Income Tax Severed Letters - 2010-01-22


2009 Ruling 2009-0338281R3 - Partnership Reorg-Personal Service Business

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subsection 125(7)("personal services business"); subsection 125(7)("specified partnership income"); subsection 256(2.1)

Principal Issues: Where a partner of a professional partnership creates a professional corporation through which professional services will be provided to the partnership, will the corporation be eligible for the small business deduction?

Position: Question of fact. Generally, yes, if certain conditions are met.

Reasons: Reading of relevant legislation and consistent with other rulings.

2009 Ruling 2009-0342011R3 - Structured Settlement

Principal Issues: An individual (Plaintiff) who is a minor, suffered serious permanent injuries at the time of birth. The plaintiff, XXXXXXXXXX , commenced an action against the defendant. Pursuant to an out-of-court settlement, the casualty insurer of the defendant will assign its rights and obligations to an assignment company who will purchase a single premium annuity contract with a life insurance company to provide the proposed periodic payments to be received under a structured settlement arrangement. The assignment company will direct the life insurance company to pay the periodic payments under the annuity contract to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff's estate. Will such payments be taxable in the hands of the recipient?

Position: No

Reasons: The terms of the structured settlement are consistent with the CRA's position as set out in paragraph 5 of Interpretation Bulletin IT-365R2.

2009 Ruling 2009-0342461R3 - Amendment to Ruling

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12(4) Reg 201

Principal Issues: Is interest paid by the bank the amount required to be included in income of the deposit holders?

Position: Generally yes

Reasons: All deposit holders will be paid at the same rate for the same type of accounts.

2009 Ruling 2009-0348861R3 - Amendment to Ruling

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Principal Issues: Is any part of the delivery of a troy ounce of gold and, if applicable cash as referred therein, in satisfaction for each XXXXXXXXXX of principal amount of XXXXXXXXXX notes subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax pursuant to paragraph 212(1)(b) of the Act?

Position: No

Reasons: The notes constitute the forward sale of gold.

2009 Ruling 2009-0323391R3 F - CÉLI - Notion d'avantage

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Principales Questions: Une émission d'actions par une société donnée en faveur d'employés, suivie par la cotisation de ces actions par chacun de ces employés à leur CÉLI respectif, donne-t-elle lieu à un avantage au sens du paragraphe 207.01(1)?

Position Adoptée: Oui.

Raisons: Le sous-alinéa b)(i) de la définition de l'expression " avantage " au paragraphe 207.01(1) s'applique à la série d'opérations comprenant l'émission d'actions en faveur des employés et la cotisation de ces actions par chacun des employés à leur CÉLI respectif.

2009 Ruling 2009-0326881R3 - Forward Sale of Gold

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Principal Issues: Is any part of the delivery of a troy ounce of gold and, if applicable cash as referred therein, in satisfaction for each XXXXXXXXXX of principal amount of XXXXXXXXXX notes subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax pursuant to paragraph 212(1)(b) of the Act?

Position: No

Reasons: The notes constitute the forward sale of gold.

Ministerial Correspondence

15 December 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0341411M4 - HRTC - Qualifying Expenditure

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Subsection 118.04(1) of the ITA

Principal Issues: Whether the proposed HRTC will be extended for the 2010 tax year.

Position: No.

Reasons: Section 118.04 of the ITA does not extend the HRTC for expenditures incurred after January 31, 2010.

15 December 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0345941M4 - HRTC - Eligible Expenditures

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Section 118.04 of the ITA; January 27, 2009 Federal Budget - Annex 5

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the cost of nails used to build a deck would qualify for the HRTC
2. Whether the cost of a paint brush would qualify for the HRTC

Position: 1. Yes
2. No.

Reasons: 1 & 2. Generally, the eligible expenditures include expenses for building materials, fixtures, equipment rentals, building plans and permits. However, it will not include an expense incurred to purchase an item that can be used independently of the qualifying renovation.

23 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0334451M4 - HRTC - Eligible expenditure

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: Will the costs associated with the removal of a residential underground oil storage tank qualify for the HRTC?

Position: Maybe.

Reasons: If the removal relates to a renovation project that is of an enduring nature and is integral to the eligible dwelling, the costs of removing the storage tank will qualify for the HRTC. The removal of the storage tank on its own would not likely qualify.

12 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0335631M4 - HRTC - Eligible expenditures

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: Whether otherwise eligible expenditures will qualify for the home renovation tax credit (HRTC) when the homeowner performs the renovation work himself/herself.

Position: Providing all other conditions are met, the costs of the renovations or alterations will qualify for the HRTC. The homeowner can do the work himself/herself; however, he/she cannot claim the value of his/her labour or any tools purchased to perform the work.

