Income Tax Severed Letters - 2013-09-04

Technical Interpretation - External

11 July 2013 External T.I. 2012-0471061E5 - Subsection 107(2.001) election

CRA Tags
107(2), 107(2.11), 107(2.001)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the subsection 107(2.001) election can be applied on a property by property basis. 2. As there is no prescribed form available in respect of the subsection 107(2.001) and the subsection 107(2.11) elections, how should a trust elect under these provisions?

Position: 1. The subsection 107(2.001) election can be applied on a property by property basis. 2. Both the subsection 107(2.001) and the 107(2.11) elections should be filed by way of a letter attached to the trust's T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return for the year the distribution takes place.

Reasons: 1. Subsection 107(2.001) refers to a "distribution of a property to a beneficiary". The words "a property" refers to a singular property, which implies that the election can be made on a property by property basis.

8 July 2013 External T.I. 2013-0482151E5 - AD&D and CI Premiums paid by a trust

CRA Tags
6(1)(a), 6(1)(e.1)

Principal Issues: Whether paragraph 6(1)(e.1) of the Act applies to the premiums paid by a trust to an insurer for a group accidental death and dismemberment insurance plan and a group critical illness insurance plan?

Position: It is a question of fact, but likely yes.

Reasons: The CRA administratively looks at the particular plan provided through a health and welfare trust to determine whether premiums paid by the administrator are taxable to the employee. Paragraph 6(1)(e.1) of the Act likely applies where the plan provided through the health and welfare trust is a group sickness and accident insurance plan and the benefits are not payable on a periodic basis.

5 July 2013 External T.I. 2012-0472331E5 - tuition flying schools

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Can the entire amount of fees paid in respect of the Airline Transport Pilot Licence -Integrated Course qualify for the tuition tax credit?

Position: It is a question of fact.

Reasons: The fees paid must be in respect of tuition.

27 June 2013 External T.I. 2013-0485721E5 - Election to Capitalize Cost of Borrowed Money

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer can add interest expense to the capital cost of a condominium where the money was borrowed to make various capital improvements to that condominium.

Position: A question of fact. In our view it would only be appropriate to capitalize interest under section 21 if the cost of a particular improvement has been properly added to the capital cost of the depreciable property for capital cost allowance purposes.

Reasons: Section 21 allows a taxpayer to elect to capitalize the cost of borrowed money when it is used to acquire depreciable property.

26 June 2013 External T.I. 2013-0481691E5 - Hedging - ITA 39(2)

CRA Tags
no linkage in maturity dates of FX forwards and "hedged" debt

Principal Issues: What is the appropriate income tax treatment for losses on forward contracts which were settled and re-entered into on a monthly basis where the amount hedged related to a long-term debt outstanding.

Position: The losses on the forward contracts are not linked to the gains on the long-term-debt. The losses would be on account of income.

Reasons: Linked transactions must match in terms of timing and amount. The transactions in this case do not match in terms of timing.

17 June 2013 External T.I. 2012-0465031E5 F - Paiements pour publicité sur un véhicule

CRA Tags
6(1)(b), ITR 7306, 6(1)(a), 6(1)(b)(x), 6(1)(b)(vii.1)
taxable benefit from being paid to display company logo on car
being paid separately for displaying company logo on car may render a Reg. 7306 allowance unreasonable

Principales Questions: 1. Le revenu versé à un employé qui consent à afficher sur son automobile le logo corporatif de son employeur serait-il considéré comme un revenu d'emploi? 2. Dans le cas d'un employé qui reçoit le montant publicitaire, l'allocation que l'employé reçoit pour l'usage de son véhicule conservera-t-elle son caractère raisonnable? [TRANSLATION] 1. Is the income paid to an employee considered to be employment income when the employee agrees to display the employer's corporate logo on his or her own automobile? 2. In the case of an employee who receives the amount for publicity, would the allowance received for the employee's use of his or her motor vehicle still be considered reasonable?

