Income Tax Severed Letters - 2005-08-05


2005 Ruling 2005-0124081R3 - Withholding Tax Exemption

Principal Issues: Are the events of default which contain events that involve parties not subject to the Loan Agreement acceptable?

Position: YES

Reasons: All the events are linked to The Project and are material.

XXXXXXXXXX 2005-012408


2005 Ruling 2005-0133281R3 - License Amortization and Financing Fees

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20(1)(E) CLASS 14 20(1)(A) 20(1)(C)

Principal Issues: License Agreement for 30 years for completing project

Position: Acceptable

Reasons: Given before in 2004-0105611

2005 Ruling 2004-0087861R3 F - Split-up buttefrly

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55(3)(b) 245 80(1)

Principal Issues: Butterfly

Position: Favourable rulings given.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law.

2005 Ruling 2005-0134471R3 - Withholding Tax Exemption

Principal Issues: Supplemental Ruling to 2005-012408. Are the events of default which contain events that involve parties not subject to the Loan Agreement acceptable?

Position: YES

Reasons: All the events are linked to The Project and are material.

XXXXXXXXXX 2005-013447

2005 Ruling 2004-0108821R3 - MIC as a limited partner

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253.1 130.1(6)(b)

Principal Issues: Whether a corporation's status as a MIC would be jeopardized if it acquires a XXXXXXXXXX % limited partnership interest.

Position: No, based on the facts presented and section 253.1.

Reasons: In this case, it is our view that section 253.1 will apply so that the MIC would not be considered to carry on the business of the partnership for purposes of paragraph 130.1(6)(b) notwithstanding that the MIC would be granted certain governance rights pursuant to the terms of the partnership agreement.

XXXXXXXXXX 2004-010882

2005 Ruling 2005-0112571R3 F - Butterfly Transaction - Papillon

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55(3)(b) 55(3.1) 55(2) 191(4)

Principal Issues: Split-up butterfly transaction.

Position: Favourable rulings provided.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law.

2005 Ruling 2005-0115771R3 - Consolidation

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Principal Issues: Whether the consolidation of limited partnership units that are traded on the XXXXXXXXXX Stock Exchange will result in a gain or loss?

Position: No

Reasons: No changes in the attributes of the units will be made other than to reduce the number issued. All of the limited partnership unit holders are dealing at arm's length with the partnership. Any transaction considered a disposition would occur where the POD for the consolidated units is equal to their cost resulting in no gain or loss.

2005 Ruling 2005-0120761R3 - Withholding Tax exemption

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212(1)(b)(vii) 212(13.2)

Principal Issues: Where a corporation is deemed to be a resident of Canada pursuant to subsection 212(13.2), can it avail itself of the 212(1)(b)(vii) exemption if it qualifies?

Position: YES

Reasons: reading of 212(13.2) with 212(1)(b)(vii)

2005 Ruling 2005-0123531R3 F - Butterfly - changes to proposed transactions

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55 85(1)

Principal Issues: Split-up butterfly

Position: Favourable rulings given.

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law.

Technical Interpretation - External

2 August 2005 External T.I. 2005-0136061E5 - Northern Travel Deduction 110.7(1)(a)&7304(2)(c)

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Principal Issues: 1. Is the lowest return airfare computed in column 5 of Step 2 of Form T2222, based on the entire number of household members whether or not all members actually went on the trip for the purposes of paragraph 7304(2)(c) of the ITR?
2. How does CRA determine which is the nearest designated city for the purposes of paragraph 7304(2)(c) of the ITR?

Position: 1. No
2. Question of fact - determined on case-by-case basis

Reasons: 1. The lowest return airfare is determined for the purposes of 7304(2)(c) only for trips actually taken having regard for any other restrictions or limitations imposed under paragraph 110.7(1)(a) of the ITA . It does not matter what mode of transportation is actually used, but a trip must have been made by the individual household member for it to be included in the amount disclosed at column 5 of step 2 of Form T2222.
2. It is a question of fact, having regard for the circumstances as they existed at the time of the trip, which designated city is the nearest designated city for the purposes of paragraph 7304(2)(c) of the ITR.