Reasons: To be eligible for the HRTC, expenditures incurred in relation to a renovation or alteration to an eligible dwelling (or the land that forms part of the eligible dwelling) must be of an enduring nature and integral to the dwelling. Generally, under common law, a person cannot contract with oneself.

12 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0335741M4 - HRTC - Eligible expenditures - Homeowner's labour

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: Can homeowners claim a set amount for the value of their labour, when they perform their own renovations or alterations?

Position: Homeowners can do the work themselves; however, they cannot claim the value of their labour or any tools purchased to perform the work.

Reasons: Generally, under common law, a person cannot contract with oneself.

12 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0336281M4 - HRTC-Eligible expenditures and how to claim credit

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: (a) Whether otherwise eligible expenditures will qualify for the home renovation tax credit (HRTC) when the homeowner performs the renovation work himself/herself. (b) How will a homeowner claim the home renovation tax credit (HRTC).

Position: (a) Providing all other conditions are met, the costs of the renovations or alterations will qualify for the HRTC. The homeowner can do the work himself/herself; however, he/she cannot claim the value of his/her labour or any tools purchased to perform the work. (b) A new schedule will be included in the 2009 income tax and benefit return to calculate the amount to be included on Schedule 1.

Reasons: To be eligible for the HRTC, expenditures incurred in relation to a renovation or alteration to an eligible dwelling (or the land that forms part of the eligible dwelling) must be of an enduring nature and integral to the dwelling. Generally, under common law, a person cannot contract with oneself.

12 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0344741M4 - HRTC - Eligible Expenditures

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: Will the cost of repairing a refrigerator qualify for the HRTC.

Position: No. Expenditures made to acquire or repair a household appliance, such as a refrigerator, do not qualify for the HRTC.

Reasons: An outlay or expense made or incurred to acquire a household appliance is specifically excluded from the definition of a qualifying expenditure.

12 November 2009 Ministerial Correspondence 2009-0333111M4 - HRTC - Condominium - Eligible Expenditures

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Draft s.118.04 (Bill C-51)

Principal Issues: Can eligible expenditures incurred by a condominium corporation be allocated to individual unit owners?

Position: Yes, if both the individual and the expenditures meet all of the HRTC criteria. Generally, the expenses incurred for common areas are allocated to owners based on the condominium corporation's governing documents.

Reasons: The HRTC will be available for eligible expenditures incurred to renovate the unit that is eligible to be the individual's principal residence as well as the individual's share of the cost of eligible expenditures incurred in respect of common areas. Every condominium corporation is governed by its own unique rules, regulations, and bylaws.

Technical Interpretation - External

19 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0334751E5 - Employee Motor Vehicle Expenses

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Principal Issues: Meaning of the word ordinarily.

Position: Generally, it does require some frequency but it must be interpreted with a purposive approach to take into account the specific facts and how it is used in the particular provision.

Reasons: The law.

15 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0318581E5 - Utilization of non-capital losses

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Principal Issues: 1. Can non-capital losses incurred in the 2001 taxation year be carried forward and utilized in the 2009 taxation year?
2. Is the beneficiary of a RRIF subject to tax on receipt of the proceeds of the RRIF following the death of the annuitant?

Position: 1. No.
2. Generally no, subject to certain exceptions.

Reasons: 1. Paragraph 111(1)(b) of the Act. Non-capital losses arising in a taxation year ending before March 23, 2004 may only be carried forward for seven taxation years (i.e., in this case, to the 2008 taxation year).
2. Very general information provided by taxpayer so only general advice may be provided. Refer to RC-4178.

XXXXXXXXXX Renee Sigouin
(613) 957-2128
January 15, 2010

13 January 2010 External T.I. 2010-0353221E5 F - CIRD - Réparations

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Principales Questions: Est-ce que des dépenses de réparation comme par exemple la réparation mineure d'une serrure de porte, la réparation d'une pièce d'un moteur de porte de garage, la réparation d'un mur suite à un dégât d'eau et la réparation de la plomberie ayant occasionnée le dégât d'eau ou la réparation mineure à la surface d'un stationnement sont admissibles au CIRD?

Position Adoptée: Question de fait. Sous réserve que toutes les autres conditions d'admissibilité au CIRD soient par ailleurs rencontrées, une réparation qui n'est pas une réparation ou un entretien annuel, périodique ou courant peut être admissible au CIRD si elle a un caractère durable et qu'elle fait partie intégrante du logement admissible.

Raisons: Analyse législative.

13 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0338531E5 - Standby Charge benefit with Nominal Lease Charge

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Principal Issues: Whether a nominal lease charge is a reasonable amount to use as a lease cost in determining the Standby Charge.

