Income Tax Severed Letters - 2000-06-23


12 June 2000 Income Tax Severed Letter 2000-0024916 F - ACCOMPLIT PRINCIPALEMENT

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8(13) 8(13)a)(i)

Principales Questions : déterminer si le travail à domicile comptant pour moins de 50% du temps consacré aux tâches associées à la charge ou l'emploi satisfait le test du sous-alinéa 8(13)(a)(i).

Position Adoptée : non.


2000 Ruling 2000-0006283 - QLP SUPPLEMENTAL

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REG 5000(7)

Principal Issues: 1) Amendment to proposed transactions describing residence of general partner, types of limited partners, fuller description of management fees, and to amend rulings to confirm description in partnership agreement of limited partners' interests comply with Regulations and agreement as a whole does not contravene specific provisions in Regulation. 2) Can we rule that the terms of a partnership, as set out in a draft agreement, comply with the definition of "qualified limited partnership" in subsection 5000(7) of the Regulations?

Position: 1) Amendments to proposed transactions and rulings provided; 2) No.

Reasons:1) Amendments do not affect prior rulings and amendment to rulings can be provided vis-a-vis particular tax concern with specific provision; 2) A ruling will only be given on the terms of an agreement that causes a particular tax concern vis-a-vis a specific part of the definition in Regulation 5000(7).

2000 Ruling 2000-0017993 - PHANTOM STOCK PLAN EXECUTIVES

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REG 6801(d)

Principal Issues: Will the payment of executive bonuses in the form of deferred share units result in an SDA?

Position: No.

Reasons: 6801(d) satisfied


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Principal Issues:
Whether a corporation with three classes of shares will cease to be a mutual fund corporation if it redeems its only class of shares listed on the stock exchange.

Factual determination as to whether the requirements in the definition of "mutual fund corporation" in subsection 131(8) are met after the redemption.

In order to make the capital gains dividends election under subsection 131(1), a corporation must be a mutual fund corporation throughout the taxation year in which a dividend became payable. However, to be a mutual fund corporation throughout the taxation year, the corporation must also be a public corporation throughout the taxation year. In this case, based on the facts provided, it is our view the corporation would continue to be a public corporation after the redemption provided that the Minister does not designate the corporation not to be a public corporation pursuant to the definition of "public corporation" in subsection 89(1).


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95(2)(e.1) 95(2)(l)

Principal Issues: Whether 95(2)(e.1) applies to a cross-border wind-up.

Position: Yes because the exception in 95(2)(e.1) can only apply if both foreign affiliates are in the same country.

Reasons: The words of the exception are unable to bear another meaning.

Technical Interpretation - External

20 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0020335 - Interest Expense - Non-Resident Partner

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20(1)(c) 115(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether interest expense incurred by a non-resident partner is deductible by the non-resident in computing income from a business carried on in Canada.

Position: General Comments.

Reasons: Question of fact depends on all relevant information pertaining to the situation.

19 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0031195 - IRA amount paid to child of contributor

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Principal Issues: How are amounts received by a taxpayer out of her father's U.S. IRA taxed in Canada?

Position: Included in income under 56(1)(a)(I)(C.1).

Reasons: U.S. IRA's under 408(a), (b) or (h) of the Internal Revenue Code are foreign retirement arrangements for purposes of the Act. Payments out of a foreign retirement arrangement are included in income under clause 56(1)(a)(I)(C.1) of the Act.

16 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0021225 - LEGAL FEES - SUPPORT

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18(1)(a) 60.1(1)

Principal Issues:
Can a payer of support payments deduct the legal expenses incurred to enforce the support agreement ?

15 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0019075 - DEMUTUALIZATION ANNUITY CONTRACT

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Principal Issues:

An employer receives a demutualization benefit in respect of a group annuity contract. If the employer distributes it to the plan members, will the flow-through rule in draft subsection 139.1(16) apply to the distribution?


