Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-05-14



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127(18) 127(11.1)(c) 127(9)

Principal Issues: Whether full amount of assistance in respect of SR&ED (for both qualified and non-qualified expenditures) reduces the qualified expenditures for ITC.

Position: Generally yes (but is question of fact).

Reasons: Wording of 127(18).

19 March 1999 9900506 - DEFINITION OF "IN CANADA"

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37(1) 127(9)

Principal Issues:
Definition of "in Canada" for SR&ED purposes.

SR&ED carried out in the economic zone of Canada was not carried out "in Canada" for the purposes of subsection 37(1) or definition of "qualified expenditure" under subsection 127(9).

Limitation imposed in the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act and the Oceans Act, providing only the internal waters and the territorial sea of Canada to be "in Canada". Any other zones outside the 12-mile outside limit of that sea would not be in Canada for SR&ED purposes.

16 March 1999 9905726 - MOVING EXPENSES

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Principal Issues:
An individual moved from one city to another city where he had obtained an employment position. However, there was a delay of approximately three years between the time he commenced to be employed at the new location and the time he moved. The individual commuted during the three year time period. Can the individual, pursuant to subsection 62(1) of the Income Tax Act, be considered to have moved by reason of the new employment position.



1998 Ruling 9820863 - QUALIFICATION AS AN NRO

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133 18(4)

Principal Issues: Will Newco qualify as an NRO as defined in subsection 133(8)?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: See ATR-43.


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reg 4801(a) Reg 4801(b)

Principales Questions:

1. Est-ce que les parts des fonds réparties dans le public après le dépôt auprès de la CVMQ de la notice d’offre à l’égard de chaque fonds seront admissibles à la répartition dans le public aux fins de l’alinéa 4801a) du Règlement de l’impôt sur le revenu?

2. Est-ce que lors du calcul du nombre de bénéficiaires de chaque fonds aux fins de l’alinéa 4801b) du Règlement de l’impôt sur le revenu, chaque rentier d’un REER collectif ou d’un FERR collectif qui aura acquis des parts du Fonds sera considéré être un bénéficiaire du Fonds?

Position Adoptée:


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Principal Issues: Will a phantom stock plan for non-employee directors be excluded from SDA rules under 6801(d)?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Standard plan that is being implemented by most public companies..

1998 Ruling 9821683 - REORGANIZATION

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55(3)(a) 112(3)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.




Dear Sirs:

Advance Income Tax Ruling


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Principal Issues:

Minor amendment to proposed plan description in ruling letter.

Position: N/A


1998 Ruling 9830883 - XXXXXXXXXX

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12(1), 12(3) 9 18(1)(a) 212(1)(b) 142.2

Principal Issues: XXXXXXXXXX Ruling

Position: Standard rulings issued - unchanged from previous year


1998 Ruling 9733833 - 55(3)(A) RULING

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Principal Issues: 55(3)(A) Ruling which contains several issues

Position: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

Reasons: (See Statement of Principal Issues attached with Ruling)

1998 Ruling 9833363 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE

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248(1) 60(j.1)

Principal Issues: A) Would an amount be considered a retiring allowance;
B) Would the employee be entitled to a deduction under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act;
C) Would the amount be reasonable and deductible for the payer.

Position: A), B) and C) Yes.

Reasons: In accordance with the Act and prior rulings given.


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Principal Issues: Whether the redemption of shares held by a majority shareholder would result in a significant increase in the total direct interest of unrelated shareholders.

Position: There is no significant increase in the total direct interest of any unrelated shareholders.

Reasons: In this particular case there is no change in the economic value or entitlements of a person in any corporation that is an unrelated person immediately before the redemption of the particular shares.

1998 Ruling 9806123 F - ROULEMENT DE BIENS AGRICOLES ET 110.6

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85(1) 110.6(14)f)(ii)(A) 54.2

Principal Issues:
Can a taxpayer claim the ss. 110.6(2.1) capital gain exemption upon giving to his 2 sons his newly issued shares of Newco?


