Income Tax Severed Letters - 2013-02-20


2012 Ruling 2012-0445071R3 - 149(1)(c) Ruling

CRA Tags

Summary under s. 149(1)(c).

Principal Issues: Whether a particular First Nation qualifies as a public body performing a function of government for purposes of paragraph 149(1)(c).

Position: Yes.

Reasons: See facts.

2012 Ruling 2012-0452291R3 - XXXXXXXXXX - ATR

CRA Tags
95(2), 212.3, 258(3), 245(2), 17(14)(b), 95(6)(b), 17(2), 17(1)

Summaries  under ss. 212.3(2) and 248(1) - share.

Principal Issues: Will proposed 212.3(2) apply to the proposed transactions?


Reasons: The exception provided for in subsection 212.3(16) may not be met here.

Ministerial Correspondence

6 November 2012 Ministerial Correspondence 2012-0458161M4 F - Programme de report d'impôt- produc. agricoles

CRA Tags
80.3(4), ITR 7305.01, ITR 7305

Principales Questions: Est-ce que les producteurs agricoles de XXXXXXXXXX peuvent bénéficier d'un programme de report d'impôt?

Position Adoptée: La désignation d'une région selon les articles 7305 et 7305.01 du Règlement de l'impôt sur le revenu, pour les fins du paragraphe 80.3(4) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, relève du ministre des Finances et du ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire.

Raisons: Application des articles 7505 et 7305.01 du Règlement.

Technical Interpretation - External

13 February 2013 External T.I. 2013-0477151E5 F - Crédit d'impôt pour études

CRA Tags
given 2012 disruptions, months to be computed based on the original schedule

Principal Issues: In a specific situation, whether the events (generally called the "student strike or boycott") during the 2012 winter session in Quebec Universities and CEGEPs will affect the calculation of the education tax credit pursuant to subsection 118.6(2).

Position: No

Reasons: Application of the modern approach (TCP) of the interpretation of the Act with an emphasis on the Contextual analysis.

7 February 2013 External T.I. 2013-0474461E5 - Principally used in a farming business

CRA Tags
70(9), 110.6(1.3), 73(3)

Principal Issues: Whether certain land is used principally in a farming business under subsection 110.6(1.3), subsection 73(3), or subsection 70(9) in the two hypothetical situations considered.

Position: No, No

Reasons: If part of the land is not used for any farming purpose (i.e., it is lying idle), then that part, when deciding whether the entire parcel of land is used principally in the business of farming, would not be so used. The use test must be applied to each legal parcel of land or separate property (i.e., the determination must be made on a property by property basis).

5 February 2013 External T.I. 2012-0465591E5 F - Form T5018

CRA Tags
238 of the Regulations
landscaping business could be construction
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions: 1. Whether landscaping activities constitute construction activities for the purpose of section 238 of the Regulations.
2. How to determine whether a person's business is derived primarily from construction activities?

Position Adoptée: 1. In most cases, landscaping activities may be described as construction activities.
2. The CRA has not adopted any particular method. It depends on each situation.

Raisons: 1. Common meaning of "construction" and the definition of "construction activities" in subsection 238(1) of the Regulations. For example, the installation or improvement of a surface or sub-surface construction is described in the definition of "construction activities".
2. Question of fact.

30 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0470931E5 - Related corporations

CRA Tags

Summary under s. 251(b)(iii).

Principal Issues: Whether two corporations are related.

Position: Yes.

22 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0460121E5 - Computation of "earnings" of a foreign affiliate

CRA Tags
ITR 5907(1), ITR 5907(2.03)
no double deduction on switch to Canadian computation

Summary under Reg. 5907(2.03).

Principal Issues: Would proposed subsection 5907(2.03) of the Regulations result in a foreign affiliate being required to deduct in taxation year X and subsequent taxation years, amounts that it had previously deducted in computing its earnings in taxation years preceding taxation year X for which its calculation of earnings had been made in accordance with the income tax law of its foreign jurisdiction?

Position: No

Reasons: It is our view that in applying proposed subsection 5907(2.03) of the Regulations in respect of the active business of a foreign affiliate for the particular taxation year referred to in that subsection, any deduction claimed by the foreign affiliate in computing its earnings or loss from that business, in any taxation year of the affiliate that began on or before the commencement of the particular taxation year and for which its earnings or loss from that business had been determined under subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) of the definition "earnings" in subsection 5907(1) of the Regulations, would be considered to have been actually claimed under the Act and to be within the maximum amount deductible.

21 January 2013 External T.I. 2013-0475341E5 - Reporting of executrix fee on T4

CRA Tags
5(1), 6(1)(c)

Principal Issues: Can the employment income received as executrix in 2012 be split for tax purposes to reflect the fact that work was performed commencing in 2011?