Yes, provided that the requirements of draft 139.1(16) are met.


14 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0018085 - AUTOMOTIVE TOOLS - EMPLOYEE

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8(1)(i)(iii) Class 12(R)

Principal Issues: 1. No provision in ITA which permits a deduction to employees for the cost of acquiring mechanics' tools.

2.Whether small tools costing less than $200 would be deductible to an automotive mechanic employee.

Position: 1. 8(1)(i)(iii) of ITA refers to the cost of supplies consumed but this does not contemplate the deduction of mechanics' tools since they cannot be consumed.

The Standing Committee on Finance examined the issue of employment expenses, including the non-deductibility of mechanics' tools. The Committee received submissions from the Canadian Automobile Repair and Service Institute regarding the issue and presented its report to the House of Commons on June 10, 1992. The Committee concluded that the issue of employment expenses was complex and therefore, no recommendations were made regarding legislative changes.

2. No.

Reasons: 1. Standing Committee 's Report.
2. Small tools are capital assets under Class 12(h) of the Income Tax Regulations and not deductible under the ITA CCA allowed. to a self-employed businessperson not an employee.

13 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0027685 - Is purchase price adjustment interest

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Principal Issues: Whether an adjustment to a purchase price constitutes interest

Position: Question of fact

Reasons: Would need to review specific agreement

13 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0020095 - INDIAN EMPLOYMENT INCOME

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Principal Issues: Whether portion of status Indian's employment income is tax

Position: Yes

Reasons: Proration rule to Guideline 1 applies - less than 90% of employment
duties performed on a reserve and none of the other guidelines apply .

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0015355 - GAIN ON SEVERED PROPERTY

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3 40(1) 10

Principal Issues:
Who should report a capital gain on a particular property?

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0030855 - Non-resident trustee for testamentary trust

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Principal Issues: Will the appointment of a non-resident as the trustee of a testamentary trust cause the trust to be a non-resident trust, and if so, what are the consequences of such an appointment, assuming that the beneficiaries continue to be resident in Canada?

Position: Likely a non-resident trust and general comments given concerning some of the differences between the taxation of a non-resident personal trust and a resident personal trust

Reasons: IT-447 sets our criteria for determining the residence of a trust. The tax consequences of establishing a non-resident testamentary trust, rather than a resident testamentary trust, includes the possible application on 94(1)(c), the taxation of world-wide income vs. income earned from Canadian sources, Part XIII tax on dividends rather than Part I, the ability to designate dividends under 104(19) and (20), the inability of the trust to use the principal residence exemption even if a property is designated as such and the requirement to file various forms, including T1142 for distributions from a n/r trust and T2062 on the disposition of TCP

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0016815 - INDIAN EMPLOYMENT INCOME

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Principal Issues: Whether a status Indian employee of XXXXXXXXXX , located off-reserve, is exempt from income tax. Asked we amend our opinion file 5-992482.

Position: No. Maintain position taken in file 5-992482

Reasons: The Guidelines contemplate the location(s) at which an employee is required to perform duties. In the present case, the employer is located off reserve and that is where the employer provides services to its clients.

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0011075 F - AGRICULTURE FARMING

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Principales Questions:
Dans quelles circonstances précises, la culture maraîchère est-elle considérée comme une entreprise agricole ?

Position Adoptée:
La culture maraîchère sera considérée comme activité agricole si elle implique la culture et la croissance des plantes.

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0013555 F - construction - asphalte

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'un contribuable qui vend de l'asphalte et des produits concassés en plus de la pose d'asphalte aurait droit au crédit au titre des bénéfices de fabrication et transformation à l'égard des ventes sans pose ?

Position Adoptée:
Pas de position définitive adoptée parce que question de faits. Commentaires.

12 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0023905 - EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM

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Principal Issues: Are expenses incurred by an employer to provide certain benefits to employees deductible by the employer and are the benefits taxable in the hands of the employees?

Position: A question of fact.

