Income Tax Severed Letters - 2015-04-22


2014 Ruling 2014-0518511R3 - Supp ruling to 2013-049273

CRA Tags
12(2.1), 132.2

Principal Issues: mutual fund reorganization - changes to original ruling to deal with circularity of holdings when performing qualifying exchange

Position: changes to original ruling avoid circularity

Reasons: agency agreement put in place so that cross-ownership is avoided

2014 Ruling 2013-0484541R3 - 149(1)(c) Ruling

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether a particular First Nation qualifies as a public body performing a function of government for purposes of paragraph 149(1)(c).

Position: 1. Yes.

Reasons: It has enacted section 81 and 83 by-laws under the Indian Act and provides other services to its Members on the Reserve.

2014 Ruling 2014-0539791R3 - Paragraph 212(1)(b)

CRA Tags
212(3), 212(1)(b), 251(1)
creditors' approval of CCAA plan of compromise for the debtor trust did not cause them to not deal at arm's length with trust
interest paid on limited recourse debt to the extent of available debtor assets was not participating debt interest
creditors' approval of CCAA plan of compromise for the debtor trust did not cause them to not deal at arm's length with trust

Principal Issues: 1. Whether interest paid in accordance with the Plan of Arrangement under CCAA in the situation described in the ruling would be considered "participating debt interest" under subsection 212(3) of the Act.
2. Whether the entering by particular note holders into the Settlement Agreement with the borrower and voting in favour of the Plan of Arrangement, in and of themselves, will result in such note holders being considered to deal not at arm's length with the borrower.

Position: 1. No.
2. No.

Reasons: 1. Interest payable in the situation described in the ruling does not meet the conditions of participating debt interest under subsection 212(3) of the Act. The fact that interest would be paid by the Trust based on the available cash in the Trust after repaying the principal amounts of the Notes (i.e., the fact that the Trust will not be able to pay all the interest it owes on the various classes of Notes) does not impact the conclusion that the interest on the Notes is not being computed by reference to revenue, profit, cash flow, commodity price or any other similar criterion.
2. Consistent with our position described in Income Tax Folio S1-F5-C1. There is nothing to suggest that in the situation at hand, the entering into of the Settlement Agreement with the Trust and the voting in favour of the Plan by the Non-Resident Holders would, in and of themselves, result in the Bank or the other Non-Resident Holders being considered to not deal at arm's length with either the Trust or the Trustee for the purposes of the Act.

2013 Ruling 2013-0492731R3 - qualifying disposition -mutual fund trust

CRA Tags
elimination of REIT sub trust through s. 107.4 transfer to new "in house" MFT and s. 132.2 merger of MFT into REIT
MFT's trustee not to be a director of a sub
elimination of REIT subtrust through s. 107.4 transfer to new "in house" MFT and s. 132.2 merger of MFT into REIT
no disposition on MFT units consolidation back to the previous number, occurring outside a Plan of Arrangement

Principal Issues: 1. Will proposed transactions to eliminate trust on trust structure to direct ownership result in a qualifying disposition?

Position: 1. Yes

Reasons: 1. all conditions are met

Ministerial Correspondence

16 March 2015 Ministerial Correspondence 2015-0565841M4 - Accelerated CCA- Renewable Energy

Principal Issues: 1.General information about accelerated CCA rules for manufacturing or processing equipment and renewable energy sources.

Position: 1. No position taken.

Reasons: 1. General information only..

Technical Interpretation - External

31 March 2015 External T.I. 2015-0568271E5 - Class 43.2 - Solar Thermal System

CRA Tags
ITR 1100(1)(a)(xxix.1), ITR 1102(1)(c), ITR Schedule II - Class 43.1 (d)(i)(A)(I), ITR 1100(27), Reg.(1100)(1)(a)(xxix.2), ITR 1100(26), ITR 1100(29), ITR Schedule II - Class 43.2, ITR 1100(24), 13(26) to (31), ITR 1100(28), ITR 1100(25)

Principal Issues: Whether solar thermal systems qualify for accelerated capital cost allowance under Class 43.2 of Schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations?

Position: Possible, depends on the facts.

Reasons: Mixed fact and law.

25 March 2015 External T.I. 2014-0560351E5 - Canada-Hong Kong Tax Agreement

CRA Tags
116(5.01), 219.2, 219.3, 115.1(1)
Treaty with Hong Kong qualifies
Treaty with Hong Kong qualifies

Principal Issues: Whether the Canada-Hong Kong Tax Agreement is both "an agreement with another country" and "an agreement with the government of another country" for the purposes of the Income Tax Act?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Pursuant to the "Basic Law" of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR") of the People's Republic of China, authority to conclude and implement agreements with foreign states and regions and relevant international organizations in appropriate fields is delegated to the HKSAR. When read in context, the phrases "an agreement with a country" and "an agreement with the government of another country" can, for the purposes of the Act, be interpreted in a manner so as to conclude that the condition that the Canada-Hong Kong Tax Agreement be an agreement with, or with the government of, another country is satisfied.

