We have translated 6 more CRA interpretations

We have translated a further 6 CRA interpretations released in October of 2001. Their descriptors and links appear below.

These are additions to our set of 2,892 full-text translations of French-language Technical Interpretation and Roundtable items (plus some ruling letters) of the Income Tax Rulings Directorate, which covers all of the last 22 ¾ years of releases of such items by the Directorate. These translations are subject to our paywall (applicable after the 5th of each month).

Bundle Date Translated severed letter Summaries under Summary descriptor
2001-10-12 24 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0037677 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES
2000-0046367 F has virtually identical taxpayer submissions and CRA comments. See also 2001-0081837 F.

Income Tax Act - Section 143.3 - Subsection 143.3(3) - Paragraph 143.3(3)(a) - Subparagraph 143.3(3)(a)(ii) under pre-s. 143.3 Act, where shares issued for property, the shares’ stated capital determines the property’s cost, whereas the cost of the shares to the shareholder is their FMV
26 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0046367 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES
See also 2001-0081837 F.

Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(f) shares issued on conversion of debenture for their stated capital (equal to debenture face amount) rather than higher FMV, so that they were not repaid at a premium
Income Tax Act - Section 54 - Adjusted Cost Base where shares issued for property, the shares’ stated capital determines the property’s cost, whereas the cost of the shares to the shareholder is their FMV
Income Tax Act - Section 89 - Subsection 89(1) - Paid-Up Capital stated capital of shares issued determined in board’s discretion and may be less than their FMV
29 March 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0059117 F - PROVISION POUR GARANTIES Income Tax Act - Section 20 - Subsection 20(1) - Paragraph 20(1)(l.1) partnership is not eligible for the s. 20(1)(l.1) reserve/ providing guarantees is not providing insurance
1 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0067047 F - DOMMAGES DISCRIMINATION Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Retiring Allowance damages for loss of income from employment due to discrimination were not a retiring allowance or otherwise taxable
23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092025 F - Fonds commun de placement à risques Income Tax Act - Section 96 French Fonds Commun de Placement à Risques was likely a co-ownership arrangement
23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096525 F - transfer and loans to corp-attribution rules Income Tax Act - Section 74.4 - Subsection 74.4(2) spouse was a specified shareholder where she was one of the beneficiaries of a discretionary trust holding more than 10% of the corporation’s shares