Income Tax Severed Letters - 2013-06-26


2013 Ruling 2012-0463471R3 - Single Reclamation Trust

CRA Tags
211.6(1) definition of "qualifying environmental trust" and "qualifying site"., 20(1)(ss)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the proposed Single Reclamation Trust meets the definition of a "qualifying environmental trust" in section 211.6 of the Act.
2. Whether contributions made by the Corporation to the Single Reclamation Trust will be deductible in computing the Corporation's income pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(ss) of the Act.

Position: 1. Yes. 2. Yes. Favourable rulings provided.

Reasons: Areas required to be remediated in accordance with provincial legislation meet the definition of a "qualifying site" for the purposes of the QET rules in section 211.6 of the Act.

2013 Ruling 2012-0463621R3 - QET--Qualifying Site

CRA Tags
211.6(1), 248(1)

Principal Issues: Does the area defined as the "mine site" in the draft trust agreement meet the definition of "qualifying site" in subsection 211.6(1) of the ITA such that the trust will be a "qualifying environmental trust"?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The purpose behind the QET is to provide a taxpayer a method of funding future reclamation costs with respect to a mine. To define the mine site narrowly, such that only the shaft is included does not support the policy of a QET. Thus for QET purposes the area included in the "operation of a mine" includes more than just the shaft and immediate workings.

2013 Ruling 2012-0463361R3 - Withdrawal of Ruling Request

CRA Tags
149(10), 89(1.2), 149(1)(l)

Principal Issues: Withdrawal of request for Advance Income Tax Ruling.

Position: See below.

Reasons: See below.

2012 Ruling 2012-0466731R3 - Donation of flow-through shares

CRA Tags
110.1, 118.1, 38(a.1), 248(32)

Principal Issues: Whether the donation of flow-through shares constitutes a gift for income tax purposes.

Position: Yes, in this particular situation.

Reasons: Based on the facts and having regard to the caveats provided in the Ruling, it is our view that the donation would constitute a gift for income tax purposes and that the CEE renounced to the donor and any investment tax credit claimed pursuant to the flow-through share financing agreement will not constitute an advantage under the draft split-receipting provisions.

Ministerial Correspondence

27 May 2013 Ministerial Correspondence 2013-0483071M4 - Cancelled Life Insurance Policy

CRA Tags
308, ITR 307, 56(1)(j), 148(9), ITA 12.2, 148(1)

Principal Issues: Concerns about the reasonability of the gain calculated by the insurer on the cancellation of a life insurance policy.

Position: General Comments

Technical Interpretation - External

18 June 2013 External T.I. 2012-0433261E5 F - 55(5)(f) and Surplus Stripping

CRA Tags
55(2), 55(5)(f)
partial conversion of retained earnings to capital dividends through deliberate failure to make s. 55(5)(f) designation was abusive stripping
deliberate engaging of s. 55(2) to convert annual taxable dividends into annual capital gains permitting annual capital dividends would engage s. 245(2)

Principal Issues: In the given situation where (i) two unrelated individual shareholders (M.A and M.B) of a profitable corporation (Société Payante) transfer their shares of Société Payante to their respective newly formed holding corporation (GescoA and GescoB) on a rollover basis (ii) GescoA and GescoB transfer their shares of Société Payante to Société Payante on a rollover basis for redeemable preferred shares of Société Payante and M.A and M.B subscribe to new common shares of Société Payante (iii) Société Payante redeems annually a portion of its preferred shares owned by GescoA and GescoB resulting in deemed dividends ($ 150,000) pursuant to subsection 84(3) (iv) GescoA and GescoB self-assess subsection 55(2) in respect of the deemed dividend in order to report the entire amount of the deemed dividend ($ 150,000) as proceeds of disposition of the redeemed shares pursuant to paragraph 55(2)(b) (and a resulting taxable capital gain) in an attempt to distribute annually to their respective shareholder (M.A and M.B) half ($ 75,000) of what would have been an annual subsection 82(1) dividend in the amount of $ 150,000 as a capital dividend: whether (1) the general anti-avoidance provision (GAAR) under subsection 245(2) may apply? and (2) our answer to question 1 would be different if in (ii) above, instead of M.A and M.B subscribing to the new common shares of Société Payante, a discretionary trust for the benefit of M.A and his family and a discretionary trust for the benefit of M.B and his family subscribed to the new common shares of Société Payante?

Position: (1) Yes, the GAAR may apply. (2) No.

Reasons: (1) and (2) In the particular situation, the GAAR may apply since the result of the avoidance transactions is similar to the situation in a ruling request (2004-009920) that was withdrawn because CRA`s GAAR Committee agreed that the GAAR should apply. In our opinion, the GAAR may very well be applicable whether the capital gain is realized at the corporate level as in the present case or at the individual shareholder level as in the withdrawn ruling request (2004-009920). Notwithstanding the recent decision in Gwartz et al. v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 86, the CRA intends, at the next opportunity, to demonstrate to the Court that there is a specific scheme of the Act for taxing the distribution of surplus of a Canadian corporation as a taxable dividend in the hands of individual shareholders and that there is also an overall scheme of the Act against surplus stripping.

12 June 2013 External T.I. 2013-0490361E5 - Capital loss

CRA Tags
39(1)(a)(b), 20(1)(p), 111(8), 50(1), 40(1)(a)(b), 3(a)(b), 111(1)(a)(b), 40(2)(g)(ii)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether a capital loss can be claimed on a worthless investment.
2. Whether interest income received and reported in income in a particular taxation year can be reversed.

Position: 1. Depends on the facts of the case. 2. No.

Reasons: See Response.

9 May 2013 External T.I. 2012-0435401E5 F - Server as a PE in a province

CRA Tags
ITR 400, ITA 124
server (including leased server) in a province at disposal of the business and used in that business is PE

Principales Questions: Can a server be a permanent establishment of a Canadian corporation for the purposes of ss. ITA 124 and ITR 400?

Position Adoptée: Yes, if certain conditions are met.

Raisons: Interpretation of ITA and ITR.

30 April 2013 External T.I. 2013-0475931E5 - Application of Farm-Out Position

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether the CRA's farm-out position described in IT-125R4 will apply to an investment in a solar project

Position: No

Reasons: This administrative position is limited to the situations described in the bulletin.

3 April 2013 External T.I. 2013-0475491E5 - CRCE Expenses for Photovoltaic System

CRA Tags
66(15) ITR: 1219, ITA: 66.6

Principal Issues: Whether completion and performance security payments to the OPA would qualify as CRCE expenses.

Position: No

Reasons: These refundable expenses are similar to a deposit, thus "not incurred" for the purposes of Regulation 1219.

20 February 2013 External T.I. 2012-0469811E5 F - Interest deductibility

CRA Tags
interest subject to s. 18(2) must be calculated on a lot-by-lot basis

Principales Questions: Whether, in the particular situation, a portion of interest on debt relating to the acquisition of land is deductible under 18(2)(e)?

Position Adoptée: No.

Raisons: Based on previous positions, sale of land itself cannot be used for purposes of allowing a deduction under 18(2)(e),

Technical Interpretation - Internal

10 May 2013 Internal T.I. 2012-0464901I7 - 93(2), 93(2.01) - Share substituted

CRA Tags
93(2.01), 248(5)(a), 93(2)

Principal Issues: Whether the concept of "share substituted" used in subsection 93(2.01) may be interpreted in such a way as to refer to a chain of substitutions in which only shares are substituted?

Position: No.

Reasons: Interpretation and application of the ITA.