Position: No.

Reasons: The ITA is clear that employment income is brought into income in the year of receipt.

18 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0456071E5 - NPO and Community Contribution Companies

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Will an NPO jeopardize its exemption from tax under 149(1)(l) where it incorporates a Community Contribution Company (C3) to carry on for-profit activities.

Position: The ownership of shares will not, in itself, cause the NPO to lose its exempt status.

Reasons: Whether an organization is organized and operated for non-profit purposes is a question of fact in each situation.

17 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0469971E5 - Interpretation of Gift

CRA Tags
ITR 3501, 118.1(2)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether a gift is voluntary? 2. Whether a qualified donee is required to issue a donation receipt?

Position: 1. General comments provided. 2. No.

Reasons: 1. Question of fact. 2. No provision in the Act requires qualified donees to issue donation receipts.

14 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0443561E5 F - Part XIII re: royalties paid for tv program

CRA Tags
212(1)(d)(vi), 212(1)(d), 212(1)(d)(iv)
payments based on production costs of a television program were a royalty
payments based on TV production costs came within s. 212(1)(d)(i)
copyright exception applicable to use of TV format in producing a Canadianized TV production

Principales Questions: Do the payments made qualify as royalties subject to 212(1)(d)? If yes, do they qualify for the 212(1)(d)(vi) exception? If they do not qualify for this exception, are they exempt from part XIII tax under the Canada - U.S. Tax Treaty?

Position Adoptée: General comments given the facts submitted, but the payments should be exempted under 212(1)(d)(vi) if they are in respect of the copyright in respect of the production or reproduction of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work.

Raisons: Wording of 212(1)(d)

7 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0460791E5 - Qualified Farm Property & Oil Reserves

CRA Tags
110.6(1), 110.6(2), 66.4(5), 66(15), 110.6(1.3), 248

Principal Issues: Whether the taxpayer's farm would continue to meet the definition as a "qualified farm property", if oil reserves are discovered on the property.

Position: Maybe

Reasons: The definition of qualified farm property is based on use of the property. However, the property may be considered Canadian resource property as per subsection 66(15), if the land value is principally attributed to the oil reserves. Also must consider if the surface and mineral rights can be separated, in order to preserve the requirements of a qualified farm property.

4 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0448681E5 - s. 116 req. of NR-estates per draft NRT legis.

CRA Tags
94(3), 116, 94(1)

Principal Issues: 1. 116 filing requirements of estates with NR executors.

Position: 1. Regardless of whether the NR estate is "deemed" to be Canadian residence per the proposed NRT legislation...116 filing is required.

Reasons: 1. proposed 94(3) deems estate to be Cdn resident if "resident contributor" or "resident beneficiary" as those terms are defined for specific purposes of the Act but not for s. 116.

3 January 2013 External T.I. 2012-0460011E5 - Subsection 13(21.2)

CRA Tags
13(21.2), 149(1), ITR 1102(1)(c)

Principal Issues: 1) If a depreciable property with a pregnant loss is transferred to an affiliated entity described in paragraph 149(1) XXXXXXXXXX could the loss be allowed on the basis that the relieving condition described in clause 13(21.2)(e)(iii)(B) is met?

Position: Question of fact but probably not.

Reasons: The fact that a XXXXXXXXXX described in paragraph 149(1) XXXXXXXXXX is exempt from Part 1 tax does not, in of itself, mean that it could not be carrying on income earning activities.

24 December 2012 External T.I. 2012-0457881E5 - Share of a capital stock of a family farm

CRA Tags
110.6(1), 70(10)

Principal Issues: 1. Are the views expressed in technical interpretation 2000-0011595 still valid? 2. For the purpose of determining whether a particular property owned by a family farm corporation, has been principally used in the business of farming by an eligible person could such period include a period of time where the land was only rented or leased by an eligible person.

Position: 1. The comments in document 2000-0011595 are still valid. 2. See response but yes.

Reasons: The law

18 December 2012 External T.I. 2012-0465501E5 - ITR Subsection 1100(26)

CRA Tags
ITR 1100(24), ITR 1100(26)

Principal Issues: Whether the distribution of electricity includes the transmission of electricity.

Position: Yes

Reasons: According to the various court cases, it would appear that the definition of distribution is interpreted in the broad meaning of the word to include transmission.

18 December 2012 External T.I. 2012-0468301E5 - Clarification of Class 43.2 Project Eligibility

CRA Tags
ITR 1219, ITR 1104(13), ITR Class 43.2, ITR Class 43.1, ITR 66.1(6), ITR 13(18.1)

Principal Issues: Whether the use of cooking oil waste in the production of electrical energy meets the definition as "eligible waste fuel" under classes 43.1 and 43.2.

Position: No

Reasons: General information provided as cooking oil can be used as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion.