Reasons: Answer depends on whether there is a business, whether the expenses are reasonable and the nature of the benefits to the employees.

9 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0014775 - CHILD SUPPORT APPEALS

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Principal Issues:
Taxpayer entitled to receive child support payments under XXXXXXXXXX court order. Child support payments fall into arrears and the parties agree in XXXXXXXXXX that the arrears would be paid by way of a lump sum plus monthly payments. The agreement also includes an increase in the ongoing child support for one child.

8 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0016005 - Paragraph 81(1)(g) of the Act

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Principal Issues: Whether amount paid to a Canadian resident by the Federal Republic of Germany from the Claims Conference Article 2 Fund is excluded in computing the income of the Canadian resident under paragraph 81(1)(g) of the Act

Position: Yes

Reasons: It is because all the conditions of that paragraph have been met.

6 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0024525 - EMPLOYMENT INCOME - NWT - REMISSION

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Principal Issues: 1.Whether a Tax Remission Order exists to set aside Indian Land in the Northwest Territory.

2. Whether the Indian Act Exemption for employment income Guidelines apply.

Position:1. No Remission Order found.

2. Guideline 4 might apply .

Reasons:1. None found in our research.

2 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0020065 - WITHHOLDING TAX ON LEGAL FEES

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153(1) 8(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Withholding requirements on the reimbursement of legal fees to establish a right to salary or wages.

Position: Appropriate withholdings required for reimbursement of legal fees included in income by virtue of 6(1)(j). However administrative policy to waive the withholding requirements if the reimbursement is deductible under 8(1)(b). There are no withholding requirements with respect to reimbursements of legal fees described in paragraph 56(1)(l.1).

Reasons: Amounts included under paragraph 6(1)(j) are payments described in subsection 153(1) and therefore subject to withholdings. Paragraph 56(1)(l.1) is not a payment described in subsection 153(1) nor is it included in the definition of "remuneration".

2 June 2000 External T.I. 2000-0017855 - CAPITAL OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS

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Principal Issues:
Whether the non-deductible portion of an allowance for impaired loans should be included in computing the capital of a financial institution as a reserve under subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(iii).


A financial institution in respect of which subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(iii) applies is required to include in its capital tax base the amount of its reserves for the year except to the extent they were deducted under Part I. Accordingly, where an allowance for impaired loans exceeds the tax reserve deducted under subparagraph 20(1)(l)(ii), the excess will be included in computing capital under subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(iii).

29 May 2000 External T.I. 2000-0018375 - PHSP-INS. FOR CARE OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS

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Principal Issues: Whether an insurance plan that provides coverage related to the care of disabled individuals is a PHSP.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Paragraph 4 of IT-339R2 states that coverage under a PHSP must be in respect of hospital care or expense or medical care or expense which normally would otherwise have qualified as a medical expense (for purposes of the medical expense tax credit) under subsection 118.2(2) of the Act.

23 May 2000 External T.I. 2000-0009485 - STATUS INDIANS/INVEST. INCOME-CREDIT UNION

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Principal Issues:
1. Would investment income earned by status Indians from a Credit Union located on reserve and the majority of members are status Indians be exempt from income tax?
2. In this situation does it make a difference whether the status Indian lives on or off reserve?
3. In this situation would the taxation of interest income earned on savings accounts and terms certificates by the Credit Union be viewed differently than banker's acceptances and mutual fund?

1. No, unless the Credit Union's income generating activities are connected to a reserve.
2. No.
3. No.

1. The Court in Recalma, placed greater weight on the location of the issuer's income generating activity than any other connecting factor and if this factor is not present, we believe that the presence of other connecting factors would likely be insufficient to establish that the investment income of an Indian would be exempt from tax.
2. See question 1.
3. The taxation of interest income earned on savings accounts and term certificates issued by the Credit Union would be viewed in the same manner as the taxation of banker's acceptances and income from mutual fund units.