24 March 2015 External T.I. 2012-0432951E5 F - Application of section 7

CRA Tags
agreement to sell for nil monetary consideration is included

Principales Questions: An employer has agreed to transfer shares of a person not dealing at arm's length with the employer to an employee for no consideration. Whether the employer has agreed to sell securities to the employee for the purpose of section 7

Position Adoptée: Yes.

Raisons: Based on the context and purpose of section 7, it is our view that the word "sell" has to be read in conjunction with the word "issue". Consequently, it would generally include any transfer, from an employer corporation to an employee, of shares of the employer corporation or a corporation which it does not deal at arm`s length, where such transfer is not caught by the term issue.

24 March 2015 External T.I. 2012-0470991E5 F - Mutual fund trust

CRA Tags
39(4), 104(21), 132(6), 39(5)
flow-through to unitholder of capital gain designated by MFT
day trading included in investment undertaking
s. 39(4) presumption establishing expense non-deductibility
election can be made by leveraged day-trading MFT
capital v. income character determined at trust level

Principales Questions: (1) Whether the factors and comments provided in paragraph 11 of the Interpretation Bulletin IT-479R may be considered to determine if gains or losses triggered on the disposition of securities by a mutual fund trust ("MFT") are on income account or on capital account. (2) What is the impact of the election made by a MFT under subsection 39(4) regarding the nature of the MFT's income attributed to its beneficiaries? (3) Whether the requirements provided in subparagraph 132(6)(b)(i) are met if the only undertaking of a MFT is day trading. (4) Whether the CRA intends to apply the decision Nancy McNeil v. The Queen when a MFT makes an election under subsection 39(4).

Position Adoptée: (1) Yes. (2) Subsection 104(21) may apply. (3) Generally yes, but it is a question of fact to determine whether the only undertaking of a MFT is the investing of funds in property. (4) The decision may be considered.

Raisons: Based on our interpretation of subsections 39(4) and (5) and the definition of "mutual fund trust" in subsection 132(6) and consistent with previous technical interpretations.

23 March 2015 External T.I. 2015-0572551E5 - Tuition to foreign university

Principal Issues: Whether courses taken at a foreign university would qualify for the tuition, education and post-secondary textbook credits.

Position: General comments provided.

Reasons: The amounts in question are the subject of a review by the CRA. Provided general clarification of the rules for foreign tuition/education as well as guidance on submitting a notice of objection.

20 March 2015 External T.I. 2014-0526941E5 - RSU Plan-Cash Dividend Equivalents

CRA Tags
248(1), 7(1)
addition to RSU plan of dividend equivalent units to be cashed out not excluded

Principal Issues: In an RSU plan where the restricted stock units provide an employee with the right to acquire a share of the employee's employer, the employer would like to pay cash dividend equivalents on the RSUs held by employees. Would the addition of cash dividend equivalents cause problems for purposes of the SDA rules?

Position: The payment of cash dividend equivalents on RSUs held by employees would not be excluded by virtue of paragraphs (a) to (l) of the SDA definition in subsection 248(1) of the Act. It would be a question of fact whether one of the main purposes of adding the cash dividend equivalents to the plan was to postpone the payment of tax.

Reasons: SDA definition in 248(1).

3 March 2015 External T.I. 2014-0558101E5 - Union Revenue Activities

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether profit-generating activities would jeopardize the union's tax exempt status.

Position: Likely no.

Reasons: Paragraph 149(1)(k) of the Act would not, in and by itself, restrict profit-generating activities conducted by a labour organization.

3 March 2015 External T.I. 2015-0565761E5 - Classes 43.1 and 43.2 - Additions

CRA Tags
ITR 1100(1)(a)(xxix.1), ITR Schedule II - Class 43.2, ITR 1100(1)(a)(xxix.2), ITR Schedule II - Class 43.1

Principal Issues: Whether new property for used cogeneration equipment fuelled by wood waste to generate electricity for the manufacturing process qualifies for inclusion in Class 43.1 or Class 43.2 of Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations?

Position: Possible

Reasons: Law

3 March 2015 External T.I. 2014-0540051E5 F - Indiens – Intérêts d'une institution hors réserve

CRA Tags
life annuity purchased off reserve did not qualify

Principales Questions: Le revenu d'intérêt provenant d'une rente viagère est-il un bien meuble situé sur une réserve? Is the interest income from a life annuity movable property which is situated on a reserve?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. En l'espèce oui. Question of fact. In the present case, no.

Raisons: L'institution financière n'est pas sur une réserve, le contrat de rente a été conclu hors réserve et les paiements d'intérêt sont faits hors réserve. Le fait que l'institution financière la plus près qui soit située sur une réserve est à plus de 100 km n'est pas pertinent à la lumière des critères de rattachement définis par la CSC. The financial institution is not on a reserve, the contract was concluded by the parties off reserve and the interest is paid off reserve. The fact that the closest financial institution situated on a reserve is located at more than 100 km is not relevant given the connecting factors established by the SCC.

