Income Tax Severed Letters - 2015-01-14


2013 Ruling 2012-0435221R3 - CCPC SAR Plan

CRA Tags
SAR Plan for CCPC employees with FMV based on weighted multi-year EBITDA multiples and potential cash-outs before termination

Principal Issues: Will proposed amendments to a CCPC's SAR plan where the value of SARs are ultimately based on a formula using EBITDA, cause the SAR plan to be an SDA?

Position: No, based on the particular facts and amendments.

Reasons: The SAR plan will continue to satisfy our administrative position concerning SAR plans.

Technical Interpretation - External

18 November 2014 External T.I. 2012-0457981E5 - Restorative payment to registered plan

CRA Tags
6(1)(a), 146(5), 5(1), 60(i), 146(1)
employer restorative payment to RRSP or RPP to compensate for tort
employer restorative payment to RRSP or RPP to compensate for tort
employer restorative payment to RRSP or RPP to compensate for tort
employer restorative payment to RRSP or RPP to compensate for tort

Principal Issues: Whether a restorative payment made by an employer to restore value to an employee's registered plan is a taxable benefit to the employee?

Position: Question of Fact. General comments provided.

Reasons: Where a payment made by an employer into a registered plan of an annuitant is reasonable compensation for an employee's financial loss and the payment is the result of a wrongdoing or tort in the administration of the plan, it is generally the CRA's position that the amount will not generally be considered employment income to the employee, a premium to the RRSP or a contribution to the pension plan.

10 November 2014 External T.I. 2013-0513271E5 - Ontario CMT mark-to-market accounting adjustments

CRA Tags
Ontario Regulation 37/09, Ontario Taxation Act 57(1)
write-down of intercorporate debt is a mark-to-market change

Principal Issues: Whether an unrealized loss on the write-down of an intercompany loan is considered a mark-to-market change for purposes of computing adjusted net income for CMT purposes.

Position: Yes, if the write down is a mark-to-market change of a specified mark-to-market property required under GAAP.

Reasons: Accounting loss differences are included in calculating a corporation's adjusted net income. The formula to calculate an accounting loss difference includes a mark-to- market change in respect of a specified mark-to-market property.

7 November 2014 External T.I. 2013-0511791E5 - Eligible retiring allowance

CRA Tags
56(1)(a), 60(j.1)

Principal Issues: A taxpayer received a retiring allowance. Whether certain years when the individual was employed with previous employers could be included for purposes of calculating the amount of the retiring allowance that is eligible to be transferred under paragraph 60(j.1) of the Act.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Depends on whether the conditions of subparagraphs 60(j.1)(iv) or (v) are met.

5 November 2014 External T.I. 2013-0506191E5 - copyright photographs

CRA Tags
212(1)(d)(vi), 212(5)
payments for photos before incorporation into TV program were exempt
payments for photos before incorporation into TV program were exempt

Principal Issues: Whether a royalty fee paid by a Canadian resident to a non-resident for the use of copyright photographs that will be incorporated into a motion picture film or a film, video tape or other reproduction and used in connection with television in Canada is subject to Part XIII tax?

Position: No.

Reasons: The payment is for the use of the copyrighted photograph and not on account or in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of, payment for a right in, or to the use of, a motion picture film, or a film, video tape or other means of reproduction for use in connection with television.


10 October 2014 APFF Roundtable, 2014-0538101C6 F - Avantage automobile en vertu de 15(5)

CRA Tags
6(1)(a), 15(1), 15(1.4)(c), 251(1)(a), 15(5)
no double taxation to shareholder re employment auto benefit conferred on son

Principales Questions: Dans une situation donnée, est-ce que l'avantage relatif à une automobile, qui est inclus en vertu de l'alinéa 6(1)a) dans le calcul du revenu d'emploi du fils d'un actionnaire, doit également être inclus dans le calcul du revenu de l'actionnaire en application des paragraphes 15(1) et 15(5)? [TRADUCTION] In a given situation, where an automobile benefit is included by virtue of paragraph 6(1)(a) in computing the employment income of a shareholder's son, does the same benefit also have to be included by virtue of subsections 15(1) and 15(5) in computing the shareholder's income?