6 December 2012 External T.I. 2012-0463431E5 F - Application of subparagraph 40(2)(g)(ii)

CRA Tags
40(2)(g)(ii), 50(1)
loss on non-interest-bearing loan to sister did not come within IT-239R2, para. 6

Principales Questions: Whether in a particular situation subparagraph 40(2)(g)(ii) would apply to deny a loss, where a corporation has loaned funds interest free to a sister corporation.

Position Adoptée: Yes.

Raisons: According to the Law and previous positions.

19 November 2012 External T.I. 2012-0459351E5 - Shale Gas Well Drilling Classification

CRA Tags
248(1) oil or gas well, 66.2(5) Canadian development expense

Summaries under s. 66.2(5) and s. 248(1) - "scientific research and experimental development."

Principal Issues: Are the costs of drilling and completing a shale natural gas well considered CDE?

Position: Question of fact, but generally yes.

Reasons: In general, expenses to drill and complete a shale gas well may qualify under subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of CDE, if that particular well meets the purpose test set out in the definition of an "oil or gas well" in subsection 248(1) of the Act and if the expenditure was not on account of CEE or SR&ED.

2 November 2012 External T.I. 2012-0461021E5 - Timber Resource Property or Timber Limit

CRA Tags
13(21), 1100(1)(e)

Principal Issues: Is the licence granted to the taxpayer a timber resource property or a timber limit?

Position: Appears to be a timber resource property.

Reasons: Appears that the licence can be renewed.


12 September 2012 Roundtable, 2012-0453301C6 - Prohibited investments and warrants

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether an RRSP or RRIF annuitant would be subject to the 50% tax on prohibited investments if the RRSP or RRIF were to acquire a prohibited investment by exercising a warrant that itself constitutes a prohibited investment but that was acquired before March 23, 2011.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: See response

Technical Interpretation - Internal

15 January 2013 Internal T.I. 2012-0459581I7 F - 163(2) Penalty - CCTB and GSTC

CRA Tags
152(4)a)(i), 163(2.1), 163(2)c.1, 163(2)(c.3), 163(2)(c.2), 163(2)(c), 163(2), 163(2)(a)
penalty applied to both spouses even though only one received an overpayment of the CCTB and GSTC

Principales Questions: Whether both spouses are liable to a gross negligence penalty under 163(2) with respect to the overpayment of the CCTB and the GSTC, where both spouses have unreported income or unsupported losses which are also subject to the 163(2) penalty.

Position Adoptée: Yes.

Raisons: Wording of 163(2)c) and 163(2)c.1).

5 December 2012 Internal T.I. 2012-0439301I7 F - Reassessment beyond the normal reassessment period

CRA Tags
s. 17 assessment of loan made by Canco to non-resident LP was re a transaction with the non-resident partners for s. 152(4)(a)(iii) purposes
partnership lacks power to contract debts

Summary under s. 152(4)(b)(iii).

Principales Questions: In a given situation where all the subsection 17(1) conditions are met, whether the Minister can issue a notice of reassessment beyond the normal reassessment period under 152(4)(b)(iii)?

Position Adoptée: Yes.

Raisons: In the given situation, a reassessment beyond the normal reassessment period can be viewed as having been made as a consequence of a loan made by Canco in a previous taxation year to the Partnership and the subsection 17(1) income inclusion arises directly as a consequence of that loan.

30 November 2012 Internal T.I. 2012-0458491I7 - Private School – Non-profit organization

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Does the entity qualify as a non-profit organization pursuant to paragraph149(1)(l) of the Act

Position: No

Reasons: The entity operates a private high school for the purpose of earning profit.

29 November 2012 Internal T.I. 2012-0462361I7 - Meaning of "Prime Metal Stage or its Equivalent"

CRA Tags
127(9), 125.1(3), Regulation 1104, 65, 66(15), Regulation 1200

Summary under s. 65.

Principal Issues: What does the phrase "prime metal stage or its equivalent" mean for purposes of the ITA?

Position: It means the point at which the commodity is marketable and saleable to its customers.

Reasons: Jurisprudence and previous interpretations

18 July 2012 Internal T.I. 2012-0446871I7 - application of subparagraph 110(1)(f)(iii)

CRA Tags
248(1) "employment", 110(1)(f)(iii)

Principal Issues: Whether the income from employment earned by an individual who performed work for the XXXXXXXXXX would include income earned as an independent contractor and therefore, not be taxable as a result of the application of subparagraph 110(1)(f)(iii) of the Income Tax Act ("ITA").

Position: Question of fact whether individual is employee or independent contractor. Income from employment does not include earned as an independent contractor. If employee then a deduction will be allowed under 110(1)(f)(iii). If an independent contractor then no deduction allowed.

Reasons: Specific reading of legislation.