11 May 2000 External T.I. 1999-0009935 F - Droit recevoir allocations et emigration

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12(1)x) 128.1(4)b) 114

Principales Questions:

Quel est le traitement fiscal applicable à un montant à recevoir par un contribuable qui était un travailleur autonome, au titre d'allocation de fin de carrière en vertu de l'Accord-cadre intervenu entre le Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec et la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, au moment où il cesse de résider au Canada?

What are the tax consequences to a taxpayer, who was a self-employed doctor, in respect of an amount to be received by him after he ceases to reside in Canada as "allocation de fin carrière" in accordance with the "Accord-cadre" between "le Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec" and "la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec"?

Position Adoptée:

10 May 2000 External T.I. 1999-0010415 - Awards and research grants - Non-residents

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Principal Issues: Whether income from the performances of services in connection with certain awards granted by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are taxable in Canada when the services are performed by non-residents of Canada?

Position: Depends on the circumstances (see opinion for details)

Reasons: see opinion for details

Technical Interpretation - Internal

15 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0024427 F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE - ALLOCATION

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56.1(4) 56(1)(b)

Principales Questions:
Le paiement de frais de garderie constitue-t-il une pension alimentaire. Quelle est la date d'exécution d'une entente aux fins de 56.1 LIR?

Position Adoptée:
Non, il ne s'agit pas d'une pension alimentaire. Il n'y a pas lieu de déterminer s'il y a une date d'exécution au fins de l'article 56.1 LIR dans le cas soumis.

15 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0024677 - RESPITE CARE

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81(1)(h) 9(1) 56(1)(u)

Principal Issues: Parents, who have a handicapped child, can obtain respite care for the child. The respite care is approved by the B.C. Government which provides the necessary funding to an association which locates caregivers and pays them on the basis of the number of hours approved by the B.C. Government. Where the shift of a caregiver does not exceed 12 hours, the caregiver is paid at the rate of $7.50 per hour. Where the shift is from 12 ot 24 hours, the caregiver receives the flat rate of $90. What is the tax treatment of the payments in the hands of the caregiver?

Position: Generally, the payments would be taxable as business income.

Reasons: The position is consistent the comments in paragraph 4 of IT-504R2 on reasonable expectation of profit.

14 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0018517 F - ASSURANCE POUR MALADIE REDOUTÉE

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les primes versées par un employeur pour une assurance pour maladies redoutées et une garantie d'assurance-voyage constituent un avantage imposable selon l'alinéa 6(1)a) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:
Oui. Si pas visé par 6(1)a)(i)

14 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0021237 F - VALEUR RELATIVE D'UN JUGEMENT

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que l'Agence doit accepter les déclarations amendées d'un tiers lorsqu'il y a un jugement de la cour canadienne de l'impôt émis selon la procédure informelle qui donne raison à un autre contribuable ?

Position Adoptée:
Les tiers, même s'ils sont des collègues du contribuable cité dans un jugement mais qui ne font pas partie de ce même jugement, ne peuvent contraindre l'Agence à accepter certaines modifications à leurs déclarations.

13 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0024017 - CLERGY RESIDENCE - CHAPLAIN

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Principal Issues:
Is taxpayer entitled to 8(1)(c) deduction?

8 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0025657 - RRSP LUMP-SUM

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Principal Issues: Can a proration of pension benefits based on pre-72 service over total service be used to determine the amount eligible under 40(7) of the ITAR?

Position: No.

Reasons: The provision is very clear and the amount eligible can be no more than the benefit that would have been received had the member left the plan at the end of 1971.

7 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0017987 F - TRAVAIL A DOMICILE SUR UNE RESERVE

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Principales Questions : déterminer si un indien inscrit qui travaille à la maison, sur une réserve, peut avoir droit à l'exemption prévue à l'alinéa 81(1)a).

Position Adoptée : question de fait.

