News of Note

CRA interprets s. 90(6) so as to avoid a double income inclusion for an upstream loan (or a phantom inclusion where a loan has been timely repaid)

In a technical interpretation published today but previously discussed by Barnicke and Huynh, a grandchild foreign subsidiary (FA 2) of Canco, which made a loan to Canco, is wound-up into the immediate subsidiary (FA 1). This results in a second income inclusion to Canco under the upstream loan rule (s. 90(6)) – yet Canco will be entitled under s. 90(9) to only one deduction for the exempt surplus of FA 2 which moved up to FA 1 on the liquidation. However, CRA will apply s. 248(28)(a) to avoid such double inclusion.

If under the same structure, FA1 merges with FA2 to form a new entity, so that Canco is considered to have incurred a loan to a new entity (Amalco), CRA will accept that the timely repayment by Canco of the "new" loan should also be treated as repayment of the old loan which was incurred to the predecessor (FA2), so that there is no income inclusion under s. 90(6) with respect to either loan.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 14 November 2013 T.I. 2013-0499121E5 under s. 90(6).

CRA finds that an uninsured medical service providing health benefits is not GST-exempt if it is made for some other purpose

A GST-exempt "qualifying health care supply" is a supply made for the purpose of maintaining health, preventing disease, or treating injury, illness or disability or assisting in coping therewith (including palliative care).  CRA emphasizes the "purpose" word, so that medical services that might assist an individual’s health will not be exempt if they are made for a non-medical purposes such as an insurance claim or a court assessment.

However, CRA acknowledges that where there is a single supply of both a health care and (say) litigation-related service and that "supply has multiple purposes, that supply would be a qualifying health care supply if any of the purposes is a purpose included in the definition of qualifying health care supply."

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Notice 286 Draft GST/HST Policy Statement - "Qualifying Health Care Supplies and the Application of Section 1.2 of Part II of Schedule V to the Excise Tax Act to the Supply of Medical Examinations, Reports and Certificates" under ETA Sched. V, Pt. II, s. 1 – "qualifying health care supply".

Income Tax Severed Letters 5 November 2014

This morning's release of five severed letters from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate is now available for your viewing.

Whiting acquisition of Kodiak relies on the most recent FAD draft legislation, does not offer exchangeable shares and uses a survivor-style amalgamation

Kodiak, which carries on its U.S. oil and gas business through U.S. subsidiaries, will be continued from the Yukon to B.C., and then will be acquired by a B.C. sub of Whiting (a Delaware corp) under a B.C. Plan of Arrangement. The Kodiak shareholders will receive Whiting common shares from Whiting sub, with the sub simultaneously issuing common shares to Whiting in consideration for such Whiting common shares.

Under the most recent (20 October 2014) version of draft amendments to s. 212.3(7), the simultaneous issuance of shares of the acquisition sub to Whiting with the acquisition of Kodiak (viewed as a "10(f)" corp) will be sufficient to absorb any deemed dividend otherwise arising to Whiting under the foreign-affiliate dumping rules – in contrast to the 16 August 2013 version of the draft amendments which generally provided for the absorption of such a deemed dividend by the paid-up capital of a cross border class of shares only "immediately before" the investment time (see Example 7-F).

The exchange by Canadian shareholders of Kodiak will occur on a non-rollover basis (and the disclosure does not waste ink mentioning the ancient outstanding Finance proposal to explore introducing a rollover).  Use of exchangeable shares (see Molycorp/Neo Material and Mamba/Champion) likely would not have been seriously considered assuming that the Canadian shareholder base is not substantial and given that the transaction as structured likely produces U.S. rollover treatment.

Following the acquisition of Kodiak, it will be amalgamated with the acquisition sub, with Kodiak as the survivor.  This type of non-continuation amalgamation helps the merger qualify as a reverse triangular "E" merger for Code purposes, rather than a forward triangular "D" merger.  Such a non-continuation style amalgamation likely will qualify as an amalgamation for ITA s. 87 purposes (see 2010-0355941R3).

Neal Armstrong and Abe Leitner.  Summary of Kodiak Oil 14A Proxy Statement under Mergers & Acquisitions  -  Cross-Border Acquisitions – Inbound – Canadian Buyco.

Finance makes adverse retroactive change to the FAD rules

An adverse retroactive change in the draft October 20, 2014 foreign affiliate dumping amendments is that a PUC grind, in the situation where there is more than one cross-border class of shares with the same proportionate ownership by the non-resident parent (and non-resident corporations which do not deal with it at arm’s length), must now also occur on a proportionate basis, rather than the Canadian "CRIC" subsidiary getting to choose the class to which the grind occurs. For example, if the parent owned all of a CRIC's common and preferred shares, under the previous August 16, 2013 draft rule the PUC reduction might have been expected to apply only to the common shares. If in the interim the CRIC had, say, redeemed the preferred shares, a deemed dividend could be triggered as a result of this retroactive change.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Paul Barnicke and Nelson Ong, "FA Dumping:  PUC Offset," Canadian Tax Highlights, Vol. 22, No. 10, October 2014, p. 5 under s. 212.3(7).