Position Adoptée: Question de faits – Si l'avantage est conféré au fils en sa qualité d'employé, l'alinéa 15(1.4)c) permet d'exclure la valeur de l'avantage du calcul du revenu de l'actionnaire si la valeur d'un tel avantage est incluse dans le calcul du revenu du fils. [TRADUCTION] Question of fact –If the benefit was conferred on the son in his capacity as an employee, paragraph 15(1.4)(c) allows the value of the benefit to be excluded in computing the shareholder's income if the value of the benefit is included in computing the son's income.

Raisons: Le libellé de l'alinéa 15(1.4)c) [TRADUCTION] The wording of paragraph 15(1.4)(c).

10 October 2014 APFF Roundtable, 2014-0538131C6 F - revenus d'achats intégrés

CRA Tags
12(1)(a), 20(1)(m), 9(1)
no reserve for extended use by purchasers of in-apps

Principales Questions: 1) Est-ce que l'ARC accepterait d'inclure les revenus en vertu de l'alinéa 12(1)a) avec une provision à l'alinéa 20(1)m) qui serait prise sur l'utilisation moyenne prévue de l'application par l'utilisateur dans le cas des achats intégrés? 2) Est-ce qu'une distinction devrait être faite entre des achats intégrés consommables et ceux permanents? 3) Est-ce qu'une distinction devrait être faite entre une application où l'utilisateur doit être connecté à l'internet pour être en mesure de l'utiliser et une autre qui peut être utilisée sans être branché à l'internet? / 1) Would the CRA accept including income under subsection 12(1)a) with a reserve under 20(1)m) based on the average usage of the application by the user of the In-App? 2) Should there be a distinction between permanent and consumable In-App? 3) Should there be a distinction between an application that requires a connection to the internet and an application that does not?

Position Adoptée: 1) Question de faits mais probablement que non 2) Non 3) Non / 1) Question of facts but likely not 2) No 3) No

Raisons: Le revenu doit être inclus dans l'année selon 9(1) ou 12(1)a). Puisque la transaction de vente est complétée, il n'y a aucune provision à prendre. / The income should be included in the year under 9(1) or 12(1)a). Since the sale transaction is completed, there is no provision

10 October 2014 APFF Roundtable, 2014-0538621C6 F - Disposition en contrepartie de 1$

CRA Tags
treatment of transfer for nominal consideration as "gift" turns on Quebec law

Principales Questions: Est-ce que l'ARC peut considérer qu'une aliénation d'un immeuble à 1 $ est une donation aux fins de l'alinéa 69(1)c) lorsqu'elle est faite en faveur d'un récipiendaire, qu'il ait ou non un lien de dépendance avec le cédant,? [TRANSLATION] Would the CRA consider the alienation of a building for $1 for the benefit of a recipient, whether related or not to the transferor, as being a gift for the purposes of paragraph 69(1)c)?

Position Adoptée: La question de savoir s'il y a une vente ou une donation d'un bien est une question mixte de fait et de droit [TRANSLATION] The question of whether there is a sale or a gift of property is a mixed question of fact and law.

Raisons: Question de fait et de droit, qui relève notamment du droit privé dans la province où l'acte ou les actes juridiques ont lieu. [TRANSLATION] Mixed question of fact and law, which includes matters of private law in the province where the legal act(s) take(s) place.

10 October 2014 APFF Roundtable, 2014-0538121C6 F - Détermination de la JVM des actions

CRA Tags
deferred tax liabilities not factored into share FMV

Principales Questions: Est-ce que l'ARC accepterait de considérer les impôts différés sur les biens détenus dans une société lors de l'établissement de la JVM des actions? / Would the CRA consider the deferred taxes on properties owned by a corporation for the determination of the FMV of its shares?