10 February 2015 External T.I. 2014-0549331E5 F - Borne de recharge – catégorie d'amortissement

CRA Tags
13(18.1), ITR Schedule II - Class 43.2, 135, ITR Schedule II - Class 43.1, ITR Schedule II - Class 8, ITR 8200.1
vehicle charging stations included in Class 8, not 43.1 or 43.2

Principales Questions: Dans quelle catégorie une borne de recharge doit-elle être incluse? In which class a charging station must be included?

Position Adoptée: Catégorie 8. Class 8.

Raisons: Les bornes de recharge ne sont pas visées par une catégorie d'amortissement spécifique. There is no specific class which deals with charging stations.

19 January 2015 External T.I. 2014-0549061E5 F - logement des employés

CRA Tags
6(1), 6(6)
permanent duties in a precarious field are not temporary duties/ "remote" means over 80 km.
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions: La valeur de logements temporaires offerts aux employés XXXXXXXXXX doit-elle être incluse dans leur revenu? / Should the value of temporary housing offered to XXXXXXXXXX employees be included in their income?

Position Adoptée: Questions de faits / Question of facts

Raisons: Paragraphes 6(1) et 6(6) / Subsections 6(1) and 6(6)

15 January 2015 External T.I. 2014-0548101E5 F - Sens de "fabrication ou transformation"

CRA Tags
ITR 1102(16.1), 125.1(3), ITR Schedule II - Class 29
“primarily” based on the fraction of time used in the qualifying activities

Principales Questions: 1 - L'activité consistant à appliquer un alliage de divers métaux à l'aide de machinerie spécialisée sur des tiges d'acier afin de les rendre plus résistantes se qualifie-t-elle de "fabrication et transformation" au sens du paragraphe 125.1(3)? / Does applying an alloy of various metals with specialized machinery on steel rods to solidify them qualify as "manufacturing or processing" as that expression is defined at subsection 125.1(3)?
2 - Si oui, est-ce que les biens utilisés dans le procédé font partie de la catégorie 29? / If yes, should the property used in the process be included in class 29?
3 - Dans le cas où les tiges ne seraient pas la propriété de la société qui fait le placage, les réponses seraient-elles les mêmes? / If the rods did not belong to the company doing the plating, would the answers to the previous questions be the same?

Position Adoptée: 1 - Question de faits / Question of facts; 2 - Question de faits / Question of facts; 3 - Question de faits / Question of facts

Raisons: 1 - Définition de "fabrication et transformation" au paragraphe 125.1(3) / Definition of "manufacturing or processing" in subsection 125.1(3); 2 – Annexe II du RIR, catégorie 29 / Schedule II of ITR, class 29; 3 - Définition de "fabrication et transformation" au paragraphe 125.1(3) / Definition of "manufacturing or processing" in subsection 125.1(3)

13 November 2014 External T.I. 2014-0536881E5 F - Bien agricole admissible - Boisé

CRA Tags

Principales Questions: Un boisé acheté en XXXXXXXXXX qui a été exploité à des fins agricole seulement en XXXXXXXXXX se qualifie-t-il de « bien agricole admissible » selon le paragraphe 110.6(1.3) lors de sa vente en XXXXXXXXXX? Is a woodlot purchased in XXXXXXXXXX which was used for farming purposes only in XXXXXXXXXX a "qualified farm property" under subsection 110.6(1.3) when it was sold in XXXXXXXXXX?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. Question of fact.

Raisons: L'historique législatif et la version anglaise du paragraphe 110.6(1.3). The legislative history and the English version of subsection 110.6(1.3).

Technical Interpretation - Internal

1 April 2015 Internal T.I. 2015-0579031I7 - Crowdfunding

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: General income tax consequences of crowdfunding in Canada.

Position: See memo.

Reasons: The law.

12 January 2015 Internal T.I. 2014-0560421I7 - FX losses on CFA wind-up

CRA Tags
40(3.6), 88(3), 69(5)
s. 40(3.6) not specifically ousted on s. 88(3) winding-up – but no affiliation after disposition

Principal Issues: 1. Does subsection 69(5) apply to the disposition of the shares of the CFA on its winding-up and, therefore, in and of itself cause subsection 40(3.6) to not apply?
2. Whether the reasoning in 2012-0436921I7 is applicable to deny the shareholder's loss on the disposition of CFA shares disposed of in a winding-up where the loss is primarily due to FX fluctuations?

Position: 1. No 2. No

Reasons: 1. Subsection 88(3) applies to the winding-up of the CFA and it operates notwithstanding subsection 69(5). Moreover, subsection 88(3) does not refer to subsection 40(3.6).
2. The situation in 2012-0436921I7 is factually different from the case at hand.