Position Adoptée: 1. Oui. 2. Question de fait. Le montant publicitaire pourrait avoir pour effet de réputer ne pas être raisonnable, en application du sous-alinéa 6(1)b)(x), l'allocation pour l'usage d'un véhicule à moteur. [TRANSLATION] 1. Yes. 2. Question of fact. The amount for publicity paid by the employer may have the effect of deeming not to be reasonable, as per subparagraph 6(1)(b)(x), the allowance for the use of a motor vehicle.

Raisons: 1. Le libellé du préambule de l'alinéa 6(1)a). 2. Le sous-alinéa 6(1)b)(x) exige que l'allocation soit uniquement calculée en fonction du nombre de kilomètres parcourus. Dépendamment des faits, ceci pourrait ne pas être le cas. [TRANSLATION] 1. The wording of the preamble in paragraph 6(1)(a). 2. Subparagraph 6(1)(b)(x) requires that the allowance be solely based on the number of kilometers for which the vehicle is used. Depending on the facts, this may not be the case.

3 June 2013 External T.I. 2013-0486911E5 F - Frais de déménagement- réinstallations multiples

CRA Tags
6(2), 248(1), 67
where successive moves from Residences A, B and C, expense moving from B to C are non-deductible if taxpayer did not ordinarily reside at Residence B
inspection fee for new residence not included

Principales Questions: Les frais de déménagement sont-ils admissibles aux fins de la déduction prévue au paragraphe 62(1) dans une situation donnée où il y a eu deux déménagements au cours de deux années consécutives? [TRANSLATION] Are moving expenses eligible for the deduction under subsection 62(1) in a particular situation which involves two moves within two consecutive years?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. Il faudrait suivre les étapes suivantes afin de déterminer quels frais sont admissibles aux fins de la déduction prévue au paragraphe 62(1) : 1. Déterminer, d'après les faits, dans quelle (s) résidence(s) le contribuable « habitait ordinairement » (ou « résidait habituellement ») avant et après chaque déménagement. 2. Déterminer s'il s'agissait de deux réinstallations admissibles distinctes, ou plutôt d'une seule réinstallation en deux étapes. 3. Déterminer lesquels des frais admissibles en vertu du paragraphe 62(3) se rapportent à une réinstallation admissible. [TRANSLATION] Question of fact. The following steps could be followed to determine which expenses are eligible for the purpose of the deduction under subsection 62(1): 1. Determine, based on the facts, at which residence(s) the taxpayer "ordinarily resided" before and after each move. 2. Determine whether there were two separate eligible relocations, or rather a single eligible relocation in two stages. 3. Determine which eligible expenses under subsection 62(3) are associated with an eligible relocation.

30 May 2013 External T.I. 2013-0479711E5 - 34.2(11) - Transitional reserve

CRA Tags
34.2(1) "qualifying transitional income", 3, 2, (13), (11)

Principal Issues: Must the corporate partner be a member of the partnership on March 22, 2011 in order to be able to claim a transitional reserve in respect of the partnership under subsection 34.2(11)?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: In order for a corporate partner to claim a transitional reserve under subsection 34.2(11), the corporate partner must have QTI in respect of the partnership. Based on the definition of QTI provided under subsection 34.2(1), the corporate partner must be a member of the partnership on March 22, 2011. Further, paragraph 34.2(13)(a) provides that the corporation must be a member of the partnership "continuously since before March 22, 2011".

3 May 2013 External T.I. 2013-0484341E5 - Indian Tax Exemption - Employment Income

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether the individual's employment income qualifies for the Indian Act exemption pursuant to section 87 of the Indian Act and paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Likely not.

Reasons: See comments in letter.

30 April 2013 External T.I. 2013-0479461E5 F - Sommes versées dans le cadre d règlement à l'amiable

CRA Tags
248(1) et 56(1)(a)(ii), 5
procedure for adjusting the allocation of amounts paid to a terminated employee

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal de sommes versées dans le cadre d'un règlement à l'amiable?
What is the tax treatment of amounts paid under an out-of-court settlement?

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux. General comments.

Raisons: Question de fait. Question of fact.