Position: Question of fact, but possibly yes

Reasons: Where the lease contract is between arm's length parties and there is no barter transaction, it is acceptable for the monthly nominal administrative fee paid to the lessor to be used as a lease cost where that is the amount that is actually payable to the lessor.

11 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0340591E5 F - Specified class - 256(1.1) of the Act

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s. 256(1.1)(d) must be met throughout the period the shares were outstanding – but can cleanse with s. 51 exchange
s. 51(1) exchange regarded as the new shares having been issued for consideration equalling the FMV of the old shares

Principales Questions: In the example provided, shares of a particular class of the capital stock of a corporation were issued in three different years. The annual rate of dividend on such shares was higher than the prescribed rate of interest at the time of the issuance of some shares of that class. The corporation would amend its articles in order to decrease the annual rate of dividend in the shares of the particular class. Whether this would allow the requirement set out under paragraph 256(1.1)(d) of the Act to be satisfied.

Position Adoptée: In the example provided, the requirement set out in paragraph 256(1.1)(d) would not be met even with the amendment of the articles of the corporation. CRA's position is that the condition in paragraph 256(1.1)(d) of the Act must be met throughout the period that the shares in question are issued and outstanding.

Raisons: Previous positions.

XXXXXXXXXX 2009-034059
Sylvie Labarre, CA
Le 7 janvier 2010

8 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0349721E5 F - Crédit d'impôt pour la rénovation domiciliaire

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partner implicitly treated as owning partnership property
partner incurring renovation expenses while occupying partnership residence can claim HRTC

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'une résidence détenue par une société de personnes peut se qualifier de " logement admissible " pour les fins du CIRD?

Position Adoptée: Oui, si toutes les conditions donnant droit au CIRD sont par ailleurs respectées.

Raisons: Position semblable pour les sociétés de personnes relativement à l'exemption pour résidence principale et application de la Loi.

8 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0344061E5 F - Crédit d'impôt pour la rénovation domiciliaire

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partner can claim principal residence exemption
residence of a partnership, but not a corporation, can be an eligible dwelling
partner is “owner” of partnership property for principal residence exemption purposes

Principales Questions: 1. Est-ce qu'une résidence détenue par une société ou une société de personnes peut se qualifier de " logement admissible " pour les fins du CIRD?

2. Est-ce que les actionnaires ou les associés doivent aussi être les habitants de la résidence afin d'être admissibles au CIRD?

Position Adoptée: 1. Non, relativement aux sociétés. Oui, relativement aux sociétés de personnes si toutes les conditions donnant droit au CIRD sont respectées.
2. Oui, un logement devra être normalement occupé par l'associé ayant engagé les dépenses admissibles, par son époux ou ex-époux, son conjoint de fait ou son ancien conjoint de fait ou par un de ses enfants.

Raisons: Position semblable pour les sociétés de personnes relativement à l'exemption pour résidence principale.

7 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0338191E5 - HRTC - Wet blasting a cement driveway

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Section 118.04; January 27, 2009 Federal Budget Documents - Annex 5

Principal Issues: Will expenditures incurred for wet blasting the top layer off a cement driveway qualify for the HRTC?

Position: Yes, unless wet blasting is used as a routine maintenance and repairs of the driveway.

Reasons: Expenses for resurfacing the driveway of an eligible dwelling qualify for the HRTC.

7 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0343311E5 - sale of timber resource property

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13(21)`; class 33

Principal Issues: tax consequences of the sale of a "Replaceable Interior BC Timber Harvesting Contract"

Position: proceeds to class 33...income inclusion of excess

Reasons: timber resource properties are included in Class 33, which has a CCA rate of 15%. The half-rate rule applies in the year of acquisition. When a taxpayer disposes of a timber resource property, subsection 13(21), the definition of "timber resource property", requires that the undepreciated capital cost of the class to which the property belongs be reduced by the full amount of the proceeds of disposition.

XXXXXXXXXX Lena Holloway, CA
January 7th, 2010

6 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0338111E5 - HRTC- Condominium deck repairs

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2009 Budget Documents

Principal Issues: Are the costs of repairing decks at a condominium complex eligible for the home renovation tax credit?

Position: If the repairs are part of routine repairs and maintenance, normally performed on an annual or more frequent basis, the costs will not qualify for the HRTC. If the costs are restorative and not normally performed on an annual or more frequent basis, they will qualify for the HRTC.

Reasons: Annex 5 2009 Federal Budget Documents; Bill C51.