2 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0016457 - SUPPORT-ARREARS-COMMENCEMENT DAY

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56(1)(b) 56.1(4) 60(b)

Principal Issues:
Whether a particular court order triggers the application of the new child support rules and whether arrears payments are taxable to the recipient and deductible to the payer.

1 June 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0026797 - DSLP UNPAID LEAVE RETURN TO WORK

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Principal Issues: Would the 6801(a) condition requiring the participant's return to work be satisfied where the participant returns for 2-3 weeks then takes unpaid leave for the balance of the return period?

Position: No.

Reasons: The provision requires that the participant returns to his or her regular employment with the employer or another employer that participates in the same or similar arrangement for a period that is not less than the period of leave. An unpaid leave would not satisfy this condition.

26 May 2000 Internal T.I. 1999-0009037 - Income Capital Gain Ireland Article VI

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art 13 art 21

Principal Issues:
Whether the word "income" in paragraph 1 of Article VI of the Canada-Ireland Income Tax Agreement (Treaty) should be interpreted to include "capital gains" or "taxable capital gains".

Position: Although the word "income" is not defined in the Treaty or the Act, the word "income" in paragraph 1 of Article VI of the Treaty includes capital gains on dispositions of capital properties. However, the word "income" does not mean the taxable capital gain amount of such dispositions.

Reasons: The word "income" in income tax treaties generally includes capital gains in respect of dispositions of capital property. This position is consistent with our views on the meaning of the words "income" and "gains" found in other treaties such as the Canada-Australia Treaty and the Canada-U.K. Treaty. This position is also consistent with Article 13 of the OECD Model and Commentary which specifically deals with capital gains on dispositions of capital properties. This view is fair, consistent and reasonable and it is in line with the spirit and intent of the 15% tax limitation set out in paragraph 1 of Article VI of the Treaty.

23 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0015647 F - DONATIONS D'ACTIONS A UN EMPLOYE-CLE

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6(1)a) 52(1)

Principales Questions:

Quels sont les conséquences fiscales d'un transfert d'actions par un actionnaire à un employé-clé d'une société ?

Position Adoptée:

19 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0018477 F - DEDUCTION A LA SOURCE

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153(1)(j) 103(4)

Principales Questions: Le contribuable peut-il remettre au syndic les contributions que son client lui a versées dans le cadre d'un REER sans faire les retenues à la source ?

Position Adoptée: Non

12 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0023197 - STOCK OPTION DEFERRED BENEFIT

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7(1) 110(1)(d)

Principal Issues: A taxpayer acquires shares under an employee stock option and the employer reports the benefit and 110(1)(d) deduction entitlements on the taxpayer's T4. Can the taxpayer claim a deduction for the portion of the benefit that relates to shares that were not disposed of in that year?

Position: No.

Reasons: There is no provision in the Act providing for the deferral of 1998 benefits until the shares are sold.

10 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0016257 F - RPA COTISATIONS POUR SERVICES ANTERIEURS

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147.2(4)(b) 147.2(4)(c)

Principales Questions: Peux-t-on accorder une déduction rétroactive à l'égard de cotisations à un RPA lorsque ces cotisations visent des services passés.

Position Adoptée: Non

9 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0015017 - Locally engaged employee at Embassy

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Principal Issues: Taxability of locally engaged employee at embassy.

Position: In this particular fact situation, not taxable under Part I pursuant to 149(1)(a).

Reasons: See memo.

9 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0019687 - LATE FILED ELECTIONS FOR FPE

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Principal Issues: What are the reassessment actions that may be taken by the Agency when an individual reports income from a proprietorship based on a non-calendar fiscal period but failed to file an election to keep a non-calendar fiscal period as and when required under 249.1(4).

Position: If taxation years are statute barred, no reassessment actions may be taken unless subparagraph 152(4)(a)(i) or (ii) of the Act applies, i.e., fraud or misrepresentation. In any other case, the taxpayer should be reassessed to account for business income based on a calendar taxation year.

