Income Tax Severed Letters - 1998-09-04

Technical Interpretation - External

27 August 1998 External T.I. 9810965 - BUSINESS INCOME EARNED BY STATUS INDIAN

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Principal Issues: tax treatment of business income of self employed Indian

Position: general comments, must examine connecting factors, mainly location of revenue generating activities and location of business customers

Reasons: these factors considered to be most significant connecting factors in determining location of income on or off a reserve.

24 August 1998 External T.I. 9819645 - TAX SHELTER, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST

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237.1(1) 143.2(7) 231(6.1) Regs

Principal Issues: time for determining tax shelter

Position: before investing, ie, prospective basis

Reasons: wording of definition and intent of law

24 August 1998 External T.I. 9802125 F - PARTICIPATION EXCLUE

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40(3.1) 40(3.15) 40(3.16)

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que la participation dans une société de personnes demeure une participation exclue, au sens du paragraphe 40(3.15) de la Loi, suite à la création d'une nouvelle dette?

Position Adoptée:

24 August 1998 External T.I. 9805845 - FARMERS & TIMBER

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Principal Issues:

1. Can land and timber be considered "qualified farm property" under subsection 110.6(1) of the Act?
2. What is the tax treatment of timber and land if they are sold separately?
3. Do they answers to 1 & 2 change if the property was transferred to the taxpayers son in 1985?
4. When a taxpayer engaged in "forest planting" dies, is an unharvested crop (standing timber) considered a “right or thing”?
5. Can the land and timber be considered a capital asset in a "forest planting" situation?


1. Perhaps
2. If the timber is considered a capital property, a capital gain may result which is not eligible for the enhanced capital gains exemption.
3. All of the comments in 1 & 2 would apply to the son.
4. It depends.
5. The sale of timber is considered income from the business of farming.


24 August 1998 External T.I. 9818475 - LOW INTEREST EMPLOYEE LOAN

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80.4 6(9) 80.5 8(1)(j)

Principal Issues: low interest loan later repaid with interest pursuant to court order, amend t4's?

Position: t4's cannot be amended, deduction for interest 'expense' cannot be claimed

Reasons: interest was not paid within 30 days after the end of the year as required by 80.4 so T4 cannot be changed.

18 August 1998 External T.I. 9816855 - NRO AND UNPAID DEBT

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78(1) 133(8)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

Denise Dalphy


August 18, 1998

Dear Sirs:

Re: Application of Section 78 to a Non-Resident-Owned Investment Corporation (“NRO”)

18 August 1998 External T.I. 9804865 F - FIDUCIE AU PROFIT D'UN MINEUR

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104(18) 248(1)

Principales Questions:

1. Est-ce que le pouvoir discrétionnaire du fiduciaire d’effectuer des paiements indirects rendrait le paragraphe 104(18) de la Loi inapplicable lorsqu’il y a deux enfants qui sont bénéficiaires de la fiducie?

2. Est-ce que l’alinéa e) de la définition de l’expression «actionnaire déterminé» inscrite au paragraphe 248(1) de la Loi s’appliquerait à l’égard d’un enfant en raison du pouvoir discrétionnaire ci-dessus mentionné?

Position Adoptée:

11 August 1998 External T.I. 9819935 - ELIGIBLE CG BALANCE, P/S TO SOLE PROP

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98(5) 53(1)(r)

Principal Issues: partnership rollover and capital gains balance

Position: 53(1)(r) bumps acb (re ECGB) before 98(5) roll

Reasons: wordings of Act

11 August 1998 External T.I. 9811835 - DUE DATE OF T1 RETURN WITH BUSINESS INCOME

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150(1)(d)(i) 150(1)(d)(ii) 162(1)

Principal Issues: deadline to file T1 on timely basis given both employment and business income

Position: effective filing deadline is June 15

Reasons: 150(1)(d)(ii) determines filing deadline

7 August 1998 External T.I. 9813855 - TUITION FEE CREDITS

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Principal Issues:

Whether Canadian City may issue a tuition certificate to its public service employees in respect of a four day cultural diversity course which it intends putting on for its employees. They feel that they fall within the wording of subparagraph 118.5(1)(a)(i) of the Act which reads “where the individual was during the year a student enrolled at an educational institution that is a university, college or other educational institution providing courses at a post-secondary school level.