Position Adoptée: Non / No

Raisons: La JVM est une question de fait. / The FMV is a question of fact.

11 October 2013 APFF Roundtable, 2013-0495621C6 F - Changement usage - Duplex

CRA Tags

Principales Questions: Différentes questions concernant le changement d'usage d'un duplex. Various questions regarding change in use of a duplex.

Position Adoptée: Voir la réponse. See response.
RAISONS : Voir ci-dessous. See below.

2 December 2014 CTF Roundtable Q. 3, 2014-0547251C6 - Q.3 - Restrictive Covenants

CRA Tags
56.4(6), 56.4(7), 56.4(2), 56.4(3), 68

Principal Issues: Final answer to question 3 (Restrictive Covenants) of the November / December CRA National CTF Roundtable.

Position: See response.

Reasons: Administrative Position.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 1, 2014-0546701C6 - Q. 1 Derivative Forward Agreement

CRA Tags
12(1)(z.7), 248(1) "derivative forward agreement"

Principal Issues: 1. The explanatory notes to the definition of "derivative forward agreement" provide two fact patterns under the heading "Example - Exchangeable Shares". Can the CRA confirm that an exchange right in the terms of an exchangeable share is not an "agreement" for purposes of the derivative forward agreement ("DFA") rules?

2. Can the CRA confirm that, in the context of an exchangeable share the terms of which permit a taxpayer to exchange its shares with the issuer for shares of another company, whether ancillary rights enabling such taxpayer to put its shares to another person for the shares of the other company in the event the issuer is unable to effect the exchange will not, in and of themselves, be considered an agreement for purposes of the definition of DFA?

3. Is the answer to 1 or 2 affected by whether the property is a share or a partnership interest? In particular, as a partnership interest is contractual in nature, will an exchange right be viewed as embedded (and not a separate agreement) such that the same result as set out in the explanatory notes in the exchangeable share example above applies to exchangeable partnership interests?

4. How will the CRA apply (c)(ii) to the right to exchange shares for securities (the "second securities") of another entity (a) that holds only interests (directly or indirectly) in the entity that issued the exchangeable shares or (b) that holds interests (directly or indirectly) in the entity that issued the exchangeable shares as well as other property?

Position: 1. The CRA cannot confirm that the rationale underlying the example in the explanatory notes is that an exchange right embedded in a share is not a DFA for purposes of the DFA definition.

2. The CRA cannot confirm whether ancillary rights will be considered to be an agreement for purposes of the DFA definition.

3. The answers to 1 and 2 apply equally to exchangeable partnership interests.

4. The CRA will compare the opportunity for profit and risk of loss of the exchangeable shares to the opportunity for profit and risk of loss of the second securities.


1. The reason why the first fact pattern in the explanatory note example does not give rise to a DFA and the second fact pattern does give rise to a DFA relates to subparagraph (c)(ii) of the DFA definition. An analysis of all the portions of the DFA definition needed to be undertaken regardless of whether the exchange right was an agreement because the call right in the example was an agreement.

2. We would require further information regarding the nature and form of these rights to make a determination.

3. The reasons given for questions 1 and 2 apply equally to partnership interests.

4. The legislation requires this comparison. Consistent with the explanatory notes, many standard exchangeable share transactions will not be DFAs as a result of the application of (c)(ii) of the DFA definition because the risk of loss and opportunity for profit associated with the exchangeable shares will be generally very similar to the risk of loss and opportunity for profit associated with the second securities.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 2, 2014-0546911C6 - Q.2 Loss Consolidations

CRA Tags
245(2), 69(11), 20(1)(c), 251.1

Principal Issues: CRA's positions for issuing rulings for loss consolidation arrangements. (i) Dividend spread and independent source of income; (ii) inter-provincial loss consolidations; (iii) affiliated vs. related corporations.