6 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0322781E5 - Employer-provided Insurance Coverage

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Principal Issues: Taxability of employer-paid non-group life insurance or non-group accidental death and disability insurance where the employees are required to work in a high-risk zone.

Position: Question of fact, but in these types of circumstances the premiums are not likely taxable.

Reasons: Employer would appear to be the primary beneficiary.

6 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0338081E5 - HRTC- Strata corporation roofing repairs

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2009 Budget Documents

Principal Issues: 1. What are the general requirements for claiming the HRTC for common area expenses for strata corporations?
2. What forms must be completed to claim the credit?

Position: 1. For renovations to common areas of the strata, the strata board should provide supporting documentation to strata owners.
2. The HRTC will be claimed on the 2009 personal tax return.

Reasons: Annex 5 2009 Federal Budget Documents; Bill C51.

4 January 2010 External T.I. 2009-0314801E5 - Timing Issues in Amalgamation

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87(2)(d) 13(21) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Determination of UCC of amalgamated corporations following amalgamation

Position: UCC of amalgamated corporation is equal to the aggregate of the UCC of the predecessor corporations immediately before the amalgamation taking into account any deduction under Section 20(1) (a) by a predecessor corporation for the taxation year ending on the amalgamation.

Reasons: Previous Position and Statutory Provisions

23 December 2009 External T.I. 2009-0332141E5 - Various medical expenses

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118.2(2), Reg. 5700

Principal Issues: Whether various expenditures qualify as medical expenses

Position: Some

Reasons: CRA views

23 December 2009 External T.I. 2009-0315071E5 - Employer-provided transit passes

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Principal Issues: Whether transit passes provided by an employer in respect of employees who are required to travel via public transit in performance of their duties of employment would be taxable employment benefits.

Position: It is a question of fact whether a particular benefit is a taxable employment benefit. If the employer is the primary beneficiary of a particular benefit, it is not considered to be a taxable benefit in the hands of the employee.

Reasons: The law.

21 December 2009 External T.I. 2009-0330491E5 - Article XXI Exemption

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Article XXI(1) Canada-United States Income Tax Convention, 1980; s.215; s. 227(8); Reg 202
IV(7)(b) of Canada-U.S. Treaty can apply to interest paid to U.S. charity exempted from Pt. XIII tax under Art. XXI(l)

Principal Issues: 1) Whether U.S.-resident non-profit organizations are exempt from Canadian taxation with respect to Canadian-source income and gains derived through a chain of fiscally transparent entities that are not residents of Canada. 2) Whether exemptions will apply to dividend and interest income paid by a taxable Canadian corporation to a partnership that holds the majority of its voting shares if the organizations indirectly hold a minority interest in that partnership through a chain of entities that are fiscally transparent for United States tax purposes (other than Canadian-resident entities). 3) If exemption applies to an income amount the non-profit organizations are considered to derive under Article IV(6), can the exemption be taken into account in determining the amount of required Part XIII withholdings. 4) Which information slip should be issued in such circumstances and to whom.

Position: 1) Generally yes. 2) Generally yes. 3) Exemption can be taken into account in determining Part XIII withholdings, but payor should exercise caution in this regard given prospect of liability for Part XIII taxes and the associated penalty if withholdings are insufficient. 4) The NR4 should be issued to the partnership.

Reasons: 1) Wording of provision, but provided income is exempt from tax in the United States, is not from carrying on a business and is not from a related person (other than related persons referred to in Articles XXI(1),(2) or (3). 2) The partnership's majority interest in the taxable Canadian corporation will not be attributed to the non-profit organizations.

11 January 2009 External T.I. 2009-0337821E5 - HRTC - Condominiums - Common area expenditures

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Section 118.04 of the ITA; January 27, 2009 Federal Budget - Annex 5

Principal Issues: Can a condominium unit owner claim the HRTC on his or her portion of the expenditures incurred to renovate a condominium elevator?

Position: Yes, if renovations are made in the common area of a condominium and the condominium unit is an eligible dwelling, the individual owner can claim the HRTC on his or her share of the total cost of renovating common areas.

Reasons: 2009 Federal budget statements.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

20 November 2009 Internal T.I. 2009-0340251I7 - Paragraph 20(1)(e) deduction

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20(1)(e); 14(5)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether expenses qualify for deduction pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(e) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act"), where an old plan was substituted by a new one.
2. Should the substitution have occurred in the same year to be eligible for deduction?

Position: 1. Generally, a question of fact.
2. Not necessary.

Reasons: 1. Paragraph 20(1)(e) applies to permit the deduction of a financing expense where, inter alia, it is incurred in the course of a borrowing of money. Paragraph 12 of IT-341R3 provides comments on substitution.
2. Paragraph 14 of IT-341R4