Position: Appears not to qualify as a “university, college or other educational institution. Also, the provincial minister of education determines what qualifies as post secondary level courses. Subparagraph 118.5(1)(a)(ii) refers to an entity “certified by the Minister of Human Resources Development to be an educational institution providing courses, other than courses designed for university credit, that furnish a person with skills for, or improve a person’s skills in, an occupation.

Reasons: It is only the educational institution that can issue tuition certificates. The City itself is not an educational institution. Not within the Department’s jurisdiction to determine whether course is a post secondary level nor whether an institution can be certified under subparagraph 118.5(1)(a)(ii).
A. M. Brake

29 July 1998 External T.I. 9816445 - BONUS TO SHAREHOLDER/EMPLOYEE

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Principal Issues: Reasonableness of bonuses paid to shareholder/employee.

Position: Generally, the services performed by an inactive shareholder are substantially less than the services performed by a shareholder involved in the day to day operations of an active business and therefore the value of the services would be substantially less.

Subject to the bounds of reasonableness with respect to both the level of salary and bonuses for the services performed and the rate of return on investment in shares, the Department generally accepts that a principal shareholder-manager is entitled to a mix of salary and dividend that he considers appropriate.

Reasons: The Department's administrative position as stated in question 42 of the 1981 Revenue Canada Round Table.

28 July 1998 External T.I. 9807825 - NORTHERN RESIDENT'S DEDUCTION

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Principal Issues:

Does an amount designated as being travel expenses qualify for the 110.7(1)(a) deduction?




24 July 1998 External T.I. 9812655 - SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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Principal Issues: Whether $XXXXXXXXXX monthly spousal maintenance payment made pursuant to a spousal maintenance agreement, dated XXXXXXXXXX , is taxable in the hands of the recipient.

Position: Taxable/deductible.

Reasons: The agreement under the caption “spousal maintenance” reads, “XXXXXXXXXX This amount qualifies as a “support amount” and is clearly identified as spousal maintenance in the agreement.

13 July 1998 External T.I. 9813595 - PURCHASE OF ART WORK

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Reg. 1102(1) Class 8

Principal Issues: Tax treatment of purchase of original works of art.

1. May qualify for inclusion in Class 8 if conditions met.
2. Consider Certified Cultural Property.
3. Could be personal use property.

Reasons: Interpretation Bulletins: IT-128R, IT-332R & IT-407R4.

7 July 1998 External T.I. 9806005 F - ALLOCATION POUR FRAIS DE DÉPLACEMENT

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6(1)b) 18(1)r)

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce qu’une allocation versée à des employés, par une société offrant des services de consultation en informatique, pour les déplacements effectués entre la résidence de l’employé, bureau à domicile, et le lieu d’affaires des clients est un avantage imposable ?

2. Est-ce que la société peut déduire de son revenu d’entreprise les allocations versées à ses employés ?

3. Dans le cas d’un employé-actionnaire à qui la société met une voiture à sa disposition, les déplacements entre la résidence de l’actionnaire et le lieu d’affaires des clients sont-ils considérés comme une portion affaire pour le calcul de l’avantage imposable de celui-ci ?

Position Adoptée:
1. Si l’employé passe la majorité de son temps chez le client, son lieu habituel de travail sera chez le client et les allocations pour déplacement entre sa résidence et le lieu d’affaires du client seront considérées personnelles et imposables.

7 July 1998 External T.I. 9730995 F - AVANTAGE AUTOMOBILE

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Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce que les frais de transport payés par l'employeur pour le transport de ses employés de leur résidence au lieu de travail après les heures où le transport en commun est disponible, est un avantage imposable pour les employés ?

2. Si oui, quel devrait être la méthode d'évaluation de l'avantage advenant le cas où les transports sont effectués soit par taxi, soit par des véhicules de l'employeur ?

Position Adoptée:
1. Oui, la distance entre la résidence et le lieu de travail est une dépense personnelle de l'employé et le transport payé par l'employeur doit être inclus au revenu de l'employé.