Subparagraph 110.6(14)(f)(ii) and section 54.2 apply since the taxpayer transferred all his farming assets to Newco upon issuance of these shares.

Technical Interpretation - External

12 May 1999 External T.I. 9908085 F - RPA- RACHAT DE SERVICES PASSÉS

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8(1)(m) 147.2(4) 147.1(10) 8307

Position Adoptée:
1. Oui.
2. Oui.

10 May 1999 External T.I. 9818125 F - FAMILLES D'ACCUEIL

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Principales Questions:
Les montants qu'un accueillant d'une famille d'accueil reçoit pour prendre soin d'un enfant, sont-ils imposables?

Position Adoptée:
Commentaires généraux.

7 May 1999 External T.I. 9832645 F - IMPACT DE 94(1)C) SUR LES FIDUCIAIRES

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94(1)c) 104(1)

Principales Questions: Peut-on conclure que les fiduciaires d’une fiducie visée à l’alinéa 94(1)c) de la Loi sont également réputés être des personnes résidant au Canada?

Position Adoptée: Non, alinéa 94(1)c) de la Loi ne permet pas de conclure que les fiduciaires d'une fiducie visée a cet alinéa sont également réputés être des personnes résidant au Canada

7 May 1999 External T.I. 9906475 F - REEE- ÉCHEC D'UNION CONJUGALE

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Position Adoptée:


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81(1)(a) 6

Principal Issues: Whether the taxpayer’s employment income is exempt under the Indian Act and paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Application of Indian Act Exemption Guidelines.

Reasons: Not enough information to determine if employee meets the conditions set out in the Guidelines.


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9 8(1)(q)

Principal Issues: Deductibility of costs incurred by publishers to meet requirement to deposit two copies of publication with the National Library of Canada.

Position: Might be deductible.

Reasons: If expense incurred in course of earning income from business or property; if employee, only as provided in 8(1)(q).

4 May 1999 External T.I. 9906705 - PERSONAL USE PROPRERTY

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Principal Issues:
A single-purpose corporation (SPC) owns a Florida condominium that is used solely by the shareholder of the SPC. The shareholder paid for the purchase of the condominium and has paid all costs to maintain the property. The taxpayer inquired if the Department would consider the shareholder of the SPC to be the beneficial owner of the residence for the purpose of claiming the principal residence exemption on the sale of the condominium.

3 May 1999 External T.I. 9828595 F - RÉSIDENCE DES MEMBRES DU CLERGÉ

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Principales Questions: Est-ce qu’un membre du clergé, lorsqu’il acquiert une résidence en co-propriété peut déduire le plein montant de la juste valeur locative ou encore peut-il en déduire seulement sa juste part soit 50% ?

Position Adoptée: Le contribuable peut en déduire la pleine valeur

3 May 1999 External T.I. 9909445 - PART-TIME EDUCATION TAX CREDIT

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Principal Issues:
The XXXXXXXXXX requested information on the part-time education tax credit under subsection 118.6(2) as it relates to students enrolled in their correspondence courses.

3 May 1999 External T.I. 9906155 - REFUSAL TO RULE: QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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Principal Issues: Shares of a cooperative as a qualified investment in a RRSP.

Position: Refusal to rule.

Reasons: Question of fact and conditions of subsections 4900(12) & (13) of the Regulations.
Fouad Daaboul

30 April 1999 External T.I. 9902945 - MEANING OF "OUTSIDE CANADA" FOR OETC PURPOSES

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255 122.3

Principal Issues: The meaning of "Outside Canada" for OETC purposes

Position: as stated in the letter

Reasons: N/A

29 April 1999 External T.I. 9904305 - MINIMUM AMOUNT, AGE IN WHOLE YEARS

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Principal Issues: Does the age at the beginning of the year for purposes of the minimum amount in subsection 146.3(1) mean the age in whole years at the end of the previous year?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: All individuals born in the same year should use the same number for purposes of computing the minimum amount.

