Income Tax Severed Letters - 2009-06-26


2009 Ruling 2008-0266471R3 F - Butterfly

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55; 186

Principal Issues: Whether the proposed butterfly reorganization satisfies the requirements of paragraph 55(3)(b).

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the Act.

XXXXXXXXXX 2008-026647

Ministerial Correspondence

17 June 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0322841M4 F - Déduction pour amortissement - ordinateurs

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Principales Questions: Le contribuable cherche à obtenir de l'information concernant la déduction pour amortissement accélérée de 100% disponible pour les ordinateurs acquis après le 27 janvier 2009 et avant février 2011.

Position Adoptée: Nous lui avons fourni des renseignements de type général.

Raisons: Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu; budget fédéral de 2009.

Technical Interpretation - External

19 June 2009 External T.I. 2009-0310401E5 - Employer-provided vehicle - Remote work location

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6(1) 6(2) 6(6) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Would provision of a motor vehicle to travel to and from a work site give rise to a taxable benefit?

Position: Yes, but the benefit may be excluded from income if the work site qualifies as a remote work location. A reasonable standby charge and operating expense benefit may apply to any other personal use if the vehicles qualify as automobiles.

Reasons: Travel between an employee's home and the employer's place of business where the employee reports regularly is personal in nature. This would include travel between a work site and a departure or arrival point on the way. The benefit derived from the use of an employer-provided vehicle in respect of such travel would give rise to a taxable benefit under section 6 of the Act, however, the benefit may be excluded from income pursuant to subparagraph 6(6)(b)(ii) if the conditions for a remote work location are met.

19 June 2009 External T.I. 2009-0313051E5 - Prescribed Prize

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56(1)(n) Regulation 7700 5 9

Principal Issues: Whether a particular award is a prescribed prize pursuant to section 7700 of the Income Tax Regulations.

Position: While a question of fact, based on our understanding of the facts, no.

Reasons: The award does not appear to be a prize described in paragraph 56(1)(n) or section 7700 of the Income Tax Regulations.

15 June 2009 External T.I. 2009-0324621E5 - Interest income from equalization payment

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Principal Issues: If interest paid on unpaid equalization payment under a separation agreement is considered income of the person receiving the interest payments.

Position: Yes

Reasons: Interest income is generally taxable and included in income pursuant to paragraph 12(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.

XXXXXXXXXX 2009-032462
V. Srikanth
June 15, 2009

12 June 2009 External T.I. 2009-0313071E5 - Taxation of Business Income - Indian Proprietor

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Paragraph 81(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Is the business income earned by an Indian, where part of the duties are carried on off the reserve, exempt from tax? If not could the proration rule apply?

Position: Possibly

Reasons: It depends on the facts. Proration of business income is possible if specific income-earning activities can be directly connected to a reserve. A record of activities should be maintained to support a claim for proration of business income.

XXXXXXXXXX Lori Merrigan
(613) 957-8979
June 12, 2009

12 June 2009 External T.I. 2008-0301701E5 - Redemption of shares

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116(5) 84(3) 84(9)

Principal Issues: Assuming that the non-resident shareholder does not obtain a certificate issued under subsection 116(4) of the Act, what is the Canadian corporation's liability for withholding tax on the redemption under subsection 116(5) of the Act?

Position: If the vendor has not obtained a certificate under subsection 116(2) or 116(4) of the Act the amount of withholding is 25% of the purchaser's cost of the property. If the non-resident provides the purchaser with a section 116(2) certificate the purchaser is liable to withhold 25% of any amount by which the purchaser's cost exceeds the amount indicated in such certificate.

Reasons: Interpretation of the Act

12 June 2009 External T.I. 2009-0316511E5 F - Charges sociales et autres retenues France

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list of pension plans recognized for French tax purposes re Art. XXIX(5) of French Treaty
social security contributions do not qualify as income taxes – but French "contribution sociale généralisée" and "contribution pour le remboursement de la dette sociale" so qualify

Principales Questions: Certaines charges sociales et autres retenues faites par la France à même le salaire payé à un individu résidant au Canada sont-elles déductibles au titre de contributions à un fonds de pension et/ou admissibles comme un impôt sur le revenu ne provenant pas d'une entreprise aux fins de l'article 126 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu ?

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux

12 June 2009 External T.I. 2008-0300691E5 - Paragraphe 105(1) du Règlement

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Règlement 105(1) 153(1)(g)

Principales Questions: 1. Les dispositions du paragraphe 105(1) du Règlement s'appliquent-elles aux sommes versées par le contribuable aux firmes non-résidentes afin qu'elles achètent le matériel requis XXXXXXXXXX ?
2. Advenant que les sommes versées aux firmes non-résidentes soient sujettes à l'application du paragraphe 105(1) du Règlement, une dérogation à cette application à plus de deux années consécutives est-elle possible?