23 April 2013 External T.I. 2012-0472781E5 - Indian Tax Exemption - Business Income

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether the particular business income qualifies for the Indian Act exemption pursuant to section 87 of the Indian Act and paragraph 81(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Likely Not.

Reasons: Only connecting factor is that customers are located on-reserve, no business activities take place on-reserve.

18 April 2013 External T.I. 2012-0470391E5 - Subsection 107(2.001) Election

CRA Tags
248(1), 107(2), 107(2.001)

Principal Issues: 1. Where the property distributed to the beneficiary in satisfaction of his capital interest is 1000 shares of Corporation X can the subsection 107(2.001) election be made in respect of only 500 of those shares as long as an election is not made with respect to a fraction of a share? 2. How is the election under subsection 107(2.001) made as there is no prescribed form?

Position: 1. Yes 2. Attach a letter to the trust's T3 Income Tax and Information Return for the year in which the distribution is made.

Reasons: 1. Subsection 248(1) defines property to include a share. The election may apply to one or more shares of all the shares distributed. The election may apply to a fraction of a share where the share is legally subdivided before the distribution date.

5 April 2013 External T.I. 2012-0463351E5 F - Frais médicaux - déplacements hors du pays

CRA Tags
118.2(2)(g), 118.2(2)(h), 118.2(2)(a), 118.2(4)
it may be reasonable for the patient to seek U.S. medical attention even where Canadian doctors are available

Principales Questions: Les frais médicaux engagés pour obtenir les services médicaux d'un médecin spécialisé aux États-Unis sont-ils admissibles aux fins du crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux dans une situation donnée? [TRANSLATION]: Are medical expenses eligible for purposes of the medical expense tax credit when they are incurred in a given situation to obtain the services of a medical specialist in the United States?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait, mais probablement que oui, si les conditions à l'alinéa 118.2(2)g) ou à l'alinéa 118.2(2)h), selon le cas, sont satisfaites. Notamment, les conditions suivantes doivent être réunies : a) il n'est pas possible d'obtenir des services médicaux sensiblement équivalents dans la localité où le patient habite; b) l'itinéraire emprunté est raisonnablement direct; et c) il est raisonnable, compte tenu des circonstances, que le patient se rende en ce lieu afin d'obtenir ces soins pour lui-même. [TRANSLATION]: Question of fact, but probably yes, provided that the conditions in paragraphs 118.2(2)(g) or 118.2(2)(h), as applicable, are met. In particular, all the following conditions must be met: a) it is not possible to obtain substantially equivalent medical services at the locality where the patient dwells; b) the route travelled is a reasonably direct one; c) it is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances, for the patient to travel to that place to obtain those services for himself or herself.

Raisons: L'ARC accepterait que la condition au point a) ci-haut serait satisfaite lorsqu'il est raisonnable que le patient, compte tenu des circonstances, se soit déplacé à la localité où les services médicaux ont été reçus, et ce, même si des services médicaux sont disponibles à un endroit plus proche de la localité où il habite. [TRANSLATION]: The CRA would accept that the condition in a) above may be met even if medical services are available nearer to the patient's locality where he or she dwells if, in the circumstances, it is reasonable for the patient to have travelled to the place where the medical services were obtained.

5 April 2013 External T.I. 2013-0478271E5 F - Frais médicaux- déplacements- pénurie de médecins

CRA Tags
118.2(2)(g), 118.2(1), 118.2(2)(h), 118.2(4)
traveling 330 kilometres to see doctor at former location could be reasonable