28 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0133491E5 - GST/HST employee and partner rebate

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Principal Issues: Why an employee of a brokerage firm, who earns commissions, would be denied the GST/HST employee rebate on employment expenses

Position: Employees of listed financial institutions, such as brokerage firms, cannot claim the GST/HST employee rebate

Reasons: Section 253 of the Excise Tax Act (the ETA) provides that one of the conditions for an individual to claim the employee GST/HST rebate on employment expenses is that the individual must be an employee of a registrant that is not a listed financial institution. Subsection 123(1) and subparagraph 149(1)(a)(iii) of the ETA define a "listed financial institution" to include a person whose main business activity is as trader or dealer in, or as a broker or salesperson of, financial instruments or money. A brokerage firm would generally fit that definition.

27 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0137391E5 - specified partnership income

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Principal Issues: How is the value for "M" in the definition of specified partnership income calculated?

Position: It is the lesser of $300,000 and $822 times the number of days the partnership operated in its fiscal year.

Reasons: This is the calculation for the example where a corporation had a 2005 year-end.

26 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0115091E5 - Identical share election

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7(1)(e) 7(1.31) 47(3)

Principal Issues: Can the estate of a deceased holder of a stock option make a designation under section 7(1.31) of the Act if it receives and exercises the option?

Position: Yes

Reasons: The result is comparable to the intended result if the employee had been able to exercise the option and dispose of the shares at the time of death.

13 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0115261E5 - Withholding Tax and Information Returns

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Regulations 200(1) and (2) 153(1) 56(1)(n) and (o)

Principal Issues: Whether withholding tax and information returns are required in respect of employment, scholarships, bursaries, fellowships and research grants paid to residents and non-residents students of Canada.

Position: Withholding tax and T4 information returns are required for payments in respect of salaries and wages paid to residents and non-residents of Canada.
Withholding tax is not required in respect of scholarships, bursaries, fellowships or research grants. A T4A information return is required to be filed by the payer in respect of such payments to residents and non-residents of Canada

Reasons: The withholding tax requirements under subsection 105(1) of the Regulations for payments made to non-residents does not apply to remuneration paid in respect of salary or wages. Withholding tax is required in respect of salaries or wages pursuant to the rules outlined in subsection 153(1) of the Act for both residents and non-residents of Canada and T4 information returns are required to be filed pursuant to Regulation 200(1).
Withholding tax is not required for amounts that are included in calculating a resident's income under either of paragraphs 56(1)(n) or (o), or, would have been required by paragraph 56(1)(n) or (o) to be included in computing the non-resident person's income for the year if the non-resident person were resident in Canada throughout the year.

13 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0131351E5 F - Séparation des conjoints de fait

common-law partnership of couple with a child resumed the moment they resumed living together
attribution resumed when cohabitation resumed
capital gain is attributed to transferor common-law partner if the property is sold after they resumed their relationship

Principales Questions: Dans le cas de conjoints de fait qui ont un enfant de leur union, qui ont vécu séparément pour une période de plus de six mois et qui décident par la suite de reprendre leur vie commune, à quelle date seront-ils considérés de nouveau "conjoints de fait" en vertu de la définition de ce terme sous le paragraphe 248(1) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu? Dans le cas de revenus provenant d'un immeuble locatif qui est transféré à un des conjoints de fait dans le cadre d'une convention de cessation de vie commune, à qui seront attribués les revenus provenant de cet immeuble après la réconciliation des conjoints? Dans le cas où l'immeuble est vendu après la réconciliation du couple, à qui sera attribué le gain en capital?

Position Adoptée: (1) Dès la reprise de leur vie commune.
(2) Les revenus provenant de l'immeuble locatif attribuables à la période ultérieure à la réconciliation seront attribués au cessionnaire.
(3) Le gain en capital provenant de la disposition de l'immeuble locatif, effectuée ultérieurement à la réconciliation, sera attribué au cessionnaire.

