Section 211.91

Subsection 211.91(1)


Tusk Exploration Ltd. v. Canada, 2018 FCA 121

For its 2002 to 2006 years, the taxpayer (“Tusk Exploration” - a Canadian exploration company) renounced Canadian exploration expenses...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(28) potential for double taxation under the ITA of NAL transactions 305
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 69 - Subsection 69(1) - Paragraph 69(1)(a) double taxation can result from non-arm’s length transactions such as under s. 69(1) 301
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 66 - Subsection 66(12.6) only a PBC can renounce 61

See Also

Tusk Exploration Ltd. v. The Queen, 2016 TCC 238

The taxpayer, which was assessed under Part XII.6 for applying the look-back rule in s. 66(12.66) to Canadian exploration expenses (CEE) which...

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Words and Phrases

Subsection 211.91(2.1)

Administrative Policy

24 February 2021 Internal T.I. 2020-0870401I7 - Application of Part XII.6 tax re Draft legislation

In January 2020, a principal-business corporation (“PBC”) renounces (with an effective date of December 31, 2019, under the look-back rule)...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.

23 December 2020 External T.I. 2020-0874621E5 - Administration of Draft Legislation-FTS Extension

Regarding the proposed amendments (principally ss. 66(12.6001), 66(12.731) and 211.91(2.1)) released on December 16, 2020 generally relating to a...

The text of this content is paywalled except for the first five days of each month. Subscribe or log in for unrestricted access.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 66 - Subsection 66(12.731) filings can be made relying on draft COVID extensions 188