We have translated 8 more CRA interpretations

We have published a further 8 translations of CRA interpretation released in December and November of 2004. Their descriptors and links appear below.

These are additions to our set of 2,063 full-text translations of French-language Technical Interpretation and Roundtable items (plus some ruling letters) of the Income Tax Rulings Directorate, which covers all of the last 17 ½ years of releases of such items by the Directorate. These translations are subject to our paywall (applicable after the 5th of each month).

Bundle Date Translated severed letter Summaries under Summary descriptor
2004-12-03 3 November 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0083791I7 F - Paragraphe 44.1(2) Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Start-Up and Liquidation Costs business did not commence with zoning application that was not actively pursued
Income Tax Act - Section 44.1 - Subsection 44.1(8) pre-condition of carrying on business not satisfied / general overview provided
Income Tax Act - Section 44.1 - Subsection 44.1(1) - Eligible Small Business Corporation shares were not of an eligible small business corporation given that only business activity was desultory zoning application
16 November 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0092521I7 F - Frais médicaux - époux Income Tax Act - Section 118.2 - Subsection 118.2(1) expenses of other spouse incurred in year prior to their becoming spouses or common-law partners cannot be claimed
28 April 2004 Internal T.I. 2004-0066991I7 F - Paiement incitatif Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Property property “includes practically any type of economic interest”
Income Tax Act - Section 18 - Subsection 18(1) - Paragraph 18(1)(a) - Income-Producing Purpose per MacIntyre, life insurance premiums are not deductible from business income
Income Tax Act - Section 12 - Subsection 12(1) - Paragraph 12(1)(x) incentive payments received from broker to purchase an exempt life insurance policy were received “in the course of earning income from … property” (the policy)
2004-11-19 16 November 2004 External T.I. 2004-0064821E5 F - 88(1) Bump Income Tax Act - Section 88 - Subsection 88(1) - Paragraph 88(1)(c.3) - Subparagraph 88(1)(c.3)(i) example of situation where the acquisition of shares of parent by vendor would not be within s. 88(1)(c.3)(i), but would fall within s. 88(1)(c.3)(ii)
Income Tax Act - Section 88 - Subsection 88(1) - Paragraph 88(1)(c.3) - Subparagraph 88(1)(c.3)(ii) acquisition by Buyco of Target shares before its acquisition of control accommodated through restrictive interpretation of s. 88(1)(c.3)(ii)
Income Tax Act - Section 88 - Subsection 88(1) - Paragraph 88(1)(c) - Subparagraph 88(1)(c)(vi) - Clause 88(1)(c)(vi)(B) - Subclause 88(1)(c)(vi)(B)(I) where Buyco acquired Target shares before acquiring control of Target, Vendor would be a person described in s. 88(1)(c)(vi)(B)(I)
10 November 2004 External T.I. 2004-0092561E5 F - 85(1), 248(1) "Disposition" Income Tax Act - Section 85 - Subsection 85(1) no disposition on common-for-common exchange
Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Disposition no disposition to the extent that there is a dirty s. 95 exchange of old common shares for identical new common shares
10 November 2004 External T.I. 2004-0077831E5 F - Biens à usage personnel Income Tax Act - Section 9 - Capital Gain vs. Profit - Collectibles collection of items of personal interest accumulated over 35 years, with some trading, and then auctioned off, likely were capital property
Income Tax Act - Section 45 - Subsection 45(1) - Paragraph 45(1)(a) - Subparagraph 45(1)(a)(i) offering personal collection on an auction site did not constitute a change of use
Income Tax Act - Section 46 - Subsection 46(3) selling off personal collection one-by-one on auction site did not engage s. 46(3)
27 October 2004 External T.I. 2004-0080901E5 F - Cotisation professionnelle-frais de traduction Income Tax Act - Section 8 - Subsection 8(1) - Paragraph 8(1)(i) - Subparagraph 8(1)(i)(i) costs of translating documents re the taxpayer’s foreign professional training did not qualify
2004-11-12 10 November 2004 External T.I. 2004-0096991E5 F - Shareholders' agreement Income Tax Act - Section 256 - Subsection 256(1.4) - Paragraph 256(1.4)(a) Aco, owned by X, is associated with Zco, owned equally by X and Y, where the shareholders’ agreement provides that either can acquire the other’s shares on the latter’s disability
Income Tax Act - Section 251 - Subsection 251(5) - Paragraph 251(5)(b) - Subparagraph 251(5)(b)(i) s. 256(1.4)(a) applied to a right to acquire the other’s shares even though it was reciprocal