Vachon – Federal Court of Appeal finds that carelessness to open up a statute-barred year must relate to the return filing

Carelessness which justifies opening up an otherwise statute-barred taxation year must be carelessness at the time of filing the return. Accordingly, Scott JA annulled a decision of Tardif J that opened up a year on the basis of the taxpayer’s failure to follow up when he received demands from CRA relating to already-filed returns (which may have been altered by his accountant without his authorization before filing).

This is consistent with the mooted proposition (see also 2005-011324) that there is no obligation to amend a return when an innocent error is subsequently discovered.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Vachon v. The Queen, 2014 CAF 224 under s. 152(4)(a)(i).

MacDonald – Tax Court of Canada case suggests that an operating corporation can have no de jure or de facto director

A shareholder of a corporation who had not been appointed as a director and who, unknowingly but in circumstances of extreme carelessness on his part, was named to third parties such as CRA and the corporate bank, as the corporation’s sole director, nonetheless was found not to be a de facto director of the corporation, so that he did not face personal liability for unremitted sources deductions and HST.  Rossiter ACJ found that "the concept of de facto director ... should be limited to those who hold themselves out as directors," which did not advertently occur here.

This case indicates that it is possible for an operating corporation to have no director including a de facto director.  However, the circumstances where this may have occurred in this case are unusual enough that there may not be broad policy concerns for CRA or Finance.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of MacDonald v. The Queen, 2014 TCC 308 under 227.1(1).

International Hi-Tech – Tax Court of Canada finds that secured creditors of a bankrupt corporation could launch a GST appeal in the name of the corporation

S. 266 of the ETA indicates that a receiver for a secured creditor who has taken control of a debtor’s property under its security interest "shall be deemed to be an agent of the [debtor] and any supply made or received and any act performed by the receiver in respect of [such]… assets… shall be deemed to have been made , received or agent on behalf of the [debtor]." Bocock J found that, after the receiver for the shareholder (and affiliates) of a bankrupt corporation acquired essentially all its assets out of the bankrupt estate pursuant to their security interest, it could bring an appeal in the name of the corporation to recover denied input tax credit claims, notwithstanding that the trustee in bankruptcy had not authorized such proceeding.

Although startling, this result is not literally inconsistent with the bolded words, i.e., there is nothing stating that the receiver’s agency is restricted to making or receiving supplies on the debtor’s behalf.

He implicitly treated the ITC entitlement as having been assigned to the receiver without discussing the prohibition in the s. 67 of the Financial Administration Act against the assignment of Crown debts.   However, this point does not undercut the above branch of his decision and in fact reinforces the approach taken of bringing an action in the name of the corporation to get the cash.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of International Hi-Tech Industries v. The Queen, 2014 TCC 198 under ETA, s. 266(2)(a).

Deemed-resident trusts are exempt from Part XIII tax but subject to Part XIII withholding

Although s. 94(3)(a)(viii) deems various non-resident trusts to be resident in Canada for purposes of determining their liability for Part I and XIII tax (i.e., so that they are not subject to Part XIII tax), s. 94(4)(c) provides that they continue to be non-resident for s. 215 purposes so that, for example, a deemed dividend received by such a trust from a Canadian corporation would be subject to Part XIII withholding. The trust should treat such withholding as a payment on account of its Part I tax liability.

Neal Armstrong. Summaries of 25 July 2014 Memo 2013-0513641I7 under s. 94(3)(g) and s. 104(7.01).

Brent Kern – Federal Court of Appeal rejects submission that Sommerer was “manifestly wrong”

The Federal Court of Appeal has affirmed Brent Kern.  A family trust received a surplus-stripping dividend which it sought to treat as being eligible in its hands for the intercorporate dividend deduction because the transactions had been engineered to have that dividend attributed to a family corporation.  However, Sommerer was decided before judgment – so that Bocock J found that s. 75(2) did not apply to the dividend received by the trust as the related shares had been sold rather than contributed to it, i.e., the engineering did not work.

In the Federal Court of Appeal the trust was unsuccessful with an argument that Sommerer was "manifestly wrong."

As noted by CRA at the 2014 STEP Roundtable, there are variants of the scheme which are not caught by Sommerer but for which CRA considers that there is "a strong GAAR argument" for challenge – so that this may not be the end of the saga.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Brent Kern Family Trust v. The Queen, 2013 DTC 1249, 2013 TCC 327, aff'd 2014 FCA 230 under s. 75(2).