Raisons: Interprétation de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

7 July 2005 External T.I. 2005-0122191E5 F - Erroneous Elections in Statute-barred Years

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85(1) 110.6(19) 110.6(27)
no need to amend the s. 85(1) election where the agreed amount was less than the s. 85(1)(c.1) floor
no need to amend the s. 85(1) election where automatic s. 85(1)(c.1) adjustment
no need to amend the s. 85(1) election where the agreed amount was less than the s. 85(1)(c.1) floor

Principal Issues: 1) Whether an amended 85(1) election must be filed to correct the agreed amount in a situation where paragraph 85(1)(c.1) is applicable. 2) Whether an individual can amend a subsection 110.6(19) election in 2005.

Position: 1) No. 2) No.

Reasons: Wording of the Act and previous positions. 1) Paragraph 85(1)(c.1) automatically adjusts the agreed amount of the transferred property and consequently, the taxpayers do not have to file an amended 85(1) election. 2) The deadline specified in subsection 110.6(27) to file an amended election has passed. Furthermore, section 600 of the Regulations, which contains the prescribed provisions for the purposes of subsection 220(3.2) of the Act, does not make any reference to elections under subsection 110.6(19) of the Act.

28 June 2005 External T.I. 2005-0122211E5 - CCA On A Vehicle In The Spouse's Name

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20(1)(c) 20(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Whether Mr. X, the beneficial but not legal owner, may claim CCA on a vehicle.

Position: Question of fact, but likely yes.

Reasons: If Mr. X has full possession and unrestricted use of the vehicle and pays all of the relevant expenses, he would be entitled to claim CCA for the business use of the vehicle.

21 March 2005 External T.I. 2004-0101761E5 - Clause 110.6(14)(f)(ii)(B)

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Principal Issues: Does clause 110.6(14)(f)(ii)(B) apply to a partial disposition of an interest in a partnership?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The person is still disposing of an interest in a partnership.

21 September 2004 External T.I. 2004-0086581E5 - International Financial Activity Act

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6(1)(a) 5

Principal Issues: Is a refund under the IFA of BC provincial income tax to an individual taxable?

Position: No.

Reasons: The refund is not a benefit of employment.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

29 July 2005 Internal T.I. 2005-0143681I7 - Carryback of ITC and Refundable ITCs

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127(5) 127.1(1) 127.1(3)

Principal Issues: Whether a taxpayer could claim a refundable ITC in a year in which he has tax payable, and carry back a subsequent year's ITC to offset the tax payable, thereby increasing his refund for that year.

Position: Taxpayer cannot manipulate refundable ITC to claim more in ITCs than the maximum set out in subsection 127(5) of the Act.

Reasons: Subsection 127(5) sets out a formula for determining the maximum amount that can be claimed for ITC in the year. Subsection 127.1(3) deems an amount claimed as refundable ITC to have been deducted in the year under subsection 127(5). Therefore,the taxpayer cannot claim an ITC (including refundable ITC) in excess of the maximum allowed under subsection 127(5) of the Act.

18 July 2005 Internal T.I. 2005-0130351I7 - Automobile Operating Expense Benefit

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6(1) 8(1)(h.1)

Principal Issues: Can employee deduct the cost of motor vehicle operating costs if the vehicle is used for business purposes.

Position: Question of Fact

Reasons: General Information provided

18 July 2005 Internal T.I. 2005-0133691I7 - Modifying an RV for accessibility

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Principal Issues: Does the cost of modifying an RV to make it wheelchair accessible qualify as a medical expense?

Position: Question of Fact

Reasons: General information provided

4 July 2005 Internal T.I. 2005-0132701I7 - eligible capital property or leasehold interest

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Principal Issues: Whether a particular asset should be treated as an eligible capital property or as a leasehold interest

Position: Question of fact. Based on the information provided, it appears that the contracts should be treated as leasehold interests not eligible capital property.