29 April 1999 External T.I. 9904535 - "BENEFIT, AFTER ANNUITANT'S DEATH

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Principal Issues: "Benefit" from an RRSP after Annuitant's Death

Position: Amount received is a benefit unless previously included in annuitant's income pursuant to 146(8) & (8.8)

Reasons: Definition of "benefit" in 146(1)


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Principal Issues: Qualifying educational program under the LLP

Position: Question of fact - general information provided

Reasons: General opinion only


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Principal Issues: Qualifying educational program under the LLP

Position: Question of fact - general information provided

Reasons: General opinion only

28 April 1999 External T.I. 9903345 - VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE ATTENDANT

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Principal Issues:
A municipal ambulance service requested an interpretation of the term “volunteer” as used in the employers guide referencing to ambulance workers. Subparagraph 6(1)(b)(viii), a $500 tax free allowance, has been replaced by paragraph 8(1)(a) allowing a deduction from income to a maximum of $1,000 and expanding the duties from volunteer fire fighters to include volunteer ambulance technicians and volunteers who assist in the search or rescue of individuals or in other situations. They have persons, referred to as volunteers, who would not otherwise form part of their full-time or part-time staff, and make themselves available to drive ambulances in emergency situations. These people are rewarded on a hourly basis, $XXXXXXXXXX for being on call and $XXXXXXXXXX if called out.

28 April 1999 External T.I. 9904155 - PHSP FOR A PROPRIETOR - SELF ADMINISTERED

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Principal Issues: Whether a contract between an employer and an administrator in which the administrator agrees to pay the employer's and his family's medical bills (plus a 10% fee) qualifies as a PHSP.

Position: No.

Reasons: In our view, a plan that consists of a contract between a proprietor and an administrator under which the administrator agrees to reimburse the proprietor, his spouse and members of his household, for actual medical and hospital expenses (plus an administrative fee), does not qualify as a PHSP, as it does not contain the necessary elements of insurance.

27 April 1999 External T.I. 9906235 - BC MINING EXPLORATION TAX CREDITS; CEE

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25.1(1) BC ITA 66.1(6)CEE(f)(vi)

Principal Issues: BC mining exploration tax credits; CEE

Position: determination depends on particular facts

Reasons: question of fact; interpretation of "excluded expense" in 25.1(1) of BC Income Tax Act

27 April 1999 External T.I. 9824425 F - ARTICLE 48.1 V. SOCIETE DE PERSONNES

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


La question est de savoir si le choix selon le paragraphe 48.1(1) peut être fait relativement à des actions détenues dans une société de personnes.

Position PRISE :



19 April 1999 External T.I. 9901985 - TUITION FEES AND GIFTS

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118.5(3) 149.1(1)

Principal Issues:
(1) Does the annual charge, automatically levied as part of the tuition fees and kept in a fund administered by a registered charity run by the student association for the purpose of financing the acquisition of library books, qualify as ancillary tuition fee per subsection 118.5(3) of the Income Tax Act?
(2) (a) Does the annual charge automatically levied as part of tuition fees by and educational institution which is a registered charity qualify as a gift in respect of which an official receipt can be issued ?
(b) If the educational institution transfers the annual charge to a qualified donee (another registered charity) pursuant to an “understanding”, does the transfer qualify as a gift for purposes of the disbursement quota?

(1) Maybe
(2) (a) No
(b) No

(1) Although arguably the annual charge is not an ancillary tuition fee because it is paid “in respect of” (Nowegijick 83DTC5041 at 5045) a student association (subparagraph 118.5(3)(c)(i)), nevertheless it possibly may qualify as ancillary tuition fee, depending on the specific circumstances of the case, because its purpose is to acquire library books, the members of the student association do not derive any personal benefit (except for the use of library books) from it, and the arrangement is not contrary to tax policy according to an informal opinion from Finance.
(2) (a) The annual charge is most likely not a gift because it is not voluntary (i.e., with no obligation, contractual, moral or otherwise) due to the automatic nature of the arrangement and, arguably, because it would be paid with the expectation or anticipation of consideration (education). No official receipt (Reg. XXXV) may be issued.
(b) The transfer is not a gift if, based on the specific facts of the case, the “understanding” between the payor educational institution and the recipient qualified donee can be regarded as an obligation such that the transfer is not voluntary, as indicated above.