2 July 1998 External T.I. 9811025 - LOW INTEREST LOAN TO BUY HOUSE FROM SPOUSE

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15(2) 15(2.4)

Principal Issues: loan made to employee shareholder to acquire ownership of matrimonial home owned soley by employee's spouse

Position: question of fact whether employee had beneficial or legal interest in ownership of matrimonial home

Reasons: If employee had previous interest in the property the loan could not be said to have been made to enable the employee to acquire an interest

30 June 1998 External T.I. 9727005 - NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS

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Principal Issues:

The taxpayer has requested a technical interpretation regarding various scenarios in which a non-profit organization (NPO) organized as a trust wishes to invest in various types of investments in the future. The taxpayer is asking if the status of the NPO would be affected if it invests in various investments.


We are unable to give a technical interpretation as to whether the NPO would lose its status if it made different types of investments as we do not have all the material facts. The determination of whether an organization qualifies as an NPO pursuant to paragraph 149(1)(l) is retrospective. Accordingly, we can only provide general comments.

Reasons: See 961356, 9202765, 9704605

26 June 1998 External T.I. 9811545 - FULL-TIME ATTENDANT

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Principal Issues:

NURSING HOMES - Full time care


No minimum time requirement
Atttendant care no restriction if 118.2(2)(b.1) met


23 June 1998 External T.I. 9812275 - STOCK LOSSES AND BUSINESS LOSSES

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Principal Issues:

Can Stock losses be business losses ?


Question of fact


23 June 1998 External T.I. 9809995 - MEDICAL EXPENSE.

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Principal Issues: Whether transportation charges to have a prescription filled would be allowable as a medical expense.

Position: No.

Reasons: Paragraph 118.2(2)(n) deduction for “an amount paid for drugs, medicaments or other preparations or substances ... purchased for use ... as prescribed” cannot be interpreted to include the cost of transporting the drugs. There is a negative implication from the other provisions in 118.2(2) - e.g. paragraphs (g), (h) and (l.1) - that explicit authority is required to cover transportation costs.

22 June 1998 External T.I. 9812245 - SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER

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74.1(2) 122.61(1)

Principal Issues: SIN to be reported on "In-Trust Accounts"?

Position: Payee's SIN.

Reasons: Withholding tax deducted on account of payee.

12 June 1998 External T.I. 9713925 - AFFILIATED PERSONS, ESTATE, & STOP LOSS

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164(6) 40(3.6) 112(3.2)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 						L. Holloway
Attention: XXXXXXXXXX 

June 12, 1998

Dear Sirs/ Mesdames:

Re: Request for Technical Interpretations
Subsections 164(6) and 104(19) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act “)

24 April 1998 External T.I. 9805525 - CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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56.1(4) 60(b) 56(1)(b)

Principal Issues:
Are the support payments subject to the new child support rules given that the written agreement came into force after May 1, 1997?

This is a factual determination. We can only provide general comments. We do not have a copy of the written agreement and we do not know when the agreement was made. We only know that it came into force on July 31, 1997.

Reasons: See 9719345. When an agreement or order, made after April 1997, varies a child support amount payable pursuant to a pre-May 1997 order, the day on which the first payment is required to be made is considered to be the “commencement day” and the new order falls under the new child support rules.

8 April 1998 External T.I. 9807505 F - DEMANDE D'AGRÉMENT SELON 37(1)(A)(II)(B)

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Principales Questions: Demande d'agrément selon 37(1)(a)(ii)(B)

Position Adoptée:

8 April 1998 External T.I. 9730145 F - CHANGE DE LA LOI

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les employés de la XXXXXXXXXX peuvent être considérées résider dans une région visée par règlement aux fins de l'application de l'article 110.7 de la Loi?

Position Adoptée:

23 March 1998 External T.I. 9801975 - PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE

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54 (Principal residence)

Principal Issues: Principal Residence - land in excess of 1/2 hectare

Position: Law generally explained

Reasons: Specific facts and documentation not available

17 March 1998 External T.I. 9705835 - - WHETHER EQUIPMENT "USED"

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Reg. Sch. II CLASS 43.1

Principal Issues:

1) Whether equipment used 2 months while waiting for a closing for its transfer, is used equipment for the purpose of Class 43.1;
2) what is the starting point for the 5 year period referred to in Class 43.1


1) Used equipment is used equipment, even if used only 2 months.
2) The 5 year period starts at the point in time when the equipment was available for use, which cannot be later than the date the equipment was used to earn income.


