Minister if she is satisfied that the over-contribution “arose as a consequence of reasonable error, and reasonable steps are being taken to eliminate the excess.” Internal CRA guidelines stated that “Reasonable error means that the taxpayer did not intend to over contribute to their RRSP/PRPP and that it happened because of extraordinary circumstances beyond their control” (i.e., a mere mistake as to the contribution limit is not reasonable error) and that “reasonable steps” allowed the taxpayer “two months from the date of the Agency’s letter to withdraw funds and submit proof.”

Gleason JA found that these guidelines were unreasonable, stating:

The delegate’s interpretation of subsection 204.1(4) of the ITA (as well as the interpretation set out in the internal CRA guideline, on which the delegate relied) thwarts the subsection’s remedial purpose as it virtually extinguishes the Minister’s discretion … . Nearly every error a taxpayer might make in over-contributing to his or her RRSP (other than a simple arithmetical error) will be caused by a misunderstanding of the applicable limits – an error of law. … Similarly, the fact that the error might have been made by a third party advisor or as a result of erroneous advice given by such advisor does not automatically mean that the error cannot be reasonable.

… [Furthermore] the requirements to take reasonable steps to withdraw an RRSP over-contribution cannot be equated with immediacy or with the two-month timeframe mentioned in CRA’s internal “Guidelines for waiving tax – 19(23)7.23”.

However, she nonetheless did not find the CRA delegate’s refusal to provide relief to be unreasonable on the facts, given that the taxpayer had not sought any advice before over-contributing and had been very dilatory about addressing the situation once it was brought to his attention.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Connolly v. Canada (National Revenue), 2019 FCA 161 under s. 204.1(4).

The federal election may affect whether the stock option rules pass

Ted Cook noted that it is Finance’s normal practice to release draft legislative proposals, on measures not included in the first Budget Implementation Act, for comment over the summer, and Finance is working towards that. Included in this project are the Budget proposals to apply a $200,000 annual cap on employee stock-option grants, based on the FMV of the underlying shares (of large, long-established, mature firms) that may receive preferred tax treatment, for which more detailed proposals are targeted to be released by June 21.

However, the House of Commons is rising on June 21, and then there will be a dropping of the writ for the next federal election before Parliament resumes. Although he did not say so (he can't imply, we can infer), this suggests that if any of the unimplemented Budget proposals are controversial, their passage will depend on the views of the next government.

Neal Armstrong. 2019 IFA Conference - Ted Cook Legislative Update.

Birchcliff – Federal Court of Appeal finds that a GAAR analysis should look beyond the immediate but transitory effect of transactions for avoiding the loss-streaming rules

A newly-launched public corporation ("Predecessor Birchcliff") accessed the losses of a lossco ("Veracel") in order to shelter the profits from producing oil and gas properties which it was acquiring. Rather than financing the properties directly, private placement investors were told that they could subscribe for subscription receipts of Veracel instead, while being assured that they would get their money back on the closing date if Veracel was not amalgamated with Predecessor Birchcliff. As the investors received a majority voting equity interest in Amalco (“Birchcliff”), the loss streaming rules otherwise engaged by ss. 256(7)(b)(iii)(B) and 111(5)(a) were avoided. The original Veracel shareholders mostly received a modest preferred share interest in Birchcliff, which was redeemed for cash.

Birchcliff got off to a bad start when, at the beginning of his GAAR analysis, Webb JA essentially indicated that, from an abuse-analysis standpoint the actual transactions should be recognized as having “the same effect” and being “equivalent to” the investors having directly received voting majority control of Predecessor Birchcliff on the amalgamation. He then commented:

The logical rationale of the exception in clause 256(7)(b)(iii)(B) is that it would apply to exclude the larger corporation from the deemed acquisition of control rule in the opening part of subparagraph 256(7)(b)(iii), if two corporations amalgamate.

Here, although Veracel was the larger corporation, essentially all its assets were the subscription-receipt cash proceeds – and “There was no scenario under which Veracel would have been allowed to retain the money…”).

He concluded:

[T]he policy underlying clause 256(7)(b)(iii)(B) of the Act would dictate that there was an acquisition of control of Veracel in this situation.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Birchcliff Energy Ltd. v. Canada, 2019 FCA 151 under s. 245(4).

CRA appears to find that a payout of cash pursuant to an amalgamation agreement does not preclude satisfying s. 87(1)

Two individuals, Mr. A and Mr. B, wholly-own two corporations of equal value (A Inc. and B Inc.), which amalgamate. On the amalgamation, the two individuals, in addition to receiving equal numbers of shares of Amalco, also received an equal amount of cash from Amalco.

CRA explicitly stated that the payout of the cash (pursuant to the Amalgamation Agreement) would comply with s. 87(1)(c) (i.e., the predecessor shareholders received shares of Amalco) and implicitly appeared to accept (consistently with Envision) that this complied with s. 87(1)(a) (all the property of the predecessors became property of Amalco).

CRA went on to explain that the cash busted a rollover at the shareholder level that otherwise would have been available under s. 87(4).

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of 15 September 2017 External T.I. 2017-0696821E5 F under s. 87(1)(a) and s. 87(4).

Income Tax Severed Letters 29 May 2019

This morning's release of four severed letters from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate is now available for your viewng.

A CRA ruling contemplates that interest which the issuer can elect not to pay is interest for Part XIII but not s. 20(1)(c) purposes

A public company (ACo) will issue unsecured subordinated Notes, whose terms will be conventional except that:

  • ACo may in its discretion elect by notice in writing to cancel the payment of the interest coupons on a going-forward basis, but recognizing that it thereupon loses its right to pay dividends (or the equivalent such as share repurchases) until it recommences interest payments.
  • On the occurrence of a specified event (presumably, some sort of financial difficulty), the Notes will be converted into a number of common shares based on a formula-determined conversion ratio (such that the shares' value could be well below that of the converted principal amount).

The Ruling “Additional Information” states:

The Interest paid or payable by ACo on the Notes will not be deductible under paragraph 20(1)(c) or any other provision of the Act in computing the income of ACo for any taxation year.

CRA then ruled that the Interest amounts paid to an arm’s length Noteholder will not be subject to Part XIII tax under s. 212(1)(b). Thus, CRA accepted that the Interest on the Notes was interest, but perhaps did not consider that the Interest was paid “pursuant to a legal obligation to pay interest” as required under s. 20(1)(c).

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 2018 Ruling 2017-0732001R3 under s. 212(1)(b).

CRA finds that the GST/HST exemption for valuing damages to insured property did not extend to valuing the property’s replacement value

Para. (j.1) of the financial service definition exempts “the service of providing an insurer … with an appraisal of the damage caused to property, or in the case of a loss of property, the value of the property, where the supplier of the appraisal inspects the property, or in the case of a loss of the property, the last-known place where the property was situated before the loss.” CRA ruled that this exemption did not apply where the service provider merely reported on the replacement value of the damaged property rather than of the damage to the property and (respecting the lost property situation), where it did not inspect the last known place where the property was situated before the loss.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 20 December 2018 Ruling 189221 under ETA s. 123(1) – financial service – para. (j.1).