Position Adoptée: 1. Question de fait. 2. Les demandes de réduction des retenues à la source doivent être faites auprès des BSF. Il faut utiliser le formulaire R105, Demande de dispense de l'application de l'article 105 du Règlement de l'impôt sur le revenu. Chaque demande est traitée selon ses faits particuliers..

Raisons: 1.En tenant compte des commentaires de la CCI dans l'affaire Weyerhaeuser, un remboursement de dépense à un non-résident qui n'a pas la qualité de revenu n'est pas sujet à l'application du paragraphe 105(1) du Règlement. 2. R105F (08) et CI-75-6R2, par. 53, 56 & 57. Si un non-résident qui a obtenu une dérogation dans une année antérieure n'a pas produit de déclaration pour cette année-là et que la période prévue à l'article 150 de la Loi est écoulée, le BSF tiendra compte de tous les renseignements avant d'accorder une dérogation pour une année ultérieure. Voir aussi sur le site de l'Agence certaines exceptions aux lignes directrices concernant les dérogations fondées sur des conventions fiscales.

27 May 2009 External T.I. 2008-0296731E5 F - Rachat d'actions: 20(1)c)

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corporation must allocate contributed capital of redeemed shares proportionately to borrowed money and redemption notes, but can disproportionately allocate its accumulated profits

Principales Questions: Dans une situation où une proportion des actions d'une société serait rachetée avec de l'argent emprunté et l'émission de billets, est-ce que le Capital admissible des actions rachetées (capital contribué et bénéfices accumulés) est remplacé proportionnellement par l'argent emprunté et les billets?

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

Raisons: Numéros 23 et 29 du IT-533.

11 May 2009 External T.I. 2008-0276761E5 F - Class 43.1 and 43.2

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wood waste fuelled heat production system and ground source heat pump likely could qualify

Principal Issues: Whether a wood waste fuelled heat production system and ground source heat pump could qualify for class 43.2 of schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations?

Position: Likely yes.

Reasons: Provided all the requirements of the Act and the Regulations are met.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

17 June 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0321101I7 - sponsor donations

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248(31); 248(32)

Principal Issues: Eligible amount of the participation fee paid by a sponsor in a fundraising event.

Position: Determined in the same manner as it would be for a participant - fee less advantages

Reasons: Sponsor is entitled to the advantages as a consequence of paying the fee. It doesn't make a difference whether he/she enjoys them personally or they are given to a third party.

16 June 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0312851I7 - Deductibility of Average Rent for Long Term Lease

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18(1)(a); 18(9)(a)(ii); 97(2)

Principal Issues:
Whether the comments provided in Technical Interpretation 2008-0272771I7, with respect to the deductibility of average long term lease payments, would have varied if additional information pertaining to the taxpayer had been considered, including the effect of a subsection 97(2) transfer of certain assets.


Reasons: The legislation.

12 June 2009 Internal T.I. 2008-0294921I7 F - Montant reçu à l'égard d'un surplus actuariel

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9(1) 56(1)a) 248(1)
lump sum paid to asset vendor for actuarial surplus in transferred pension plan was s. 9 income under Ikea expense-adjustment principle
transfer of a pension plan assets and liabilities to the asset purchaser with regulatory approval entailed a plan “modification” rendering actuarial surplus compensation taxable
Words and Phrases
modification under

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal d'une somme reçue à l'égard d'un surplus actuariel dans un régime de pension agréé au moment de la vente d'une division lorsque l'acheteur de la division verse le montant au vendeur?

Position Adoptée: Le montant est imposable en vertu de l'article 9 ou de l'alinéa 56(1)a).

Raisons: L'inclusion du montant dans le calcul du revenu d'entreprise est conforme aux principes établis dans l'affaire Canderel. C'est aussi une prestation de pension ou de retraite qui est imposable en vertu de l'alinéa 56(1)a).

28 May 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0319161I7 - Canada-US Treaty - Article XXIX A(3)

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Canada- US treaty Article XXIX A(3) ITA 248(1) "registered securities dealer"

Principal Issues: Whether "registered securities dealer" in Article XXIX A(3) should be limited to the definition under ITA 248(1).

Position: No, a broader meaning should apply.

Reasons: The context of Article XXIX A(3) requires a broader meaning to be applied.