24 February 1998 External T.I. 9725785 - PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE

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Principal Issues: Principal Residence - Land in excess of 1/2 hectare including whether excess is necessary to the use and enjoyment of the housing unit as a residence as a result of a particular lifestyle

Position: Law generally explained (As a result of the decision in Eric and Elizabeth Rode v. MNR (1985 DTC 272) - a particular lifestyle does not mean that excess land is necessary)

Reasons: Specific facts and documentation not available -

Technical Interpretation - Internal

26 August 1998 Internal T.I. 9821446 - YUKON FIRST NATIONS; EFFECT OF NO EXEMPTION.

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Principal Issues: Yukon Indian treaty; effect of no exemption.

Position: various issues

Reasons: na

August 26, 1998

24 August 1998 Internal T.I. 9819857 - INDIAN STATUTE BARRED REMISSION ORDER

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Principal Issues:
Is there tax relief available to First Nation individuals working for an Indian Band on land set aside throughout the year of 1981, 1982 and 1983?

Position: Yes.

The Indian Statute-Barred Income Tax Remission Order grants remission to any Indian of income tax equal to the amount payable by that Indian pursuant to an assessment under the Income Tax Act, including any assessed penalty relating thereto and all interest payable thereon, where the amount assessed, the penalty and the interest have not been paid and the statutory limitation period in respect of the assessment expired before 1988.

5 August 1998 Internal T.I. 9817567 - PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE - GENERAL COMMENTS.

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40(2)(b) 54

Principal Issues: Principal residence.

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Non-specific question.

29 July 1998 Internal T.I. 9802577 F - DROITS SPÉCIAUX POUR ÉCHEC - CEGEP

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que les droits spéciaux exigés par un CEGEP aux étudiants à temps plein qui ont échoué plus d'un cours à leur dernière session, sont des frais de scolarité admissibles aux fins du crédit d'impôt pour frais de scolarité prévu à l'article 118.5 de la Loi.

Position Adoptée:
Oui. Ces frais sont semblables aux frais exigés aux étudiants à temps partiel et sont directement reliés à l'enseignement dispensé par le CEGEP.

28 July 1998 Internal T.I. 9816177 - BED & BREAKFAST

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18(12) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Whether subsection 18(12) applies in situation where two taxpayers operate a bed & breakfast in a house in which they reside?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The house is a "self-contained domestic establishment" as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

20 July 1998 Internal T.I. 9815636 - FITNESS EQUIPMENT - DEDUCTIBLE?

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18(1)(a) Reg. 1102(1)(c) 15(1)

Principal Issues: Whether cost of treadmill running machine deductible as a business expense.

Position: No.

Reasons: The benefit from the machine would principally accrue to the shareholder-employees and not to the company.

15 July 1998 Internal T.I. 9809806 - FLOW-THROUGH SHARE AGREEMENT

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Principal Issues: Whether a flow-through share agreement satisfies the requirements of subsection 66(12.68) of the Act if it does not specify the number of shares to be issued.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: There is no requirement that a flow-through share agreement specify the number of shares to be issued unless it is a "selling instrument" within the meaning of subsection 66(15) of the Act.

23 June 1998 Internal T.I. 9811896 - LSVCC

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127.4 211.7

Principal Issues: allocation of LSVCC tax credit to identical shares. Is it earned on the first shares acquired or pro rata?

Position: pro rata,

Reasons: cannot identify particular shares that earned tax credit. Therefore apply a portion to each share. On redemption "clawback' will be on the same basis.

15 June 1998 Internal T.I. 9812307 - VARIATION OF CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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56.1(4) 60(b)

Principal Issues: Whether a post-April 1997 court order that deals with a variation of accumulated arrears (from $100 to $50 monthly) and a variation of a monthly child support amount payable would constitute a new order for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of “commencement day” in subsection 56.1(4).

Position: The variation of arrears relates to a child support amount payable on a periodic basis pursuant to a pre-May 1997 order and accordingly, the variation of arrears would not be subject to the new rules. A post-April 1997 order that provides for a variation in the $500 monthly child support payable would fall under the new rules.