Reasons: For fiscal periods that begin after 1994, the fiscal period of a sole-proprietorship must end on December 31 (unless the business has ended in the year) pursuant to the definition of "fiscal period" in paragraph 249.1(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act. However, subsection 249.1(4) of the Acts provides an exception that allows an individual to elect to have an off-calendar fiscal period for his or her business if an election is filed on or before the due date of the individual's return for the taxation year that includes the first day of the first fiscal period of the business. Former paragraph 600(b.1) of the Regulations, which permitted elections under subsection 249.1(4) to be late-filed, has been repealed. To be valid, late-filed elections had to be filed on or before January 31, 1998.

8 May 2000 Internal T.I. 2000-0015227 - INTERNET SUBSCRIPTION FEES

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18(1)(a) 18(1)(b) 20(1)(bb)

Principal Issues: Whether a portion of the costs of Internet fees and a separate phone line are deductible expenses under paragraph 18(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act. The costs relate to obtaining information on whether investments should be sold, held or new investments purchased as well as general investment information.

Position: No

Reasons: The costs are on account of capital

Ministerial Letter

7 June 2000 Ministerial Letter 2000-0016918 - LOAN FROM A RRIF TO A RELATED CORPORATION

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REG 4900(1)(j)

Principal Issues: May a RRIF loan money to a corporation which is owned 100% by persons related to the annuitant?

Position: No

Reasons: A loan to a closely-held, private corporation is not a qualified investment.

1 June 2000 Ministerial Letter 2000-0023308 - Non-resident Testamentary Trust

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Principal Issues: Will the use of a non-resident as the trustee of a testamentary trust cause the trust to be a non-resident trust, and if so, what are the consequences of such an appointment, assuming the beneficiaries will continue to be resident in Canada?

Position: It-447 sets our criteria for determining the residence of a trust. A follow up letter will be prepared by Income Tax Rulings Directorate

Reasons: Because of the significant number of factors which may affect the individual's choice of trustee and/or residence of trust, a follow up letter will be prepared to discuss those issues.

24 May 2000 Ministerial Letter 2000-0023838 - CONFIDENTIALITY OF TAXPAYER INFORMATION

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Principal Issues: Use of income tax information to administer GST legislation.

Position: It is allowed by the Act.

Reasons: Paragraph 241(4)(d)(ii) of the Act specifically allows it.

16 May 2000 Ministerial Letter 2000-0016898 - Home Buyers' Program

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146.01(3) 146.01(4) 146.01(6) 146.01(7)

Principal Issues:
1. Can a participant in the Home Buyers' Program reduce the balance of the amount originally borrowed by increasing the amounts taken into income for taxation years after the year in which the RRSP must mature and re-payments to the RRSP are no longer possible?
2. Can a spouse of a deceased participant assume the balance of the loan outstanding after the participant dies rather than have the whole balance included in the participant's income on the final T1 tax return?

Position: 1. No. 2. Yes.

1. Re-payments can no longer be made to an RRSP after the year in which it must mature and the formula in subsection 146.01(4) then forces a yearly income inclusion of a fixed amount based on the number of remaining years over which the loan would otherwise have had to be re-paid. The loan can be reduced more quickly only during the years in which a participant can make re-payments to his or her RRSP because re-payments can be increased up to the entire outstanding balance at the participant's option (146.01(3)).
2. In the participant's year of death, the total balance of the loan outstanding at that time must be taken into income on the participant's final T1 return (146.01(6)), unless the spouse and the deceased individual jointly elect to have subsection 146.01(7) apply. If this election is made, the surviving spouse can make re-payments of the deceased participant's outstanding balance at the time of death to his or her own RRSP. If the surviving spouse has reached the age in the year in which his or her own RRSP must mature before the taxation year in which the original participant died, the election under subsection 146.01(7) can still be made, but the surviving spouse must take the remaining balance into income over the same number of taxation years as would the deceased participant if he or she had not died.