Principales Questions: Les frais de déplacement et d'hébergement engagés pour obtenir les services médicaux d'un médecin de famille à 330 km de la localité du contribuable sont-ils admissibles au crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux, lorsque de tels déplacements sont occasionnés par une pénurie de médecins dans la localité où le contribuable habite? [TRANSLATION]: Are travel and accommodation expenses eligible for the medical expense tax credit when they are incurred to obtain the medical services of a general practitioner 330 km away from the individual's locality due to a shortage of physicians at the locality where the individual dwells?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait, mais probablement que oui, si les conditions à l'alinéa 118.2(2)g) ou h) sont satisfaites. Notamment, les conditions suivantes doivent être réunies : a) il n'est pas possible d'obtenir des services médicaux sensiblement équivalents dans la localité où le patient habite; b) l'itinéraire emprunté est raisonnablement direct; et c) il est raisonnable, compte tenu des circonstances, que le patient se rende en ce lieu afin d'obtenir ces soins pour lui-même. [TRANSLATION]: Question of fact, but probably yes, provided that the conditions in paragraph 118.2(2)(g) or (h) are met. In particular, all the following conditions must be met: a) it is not possible to obtain substantially equivalent medical services at the locality where the patient dwells; b) the route travelled is a reasonably direct one; c) it is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances, for the patient to travel to that place to obtain those services for himself or herself.

Raisons: L'ARC accepterait que la condition au point a) ci-haut serait satisfaite lorsqu'il est raisonnable que le patient, compte tenu des circonstances, se soit déplacé à la localité où les services médicaux ont été reçus. Dans ce cas, les circonstances étaient telles que le patient n'était pas en mesure d'obtenir des services médicaux dans sa localité. [TRANSLATION]: The CRA would accept that the condition in a) above may be met if, in the circumstances, it is reasonable for the patient to have travelled to the place where the medical services were obtained. In this case, the circumstances were such that the patient was unable to obtain medical services in his locality.

28 March 2013 External T.I. 2012-0465171E5 F - Frais médicaux - technicien en orthophonie

CRA Tags
118.2(2)(o), 118.2(2)(l.9), 118.2(2)(a), 118.4(2)
services of speech therapy technician ineligible
services of speech therapy technician, who supplemented speech-language pathologist’s services, were ineligible as being unsupervised by a doctor
services of speech therapy technician did not assist in diagnosis

Principales Questions: Les frais médicaux payés à une technicienne spécialisée en orthophonie sont-ils admissibles aux fins du crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux dans une situation donnée? [TRANSLATION] Are medical expenses that are paid in a given situation to a specialized speech therapy technician eligible for purposes of the medical expense tax credit?

Position Adoptée: Non, à moins que les actes de la technicienne spécialisée en orthophonie 1) aident le médecin (ou l'orthophoniste) à diagnostiquer ou à établir un traitement médical ou 2) soient à la fois prescrits et administrés sous la surveillance générale d'un médecin en titre. [TRANSLATION] No, unless the acts performed by the specialized technician in speech therapy 1) assist the medical practitioner (or the speech therapist) in reaching a diagnosis or in establishing a medical treatment or 2) are both prescribed and administered under the general supervision of a medical doctor.

Raisons: Aux fins de l'application de l'alinéa 118.4(2)a), nous ne sommes au courant d'aucune législation au Québec qui autoriserait les techniciennes spécialisées en orthophonie à exercer la médecine. Par ailleurs, les frais payés à la technicienne spécialisée en orthophonie ne sont pas admissibles ni en vertu de l'alinéa 118.2(2)o) ni en vertu de l'alinéa 118.2(2)l.9). Dans le premier cas, les actes de la technicienne n'aident pas le médecin (ou l'orthophoniste) à diagnostiquer ou à établir un traitement médical. Dans le deuxième cas, les conditions à l'alinéa 118.2(2)l.9) ne sont pas remplies, notamment du fait que le traitement en question n'est pas administré sous la surveillance générale d'un médecin en titre. [TRANSLATION] For purposes of applying paragraph 118.4(2)(a), we are unaware of any legislation in Quebec which authorizes specialized technicians in speech therapy to exercise such a health profession. In addition, fees paid to specialized technicians in speech therapy are not eligible expenses neither under paragraph 118.2(2)(o) nor under paragraph 118.2(2)l.9). In the first case, the acts performed by the technician do not assist a medical practitioner (or speech therapist) to reaching a diagnosis or in establishing a medical treatment. In the second case, the conditions under paragraph 118.2(2)(l.9) are not met; more specifically, the treatment in question is not administered under the general supervision of a medical doctor.