Position: (i) Required; (ii) Rulings will continue to be provided, subject to provincial GAAR concerns; (iii) Rulings may be issued if the corporations are related; however, if the corporations are only affiliated (but not related), then the meaning of affiliated will be determined as described in subsection 69(11), i.e., if subsection 251.1 were read without reference to subsection 251.1(3).

Reasons: CRA's policy positions.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 4, 2014-0547401C6 - Q.4 212.1 and the GAAR

CRA Tags
245, 212.1

Principal Issues: Whether GAAR applies to pre-acquisition PUC planning.

Position: GAAR applies.

Reasons: As discussed in response below.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 5, 2014-0547311C6 - Q.5 - Streaming partnership income

CRA Tags
103(1), Part XIII, 96(1), 245(2), 103(1.1)

Principal Issues: Whether the CRA provides favourable rulings for the streaming of certain types of income to particular partners?

Position: Generally no.

Reasons: 96(1), 103 and 245(2).

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 6, 2014-0547321C6 - Q.6 97(2) Canadian Partnership Requirement

CRA Tags
100(1), 245, 100(1.4), 100(1.5), 97(2)
no challenge of "immediately after"
avoidance of s. 100 through partnership boot paydown
avoidance of s. 100 through partnership boot paydown

Principal Issues: In order for the rollover in subsection 97(2) to be available, the requirement of a "Canadian partnership" must be met. A "Canadian partnership" is defined in subsection 102(1) as "a partnership all of the members of which were, at any time in respect of which the expression is relevant, resident in Canada." Does the formation of a partnership with only Canadian partners in order to meet the requirement of a "Canadian partnership" under subsection 97(2) followed by the admission of a non-resident as a partner soon after (e.g. the next day) jeopardize the rollover?

Position: See response.

Reasons: See response.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 7, 2014-0549621C6 - Q.7 XXIX-A(3) Active Trade or Business Test

CRA Tags
Treaties Article XXIX-A(3)

Principal Issues: Can the CRA provide its views on the active trade or business test in Article XXIX-A(3) of the Canada-US Treaty and in particular, in what circumstances the CRA would consider the US business to be "substantial" in relation to the Canadian business?

Position: General comments provided, comparative ratios are also summarized in the response.

Reasons: IT Rulings has issued several rulings confirming the availability of treaty benefits by virtue of Article XXIX-A(3) - for purposes of determining whether the US business was "substantial" in relation to the Canadian business, a number of factors were considered which included: (a) the relative amount of assets and revenues (b) number of employees (c) relative amount of income and (d) compensation expenses. It is highlighted however, that these factors were not considered in isolation and were applied in the context of all the facts and circumstances.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 8, 2014-0550511C6 - Q.8 95(2)(b)(ii)

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: a) Whether FAPI arises in respect of a secondment of employees from Canada to a CFA where a markup is charged versus where no markup is charged; b) Is the fee charged to the CFA deductible in computing FAPI such that no net FAPI arises?

Position: a) FAPI if markup is charged, but no FAPI if no markup; b) Fee is generally deductible in computing FAPI, but whether there's any net FAPI depends on facts.

Reasons: As discussed in response below.

2 December 2014 CTF Annual Roundtable Q. 9, 2014-0550441C6 - Q.9 95(6)(b) Post Lehigh

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: How does FCA decision in Lehigh Cement affect CRA's interpretation of 95(6)(b)?

Position: CRA accepts that 95(6)(b) is generally targeted at transactions intended to manipulate the status of a non-resident corporation for the purposes of subdivision i, Division B of Part I of the Act.

Reasons: See below.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

22 October 2014 Internal T.I. 2014-0550191I7 - Subsections 89(11) and 249(3.1)

CRA Tags
89(11), 249(3.1)
making s. 89(11) election does not engage s. 249(3.1)

Principal Issues: (1) Whether subsection 249(3.1) applies at the time a corporation files an election under subsection 89(11), thereby triggering a deemed year-end. (2) Whether the revocation of the election provided for under subsection 89(12) triggers a deemed year-end under subsection 249(3.1).

Position: (1) No. (2) No.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.