19 April 1999 External T.I. 9818145 F - AVANTAGES IMPOSABLES - FRAIS DE REPAS

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6(1)a) 8(4) 8(1)h)

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que les frais de repas payés à des infirmières qui font des visites à domicile sont des avantages imposables reliés à l'emploi.

Position Adoptée:

14 April 1999 External T.I. 9829145 - HOW ARE IN-TRUST ACCOUNTS TAXED?

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74.1 74.3 75(2) 104(18)

Principal Issues:

How are "in-trust" accounts taxed?


Depends on facts of case.


19 March 1999 External T.I. 9906685 - NON-RESIDENTS 115(2)(E)(I)(B)

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Principal Issues: Non-resident can not claim non-capital loss if no income pursuant to 115(2)(e)(i)(B).


Reasons: If no income included , no deductions can be allowed against it.

11 March 1999 External T.I. 9901955 - ONTARIO DISABILITY SUPPORT PROGRAM

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56(1)(u) 56(1)(r) 12(1)(x) 56(1)(n) 118.2(3)(b)

Principal Issues: Taxation of various types of payments made to disabled individuals under the Employment Supports Program of the Ontario Disability Support Program.


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40(2)(b) 110.6(19)

Principal Issues: principal residence and capital gains exemptions

Position: must recalculate gain on actual disposition if choose to designate as principal residence for different period than principal residence designation in 1994 capital gains election

Reasons: cannot read in the words "return of income" after the word "or" in 40(2)(b)(D)(i)(b); placement of comma

Technical Interpretation - Internal

30 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9827317 - FAPI AND SUBSECTION 53(2.1)53(2.1)

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12(1)(x) 150(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether Subsection 53(2.1) applies to a controlled foreign affilate and how does it file the election?

Position: Subsection 53(2.1) of the Act applies to a controlled foreign affiliate and it should file the election on or before the end of the taxation year of the Canadian parent company in which the taxation year of the foreign affiliate falls

Reasons: The controlled foreign affiliate is considered to be a taxpayer for the purposes of the Act, at least for the provisions involving the computation of income such as subsection 53(2.1) of the Act.

28 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9820787 - FRENCH SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS

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126 Article 29(5) France

Principal Issues: Whether social security contribution paid to the French government is treated as income or profits tax creditable in Canada?

Position: Yes if it is mandatory.

Reasons: Is is similar to FICA or German social security contribution and we stated previously that social security contribution which is mandatory and is similar to those noted above is creditable.

26 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9910547 - APPROPRIATIONS/RETAINED EARNINGS PART 1.3 TAX

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Principal Issues: Do appropriations of retained earnings or surplus remain as part of the retained earnings or surplus?

Position: Yes

Reasons: They retain their legal character of retained earnings or surplus.

23 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9833137 - STATUS INDIAN, EXEMPT INCOME, SPOUSAL AMOUNT

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81(1)(a) 118(1)(a) 118(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Whether income exempt under paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Act and section 87 of the Indian Act to a status Indian should form part of income for the purposes of the spousal amount or equivalent-to-spouse amount.

Position: Income that is exempt from taxation pursuant to paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Act and section 87 of the Indian Act is not to be included in income when calculating the spousal deduction pursuant to paragraph 118(1)(a) of the Act.

It is a question of fact as to whether an individual is wholly dependent on another for support in a particular case, and it is possible in certain circumstances that a person might be considered wholly dependent notwithstanding that he or she had income. Where the exempt income is significant and received steadily throughout the year, an argument could be made in support of the position that an individual in receipt of paragraph 81(1)(a) exempt income is not wholly dependent on another individual for support.

