Principal Issues:
deductibility of naturopathic and homeopathic medicines, requests a clear definition of "medical practitioner", "pharmacist" and "therapeutist".
deductibility of medicines is discussed in 118.2(2)(e), (k) and, to a lesser extent, 118.2(2)(a). Cannot give definitive list of professionals who qualify as a "medical practitioner" as, depending on the laws of the provinces or other jursisdictions, different health professionals qualify. Discuss definition of "pharmacist" for Ontario (a member of the Ontario College of Pharmacists). The reference to "therapist" in IT-519R (paragraph 5) is a general reference to a number of possible different therapists. In Ontario, for example, this may include speech therapists, phsiotherapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, denture therapists and so on.
Reasons:see 951134