Reasons: The post-April 1997 order varies the monthly accumulated arrears payments but the arrears are based on the child support amount payable on a periodic basis pursuant to a pre-May 1997 order.

11 June 1998 Internal T.I. 9733557 F - ÉQUIVALENT DU MONTNANT POUR CONJOINT

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Principales Questions:

Est-ce que selon le nouveau libellé de l’alinéa 118(1)b), il serait possible qu’un contribuable ait le choix pour une année d’imposition entre le crédit pour conjoint et le crédit équivalent du montant pour conjoint dans des situations telles que : la séparation et la réconciliation des conjoints sur une courte période de temps, l’hospitalisation d’un conjoint pendant une période de l’année ou l’absence d’un des conjoints pour cause de travail pendant une période de l’année ?

Position Adoptée:


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8(1)(i) 8(1)q) 18(1)b)

Principales Questions:

Énoncé de position concernant la déductibilité des dépenses de vêtements par un employé ou un travailleur autonome.

Position Adoptée:

27 May 1998 Internal T.I. 9805787 - CLERGYMAN’S RESIDENCE DEDUCTION

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Principal Issues: An individual is ordained as a minister in a XXXXXXXXXX church and is an appointed minister for XXXXXXXXXX The individual’s primary duty is XXXXXXXXXX Does the individual qualify for the clergyman’s residence deduction under paragraph 8(1)(c)?

Position: No

Reasons: As an ordained minister of the XXXXXXXXXX , the individual meets the status test of paragraph 8(1)(c). However, he does not meet the function test as he is not “in charge of or ministering to a diocese, parish, or congregation.”

17 April 1998 Internal T.I. 9713737 - INDIAN ACT EXEMPTION - G2 - SHAREHOLDER LOAN

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Principal Issues:
(1) Whether employment income from wholly owned corporation is taxable in the hands of a status Indian working off reserve but living on reserve? Corporation's head office is on reserve; its XXXXXXXXXX operation is carried on off reserve.
(2) Whether, in the same set up as (1), loans will be taxable in the Indian's hands?

(1) Guideline 2 will exempt income from taxation provided the usual conditions for its application are met.
(2) The loans can be exempt if they were granted to the Indian as an employee, since his employment income could be exempt by virtue of Guideline 2. However, if they were granted to him in his capacity as a shareholder, then the tax treatment is the same as interest income and connecting factors similar as those used in Recalma must be used. Since the services rendered by the corporation in view of earning its income were performed off reserve, the loans granted from these profits to the shareholders would be taxable. It is a question of fact as to whether a loan is granted to a person in his capacity as an employee or a shareholder.

(1) Guideline 2 applies to Indians who live on reserve and work for an employer which also resides on reserve.
(2) Loans can be treated as employment income if granted to an employee or as investment income if granted to a shareholder. Based on Recalma, when they are assimilated to investment income, a connecting factor such as the location where the services are rendered by the corporation in view of earning the income from which it made the loans becomes relevant.

Ministerial Letter

17 August 1998 Ministerial Letter 9815588 - COSMETIC SURGERY AS A MEDICAL EX

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Principal Issues: whether claiming cosmetic surgery as a medical expense constitutes tax evasion

Position: no

Reasons: cosmetic surgery qualifies as a medical ex as long as there is a medical purpose which normally there is

17 August 1998 Ministerial Letter 9811258 - CHILD SUPPORT, RETROACTIVE PROVISION

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56.1(3) 60.1(3) 56.1(4) 60(b)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

August 17, 1998


Dear Colleague:

I am writing in response to correspondence of April 17, 1998, received from XXXXXXXXXX, concerning an enquiry received from your constituent,XXXXXXXXXX, regarding child support payments.

30 July 1998 Ministerial Letter 9811368 - ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES AT GOLF CLUBS

Unedited CRA Tags

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

July 30, 1998


Dear Colleague;

23 June 1998 Ministerial Letter 9811438 - GST REBATES

Unedited CRA Tags
6(8) 12(1)(x) 248(16)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

June 23, 1998



Thank you for sending me a copy of a letter you received from XXXXXXXXXX, concerning the inclusion in income of Employee and Partner GST Rebates.