28 March 2013 External T.I. 2012-0466041E5 - self-employed Indian XXXXXXXXXX

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether business income earned by an Indian who provides XXXXXXXXXX services to XXXXXXXXXX Aboriginal individuals in XXXXXXXXXX facilities off-reserve is exempt.

Position: Factual case-by-case determination, dependent on the particular circumstances of each case. On the basis of the limited factual information provided, main income-earning activities off-reserve; weak links to the reserve; likely not exempt.

Reasons: Must weigh the connecting factors to determine whether business income is situated on a reserve. Application of connecting factors seems to point to a strong connection of the income to an off-reserve location.

27 March 2013 External T.I. 2012-0443301E5 - EDTC, CTC and DTC

CRA Tags
118(1)(b), 118(5), 118(4)(b), 118(5.1), 118.3(2), 118(4)(b.1), 118(1)(b.1)

Principal Issues: In a shared custody situation where a minor child resides with each parent approximately 50% of the time in a year, both parents are required to make support payments, and the child is diagnosed with autism and qualifies for the disability tax credit, whether each parent would be allowed to claim the eligible dependent tax credit, child tax credit, and the disability tax credit every other year.

Position: If each parent is required to make support payments for the child and otherwise meets the criteria set out in paragraph 118(1)(b) of the Act, each parent would be allowed to claim the above-noted credits every other year, providing all other requirements are met.

Reasons: See response.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

11 July 2013 Internal T.I. 2012-0471111I7 - functional currency

CRA Tags
83(4), 184(2), 261, 83(2)

Principal Issues: 1. What is the basis for our conclusion that paragraph 261(11)(d ) of the Act (which applies only to taxes that are computed "for the particular taxation year") applies to a Part III tax assessment pursuant to subsection 184(2) (which arises "at the time of the election" and does not relate to a particular taxation year)? 2. Given the difference in wording between paragraph 261(11)(e) and subsection 83(4), how does a functional currency reporter compute the penalty imposed under subsection 83(4) in Canadian dollars?

Position: 1. An amount of Part III tax payable by a taxpayer which arises as a consequence of an election in respect of a dividend payable in a taxation year is an amount of tax payable "for the particular year" for the purposes of paragraph 261(11)(d) of the Act. 2. A functional currency reporter must compute the amount in paragraph 83(4)(a) in its functional currency and convert that amount in Canadian dollars using the Bank of Canada noon spot rate for the day on which the late filed capital dividend election is made. The penalty will be the lesser of the amount in paragraph 83(4)(a) converted into Canadian dollars and the amount computed in paragraph 83(4)(b) using CAN $500.

Reasons: 1. Paragraph 261(11)(d) 2. Paragraph 261(11)(g)

20 June 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0488321I7 - Retroactive Lump Sum RPP Payment

CRA Tags
110.2, 56(1)

Principal Issues: Whether a retroactive lump sum payment of pension benefits relating to prior years is considered a qualifying amount for purposes of section 110.2 entitling the recipient to a special tax calculation in accordance with section 120.31 of the Act.

Position: Question of Fact, but generally yes.

Reasons: A qualifying amount for purposes of s 110.2 includes a superannuation or pension benefit.

14 June 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0474411I7 - Lump Sum Amount Received in Lieu of Severance

CRA Tags
5(1), ITR 102(6), 110(1)(f)(v)

Principal Issues: Whether a deduction is available under 110(1)(f)(v) for a Canadian Forces member serving on a qualifying mission for a lump sum amount received in lieu of severance and prior to release.

Position: It is a question of fact.

Reasons: The amount received will only be included under 110(1)(f)(v)(A) to the extent that it is earned while deployed on a qualifying mission after 2003.

24 May 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0476361I7 - RESP - Replacement of Beneficiary

CRA Tags
204.9(5), 204.9(4), 204.91(1), 146.1(6.1), 204.9(1)

Principal Issues: The issue is whether a subscriber will be liable for Part X.4 tax on a contribution where the contribution is deemed to have been made by the subscriber in respect of a much younger beneficiary who was not alive at the time the original contribution was made.