Reasons: Income that is exempt from taxation pursuant to paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Act and section 87 of the Indian Act is not to be included in income when calculating the spousal deduction pursuant to paragraph 118(1)(a) of the Act. The Income Tax Act is generally specific when the intention is to include income that is exempt pursuant to paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Act in a particular calculation. For example, "earned income" in subsection 63(3) of the Act includes "...all amounts that are included, or that would, but for paragraph 81(1)(a), be included..." and the definition of "compensation" in subsection 147.1(1) of the Act includes the phrase "...or that would be required (to be included in the employee's income) but for paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Act as it applies with respect to the Indian Act." In our view, in the absence of a specific provision which includes paragraph 81(1)(a) exempt income in an income calculation in the Income Tax Act, such income should not be included in the calculation.

21 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9905737 - TAXABLE BENEFIT, TRIP PAID BY EMPLOYER

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6(1)(a) 5(1)

Principal Issues: Where a trip has been awarded to a principal dealer of a car dealership and is then given to an employee of the dealer, is the employee considered to have received a taxable benefit by virtue of his or her office or employment by virtue of paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act?

Position: Question of fact. The essential question is whether on the facts, the trip is primarily for business or pleasure.

Reasons: Position taken in similar files

20 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9909407 - SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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Principal Issues:
Whether an application to vary an order is a new order for the purposes of deductible/taxable payments and commencement date.

16 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9907417 - CHILD SUPPORT-DATE ORDER

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Principal Issues:

14 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9831637 F - DAS PAIEMENT À COMITÉ PARITAIRE

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153(1) regl 200(1)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu’un employeur doit inclure les salaires additionnels versés à un Comité paritaire comme un revenu additionnel sur les T4 des employés et faire les retenues à la source habituelles ?

Position Adoptée:

14 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9824747 - APPROPRIATIONS OF RETAINED EARNINGS

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181 190

Principal Issues:
1. Do items which an insurer identifies in a note to its financial statements prepared for OSFI as "appropriated" retained earnings constitute reserves?
2. Do appropriations of retained earnings or surplus remain as part of the retained earnings or surplus?
3. Do appropriations of retained earnings or surplus form part of Canadian reserve liabilities and total reserve liabilities?

1. No. Even if it could be substantiated that for accounting purposes these items could constitute reserves they constitute retained earnings or surplus.
2. Yes.
3. No.

1. There are no restrictions on the distribution of retained earnings or surplus by OSFI. OSFI does not consider these items to be appropriations of retained earnings or surplus nor to be reserves. Even if such amounts were considered to constitute reserves they remain part of retained earnings.
2. They retain their legal character of retained earnings or surplus.
3. They are not reserves for OSFI purposes and therefore are not CRL or TRL as defined in subsection 2405(3) of the Income Tax Regulations.


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149(1.2) 149(1.1) 231.2

Principal Issues: 1:is province a person 2:is provincial crown corp a person

Position: 1: yes; 2:yes

Reasons: 1: previous position and references to Her Majesty as a person; 2: in definition

8 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9830997 - ATTRIBUTION - MINORS

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Principal Issues: We have been asked about transfers of property (investments in shares, mutual funds, and savings accounts) in respect of minors. In this regard information has been provided in respect of "in-trust" accounts (see 971747). In addition, comments have been provided on the meaning of "transfer" (see paragraph 13 of IT-325R2), and on RRSPs in relation to minors.

Position: See Principal Issues

Reasons: See Principal Issues

6 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9901597 - TUITION FEES

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118.5(3) 56(1)(n)

Principal Issues:
(1) Do the fees paid by students for food supplies used in courses for the chef program qualify as ancillary tuition fees pursuant to subsection 118.5(3) of the Income Tax Act ?
(2) Does any part of the payments (deposit and periodic lease payments) made by a student under the mandatory textbook leasing program of XXXXXXXXXX qualify as ancillary tuition fee pursuant to subsection 118.5(3) of the Act?
(3) Is the entrance scholarship, which XXXXXXXXXX awards a student out of its operating funds and directly applies against the student’s liability for tuition fees, to be treated as income of the student pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(n) of the Act or as a reduction of the student’s tuition fees?

(1) Yes
(2) Depends.
(3) The entrance scholarship constitutes paragraph 56(n) income and does not reduce the tuition fees.

