Words and Phrases - "distribution"


10 October 2003 Roundtable, 2003-0035665 F - TRANSFER D'UNE POLICE D'ASSURANCE-VIE

transfer to shareholder at policy’s FMV is not a “distribution”

A corporation transfers a policy on the life of an arm’s length shareholder for consideration equal to the policy’s fair market value, which...

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Words and Phrases

Grenon v. The Queen, 2021 TCC 30

distribution of units that included significant purchases by minors and by adults who did not pay for their own units, was unlawful

In order that the taxpayer’s RRSP could indirectly invest in operating businesses in which he and/or two business colleagues had a management...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 245 - Subsection 245(4) purported establishment of “alter ego” MFTs through which an RRSP could invest in operating businesses was an abuse engaging GAAR 605
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 204.2 - Subsection 204.2(1.1) alleged distribution from non-qualified investment was not an over-contribution 277
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Window Dressing window-dressing is a deception about intention 312
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 207.1 - Subsection 207.1(1) non-qualified investments not “included” in annuitant’s income because it was never assessed 346
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 152 - Subsection 152(4) CRA’s assessing listed taxable RRSPs in a T3GR global return was not of the taxpayer’s (also listed) RRSP /inappropriate reliance in legal opinion on certificate of fact was carelessness 441
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 207.2 - Subsection 207.2(3) CRA’s assessment of Pt. XI.1 shown on the T3GR for all RRSPs of one type did not start the normal reassessment period for the taxpayer’s RRSP since no tax shown for it 370
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 4900 - Subsection 4900(1) - Paragraph 4900(1)(d.2) distribution was not lawful because the issuer had not complied with the OM exemption, which was the exemption that it had chosen to rely on 290

Canada v. Repsol Energy Canada Ltd., 2017 FCA 193

“integration principle” applied to find that a jetty was a “processing” asset

The taxpayers were the partners of a limited partnership which constructed a terminal and jetty in St. John to which liquid natural gas would be...

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19 December 2013 External T.I. 2013-0503481E5 - Distribution of property by a trust

After referring to 2013-0488061E5 (below) and 2013-0488381E5, CRA stated:

[A] transfer of property by a trustee in settlement of a debt cannot...

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Words and Phrases

Repsol Canada Ltd. v. The Queen, 2015 TCC 21, aff'd 2017 FCA 193

LNG regasification jetty and terminal were one asset for processing before distribution

The taxpayers were related companies, and the general partner and a 75% limited partner of a partnership which constructed a terminal and jetty in...

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Words and Phrases
distribution processing

Stursberg v. The Queen, 93 DTC 5271, [1993] 2 CTC 76 (FCA)

The other partners of the partnership consented to a reduction in the taxpayer's partnership interest from 40% to 15%, and to an increase in the...

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Words and Phrases
Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Disposition partial disposition of partnership interest to a related corporation, even though proceeds run through the partnership 114