Principales Questions: 1. In the context of creditor's group life insurance policies, whether the death benefit added to the corporate debtor's capital dividend account is reduced by any adjusted cost basis? 2. Whether we are prepared to apply the Federal Court of Appeal's decision in Innovative to situations involving an individual life insurance policy taken by a corporate debtor, the creditor financial institution being the irrevocable beneficiary under the policy?
Position Adoptée: 1. In circumstances involving this particular type of "pure" insurance product, the CRA is prepared to accept that the full amount of the death benefit be added to the corporate debtor's capital dividend account, without a reduction by the adjusted cost basis. 2. Possibly, depending on the legal relationships between the parties.
Raisons: 1. Characteristics of the type of product described. 2. We will apply the decision if the corporate debtor is able to demonstrate that the proceeds of the life insurance policy were paid directly to the financial institution and the institution reduced the debt of the corporation under contract between the corporation and the institution.