(1) Supplies consumed in the chef program would qualify as ancillary tuition fees. None of the exceptions in the subsection 118.5(3) of the Act are applicable.
(2) If the student keeps the books and forfeits the deposit, neither the deposit nor the periodic lease payments qualify as ancillary tuition fees because such amounts are in respect of property to be acquired by the student (subparagraph 118.5(3)(c)(ii)). However, if the student returns the books and gets a refund of the deposit, the lease payments qualify as ancillary tuition fees; although in this situation it could be argued that the lease payments are not ancillary tuition fees because they can be considered as being in respect of services not ordinarily provided at educational institutions in Canada that offer courses at a post-secondary school level, it is felt that, with informal support from the Department of Finance, this exception in subparagraph 118.5(3)(c)(iii) is not meant to apply to books which are, generally speaking, an integral part of the instruction and education process.
(3) As indicated in paragraph 17 of IT-516R2, tuition fees can include fees paid out of prizes, scholarships, fellowships and bursaries. The entrance scholarship is to be included in income, pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(n) of the Act, as explained in IT-75R3.

1 April 1999 Internal T.I. 9907897 - WOODLOT; SALE OF TIMBER

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9 39

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

		April 1, 1999
      	XXXXXXXXXX  Tax Services Office	Resource Industries Section
	Client Services Division	Denise Dalphy
      	XXXXXXXXXX 	957-9231



25 March 1999 Internal T.I. 9828577 - PART I.3/RESERVES,ADVANCES&SURPLUS

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Principal Issues:
1. How are upfront fees to be treated for Part I.3 tax when Taxpayer amortizes them into income for accounting but they are included in income in year of receipt for income tax purposes?
2. Are unamortized premiums, which are amortized into income for accounting purposes but are included as income in the year of receipt for income tax purposes, an advance or are they an “other surplus” for purposes of subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(ii)?
3. Does an adjustment to the residual value of a XXXXXXXXXX represents a depreciation charge for accounting purposes?
4. How are deferred subvention payments to be treated by Taxpayer for purposes of Part I.3?
5. Are advance payments on leasing contracts advances for purposes of Part I.3 or “other surplus” for purposes of subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(ii)?
6. Are customers’ rental security deposits advances for purposes of Part I.3?
7. Are cash-down payments surplus for purposes of Part I.3?

1. The upfront fees constitute surplus for purposes of subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(ii).
2. The unamortized premiums are not advances but constitute surplus.
3. The adjustment constitutes a “reserve” for purposes of subparagraph 181.3(3)(a)(iii).
4. Included in capital.
5. They constitute advances. They may constitute a reserve as well.
6. Yes.
7. Yes.

1. The upfront fees are legally earned. They do not constitute advances.
2. They do not constitute advances. The unamortized premiums are legally earned.
3. Taxpayer has not provided authority or basis under generally accepted accounting principles for characterizing this adjustment as depreciation.
4. On the assumption that the income is legally earned in year 1 the deferred subvention payments would constitute surplus and therefore be included in capital under 181.3(3)(a)(ii).
5. The payments are unearned. No amount to be included in the capital of Taxpayer to the extent a reserve of an equivalent amount has been deducted in computing income under Part I.
6. They will have to be refunded to the customers at the end of the lease.
7. They have the legal nature of earned income.

11 March 1999 Internal T.I. 9832537 - DISPOSITION - PROBATE AND INCOME TAX ISSUES

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54 69 70(5) 160(1) draft 107.4(3)

Principal Issues: Whether certain transactions result in a disposition of property.

Position: TSO advised to instruct client to request an advance income tax ruling.

Reasons: Involves proposed transactions.

12 November 1998 Internal T.I. 9825917 - AMOUNTS DEDUCTED FROM SPOUSAL SUPPORT

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56(1)(b) 56.1 60.1

Principal Issues:
Tax implications of the following deductions made from spousal support payments:

Ministerial Letter

26 April 1999 Ministerial Letter 9903078 - EXPENSES OF EMPLOYMENT

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Principal Issues: The inability of employees to deduct employment related expenses.

Position: N/A

Reasons: Changes to legislation would be required, to allow employees to deduct expenses not currently permitted by the Act.