[Revised] Further translations of French severed letters are available

The table below links to full-text translations of 9 of the APFF Roundtable questions and answers that were released last Wednesday as well as of the French internal technical interpretation which was released the previous week. They are paywalled in the usual (3 work-weeks per month) manner. The current week is “open.”

Bundle Translated severed letter Summaries under Summary descriptor
2016-11-30 7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 1A, 2016-0652951C6 F - Penalty late filed election-subsection 85(8) Income Tax Act - Section 85 - Subsection 85(8) penalty calculated on a global basis
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 1B, 2016-0652761C6 F - T4A filing Income Tax Act - Section 153 - Subsection 153(1) - Paragraph 153(1)(g) limited exceptions to T4A reporting
Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 200 - Subsection 200(2) no expanded relief from the broad T4A reporting requirements
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 1C, 2016-0652771C6 F - T106 and multiple year ends Income Tax Act - Section 231.1 - Subsection 233.1(2) acquisition of control generally will not generate additional T106 filings
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 2, 2016-0652841C6 F - Changement partiel d’usage - immeuble locatif et résidentiel Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Principal Residence triplex contained separate housing units
Income Tax Act - Section 40 - Subsection 40(2) - Paragraph 40(2)(b) on sale of triplex, individual can claim exemption only for years in which particular units were used personally or by children
Income Tax Act - Section 45 - Subsection 45(1) - Paragraph 45(1)(c) switch between which triplex units used for personal/family rental or 3rd-party rental did not trigger change of use
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 3, 2016-0652851C6 F - Annulation d'une promesse d'achat sur une maison Income Tax Act - Section 39 - Subsection 39(1) - Paragraph 39(1)(b) no capital loss for damages paid for breach of purchase obligation
Income Tax Act - Section 40 - Subsection 40(2) - Paragraph 40(2)(b) damages for breach of covenant to purchase principal residence not covered
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 4, 2016-0652801C6 F - Salary Deferral Arrangement Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Salary Deferral Arrangements - Paragraph (k) no backdating as of the year end
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 5, 2016-0652861C6 F - Véhicules électriques - rabais Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Undepreciated Capital Cost - A cost not reduced under general principles buy government assistance
Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(7) - Paragraph 13(7)(g) vehicle assistance paid indirectly (to dealer) covered
Income Tax Act - Section 6 - Subsection 6(2) Quebec government assistance does not reduce cost of purchased vehicle, but treated as compensation to dealer-lessor prorated over term of lease
Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Undepreciated Capital Cost - A installation cost included
Income Tax Act - Section 6 - Subsection 6(1) - Paragraph 6(1)(e) use of manufacturer’s electricity-use standard
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 6, 2016-0652821C6 F - Graduated Rate Estate - Total Charitable Gifts Income Tax Act - Section 118.1 - Subsection 118.1(1) - Total Charitable Gifts - Paragraph (c) - Subparagraph (c)(ii) right of GREs to carry forward donations for five years
7 October 2016 APFF Roundtable Q. 7, 2016-0652971C6 F - Paragraph 251(5)(b) and subsection 256(1.4) Income Tax Act - Section 256 - Subsection 256(1.4) - Paragraph 256(1.4)(a) does not include right to find a 3rd party purchaser for another’s shares
Income Tax Act - Section 251 - Subsection 251(5) - Paragraph 251(5)(b) - Subparagraph 251(5)(b)(i) right to find 3rd party purchaser
Income Tax Act - Section 251 - Subsection 251(5) - Paragraph 251(5)(b) - Subparagraph 251(5)(b)(ii) may include right arising after triggering of event over which no control
2016-11-23 12 December 2014 Internal T.I. 2014-0524751I7 F - Redevances perçues d'avance Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(1) - Paragraph 12(1)(a) irrevocable royalty prepayment under s. 12(1)(a) or 9
Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Timing lump sum irrevocable prepayment of contingent future royalties fully included