Position: In this case, an "excess amount" as defined in paragraph 204.9(1)(a) of the Act does not arise because total contributions do not exceed the RESP annual limit or the RESP lifetime limit. The legislation provides that contributions previously made to the plan for the former beneficiary are taken into account in determining overcontributions and unused limits with respect to the new beneficiary even when the periods are prior to the birth of the new beneficiary.

Reasons: An "excess amount" as defined in subsection 204.9(1) of the Act does not arise as the RESP annual limit was not exceeded nor was the RESP lifetime limit exceeded.
May 24, 2013

23 April 2013 Internal T.I. 2012-0466081I7 F - Usufruct created under French legislation

CRA Tags
248(3), 69(1), Income Tax Application Rules 26, Canada-France Tax Convention, Income Tax Application Rules 20, 43.1, 248(1) "disposition"
gift of immovable subject to reservation of a usufruct gave rise to a disposition under s. 43.1
disposition of all building under shared gift
2-step approach to characterizing a French civil law transaction

Principales Questions: Whether a disposition is triggered under the Act when a taxpayer gives a real estate property located in France to Canadian non-arm's length recipients, when a usufruct, created at that time, is governed by the Civil Code of France?

Position Adoptée: Yes, under 43.1 and 69(1)

Raisons: Application of the Act and previous interpretations

22 April 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0478121I7 - Application of 152(4)(b)(iii)

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether 152(4)(b)(iii) applies to extend the period the Minister may make an assessment, reassessment or additional assessment in a situation where the shares of a foreign subsidiary are sold to the Canadian sister company by the Canadian subsidiary. The reassessment of the Canadian subsidiary results in an increase in the capital gain reported by the Canadian subsidiary on the sale of the shares, and a decrease to the deduction provided by 93(1) as there is insufficient exempt surplus.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The sale of the shares of a foreign subsidiary wholly owned by a Canadian subsidiary to the Canadian sister company would result in the disposition of the shares of the foreign subsidiary held by the Canadian subsidiary, to the Canadian sister company. In our view this is a transaction involving the Canadian subsidiary and the foreign subsidiary, a non-resident person with whom the Canadian subsidiary is not dealing at arm's length. Therefore this is a transaction to which subparagraph 152(4)(b)(iii) could apply, but only if it could be established that the relevant assessment or reassessment was made "as a consequence" of that transaction. Based on the information provided, the reassessment in this situation involves the adjustment of the fair market value of the foreign subsidiary's shares in the calculation of the Canadian subsidiary's capital gain on the sale of the shares of the foreign subsidiary. Therefore it follows that the reassessment was made as a consequence of the transaction involving the Canadian subsidiary and the foreign subsidiary, and the provisions of 152(4)(b)(iii) are applicable.
April 22, 2013

15 April 2013 Internal T.I. 2012-0471161I7 F - Avantage imposable - Taxable Benefit

CRA Tags
6(1)(a), 248(1)
lifetime transportation passes to retired bus company directors are non-taxable

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'il y a un avantage imposable pour :
a) des laissez-passer de transport fournis par une société de transport d'autobus à un membre de son conseil d'administration;
b) des laissez-passer à vie de transport fournis par cette société de transport d'autobus lorsque ce membre du conseil d'administration quitte ses fonctions;
c) le service de transport en taxi offert aux chauffeurs d'autobus qui travaillent tôt le matin ou tard le soir, soit à l'extérieur des heures habituelles d'opérations du service de transport en commun.

13 March 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0480511I7 F - Canadian resource property

CRA Tags
government agency charge for its costs in conducting environmental assessment before granting exploration permit were included in CDE

Principal Issues: Whether an amount paid to XXXXXXXXXX for the purpose of obtaining a licence to explore a mineral resource in Canada is a Canadian development expense.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: It is part of the cost of a property described in paragraph (b) of the definition "Canadian resource property" in subsection 66(15).